Hi Jeff. Thanks for your comments. If you don't mind, let's discuss the details further: Regarding your first bullet: I don't think that having 'application-specific' proxies makes much sense. After all, proxified connections exist at the TCP/transport level and the application should be entirely agnostic. I believe what you mean is that we should have *destination*-specific proxies (which is what almost all other software dealing with SOCKS and multiple proxies does: proxifiers like tsocks, dante, the eclipse proxy selector etc. do it that way). After all: if ASYN and CA happen to want to connect to the same subnet then they can use the same proxy. If ASYN talks to a different subnet then it should use a different proxy. That is what the proxy selector is for. It should select a proxy for the presented destination based on a set of rules. E.g., you could have rules asyn-subnet/24:1000-9999 -> proxy1 ca-subnet/22 -> proxy2 and any connection to 'asyn-subnet' with netmask and within port range 1000-9999 would go through 'proxy1' any connection to 'ca-subnet' with netmask (any port) would go via 'proxy2'. In practice, the 'proxies' are probably always SSH ports on 'localhost' e.g., ssh -D1080 proxy1 ssh -D1081 proxy2 with the 'proxy1' and 'proxy2' settings in the 'rules' of the above example then being 'localhost:1080' and 'localhost:1081', respectively. The current 'default' proxy selector doesn't allow you to do that. It just lets you define a single proxy which is used for all connections or none at all. However, it would not be not very hard to improve the default selector (and already possible with the current patch for you to provide your own selector). This brings us to the second bullet: The pointers returned by the proxy selector really point to static objects which are created when the proxy selector parses it's rules (the current default selector is initialized once and creates a struct sockaddr using the info from EPICS_SOCKS_PROXY). Therefore, I do not see any concurrency problems and thus no need for locking or copying values. The objects referenced by the pointer returned by the proxy selector are strictly read-only and guaranteed to never change. Finally - while I see that you can get away with a single call to 'connect()' you still need a test (which then would be a little bit more complicated) because you need to skip the SOCKS negotiation if you have a direct connection. Regarding the use of osiSockAddr - it would of course be the first choice to use by the proxy selector but it would require an OSI version of 'connect'. Since 'epicsConnectViaProxy()' should be a 'plug-in' replacement for 'connect' the type of object chosen is 'struct sockaddr'. Summarizing, I still believe that the current API makes sense (it is also not really my invention but as I said: several packages implementing SOCKS use a similar approach) but I can see that a more powerful (default) proxy selector could be desirable (but I IMHO the current implementation is still much better than nothing). What would you think about an implementation which would understand EPICS_SOCKS_PROXY = rules rules: rule [ ',' rules ] rule: [ dest '>' ] proxy /* a rule w/o dest is a wildcard to *any* dest */ proxy: [ dns-or-ip ] ':' [ port ] /* dns-or-ip defaults to 'localhost' */ | dns-or-ip /* 'port' defaults to '1080' */ dest: dns-or-ip [ '/' mask ] [ ':' range ] /* mask defaults to '32' */ range: port [ '-' port ] This still allows a very simple configuration where you just have a single proxy: EPICS_SOCKS_PROXY=localhost or even EPICS_SOCKS_PROXY=: The example above could be configured e.g., EPICS_SOCKS_PROXY=asyn-subnet/24:1000-9999>localhost:1080,ca-subnet/22>:1081 RFC Thanks again - Till