TO: gizmoguy, and others that feel the same way. UBUNTU is NOT in competition with Microsoft. It is a shame that MS has a huge market share with, what most of us feel, is very poor quality programming, "lousy code". Next: UBUNTU is a not-for-profit movement. Thanks to Mark Shuttleworth and his vision !!! Learn more about some of the hardware that is not and may never be supported by Linux / UBUNTU.. There is a lot of crappy hardware out there ! There is no O/S from MS that compares to LINUX, do some Googling, and find out what's really going on. Ask your tech if he/she uses Linux, all of the good ones do and many feel that UBUNTU/GNOME is over simplified (I disagree) a big hola! from sunny Mexico, Allengg On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 11:51 PM, thegizmoguy