Buenas Dias ! y hola Jesus ! You have raised some excellent ideas, (muy poco Espanol) It would be very easy to start a business such as this one: http://system76.com/index.php/cPath/1 And with "Vista" coming from Microsoft it will be very difficult for students to buy new computers, it is very expensive, with big demands on the hardware ! Downloading Ubuntu is very easy, but you need a fast Internet connection. Get one copy and make many copies from it. Mexico has an even bigger problem than your country, now the economy in Mexico is growing faster than the U.S. of A. and even my country, Canada ! Yet, there are NO servers to support Ubuntu in Mexico, but there are many colleges. In the winter I live in Mexico and see these rapid changes. The first problem is that English is the language of the Internet. Changes to computer use must start within the Latin-American countries. In the future I will live permanently in Mexico and I plan to work on that problem !! Thanks for your input, Allen Bobcaygeon, Ontario, Canada On 5/11/07, macuto