** Running f-spot in Debug Mode ** ** Running Mono with --debug ** [Info 15:16:55.154] Initializing DBus [Debug 15:16:55.559] DBusInitialization took 0.322749s [Info 15:16:55.560] Initializing Mono.Addins [Debug 15:16:56.139] Mono.Addins Initialization took 0.578625s [Info 15:16:56.157] Starting new FSpot server [Debug 15:16:56.634] Db Initialization took 0.148684s [Debug 15:16:57.157] QueryToTemp took 0.104819s : SELECT id, time, uri, description, roll_id, default_version_id, rating, md5_sum FROM photos WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2) ORDER BY time DESC [Debug 15:16:57.338] Query took 0.015759s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0 [Debug 15:16:57.421] PhotosPerMonth took 0.025326s [Debug 15:16:57.423] TimeAdaptor REAL Reload took 0.23244s [Info 15:16:57.473] Starting BeagleService [Debug 15:16:57.474] BeagleService startup took 1.7E-05s [Info 15:16:57.474] Hack for gnome-settings-daemon engaged [Debug 15:16:57.599] IndexOf took 0.00085s : SELECT ROWID FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE time <= 1257033599 ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1 [Debug 15:16:57.600] IndexOf took 0.000494s : SELECT ROWID FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE id = 367 (f-spot:9298): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: GdkPixbufLoader finalized without calling gdk_pixbuf_loader_close() - this is not allowed. You must explicitly end the data stream to the loader before dropping the last reference. RAID-data - gnome-dev-harddisk - Mountpoint file:///mnt/d True True Harddrive Harddrive RAID-boot - gnome-dev-harddisk - Mountpoint file:///mnt/c True True Harddrive Harddrive item ImportCommand+SourceItem Testing gphoto path = usb: PortInfo Universal Serial Bus, usb: Error GeneraError: LibGPhoto2.GPhotoException: Unspecified error at LibGPhoto2.Error.CheckError (ErrorCode error) [0x00000] at LibGPhoto2.Camera.Init (LibGPhoto2.Context context) [0x00000] at GPhotoCamera.InitializeCamera () [0x00000] at MainWindow.ImportCamera (System.String camera_device) [0x00000] cleanup context [Info 15:17:08.929] Exiting cleanup context cleanup context [Debug 15:17:09.124] Finalizer called on FSpot.Category. Should be Disposed [Debug 15:17:09.124] Finalizer called on FSpot.Category. Should be Disposed