Just adding some selected log entries for a slow metarecord search in hopes it may provide some clues. Metarecord search for "apple juice" site:SAL Search matched 8 metarecords with the following ids and associated sources, in the following order: mmr.id mmrsm.sources 2759947 - 2598144 2387987 - 3734245 2794176 - 2696417 2987877 - 2975240,3017142 3418043 - 2670717 2112438 - 3174791,3483376,3519535,3833608 2105728 - 2910493,3483453,3483581 2109922 - 3352056 The timelog showed the 70 second delay between Gathering meta_results/Returned from gathering meta_results for the second hit in the results (metarecord 2387987, source 3734245) When the page loaded the second hit was missing format information. Looking at the threadtraces in the logs, the trace for the second hit shows several calls not present for the other hits, and is missing others that are present in the other hits. For hits 1 and 3-8, the threadtraces looked similar. Here are threadtraces from the first three hits retrieved: Hit 1 [2017-09-20 16:02:44] open-ils.search [INFO:30211:Application.pm:159:150564390479022184] CALL: open-ils.search open-ils.search.biblio.multiclass.query HASH(0x436e1c0), apple juice site(SAL) depth(2), 1 [2017-09-20 16:02:44] open-ils.storage [INFO:30241:Application.pm:159:150564390479022184] CALL: open-ils.storage open-ils.storage.biblio.multiclass.staged.search_fts.atomic estimation_strategy, inclusion, skip_check, 0, query, apple juice site(SAL) depth(2), from_metarecord, 2759947, core_limit, 10000, return_query, 1, limit, 1000, check_limit, 1000, offset, 0 open-ils.cstore 2017-09-20 16:02:44 [INFO:29957:osrf_application.c:1075:150564390479022184] CALL: open-ils.cstore open-ils.cstore.json_query.atomic {"from":["actor.org_unit_ancestors","63"]} open-ils.cstore 2017-09-20 16:02:44 [INFO:29957:osrf_app_session.c:1177:150564390479022184] [open-ils.cstore] sent 1094 bytes of data to