Comment 2 for bug 1754763

Revision history for this message
Jennifer Pringle (jpringle-u) wrote :

The information previously displayed through the "Show Last Few Circulations" action is now available in 3.1 on the new "Circ History List" tab in Detail View in Item Status. However, this tab is not convenient to use in comparison to the old action.

Workflow in xul client:

1. Scan multiple items in Item Status.
2. Select multiple items on the Item Status screen
3. Go to Actions for Selected Items -> Show Last Few Circulation.
4. A pop up with the information for the first item appears.
5. Review the information and click Done.
6. The pop up for the next item is now be visible.
7. Staff repeat step 5 for all items that were selected.

Workflow in web client:

1. Scan multiple items in Item Status.
2. Select your first item and click on Detail View.
3. Click on the Circ History List tab.
4. Review the information.
5. Click List View.
6. Select the next item and click on Detail View.
7. Click on the Circ History List tab.
8. Review the information.
9. Repeat steps 5 through 8 for every item.

An alternative to adding "Show Last few Circulations" back to the Actions menu to open in a new tab for each item would be to have a way to page through the list of items without leaving the Detail View (