Ember version 0.7.2 [15:46:19] INFO Loading shared config file from H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\etc\ember\/ember.conf. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\config\ConfigService.cpp(301)] [15:46:19] INFO Loading user config file from C:\Users\Yaroslav\Documents\Ember\/ember.conf. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\config\ConfigService.cpp(307)] [15:46:19] INFO Using media from C:\Users\Yaroslav\Documents\Ember\/ember-media-dev/ [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\main\Application.cpp(364)] [15:46:19] INFO Initializing sound service [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\main\Application.cpp(367)] [15:46:19] INFO Sound Service starting [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\sound\SoundService.cpp(68)] [15:46:19] FAILURE Sound Service failed to start, sound device not found 'DirectSound3D' [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\sound\SoundService.cpp(86)] [15:46:19] INFO Initializing metaserver service [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\main\Application.cpp(371)] [15:46:19] INFO Connecting to meta server at address metaserver.worldforge.org. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\metaserver\MetaserverService.cpp(89)] [15:46:19] INFO Initializing server service [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\main\Application.cpp(378)] [15:46:19] INFO Initializing input service [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\main\Application.cpp(381)] [15:46:19] INFO Initializing scripting service [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\main\Application.cpp(385)] [15:46:19] INFO Initializing wfut service [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\main\Application.cpp(388)] [15:46:19] INFO Initializing server settings service [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\main\Application.cpp(391)] [15:46:19] INFO Registered scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(148)] [15:46:19] INFO Compiled against Ogre version 67840 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\EmberOgre.cpp(278)] [15:46:19] INFO Compiled against Ogre in release mode. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\EmberOgre.cpp(283)] [15:46:19] INFO Compiled against Ogre with semi threading support. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\EmberOgre.cpp(291)] [15:46:19] INFO Registering: diagnoseOgre [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group General [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Internal [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Autodetect [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Material [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) ArchiveFactory for archive type EmbeddedZip registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) DDS codec registering [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) FreeImage version: 3.15.0 [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See http://freeimage.sourceforge.net for details [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2,pfm,pct,pict,pic,3fr,arw,bay,bmq,cap,cine,cr2,crw,cs1,dc2,dcr,drf,dsc,dng,erf,fff,ia,iiq,k25,kc2,kdc,mdc,mef,mos,mrw,nef,nrw,orf,pef,ptx,pxn,qtk,raf,raw,rdc,rw2,rwl,rwz,sr2,srf,sti [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) *-*-* OGRE Initialising [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) *-*-* Version 1.9.0 (Ghadamon) [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered. [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Font [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) Installing plugin: GL RenderSystem [15:46:19] INFO (Ogre) OpenGL Rendering Subsystem created. [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Plugin successfully installed [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Installing plugin: D3D9 RenderSystem [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem created. [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Driver Detection Starts [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Driver Detection Ends [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Plugin successfully installed [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Installing plugin: ParticleFX [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'Point' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'Box' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'Ellipsoid' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'Cylinder' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'Ring' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'HollowEllipsoid' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'LinearForce' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader2' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'ColourImage' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'ColourInterpolator' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'Scaler' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'Rotator' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'DirectionRandomiser' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'DeflectorPlane' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Plugin successfully installed [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Installing plugin: Cg Program Manager [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Plugin successfully installed [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Installing plugin: Octree Scene Manager [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Plugin successfully installed [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Allow NVPerfHUD = No [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: FSAA = 8 [Quality] [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Fixed Pipeline Enabled = Yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Floating-point mode = Fastest [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Full Screen = No [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Multi device memory hint = Use minimum system memory [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Rendering Device = Monitor-1-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Resource Creation Policy = Create on all devices [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Use Multihead = Auto [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: VSync = No [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: VSync Interval = 1 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Video Mode = 1680 x 1050 @ 32-bit colour [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: sRGB Gamma Conversion = No [15:46:20] INFO Registering: unloadunusedresources [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) ArchiveFactory for archive type EmberFileSystem registered. [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Allow NVPerfHUD = No [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: FSAA = 8 [Quality] [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Fixed Pipeline Enabled = Yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Floating-point mode = Fastest [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Full Screen = No [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Multi device memory hint = Use minimum system memory [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Rendering Device = Monitor-1-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Resource Creation Policy = Create on all devices [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Use Multihead = Auto [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: VSync = No [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: VSync Interval = 1 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Video Mode = 1680 x 1050 @ 32-bit colour [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: sRGB Gamma Conversion = No [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) CPU Identifier & Features [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) ------------------------- [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * SSE: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * SSE2: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * SSE3: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * MMX: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * MMXEXT: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * 3DNOW: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * 3DNOWEXT: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * CMOV: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * TSC: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * FPU: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * PRO: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * HT: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) ------------------------- [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Subsystem Initialising [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Texture [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) *************************************** [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) *** D3D9 : Subsystem Initialised OK *** [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) *************************************** [15:46:20] INFO Registering: bind [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:20] INFO Registering: unbind [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:20] INFO Registering: toggle_fullscreen [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9RenderSystem::_createRenderWindow "MainWindow", 250x300 windowed miscParams: externalGLContext=0 externalGLControl=True externalWindowHandle=656664 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Created D3D9 Rendering Window 'MainWindow' : 250x300, 32bpp [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : WARNING - disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem. [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_A8R8G8B8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_B8G8R8A8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_RGB [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_RGBA [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_RGB [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_RGBA [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8A8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_DEPTH [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_R [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_R [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_GR [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_GR [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGB2 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGBA2 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGB4 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGBA4 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC2_2BPP [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC2_4BPP [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R11G11B10_FLOAT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8A8_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16A16_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32B32_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32B32A32_UINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8A8_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16A16_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32B32_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32B32A32_SINT [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC4_UNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC4_SNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC5_UNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC5_SNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC6H_UF16 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC6H_SF16 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC7_UNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC7_UNORM_SRGB [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_RG8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8_SNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8_SNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8_SNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8A8_SNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16_SNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16_SNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16_SNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16A16_SNORM [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ETC1_RGB8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ETC2_RGB8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ETC2_RGBA8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ETC2_RGB8A1 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ATC_RGB [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) RenderSystem capabilities [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) ------------------------- [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) RenderSystem Name: Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) GPU Vendor: nvidia [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Device Name: Monitor-1-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Driver Version: [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Fixed function pipeline: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware generation of mipmaps: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Texture blending: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Anisotropic texture filtering: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Dot product texture operation: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Cube mapping: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware stencil buffer: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - Stencil depth: 8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - Two sided stencil support: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - Wrap stencil values: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware vertex / index buffers: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * 32-bit index buffers: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Vertex programs: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for vertex programs: 256 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for vertex programs: 16 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for vertex programs: 16 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Fragment programs: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for fragment programs: 224 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for fragment programs: 16 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for fragment programs: 16 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Geometry programs: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for geometry programs: 0 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for geometry programs: 8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for geometry programs: 0 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Tesselation Hull programs: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for tesselation hull programs: 16 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for tesselation hull programs: 0 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for tesselation hull programs: 16 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Tesselation Domain programs: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for tesselation domain programs: 0 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for tesselation domain programs: 16 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for tesselation domain programs: 0 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Compute programs: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for compute programs: 16 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for compute programs: 0 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for compute programs: 0 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Supported Shader Profiles: hlsl ps_1_1 ps_1_2 ps_1_3 ps_1_4 ps_2_0 ps_2_a ps_2_b ps_2_x ps_3_0 vs_1_1 vs_2_0 vs_2_a vs_2_x vs_3_0 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Texture Compression: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - DXT: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - VTC: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - PVRTC: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - ATC: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - ETC1: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - ETC2: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - BC4/BC5: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - BC6H/BC7: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Scissor Rectangle: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware Occlusion Query: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * User clip planes: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * VET_UBYTE4 vertex element type: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Infinite far plane projection: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware render-to-texture: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Floating point textures: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Non-power-of-two textures: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * 1d textures: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Volume textures: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Multiple Render Targets: 4 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - With different bit depths: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Point Sprites: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Extended point parameters: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Max Point Size: 8192 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Vertex texture fetch: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of world matrices: 0 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of texture units: 8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Stencil buffer depth: 8 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Number of vertex blend matrices: 0 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - Max vertex textures: 4 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) - Vertex textures shared: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Render to Vertex Buffer : no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware Atomic Counters: no [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) * DirectX per stage constants: yes [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root') initialising on thread 11b0. [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 1f7c starting. [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 2b04 starting. [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 2ad8 starting. [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 2470 starting. [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) SceneManagerFactory for type 'OctreeSceneManager' registered. [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Bootstrap [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Added resource location 'H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\share\ember\/media/shared/core' of type 'EmberFileSystem' to resource group 'Bootstrap' with recursive option [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Gui [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Added resource location 'H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\share\ember\/media/shared/gui/' of type 'EmberFileSystem' to resource group 'Gui' with recursive option [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Added resource location 'H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\share\ember\/media/shared/common/' of type 'EmberFileSystem' to resource group 'General' with recursive option [15:46:20] INFO Setting CEGUI logging level to 'standard'. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\cegui\CEGUILogger.cpp(77)] [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Started parse of CEGUI config file ---- [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Finished parse of CEGUI config file ---- [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) * Important: * [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) * To get support at the CEGUI forums, you must post _at least_ the section * [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) * of this log file indicated below. Failure to do this will result in no * [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) * support being given; please do not waste our time. * [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) * -------- START OF ESSENTIAL SECTION TO BE POSTED ON THE FORUM -------- * [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Version: 0.8.3 (Build: Feb 26 2014 Static Microsoft Windows MSVC++ Great Scott! 