Wow !!!! rarely have I read comments as out of touch as those made by Simon Lugi. He is to be forgiven, as a recent convert to Linux / Ubuntu he can not be expected to know the history. First "Linux" is not a company, and Ubuntu is a product developed by many hands, mostly as "free" input. Marketing is Microsofts' specialty, NOT programming. MS spends perhaps $1billion USD annually to promote products. The company Canonical, spends something, (see: Support Services | Canonical) on marketing, and please keep in mind that Canonical/Ubuntu is only ONE of the Linux companies, See : Red Hat, SuSe, Mandriva, OR: Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. But Simon is, importantly, a convert ! Perhaps he would describe me as a "GEEK" (I'm not) 50 years dealing with computers (yes fifty). Extensive background relating to various systems. usually have 5 working systems on hand. using Linux for 7-8 years. To Simon: I have set up Ubuntu systems for people, that work very well, and tell them "use, but don't touch". Think Cyber-cafe. Linux was designed for* anyone*. Microsoft Windows was designed to create profit. The Linx community is NOT competing with Microsoft nor Apple. *Monetary profit is NOT the goal.* Serious player ??? An issue to be addressed. But the truth ?? If you will accept it, Microsoft Corp., is on a self-destruct path. Some proof starts here :GROKLAW Simon, Ubuntu is "FREE", but it comes with a price tag, namely do your own thinking, choose your own path. How many decisions did you have to make using UBUNTU ? In truth there are too many !. Look at "Synaptic Package manager". Welcome to Ubuntu, a free system that will heavily tax you. perhaps "Ira Levin"author of: "This Perfect Day" saw this coming. regards, Allen (allengg on the forums) On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Simon Lugi