More grist for your mill. There are rare ... exceedingly rare ... instances when a legitimate LC call number can have two cutter numbers that contain a decimal. ISBN: 0385053169 Title: Ruth : |*b* a new translation with introduction, notes, and commentary 05000 |*a* BS192.2.A1 1964 |*b* .G3 vol. 7 BS 192.2 .A1 1964 .G3 vol. 7 There is also the case of some bible call numbers that do not contain *any* cutter numbers and no $b. In the old days it was common for two blank spaces to separate the call number and the date. That doesn't seem to hold true anymore. LCCN: 60037444 Title: The Holy Bible 05000 |*a* BS180 1960 BS 180 1960 There is a slightly odd example of a call number that has a number/letter where a cutter typically occurs. ISBN: 0385154569 Title: A child's look at the Twenty-third Psalm 050 00 |*a* BS1450 23d |*b* .K4 BS 1450 23d .K4 On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 11:40 AM, Dan Pearl