32 bit) ---- [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Renderer module is: CEGUI::OgreRenderer - Official OGRE based 2nd generation renderer module. ---- [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ---- XML Parser module is: CEGUI::ExpatParser - Official expat based parser module for CEGUI ---- [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Image Codec module is: FreeImageCodec - FreeImage based image codec ---- [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Scripting module is: None ---- [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) * -------- END OF ESSENTIAL SECTION TO BE POSTED ON THE FORUM -------- * [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Begining CEGUI System initialisation ---- [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [CEGUI::ImageManager] Singleton created (05913990) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [CEGUI::ImageManager] Registered Image type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::FontManager singleton created. (0591D9B0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton created [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WindowManager singleton created (05742920) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton created. (05923178) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton created. (037D3098) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::AnimationManager singleton created (059730C8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton created. (05654FD8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WindowRendererManager singleton created (05654FF0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::RenderEffectManager singleton created (037D2F78) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows added. (012D6E88) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows added. (012D6DE0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows added. (012D7320) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows added. (012D6FD8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows added. (012D7080) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows added. (012D7128) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows added. (012D71D0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows added. (012D73C8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows added. (05986A88) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows added. (05987118) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows added. (05986BD8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows added. (05987268) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows added. (05986DD0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows added. (05985F60) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows added. (059863F8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows added. (059864A0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows added. (05986C80) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows added. (05986008) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows added. (05986200) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows added. (05986938) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows added. (05986698) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows added. (05986FC8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows added. (05987070) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows added. (059869E0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows added. (05986890) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows added. (05986548) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows added. (059860B0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows added. (05987310) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ToggleButton' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ToggleButton' windows added. (05986B30) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows added. (059871C0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows added. (05986D28) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows added. (05986E78) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows added. (05986F20) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'LayoutCell' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'LayoutCell' windows added. (05985EB8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows added. (05986740) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows added. (05986158) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows added. (059862A8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::System singleton created. (05948518) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ---- CEGUI System initialisation completed ---- [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Started creation of Scheme from XML specification: [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ---- CEGUI GUIScheme name: EmberLookSkin [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: EmberLook [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/cegui/EmberLook.png [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_0: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,128x128x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: EmberLook [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/Background' (059185A0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameLeft' (059259C0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameRight' (059188C0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameTop' (05993F88) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameBottom' (05994078) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameTopLeft' (05994168) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameTopRight' (05994258) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameBottomLeft' (0598CED0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameBottomRight' (0598CFC0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalLeft' (0598D470) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalRight' (0598D0B0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalTop' (0598D830) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalBottom' (0598DA10) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalTopLeft' (0598D740) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalTopRight' (0598D380) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalBottomLeft' (0598D920) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalBottomRight' (0598DB00) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedLeft' (0598D1A0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedRight' (0598D560) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedTop' (0598DBF0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedBottom' (0598DCE0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedTopLeft' (0598D290) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedTopRight' (0598D650) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedBottomLeft' (059A75E8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedBottomRight' (059A8038) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverLeft' (059A85D8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverRight' (059A8128) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverTop' (059A7408) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverBottom' (059A6B98) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverTopLeft' (059A79A8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverTopRight' (059A86C8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverBottomLeft' (059A78B8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverBottomRight' (059A7F48) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameLeft' (059A87B8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameRight' (059A7A98) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameTop' (059A7228) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameBottom' (059A6C88) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameTopLeft' (059A8218) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameTopRight' (059A74F8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameBottomLeft' (059A7B88) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameBottomRight' (059A6AA8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameLeft' (059A7048) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameRight' (059A7D68) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameTop' (059A7E58) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameBottom' (059A8308) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameTopLeft' (059A6D78) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameTopRight' (059A7C78) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameBottomLeft' (059A6E68) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameBottomRight' (059A6F58) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CloseButtonNormal' (059A83F8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CloseButtonHover' (059A77C8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CloseButtonPushed' (059A7138) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarTopLeft' (059A76D8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarTopRight' (059A7318) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarBottomLeft' (059A84E8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarBottomRight' (059A88A8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarLeft' (059AB7D8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarRight' (059AB238) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarTop' (059AC048) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarBottom' (059AAF68) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarFill' (059AB5F8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CheckboxNormal' (059AAD88) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CheckboxHover' (059AC138) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CheckboxMark' (059AB328) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/RadioButtonNormal' (059AC5E8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/RadioButtonHover' (059AC228) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/RadioButtonMark' (059AAC98) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SliderThumbNormal' (059AB418) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SliderThumbHover' (059AAE78) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SliderTrackLeft' (059AB058) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SlidertrackMiddle' (059ABF58) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SliderTrackRight' (059AB9B8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SliderTick' (059AB148) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderThumbNormal' (059AB8C8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderThumbHover' (059AAAB8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderTrackBottom' (059ABAA8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSlidertrackMiddle' (059AC318) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderTrackTop' (059AB508) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderTick' (059AB6E8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/HeaderMainBrush' (059ABB98) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/HeaderBottomEdge' (059AABA8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/HeaderSplitter' (059ABC88) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VertScrollbarGrip' (059ABD78) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/HorzScrollbarGrip' (059ABE68) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/LargeLeftArrow' (059AC408) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/LargeRightArrow' (059AC4F8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/LargeUpArrow' (059AC6D8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/LargeDownArrow' (059AC7C8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SmallLeftArrow' (059AC8B8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SmallRightArrow' (077909F8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SmallUpArrow' (07790908) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SmallDownArrow' (07790AE8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditBoxCarat' (07790EA8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseArrow' (07790368) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseMoveCursor' (07790458) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseNoSoCursor' (07790BD8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseEsWeCursor' (07790278) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseNeSwCursor' (07790098) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseNwSeCursor' (07790188) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseTextBar' (07790CC8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabHorizontalTopFiller' (07790DB8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabHorizontalBottomFiller' (07790548) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneUpperLeft' (07790818) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneTop' (07790638) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneUpperRight' (07790728) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneLeft' (059B2528) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneMiddle' (059B3158) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneRight' (059B2258) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneLower' (059B3068) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneLowerLeft' (059B2618) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneLowerRight' (059B37E8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperLeftNormal' (059B2168) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperNormal' (059B3338) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperRightNormal' (059B1DA8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLeftNormal' (059B29D8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonMiddleNormal' (059B2E88) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonRightNormal' (059B1AD8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerLeftNormal' (059B3248) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerNormal' (059B2708) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerRightNormal' (059B3518) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperLeftSelected' (059B27F8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperSelected' (059B2348) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperRightSelected' (059B28E8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLeftSelected' (059B2438) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonMiddleSelected' (059B2AC8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonRightSelected' (059B3428) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerLeftSelected' (059B1BC8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerSelected' (059B1CB8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerRightSelected' (059B3608) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonScrollLeftNormal' (059B2BB8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonScrollRightNormal' (059B2CA8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonScrollLeftHover' (059B36F8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonScrollRightHover' (059B2D98) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipTopLeft' (059B1E98) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipTopRight' (059B1F88) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipBottomLeft' (059B2078) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipBottomRight' (059B2F78) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipLeftEdge' (059B38D8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipRightEdge' (059B6F88) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipTopEdge' (059B6AD8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipBottomEdge' (059B6178) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipMiddle' (059B7078) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuTopLeft' (059B6268) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuTopRight' (059B6CB8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuBottomLeft' (059B6358) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuBottomRight' (059B6448) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuLeft' (059B69E8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuRight' (059B6538) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuTop' (059B5F98) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuBottom' (059B6BC8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameTopLeft' (059B7258) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameTopRight' (059B6DA8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameBottomLeft' (059B6628) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameBottomRight' (059B7168) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameLeft' (059B5EA8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameRight' (059B6E98) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameTop' (059B7348) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameBottom' (059B5AE8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuArrowRight' (059B7438) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuArrowLeft' (059B6088) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MultiListSelectionBrush' (059B7528) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/GenericBrush' (059B6808) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: iconset_standard [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/background_A' (059B6718) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/background_B' (059B68F8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/ring' (059B7618) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/ring_over' (059B7708) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/question' (059B77F8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/close1' (059B5BD8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/close2' (059B5CC8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/walk' (059B5DB8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/run' (059B78E8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/abc' (0598F0E8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/inventory' (0598E878) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/settings' (0598FC28) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_mason [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_mason.png [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x128x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: iconset_mason [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_mason/spell' (0598E788) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_mason/attack' (0598F1D8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_mason/defend' (0598F2C8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: status_main [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/status/main.png [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: status_main [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'status_main/main' (0598FE08) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'status_main/background' (0598E2D8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: compass [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/compass/outer_ring.png [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: compass [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'compass/full' (0598F3B8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ===== Falagard 'root' element: look and feel parsing begins ===== [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WARNING: progression type specified for first keyframe in animation will be ignored. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WARNING: progression type specified for first keyframe in animation will be ignored. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ===== Look and feel parsing completed ===== [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) No window renderer factories specified for module 'CEGUICoreWindowRendererSet' - adding all available factories... [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Button' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Button' added. (07BB64A0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Default' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Default' added. (07BB5F60) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Editbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Editbox' added. (07BB6548) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/FrameWindow' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/FrameWindow' added. (07BB6200) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ItemEntry' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ItemEntry' added. (07BB5A20) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ListHeader' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ListHeader' added. (07BB65F0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ListHeaderSegment' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ListHeaderSegment' added. (07BB5B70) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Listbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Listbox' added. (07BB60B0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Menubar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Menubar' added. (07BB5AC8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MenuItem' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/MenuItem' added. (07BB6698) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MultiColumnList' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/MultiColumnList' added. (07BB6B30) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MultiLineEditbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/MultiLineEditbox' added. (07BB5D68) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/PopupMenu' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/PopupMenu' added. (07BB5E10) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ProgressBar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ProgressBar' added. (07BB67E8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ScrollablePane' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ScrollablePane' added. (07BB6350) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Scrollbar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Scrollbar' added. (07BB63F8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Slider' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Slider' added. (07BB69E0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Static' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Static' added. (07BB5C18) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/StaticImage' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/StaticImage' added. (07BB6008) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/StaticText' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/StaticText' added. (07BB6938) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/TabButton' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/TabButton' added. (07BB5CC0) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/TabControl' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/TabControl' added. (07BB6740) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Titlebar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Titlebar' added. (07BB5EB8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ToggleButton' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ToggleButton' added. (07BB6158) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Tooltip' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Tooltip' added. (07BB6A88) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ItemListbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ItemListbox' added. (07BB56D8) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Tree' WindowRenderers. