@Barry For the record, FOSS does not imply software that is "free" as in beer. The protagonists of free software - the folks at GNU - openly state on www.gnu.org that it is perfectly acceptable to sell software "free" as in "freedom" for money. Hi :) Have to disagree with the top man. Ubuntu played a huge part. Ubuntu got out there into the mainstream press over and over again. Not as a quirky, insane, anarchistic, geek toy but as a serious business tool with repeated successes in many companies around the globe. Redhat had already been doing some of that for years but Ubuntu took it and ran with it straight onto the main stage. No other distro managed that so consistently. Can Ubuntu be the 1st to achieve what so many others are aiming for and be the 1st OS to successfully run on smart-phones, handhelds, tablets and where it already succeeds? Can Android reach the desktop or can Windows turn their dismally failing mobiles and slate/tablets into success before Ubuntu get there? The race is on. Regards from Tom :) >________________________________ > From: Mark Shuttleworth