Yes, I can confirm that with your changes the behavior has now changed and everything works even with the _main_ task with prio 0. (Tested with RTEMS5) I also already removed the test for isEpicsThread in epicsThreadSetPriority if(!pthreadInfo->isEpicsThread) { > > fprintf(stderr,"epicsThreadSetPriority called by non epics > thread\n"); > return; > } in rtems_init.c I set the priority in the epicsThread-Structure: ... if (epicsRtemsInitPostSetBootConfigFromNVRAM(&rtems_bsdnet_config) != 0) delayedPanic("epicsRtemsInitPostSetBootConfigFromNVRAM"); #if __RTEMS_MAJOR__>4 /* * Override RTEMS Posix configuration, as it get started with posix prio 2 */ epicsThreadSetPriority(epicsThreadGetIdSelf(), epicsThreadPriorityIocsh); #else /* * Override RTEMS configuration */ rtems_task_set_priority ( RTEMS_SELF, epicsThreadGetOssPriorityValue(epicsThreadPriorityIocsh), &newpri); #endif /* * Create a reasonable environment */ initConsole (); … Works great for RTEMS5. Thanks for your changes. I've been sitting there for a long time. Heinz > On 21. Feb 2019, at 19:25, Till Straumann