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Tree' added. (07BB5780) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Button' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Button' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Checkbox' using base type 'CEGUI/ToggleButton', window renderer 'Core/ToggleButton' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Checkbox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/IconButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/IconButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/RadioButton' using base type 'CEGUI/RadioButton', window renderer 'Core/ToggleButton' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/RadioButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/FrameWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Core/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/FrameWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Titlebar' using base type 'CEGUI/Titlebar', window renderer 'Core/Titlebar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Titlebar' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/SystemButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/SystemButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Editbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Editbox', window renderer 'Core/Editbox' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Editbox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/MultiLineEditbox' using base type 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox', window renderer 'Core/MultiLineEditbox' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/MultiLineEditbox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Menubar' using base type 'CEGUI/Menubar', window renderer 'Core/Menubar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Menubar' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/PopupMenu' using base type 'CEGUI/PopupMenu', window renderer 'Core/PopupMenu' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/PopupMenu' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/MenuItem' using base type 'CEGUI/MenuItem', window renderer 'Core/MenuItem' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/MenuItem' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ProgressBar' using base type 'CEGUI/ProgressBar', window renderer 'Core/ProgressBar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ProgressBar' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/VerticalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/VerticalScrollbar' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/HorizontalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/HorizontalScrollbar' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/TabButton' using base type 'CEGUI/TabButton', window renderer 'Core/TabButton' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/TabButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/TabControl' using base type 'CEGUI/TabControl', window renderer 'Core/TabControl' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/TabControl' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/TabContentPane' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/TabContentPane' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/TabButtonPane' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/TabButtonPane' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ComboDropList' using base type 'CEGUI/ComboDropList', window renderer 'Core/Listbox' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ComboDropList' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Combobox' using base type 'CEGUI/Combobox', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Combobox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Listbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Listbox', window renderer 'Core/Listbox' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Listbox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ListHeader' using base type 'CEGUI/ListHeader', window renderer 'Core/ListHeader' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ListHeader' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ListHeaderSegment' using base type 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment', window renderer 'Core/ListHeaderSegment' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ListHeaderSegment' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/MultiColumnList' using base type 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList', window renderer 'Core/MultiColumnList' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/MultiColumnList' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Slider' using base type 'CEGUI/Slider', window renderer 'Core/Slider' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Slider' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/SliderThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/SliderThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/VerticalSlider' using base type 'CEGUI/Slider', window renderer 'Core/Slider' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/VerticalSlider' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ScrollablePane' using base type 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane', window renderer 'Core/ScrollablePane' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ScrollablePane' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Spinner' using base type 'CEGUI/Spinner', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Spinner' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Tooltip' using base type 'CEGUI/Tooltip', window renderer 'Core/Tooltip' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Tooltip' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Static' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Static' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Static' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/StaticImage' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/StaticImage' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/StaticImage' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/StaticText' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/StaticText' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/StaticText' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ItemListbox' using base type 'CEGUI/ItemListbox', window renderer 'Core/ItemListbox' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ItemListbox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ItemEntry' using base type 'CEGUI/ItemEntry', window renderer 'Core/ItemEntry' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ItemEntry' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/GroupBox' using base type 'CEGUI/GroupBox', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/GroupBox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ProgressBarNoframe' using base type 'CEGUI/ProgressBar', window renderer 'Core/ProgressBar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ProgressBarNoframe' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/BorderIconButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/BorderIconButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Tree' using base type 'CEGUI/Tree', window renderer 'Core/Tree' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Tree' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/EntityTooltip' using base type 'Ember/EntityTooltip', window renderer 'Core/Tooltip' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Tooltip' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/InventoryFrameWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Core/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/InventoryFrameWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ConsoleWindow' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ConsoleWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/QuickHelpFrameWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Core/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/QuickHelpFrameWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/IngameChatResponseButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/IngameChatResponseButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/IngameChatTextButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/IngameChatTextButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/IngameChatDetachedWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Core/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/IngameChatDetachedWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/DialogWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Core/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/DialogWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/StaticFading' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Static' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/StaticFading' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC224) [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: splash [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: ember_splash.png [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x512x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,1024x512x1. [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: splash [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'splash/main' (0598F4A8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:20] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:20] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:20] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:20] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: DejaVuSans-8_auto_glyph_images_32 [15:46:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_7: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:46:20] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:20] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:20] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/OgreConfigurator.layout' ---- [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Begining CEGUI System destruction ---- [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows removed. (05986F20) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'LayoutCell' windows removed. (05985EB8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'LayoutCell' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows removed. (059860B0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows removed. (05987070) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows removed. (05986A88) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows removed. (05987268) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows removed. (059863F8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows removed. (059869E0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows removed. (059871C0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows removed. (012D6E88) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows removed. (012D6DE0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows removed. (012D71D0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows removed. (05986E78) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows removed. (05986C80) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows removed. (05987310) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows removed. (05986BD8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows removed. (059864A0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows removed. (05986FC8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows removed. (05986890) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows removed. (05986DD0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows removed. (012D7080) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows removed. (05986548) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows removed. (012D6FD8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows removed. (05987118) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows removed. (05986D28) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows removed. (05986938) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows removed. (012D7128) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows removed. (012D7320) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ToggleButton' windows removed. (05986B30) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ToggleButton' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows removed. (012D73C8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows removed. (059862A8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows removed. (05986698) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows removed. (05986008) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows removed. (05986200) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows removed. (05985F60) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows removed. (05986158) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows removed. (05986740) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Begining cleanup of GUI Scheme system ---- [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Button' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB64A0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Button' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Default' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB5F60) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Default' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Editbox' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB6548) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Editbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/FrameWindow' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB6200) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/FrameWindow' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ItemEntry' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB5A20) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ItemEntry' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ListHeader' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB65F0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ListHeader' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ListHeaderSegment' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB5B70) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ListHeaderSegment' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Listbox' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB60B0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Listbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Menubar' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB5AC8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Menubar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MenuItem' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB6698) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MenuItem' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MultiColumnList' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB6B30) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MultiColumnList' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MultiLineEditbox' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB5D68) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MultiLineEditbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/PopupMenu' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB5E10) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/PopupMenu' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ProgressBar' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB67E8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ProgressBar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ScrollablePane' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB6350) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ScrollablePane' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Scrollbar' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB63F8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Scrollbar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Slider' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB69E0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Slider' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Static' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB5C18) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Static' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/StaticImage' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB6008) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/StaticImage' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/StaticText' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB6938) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/StaticText' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/TabButton' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB5CC0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/TabButton' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/TabControl' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB6740) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/TabControl' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Titlebar' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB5EB8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Titlebar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ToggleButton' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB6158) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ToggleButton' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Tooltip' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB6A88) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Tooltip' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ItemListbox' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB56D8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ItemListbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Tree' WindowRenderers removed. (07BB5780) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Tree' WindowRenderers. [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton destroyed. (05923178) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WindowManager singleton destroyed (05742920) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton destroyed [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton destroyed. (05654FD8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WindowRendererManager singleton destroyed (05654FF0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::AnimationManager singleton destroyed (059730C8) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::RenderEffectManager singleton destroyed (037D2F78) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Begining cleanup of Font system ---- [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: DejaVuSans-8_auto_glyph_images_32 [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::FontManager singleton destroyed. (0591D9B0) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: splash/main [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: compass/full [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: status_main/main [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MenuTop [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MenuLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MenuRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_mason/spell [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/Background [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MenuBottom [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MouseArrow [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/SliderTick [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_mason/attack [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_mason/defend [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/abc [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/run [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MenuTopLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TitlebarTop [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/ring [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/walk [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/CheckboxMark [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/EditBoxCarat [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/EditFrameTop [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/GenericBrush [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/LargeUpArrow [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MenuTopRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MouseTextBar [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/SmallUpArrow [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TitlebarFill [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TitlebarLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: status_main/background [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/CheckboxHover [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/EditFrameLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TitlebarRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TooltipMiddle [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/close1 [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/close2 [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonHoverTop [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/CheckboxNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/EditFrameRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/HeaderSplitter [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/LargeDownArrow [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/LargeLeftArrow [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MenuBottomLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/SmallDownArrow [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/SmallLeftArrow [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/StaticFrameTop [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TitlebarBottom [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TooltipTopEdge [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TooltipTopLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/WindowFrameTop [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonHoverLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonNormalTop [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonPushedTop [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/EditFrameBottom [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/HeaderMainBrush [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/LargeRightArrow [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MenuBottomRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MouseEsWeCursor [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MouseMoveCursor [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MouseNeSwCursor [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MouseNoSoCursor [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MouseNwSeCursor [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/RadioButtonMark [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/SliderTrackLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/SmallRightArrow [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/StaticFrameLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TitlebarTopLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TooltipLeftEdge [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TooltipTopRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/WindowFrameLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/question [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/settings [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonHoverRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonNormalLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonPushedLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/CloseButtonHover [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/EditFrameTopLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/HeaderBottomEdge [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/RadioButtonHover [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/SliderThumbHover [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/SliderTrackRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/StaticFrameRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TitlebarTopRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TooltipRightEdge [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/WindowFrameRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/inventory [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/ring_over [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonHoverBottom [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonNormalRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonPushedRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/CloseButtonNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/CloseButtonPushed [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/EditFrameTopRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/HorzScrollbarGrip [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameTop [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/RadioButtonNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/SliderThumbNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/SlidertrackMiddle [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/StaticFrameBottom [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabContentPaneTop [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TooltipBottomEdge [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TooltipBottomLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/VertScrollbarGrip [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/WindowFrameBottom [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonHoverTopLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonNormalBottom [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonPushedBottom [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/PopupMenuArrowLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/StaticFrameTopLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabContentPaneLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TitlebarBottomLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TooltipBottomRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/VerticalSliderTick [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/WindowFrameTopLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonHoverTopRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonNormalTopLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonPushedTopLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/EditFrameBottomLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/PopupMenuArrowRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/StaticFrameTopRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonLeftNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabContentPaneLower [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabContentPaneRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TitlebarBottomRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/WindowFrameTopRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/background_A [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: iconset_standard/background_B [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonNormalTopRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonPushedTopRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/EditFrameBottomRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameBottom [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonLowerNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonRightNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonUpperNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabContentPaneMiddle [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonHoverBottomLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameTopLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/StaticFrameBottomLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonLeftSelected [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonMiddleNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/WindowFrameBottomLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonHoverBottomRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonNormalBottomLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonPushedBottomLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameTopRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/StaticFrameBottomRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonLowerSelected [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonRightSelected [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonUpperSelected [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabHorizontalTopFiller [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/VerticalSliderTrackTop [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/WindowFrameBottomRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonNormalBottomRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/ButtonPushedBottomRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/MultiListSelectionBrush [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonMiddleSelected [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabContentPaneLowerLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabContentPaneUpperLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameBottomLeft [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonLowerLeftNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonScrollLeftHover [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonUpperLeftNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabContentPaneLowerRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabContentPaneUpperRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/VerticalSliderThumbHover [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameBottomRight [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonLowerRightNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonScrollLeftNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonScrollRightHover [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonUpperRightNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabHorizontalBottomFiller [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/VerticalSliderThumbNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/VerticalSliderTrackBottom [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/VerticalSlidertrackMiddle [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonLowerLeftSelected [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonScrollRightNormal [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonUpperLeftSelected [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonLowerRightSelected [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: EmberLook/TabButtonUpperRightSelected [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [CEGUI::ImageManager] Unregistered Image type: BasicImage [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [CEGUI::ImageManager] Singleton destroyed (05913990) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton destroyed. (037D3098) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::System singleton destroyed. (05948518) [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) ---- CEGUI System destruction completed ---- [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: splash [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: compass [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: EmberLook [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: status_main [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: iconset_mason [15:46:32] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: iconset_standard [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Unregistering ResourceManager for type Font [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root') shutting down on thread 11b0. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 2470 stopped. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 2ad8 stopped. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 1f7c stopped. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 2b04 stopped. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) *-*-* OGRE Shutdown [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Unregistering ResourceManager for type Compositor [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Unregistering ResourceManager for type Skeleton [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Unregistering ResourceManager for type Mesh [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Unregistering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Shutting down cleanly. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Unregistering ResourceManager for type Texture [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Unregistering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem destroyed. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) *** Stopping Win32GL Subsystem *** [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Unregistering ResourceManager for type Material [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group General [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Internal [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Autodetect [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Material [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) ArchiveFactory for archive type EmbeddedZip registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) DDS codec registering [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) FreeImage version: 3.15.0 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See http://freeimage.sourceforge.net for details [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2,pfm,pct,pict,pic,3fr,arw,bay,bmq,cap,cine,cr2,crw,cs1,dc2,dcr,drf,dsc,dng,erf,fff,ia,iiq,k25,kc2,kdc,mdc,mef,mos,mrw,nef,nrw,orf,pef,ptx,pxn,qtk,raf,raw,rdc,rw2,rwl,rwz,sr2,srf,sti [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) *-*-* OGRE Initialising [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) *-*-* Version 1.9.0 (Ghadamon) [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Font [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Installing plugin: GL RenderSystem [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) OpenGL Rendering Subsystem created. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Plugin successfully installed [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Installing plugin: D3D9 RenderSystem [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem created. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Driver Detection Starts [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Driver Detection Ends [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Plugin successfully installed [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Installing plugin: ParticleFX [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'Point' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'Box' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'Ellipsoid' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'Cylinder' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'Ring' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Emitter Type 'HollowEllipsoid' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'LinearForce' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader2' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'ColourImage' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'ColourInterpolator' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'Scaler' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'Rotator' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'DirectionRandomiser' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Affector Type 'DeflectorPlane' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Plugin successfully installed [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Installing plugin: Cg Program Manager [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Plugin successfully installed [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Installing plugin: Octree Scene Manager [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Plugin successfully installed [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Allow DirectX9Ex = No [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Allow NVPerfHUD = No [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: FSAA = 8 [Quality] [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Fixed Pipeline Enabled = Yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Floating-point mode = Fastest [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Full Screen = No [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Multi device memory hint = Use minimum system memory [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Rendering Device = Monitor-1-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Resource Creation Policy = Create on all devices [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Use Multihead = Auto [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: VSync = No [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: VSync Interval = 1 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Video Mode = 1680 x 1050 @ 32-bit colour [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: sRGB Gamma Conversion = No [15:46:32] INFO Deregistering: unloadunusedresources [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [15:46:32] INFO Registering: bind [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:32] WARNING The command 'bind' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [15:46:32] INFO Registering: unbind [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:32] WARNING The command 'unbind' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) CPU Identifier & Features [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) ------------------------- [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * SSE: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * SSE2: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * SSE3: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * MMX: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * MMXEXT: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * 3DNOW: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * 3DNOWEXT: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * CMOV: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * TSC: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * FPU: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * PRO: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * HT: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) ------------------------- [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Subsystem Initialising [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type Texture [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) *************************************** [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) *** D3D9 : Subsystem Initialised OK *** [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) *************************************** [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9RenderSystem::_createRenderWindow "MainWindow", 1680x1050 windowed miscParams: externalGLContext=0 externalGLControl=True externalWindowHandle=656664 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Created D3D9 Rendering Window 'MainWindow' : 1680x1050, 32bpp [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : WARNING - disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_A8R8G8B8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_B8G8R8A8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_RGB [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_RGBA [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_RGB [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_RGBA [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8A8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_DEPTH [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_R [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_R [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_GR [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_GR [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGB2 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGBA2 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGB4 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGBA4 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC2_2BPP [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC2_4BPP [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R11G11B10_FLOAT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8A8_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16A16_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32B32_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32B32A32_UINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8A8_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16A16_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32B32_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R32G32B32A32_SINT [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC4_UNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC4_SNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC5_UNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC5_SNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC6H_UF16 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC6H_SF16 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC7_UNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BC7_UNORM_SRGB [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_RG8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8_SNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8_SNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8_SNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8A8_SNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16_SNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16_SNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16_SNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R16G16B16A16_SNORM [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ETC1_RGB8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ETC2_RGB8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ETC2_RGBA8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ETC2_RGB8A1 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ATC_RGB [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) RenderSystem capabilities [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) ------------------------- [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) RenderSystem Name: Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) GPU Vendor: nvidia [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Device Name: Monitor-1-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Driver Version: [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Fixed function pipeline: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware generation of mipmaps: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Texture blending: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Anisotropic texture filtering: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Dot product texture operation: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Cube mapping: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware stencil buffer: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - Stencil depth: 8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - Two sided stencil support: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - Wrap stencil values: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware vertex / index buffers: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * 32-bit index buffers: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Vertex programs: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for vertex programs: 256 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for vertex programs: 16 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for vertex programs: 16 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Fragment programs: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for fragment programs: 224 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for fragment programs: 16 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for fragment programs: 16 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Geometry programs: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for geometry programs: 0 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for geometry programs: 8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for geometry programs: 0 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Tesselation Hull programs: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for tesselation hull programs: 16 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for tesselation hull programs: 0 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for tesselation hull programs: 16 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Tesselation Domain programs: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for tesselation domain programs: 0 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for tesselation domain programs: 16 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for tesselation domain programs: 0 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Compute programs: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of floating-point constants for compute programs: 16 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of integer constants for compute programs: 0 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of boolean constants for compute programs: 0 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Supported Shader Profiles: hlsl ps_1_1 ps_1_2 ps_1_3 ps_1_4 ps_2_0 ps_2_a ps_2_b ps_2_x ps_3_0 vs_1_1 vs_2_0 vs_2_a vs_2_x vs_3_0 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Texture Compression: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - DXT: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - VTC: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - PVRTC: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - ATC: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - ETC1: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - ETC2: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - BC4/BC5: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - BC6H/BC7: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Scissor Rectangle: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware Occlusion Query: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * User clip planes: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * VET_UBYTE4 vertex element type: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Infinite far plane projection: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware render-to-texture: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Floating point textures: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Non-power-of-two textures: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * 1d textures: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Volume textures: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Multiple Render Targets: 4 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - With different bit depths: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Point Sprites: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Extended point parameters: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Max Point Size: 8192 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Vertex texture fetch: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of world matrices: 0 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of texture units: 8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Stencil buffer depth: 8 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Number of vertex blend matrices: 0 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - Max vertex textures: 4 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) - Vertex textures shared: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Render to Vertex Buffer : no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * Hardware Atomic Counters: no [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) * DirectX per stage constants: yes [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root') initialising on thread 11b0. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 1bc4 starting. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 1280 starting. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 294c starting. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 164c starting. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) SceneManagerFactory for type 'OctreeSceneManager' registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type ModelDefinition [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) MovableObjectFactory for type 'Model' registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type EntityMappingDefinition [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type TerrainLayerDefinition [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type SoundDefinition [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Registering ResourceManager for type EntityRecipe [15:46:32] INFO Registering: unloadunusedresources [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) ArchiveFactory for archive type EmberFileSystem registered. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Bootstrap [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Added resource location 'H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\share\ember\/media/shared/core' of type 'EmberFileSystem' to resource group 'Bootstrap' with recursive option [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Initialising resource group Bootstrap [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Parsing scripts for resource group Bootstrap [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script EmberCore.material [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script Ember.fontdef [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script EmberLoadingPanel.overlay [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: ember_splash.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,1024x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,1024x512x1. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: ember_progress_bar.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x64x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x64x1. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: ember_progress_bar_frame.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x64x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x64x1. [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Finished parsing scripts for resource group Bootstrap [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Creating resources for group Bootstrap [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) All done [15:46:32] INFO Registering: toggle_rendermode [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:32] INFO Registering: screenshot [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:32] INFO Registering: +record [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:32] INFO Registering: -record [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:32] INFO Binding key caps to command /toggle_inputmode for state general. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:46:32] INFO Binding key f10 to command /toggle_gui for state general. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:46:32] INFO Binding key f6 to command /toggle_cameraattached for state general. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:46:32] INFO Binding key f7 to command /toggle_rendermode for state general. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:46:32] INFO Binding key f8 to command /toggle_fullscreen for state general. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:46:32] INFO Binding key f9 to command /toggle_avatar_follows_camera for state general. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:46:32] INFO Binding key left_ctrl to command +snaptomovement for state general. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:46:32] INFO Binding key print to command /screenshot for state general. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Initialising resource group Bootstrap [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Font DejaVuSans using texture size 512x512 [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Info: Freetype returned null for character 160 in font DejaVuSans [15:46:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: DejaVuSansTexture: Loading 1 faces(PF_BYTE_LA,512x512x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_BYTE_LA,512x512x1. [15:46:32] INFO Updating media. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\EmberOgre.cpp(393)] [15:46:32] INFO Wfut downloading of server list from http://amber.worldforge.org/WFUT//ember-media-dev/wfut.xml. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\wfut\WfutService.cpp(100)] [15:46:33] INFO Updating Channel: ember-media-dev [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\wfut\WfutSession.cpp(144)] [15:46:33] INFO Wfut needs to download 4 updates. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\wfut\WfutService.cpp(106)] [15:46:33] INFO Wfut download of COPYING.txt from http://amber.worldforge.org/WFUT//ember-media-dev/COPYING.txt complete. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\wfut\WfutService.cpp(88)] [15:46:34] INFO Wfut download of LICENSING.txt from http://amber.worldforge.org/WFUT//ember-media-dev/LICENSING.txt complete. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\wfut\WfutService.cpp(88)] [15:46:34] INFO Wfut download of README from http://amber.worldforge.org/WFUT//ember-media-dev/README complete. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\wfut\WfutService.cpp(88)] [15:46:34] INFO Wfut download of filelist.xsl from http://amber.worldforge.org/WFUT//ember-media-dev/filelist.xsl complete. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\wfut\WfutService.cpp(88)] [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Gui [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Added resource location 'H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\share\ember\/media/shared/gui/' of type 'EmberFileSystem' to resource group 'Gui' with recursive option [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Initialising resource group Gui [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing scripts for resource group Gui [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Finished parsing scripts for resource group Gui [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Creating resources for group Gui [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) All done [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Caelum [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Added resource location 'H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\share\ember\/media/shared/common/resources/ogre/caelum/core/' of type 'EmberFileSystem' to resource group 'Caelum' with recursive option [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Initialising resource group Caelum [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing scripts for resource group Caelum [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script DepthRender.program [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script GroundFog.program [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script Haze.program [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script MinimalCompositorVP.program [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script DepthComposer.material [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script GroundFog.material [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script LayeredClouds.material [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script moon.material [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script PointStarfield.material [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script Precipitation.material [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script SkyDome.material [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script Starfield.material [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script Sun.material [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script DepthComposer.compositor [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script Precipitation.compositor [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Finished parsing scripts for resource group Caelum [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Creating resources for group Caelum [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) All done [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group EntityRecipes [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Added resource location 'H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\share\ember\/media/shared/entityrecipes/' of type 'EmberFileSystem' to resource group 'EntityRecipes' with recursive option [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Initialising resource group EntityRecipes [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing scripts for resource group EntityRecipes [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script barrel.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script birch.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script board.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script boulder.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script campfire.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script castle_house.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script castle_house_A.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script castle_wall.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script crates.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script demo_thing.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script farmanimals.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script feature.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script fence.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script fir.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script fish.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script fishingrod.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script food.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script gallows.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script gravestone.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script mushroom.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script oak.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script palisade.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script region.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script shovel.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script shrub.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script sieve.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script signpost.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script stake.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script stone_palisade.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script test.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script thing.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script tinderbox.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script torch.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script vegetables.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script waterwell.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script wildlife.entityrecipe [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Finished parsing scripts for resource group EntityRecipes [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) Creating resources for group EntityRecipes [15:46:34] INFO (Ogre) All done [15:46:35] INFO (Ogre) Added resource location 'H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\share\ember\/media/shared/common/' of type 'EmberFileSystem' to resource group 'General' with recursive option [15:46:35] INFO (Ogre) Initialising resource group General [15:46:35] INFO (Ogre) Parsing scripts for resource group General [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/scripts/programs/Common.program [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/scripts/programs/DepthShadowmap.program [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/scripts/programs/Splat.program [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/body/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap_gray_blue_trims/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap_gray_green_trims/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap_gray_red_trims/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap_gray_yellow_trims/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap_green/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap_red/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap_yellow/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_chain/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_dark_rags/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_fine/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_green/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_ragged/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_sun/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/head_16/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/head_17/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/head_blue_porcelain/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/head_foxy_lady/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/head_old_white/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/head_pato/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/head_simon/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/head_worksman/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/head_young_one/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/blue/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/brown/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/green/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/hazel/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/universal/mouth/healthy/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/characters/universal/teeth/white/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/bass_lm/textures/body/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/bear/textures/black/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/bluegill/textures/body/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/chicken/textures/buzzard/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/chicken/textures/greychicken/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/chicken/textures/red/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/chicken/textures/redchicken/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/cow/textures/brown/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/cow/textures/spotted_a/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/cow/textures/spotted_b/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/deer/textures/body/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/dog/textures/brown/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/donkey/textures/body/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/duck/textures/black_bellied_whistling/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/flying_bird/textures/falcon/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/goblin/textures/belt/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/goblin/textures/brown/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/goblin/textures/green/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/horse/textures/body/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/pickerel/textures/body/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/spider/textures/emerald/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/creatures/tuna/textures/body/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/bare_roots/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/cobblestone/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/cobblestone_dirty/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/cobblestone_mossy/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/concrete/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/concrete_mossy/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/felsite_cave/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_arid/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_demonic/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_dry/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_garden/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_plowed/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_grass/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_grass_dead/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_grass_dying/ogre.material [15:46:38] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_grass_green/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_grass_rabbithill/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_leaf_covered/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_mixed_forest/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_pebels/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_pine_needles/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_rotten_leaves/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_sand/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_sand_dirty/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_straw_and_mud/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_twisty_grass/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/iron_ore/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/limestone/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/moraf/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/moraf_rock/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/petrified/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/slimy_moss/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/smoke/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/snow/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_boulder_bare/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_boulder_mossy/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_felsite/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_felsite_face/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite_kale/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite_rock/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite_weathered/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_marble_gray/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_red/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_weathered/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_yellow/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/water/ocean.