Comment 3 for bug 1026276

Revision history for this message
Kathy Lussier (klussier) wrote :

I think we've had a couple of bugs on this issue that shows the evolution of this feature.

Shortly after Steve filed this bug, Shae filed bug 1031927, which probably should have been filed as a duplicate, but was missed. From reading that bug, my understanding is, at the time, there was no fiscal year selector on the Upload form.

In August 2012, Bill submitted code that provided the fiscal year selector and provided pcrud access to fiscal year / fiscal calendar so that the selector could default to the current fiscal year. That code was merged to 2.3 and backported to 2.2.

Two years later, I filed bug 1348228 saying that the selector was no longer defaulting to the fiscal year in 2.5. It did appear to default to the fiscal year when I worked on a system that only contained funds for that fiscal year, which falls within what Jason was saying in his above comment.

Although using different fiscal years for different org units would be a 'nice to have' feature, I think most of us would be happy with it defaulting to the global fiscal year that can be set in the database. Most consortia I work with find that most if not all of their libraries are on the same fiscal calendar. Getting the dropdown to default to that fiscal year would benefit the most number of libraries without building the new feature.

I'm going to mark bug 1348228 as a duplicate of this one.