The most obvious advantage of open source software is that we can make use of all sorts of community networks and products and build on them for free. Without having to jump through any proprietary hoops. We can build on open standards and the experience of millions, which is all open and freely available. Therefore we *should* be able to do just about anything better than Microsoft can when they're just building on their own faulty software, including create a kick-ass hardware compatibility list Given the same amount of time and man-power. Unfortunately that last point has always been the problem hasn't it? Microsoft presumably has thousands of developers to work on any project it wants, 7.5 hours a day, 5 days a week. We're never going to have that. I'm not sure what my point is. Maybe that we need to build up our developer base? We could shift advertising in that direction - show people how easy it is to develop for Ubuntu, to get involved with the community - and somehow make it easier to do so? I think there are loads of people out there who are perfectly willing to subscribe to *nix boards, comment on mailing lists like this, and bitch about Microsoft, but never even considered that they could help in a more real way. Either because they thought it was so elite as to be beyond them, or because they think it would take up too much time. I'm one of those people myself. Robin. 2008/7/11 houstonbofh