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/environment/textures/water/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/barrel/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/bottle/cork.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/bottle/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/bottlejug/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/bowls/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/chest/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/chest/wood.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/crate_aged/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/crate_new/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/earthenware/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/tinderbox/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/weathered_wood/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/wood_boards/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/food/textures/country_bread/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/food/textures/ham/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/furniture/textures/avalon/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/furniture/textures/painting/pirate/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/furniture/textures/painting/wizard/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/material/textures/wood_sides/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/misc/textures/flame/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/misc/textures/log/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/misc/textures/tombstone/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/parchments/textures/parchment/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/parchments/textures/parchment_text/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/resources/textures/charcoal/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/resources/textures/ingot_iron/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/anvil/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/bucksaw/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/chopping_block/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/fishing_rod/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/hatchet/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/saddle_black_leather/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/saddle_brown_leather/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/sieve/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tongs/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tools_head_rusty/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tool_handle/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tool_handle_old/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tool_head/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/torch/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/trowel/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/valuables/textures/moraf_coin/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/vehicle/textures/cart/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/vehicle/textures/goatboat/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/weapons/textures/arrow/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/weapons/textures/weapon_handle/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/items/weapons/textures/weapon_head/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/flowers/textures/camellia/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/fruit/textures/acorn/leaf.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/fruit/textures/acorn/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/fruit/textures/apple/leaf.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/fruit/textures/apple/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/fruit/textures/beet/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/fruit/textures/carrot/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/bittergrass_brown/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/bittergrass_brown/wave.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/bittergrass_green/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/bittergrass_yellow/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/bittergrass_yellow/wave.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/ducktail_yellow/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/ducktail_yellow/wave.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/mushrooms/textures/amanita/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/mushrooms/textures/blue_moon/ogre.material [15:46:39] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/mushrooms/textures/galerina/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/mushrooms/textures/silkfoot/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/bush_gnarly_brown/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/bush_gnarly_green/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/fern_brown/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/fern_green/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/leaf_brown/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/leaf_green/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/shrub_A/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/shrub_B/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark_birch/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark_douglas/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark_fir/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch_B/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch_bare/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_fir/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_fall/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_spring/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_summer/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_pine/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/common_fir/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/gnarly/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/green_tree/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/oak/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/red_tree/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/tree_fir/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/tree_pine/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/tree_pine_snow/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/tree_stub/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/plants/tree_billboard/textures/set1/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/primitives/textures/axes/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/primitives/textures/error/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/primitives/textures/placeholder/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/bailey_roof_shale/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/bailey_roof_shingles/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/bloomery/down_part/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/bloomery/up_part/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/blue_floor_tile/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/cobblestones/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/cobblestone_tile_A/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/cobblestone_tile_B/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/curtain_wall_shale/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/curtain_wall_shingle/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/curtain_wall_straw/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/dirt/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/firepit_embers/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/floor/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/foundation_brick/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/grass/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_details_blue/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_details_red/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_details_umber/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_main_blue/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_main_red/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_main_umber/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_beam_end/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_big_arc/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_ceiling/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_floor/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_floor_east_west_side/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_floor_north_south_side/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_normal_wall/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_roof_bottom/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_roof_shingles/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_roof_shingles_combo/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_roof_straw/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_roof_straw_combo/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_stone_wall/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_stone_wall_side/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_timber_beam/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_timber_wall/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_wall_bottom/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_wall_top/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/mortar_brick/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_brick/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_brick_trim/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_ceiling_tiles/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_copper_rivet/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_door/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_floor_planks/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_floor_tiles/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_inner_walls/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_metal_rivet/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_planks/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_post/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_rope/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_rough_beams/ogre.material [15:46:40] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_stairs/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_wall_cobblestone/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_wall_cobblestone_B/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ozark_brick/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/ozark_planks/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_arch/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_cobblestone/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_collumn/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_collumn_base/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_column/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_concrete/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_inner_walls/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_interior_floor_stone/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_masonry/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_ornament/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_plaster/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_staced_masonry/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_stained_walls/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_stairs/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_stonecircularfloor/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_stonetrim/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_wall/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_wood/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/roof/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/roof_shale/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/roof_shingle/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/roof_straw/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/roof_trim/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/sharpened_log_birch/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/sharpened_log_fir/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/sign_post/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/statue_arms/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/statue_belt/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/statue_bezier/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/statue_body/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/statue_helmet/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/statue_shin/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/statue_weapon/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/stone/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/stone_palisade/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/temple_base/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/temple_main/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/temple_roof/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/tent_blue/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/tent_red/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/wall_inner_luxurious/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/wall_inner_stained/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/wall_outer/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/weathered/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_objects/structures/textures/wooden_fence/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/goblin/male/body/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/goblin/male/head/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/galbor/attire/heavy_infantry/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/galbor/attire/legionnaire/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/galbor/attire/spartan_king/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/galbor/head/stigand/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/footwear/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/pants/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/shirt/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/body/base/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/head/bearded_male/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/head/middle_aged/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/accessories/textures/burlap/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/accessories/textures/chain/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/accessories/textures/dark_rags/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/accessories/textures/fine/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/accessories/textures/ragged/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/accessories/textures/simple_green_n_grey/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/accessories/textures/sun/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/body/textures/male_pink/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/body/textures/skeleton/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/head/textures/blue_porcelain/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/head/textures/foxy_lady/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/head/textures/head_16/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/head/textures/head_17/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/head/textures/old_white/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/head/textures/pato/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/head/textures/simon/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/head/textures/worksman/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/head/textures/young_one/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/attire/arms/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/attire/cape/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/attire/chest/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/attire/edge/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/attire/hair/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/attire/legplates/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/attire/legs/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/attire/loin/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/attire/shoes/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/attire/shoulders/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/body/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/paladin/head/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/skeleton/body/textures/white/ogre.material [15:46:41] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/skeleton/head/hair/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/skeleton/head/hair1/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/skeleton/head/hair2/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/skeleton/head/hair3/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/clothes/dress/textures/chain/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/clothes/footwear/textures/leather_boots/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/clothes/footwear/textures/leather_shoes_wrapped_cotton_sides/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/clothes/footwear/textures/metal_shoes/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/clothes/hat/textures/felt/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped/textures/simple_pig/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped/textures/simple_squirrel/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped/textures/skeleton/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped/textures/white_fur/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped/textures/zombie/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped_v2/textures/bare_skin/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped_v2/textures/corpse/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped_v2/textures/deer/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped_v2/textures/greyhair/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped_v2/textures/mottled_oker/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped_v2/textures/pink_pig/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/quadruped_v2/textures/redbrown_fur/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/tubular/textures/bass_lm/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/tubular/textures/bluegill/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/tubular/textures/blue_fin_tuna/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/tubular/textures/pickerel/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/creatures/tubular/textures/scaly_brown_white/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/insects/textures/carrion/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/insects/textures/emerald/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script 3d_skeletons/quadrapeds/rabbit/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script junkyard/sear/3d_objects/structures/textures/respa_column/ogre.