Activity log for bug #326773

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2009-02-08 05:53:44 Zachary Phillips bug added bug
2009-02-08 05:53:44 Zachary Phillips bug added attachment 'Dependencies.txt' (Dependencies.txt)
2009-02-08 05:53:44 Zachary Phillips bug added attachment 'ProcMaps.txt' (ProcMaps.txt)
2009-02-08 05:53:44 Zachary Phillips bug added attachment 'ProcStatus.txt' (ProcStatus.txt)
2009-02-10 14:12:55 Pedro Villavicencio gnome-terminal: status New Invalid
2009-02-10 14:12:55 Pedro Villavicencio gnome-terminal: statusexplanation Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and helping to make Ubuntu better. Examining the information you have given us, this does not appear to be a bug report so we are closing it and converting it to a question in the support tracker. We appreciate the difficulties you are facing, but it would make more sense to raise problems you are having in the support tracker at if you are uncertain if they are bugs. For help on reporting bugs, see
2009-04-18 22:55:22 TIGANI Jean Marc branch linked lp:~javierder/bzr-gedit/0-47-featureready
2009-04-18 22:56:23 TIGANI Jean Marc branch linked lp:~vcs-imports/exe1/0
2009-04-18 22:56:58 TIGANI Jean Marc branch linked lp:flabber/0.0
2009-04-18 22:57:29 TIGANI Jean Marc branch linked lp:~hypatia/backwards/0.0.1
2009-04-18 22:58:01 TIGANI Jean Marc branch linked lp:~bneijt/inotifyme/0.0.1
2009-04-18 22:58:52 TIGANI Jean Marc branch linked lp:~fredrik-lulea/mmsv2-1.1.0-pythonplugin/0.0.1
2009-04-18 23:02:57 TIGANI Jean Marc branch linked lp:naptac
2009-04-19 10:08:24 p.r.midgley removed subscriber p.r.midgley
2009-07-07 17:01:13 Zachary Phillips removed subscriber Zachary Phillips
2009-08-09 03:37:04 qefserademi name dik
2009-08-16 04:54:50 irocki removed subscriber irocki
2009-10-20 13:20:17 koukoutselas removed subscriber koukoutselas
2009-10-28 20:53:04 koukoutselas gnome-terminal (Ubuntu): status Invalid Fix Committed
2009-10-28 20:53:13 koukoutselas gnome-terminal (Ubuntu): status Fix Committed Incomplete
2009-10-28 20:53:32 koukoutselas gnome-terminal (Ubuntu): status Incomplete Confirmed
2009-10-29 02:15:20 pradeepthomas attachment added unnamed
2009-10-29 02:15:20 pradeepthomas attachment added unnamed
2009-10-29 02:15:20 pradeepthomas attachment added unnamed
2009-11-04 13:49:45 Pedro Villavicencio gnome-terminal (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Invalid
2009-11-04 13:49:45 Pedro Villavicencio converted to question 88530
2010-04-08 18:09:06 Zachary Phillips removed subscriber Zachary Phillips
2010-04-08 20:14:55 nicklittlejohn removed subscriber nicklittlejohn
2010-05-04 18:05:11 katie kalafatis bug task added gnome-terminal
2010-05-04 18:46:05 Chris Coulson affects gnome-terminal null
2010-05-04 18:46:27 Chris Coulson null: status New Invalid
2010-11-28 19:12:04 ryan jayme null: status Invalid Confirmed
2011-02-14 16:47:28 sneha ballakur bug task added flash-install
2011-02-14 19:11:05 duncan wilson removed subscriber duncan wilson
2011-11-11 19:12:17 Curtis Hovey bug task deleted null