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/ogre_scripts/scripts/Bloom2.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/scripts/materials/authoring.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/scripts/materials/base.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/scripts/materials/environment.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/scripts/materials/ui.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/scripts/programs/DepthShadowmap.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/wcg_base/base_prop.material [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/scripts/particle/smoke.particle [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/scripts/particle/sun.particle [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/ogre_scripts/scripts/Examples.compositor [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script resources/ogre/scripts/overlays/Compass.overlay [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: themes/ember/gui/compass/inner_alpha.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Finished parsing scripts for resource group General [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Creating resources for group General [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) All done [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group ModelDefinitions [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Added resource location 'H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\share\ember\/media/shared/data/' of type 'EmberFileSystem' to resource group 'ModelDefinitions' with recursive option [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Initialising resource group ModelDefinitions [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing scripts for resource group ModelDefinitions [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script acorn.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script amanita.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script anvil.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script apple.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script armory.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script arrow.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script axe.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script axe_head.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script bailey1.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script bailey2.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script barrel.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script bass_lm.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script bear.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script bed.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script birchA.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script birchB.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script birchC.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script birchD.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script bloomery.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script bluegill.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script board.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script boat.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script bottle.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script bowls.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script bucksaw.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script bush.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script butcher_house.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script camelia.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script campfire.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script carrot.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cart.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script castle_outer_wall.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cave.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_curtainwall_corner.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_curtainwall_run.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_don_jon.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_gateway.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_house.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_houseC.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_house_A.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_house_B.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_house_D.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_house_ruin.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_inn.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_outer_wall.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_pedestal.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_smithy.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_statue.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_wall_corner.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_wall_gate.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_wall_run.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_wall_stairs.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cg_well.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script characters.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script charcoal.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script chest.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script chicken.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script choppingblock.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script coin.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script concrete_stairs.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script cow.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script crate.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script crate_lid.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script creator.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script creatures.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script deed.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script deer.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script dog.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script donkey.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script don_jon.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script door.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script duck.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script edibles.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script environment.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script farmers_cap.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script fencepole.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script fencesection.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script fern.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script fire_place_A.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script fishing_hook.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script fishing_lure.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script fishing_rod.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script flying_bird.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script furniture.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script galbor_heavy_infantry.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script galbor_legionnaire.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script galerina.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script gallows.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script gateway.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script goblin.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script graniteA.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script graniteB.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script graniteC.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script graniteD.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script grass.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script ham.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script hammer.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script hammer_head.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script hatchet.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script horse.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script house3.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script ice_chunk.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script ingot.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script iron_ore.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script iron_ore_node.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script items.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script jetty.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script jug.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script keep.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script knife.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script kobold.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script leaf.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script lumber.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script male.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script marketstall_canvasA.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script marketstall_canvasB.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script marketstall_canvasC.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script market_tent.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script monster_skeleton.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script morafboulder.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script oak.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script oakB.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script oakC.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script oak_mk1.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script oak_sapling.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script oak_young.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script ocean.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script open_crate.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script outerwall.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script painting.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script paladin.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script palisade_circle.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script palisade_entry.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script palisade_unit.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script pickaxe.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script pickaxe_head.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script pickerel.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script pile.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script placeholder.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script primitives.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script rabbit.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script roots.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script saw_blade.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script scythe.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script scythe_head.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script shirt.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script shrubA.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script shrubB.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script shutters.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script sieve.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script signpost.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script signpost_left.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script signpost_right.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script spade.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script spanish_moss.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script spider.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script stake.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script stalactites.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script stone_palisade.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script sty.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script sword.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script temple.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script tent.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script tinderbox.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script tinderboxA.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script tinderboxB.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script tombstone.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script tongs.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script torch.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script tower.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script treeA.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script trees.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script trousers.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script trowel.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script trowel_head.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script tuna.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script turnip.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script twobyfour.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script waterwell.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script wood.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script wooden_fence.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script wooden_gate.modeldef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script entitymappings.entitymap.xml [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script moraf.terrain [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Finished parsing scripts for resource group ModelDefinitions [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Creating resources for group ModelDefinitions [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) All done [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Scripting [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Added resource location 'H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\share\ember\/media/shared/scripting/' of type 'EmberFileSystem' to resource group 'Scripting' with recursive option [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Initialising resource group Scripting [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing scripts for resource group Scripting [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Finished parsing scripts for resource group Scripting [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Creating resources for group Scripting [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) All done [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group SoundDefinitions [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Added resource location 'H:\WorldForge\Ember7.2\bin\\..\share\ember\/media/shared/sounddefinitions/' of type 'EmberFileSystem' to resource group 'SoundDefinitions' with recursive option [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Initialising resource group SoundDefinitions [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing scripts for resource group SoundDefinitions [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script pig.sounddef [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Parsing script walking.sounddef [15:46:42] INFO Sound Model walking_on_grass created. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\sound\XMLSoundDefParser.cpp(70)] [15:46:42] INFO -Sample soundfx/creatures/footsteps/Footsteps_on_grass_sasquatch.wav created. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\sound\SoundGroupDefinition.cpp(51)] [15:46:42] INFO Sound Model sawing created. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\sound\XMLSoundDefParser.cpp(70)] [15:46:42] INFO -Sample soundfx/items/saw/sawing2_11khz_mono_jo.wav created. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\sound\SoundGroupDefinition.cpp(51)] [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Finished parsing scripts for resource group SoundDefinitions [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Creating resources for group SoundDefinitions [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) All done [15:46:42] INFO Finished loading 214 modeldefinitions. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\OgreResourceLoader.cpp(197)] [15:46:42] INFO Registering: set_level [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/simple' has 2 supported techniques out of 4 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(171)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/simple' has best supported scheme Low. Was looking for Experimental [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(175)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/simple' has 2 supported techniques out of 4 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(171)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/simple' has best supported scheme Low. Was looking for High [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(175)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/simple' has 2 supported techniques out of 4 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(171)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/simple' has best supported scheme Low. Was looking for Medium [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(175)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/simple' has 2 supported techniques out of 4 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(171)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/simple' supported with scheme Low [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(178)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/normalmap' has 4 supported techniques out of 8 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(171)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/normalmap' supported with scheme Low [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(178)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/normalmap/specular' has 4 supported techniques out of 8 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(171)] [15:46:42] INFO The material '/base/normalmap/specular' supported with scheme Low [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(178)] [15:46:42] INFO Best graphics level is Low [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(140)] [15:46:42] INFO Using graphics level Low [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(260)] [15:46:42] INFO Registering: toggle_inputmode [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:42] INFO Registering: reloadgui [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:42] INFO Registering: toggle_gui [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:42] INFO Binding key tab to command /console_focus for state gui. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:46:42] INFO Setting CEGUI logging level to 'standard'. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\cegui\CEGUILogger.cpp(77)] [15:46:42] INFO Starting CEGUI [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(109)] [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Started parse of CEGUI config file ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Finished parse of CEGUI config file ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) * Important: * [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) * To get support at the CEGUI forums, you must post _at least_ the section * [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) * of this log file indicated below. Failure to do this will result in no * [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) * support being given; please do not waste our time. * [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) * -------- START OF ESSENTIAL SECTION TO BE POSTED ON THE FORUM -------- * [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Version: 0.8.3 (Build: Feb 26 2014 Static Microsoft Windows MSVC++ Great Scott! 32 bit) ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Renderer module is: CEGUI::OgreRenderer - Official OGRE based 2nd generation renderer module. ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- XML Parser module is: CEGUI::ExpatParser - Official expat based parser module for CEGUI ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Image Codec module is: OgreImageCodec - Integrated ImageCodec using the Ogre engine. ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Scripting module is: CEGUI::LuaScriptModule - Official Lua based scripting module for CEGUI ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) * -------- END OF ESSENTIAL SECTION TO BE POSTED ON THE FORUM -------- * [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ******************************************************************************** [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Begining CEGUI System initialisation ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [CEGUI::ImageManager] Singleton created (058F5728) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [CEGUI::ImageManager] Registered Image type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::FontManager singleton created. (056BA3E8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton created [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WindowManager singleton created (05940D68) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton created. (056BA628) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton created. (037CC2F8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::AnimationManager singleton created (07851CA8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton created. (056543A8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::WindowRendererManager singleton created (05654120) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::RenderEffectManager singleton created (037CC1D8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows added. (07BB58D0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows added. (07BB5AC8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows added. (07BB63F8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows added. (07BB5B70) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows added. (07BB6548) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows added. (07BB6740) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows added. (07BB5C18) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows added. (07BB6698) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows added. (07BB5CC0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows added. (07BB65F0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows added. (07BB67E8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows added. (07BB6008) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows added. (07BB6200) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows added. (07BB56D8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows added. (07BB5E10) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows added. (07BB6938) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows added. (07BB69E0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows added. (07BB6A88) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows added. (07BB5D68) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows added. (07BB5EB8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows added. (07BB5F60) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows added. (07BB60B0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows added. (07BB6BD8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows added. (05987700) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows added. (05987B98) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows added. (05987850) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows added. (059879A0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows added. (05987AF0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ToggleButton' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ToggleButton' windows added. (059878F8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows added. (05987D90) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows added. (059873B8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows added. (05987460) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows added. (05987CE8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'LayoutCell' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'LayoutCell' windows added. (05987A48) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows added. (05987C40) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows added. (059875B0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows added. (05987658) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) CEGUI::System singleton created. (07A277D0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- CEGUI System initialisation completed ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Started creation of Scheme from XML specification: [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- CEGUI GUIScheme name: EmberLookSkin [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: EmberLook [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/cegui/EmberLook.png [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_8: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,128x128x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: EmberLook [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/Background' (0598F868) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameLeft' (0598F778) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameRight' (0598EA58) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameTop' (0598EB48) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameBottom' (0598FEF8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameTopLeft' (0598ED28) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameTopRight' (0598FA48) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameBottomLeft' (0598FE08) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/WindowFrameBottomRight' (0598FC28) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalLeft' (0598F958) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalRight' (0598F0E8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalTop' (0598EFF8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalBottom' (0598E3C8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalTopLeft' (0598FB38) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalTopRight' (0598FFE8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalBottomLeft' (0598E2D8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonNormalBottomRight' (0598EC38) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedLeft' (0598E4B8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedRight' (0598F1D8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedTop' (0598F2C8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedBottom' (0598EE18) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedTopLeft' (0598EF08) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedTopRight' (0598F4A8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedBottomLeft' (0598E5A8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonPushedBottomRight' (0598E698) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverLeft' (0598E788) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverRight' (0598F3B8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverTop' (0598E878) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverBottom' (0598E968) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverTopLeft' (0598F598) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverTopRight' (059900D8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverBottomLeft' (05963A00) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/ButtonHoverBottomRight' (05965080) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameLeft' (05963DC0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameRight' (05963BE0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameTop' (05963EB0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameBottom' (05965620) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameTopLeft' (05963AF0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameTopRight' (05964EA0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameBottomLeft' (05964720) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditFrameBottomRight' (059649F0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameLeft' (05964810) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameRight' (05964AE0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameTop' (05964630) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameBottom' (05964CC0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameTopLeft' (05964900) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameTopRight' (05964F90) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameBottomLeft' (05964BD0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/StaticFrameBottomRight' (05964DB0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CloseButtonNormal' (05963CD0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CloseButtonHover' (05963FA0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CloseButtonPushed' (05965350) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarTopLeft' (05965170) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarTopRight' (05965260) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarBottomLeft' (05965440) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarBottomRight' (05964450) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarLeft' (05965530) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarRight' (05964090) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarTop' (05963910) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarBottom' (05964180) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TitlebarFill' (05964270) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CheckboxNormal' (05964360) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CheckboxHover' (05964540) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/CheckboxMark' (05965710) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/RadioButtonNormal' (05966CC8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/RadioButtonHover' (05967448) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/RadioButtonMark' (05966818) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SliderThumbNormal' (05966BD8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SliderThumbHover' (059669F8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SliderTrackLeft' (05966458) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SlidertrackMiddle' (05965918) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SliderTrackRight' (05965A08) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SliderTick' (05966188) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderThumbNormal' (05965EB8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderThumbHover' (05967088) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderTrackBottom' (05966278) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSlidertrackMiddle' (05966548) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderTrackTop' (05966908) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderTick' (05965AF8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/HeaderMainBrush' (05965DC8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/HeaderBottomEdge' (05967628) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/HeaderSplitter' (05965BE8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/VertScrollbarGrip' (05966098) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/HorzScrollbarGrip' (05965FA8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/LargeLeftArrow' (05967358) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/LargeRightArrow' (05966AE8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/LargeUpArrow' (05965CD8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/LargeDownArrow' (05966638) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SmallLeftArrow' (05966368) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SmallRightArrow' (05966728) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SmallUpArrow' (05966DB8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/SmallDownArrow' (05966F98) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/EditBoxCarat' (05966EA8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseArrow' (05967178) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseMoveCursor' (05967538) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseNoSoCursor' (05967268) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseEsWeCursor' (05967718) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseNeSwCursor' (05969630) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseNwSeCursor' (05968FA0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MouseTextBar' (05969270) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabHorizontalTopFiller' (05967FB0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabHorizontalBottomFiller' (05968190) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneUpperLeft' (05967920) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneTop' (05968550) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneUpperRight' (05968910) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneLeft' (059680A0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneMiddle' (05968460) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneRight' (05968DC0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneLower' (05967BF0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneLowerLeft' (05968AF0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabContentPaneLowerRight' (05969450) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperLeftNormal' (05968BE0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperNormal' (05968A00) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperRightNormal' (05967EC0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLeftNormal' (05968CD0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonMiddleNormal' (05968640) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonRightNormal' (05967CE0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerLeftNormal' (05967A10) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerNormal' (05968730) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerRightNormal' (05968820) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperLeftSelected' (05969360) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperSelected' (05968EB0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonUpperRightSelected' (05969090) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLeftSelected' (05967DD0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonMiddleSelected' (05969180) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonRightSelected' (05969540) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerLeftSelected' (05967B00) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerSelected' (05968280) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonLowerRightSelected' (05968370) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonScrollLeftNormal' (05969720) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonScrollRightNormal' (0596B548) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonScrollLeftHover' (05969EC8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TabButtonScrollRightHover' (05969DD8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipTopLeft' (05969B08) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipTopRight' (0596B368) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipBottomLeft' (0596A918) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipBottomRight' (0596A648) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipLeftEdge' (0596A558) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipRightEdge' (05969BF8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipTopEdge' (0596A738) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipBottomEdge' (0596A378) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/TooltipMiddle' (05969CE8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuTopLeft' (0596AAF8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuTopRight' (0596A468) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuBottomLeft' (0596A828) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuBottomRight' (0596ACD8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuLeft' (05969928) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuRight' (0596AA08) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuTop' (0596B098) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MenuBottom' (0596B278) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameTopLeft' (05969FB8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameTopRight' (0596ABE8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameBottomLeft' (0596ADC8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameBottomRight' (0596AEB8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameLeft' (0596AFA8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameRight' (0596B188) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameTop' (0596A0A8) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuFrameBottom' (0596A198) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuArrowRight' (0596B458) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/PopupMenuArrowLeft' (0596B638) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/MultiListSelectionBrush' (05969A18) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'EmberLook/GenericBrush' (0596A288) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_9: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: iconset_standard [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/background_A' (0596B728) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/background_B' (05776EC0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/ring' (05775840) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/ring_over' (057761A0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/question' (05777460) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/close1' (05775A20) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/close2' (057760B0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/walk' (05776650) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/run' (05777190) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/abc' (05777550) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/inventory' (05775FC0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_standard/settings' (05776740) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_mason [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_mason.png [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_10: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x128x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: iconset_mason [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_mason/spell' (05775B10) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_mason/attack' (05776290) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconset_mason/defend' (05776830) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: status_main [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/status/main.png [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_11: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: status_main [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'status_main/main' (05776920) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'status_main/background' (05775CF0) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: compass [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/compass/outer_ring.png [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_12: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: compass [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'compass/full' (05775C00) of type: BasicImage [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ===== Falagard 'root' element: look and feel parsing begins ===== [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WARNING: progression type specified for first keyframe in animation will be ignored. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WARNING: progression type specified for first keyframe in animation will be ignored. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ===== Look and feel parsing completed ===== [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) No window renderer factories specified for module 'CEGUICoreWindowRendererSet' - adding all available factories... [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Button' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Button' added. (07EEF840) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Default' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Default' added. (07EEE7D8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Editbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Editbox' added. (07EEEFB8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/FrameWindow' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/FrameWindow' added. (07EEF5A0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ItemEntry' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ItemEntry' added. (07EEED18) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ListHeader' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ListHeader' added. (07EEF6F0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ListHeaderSegment' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ListHeaderSegment' added. (07EEEDC0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Listbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Listbox' added. (07EEF1B0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Menubar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Menubar' added. (07EEF300) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MenuItem' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/MenuItem' added. (07EEE9D0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MultiColumnList' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/MultiColumnList' added. (07EEF8E8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MultiLineEditbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/MultiLineEditbox' added. (07EEF060) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/PopupMenu' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/PopupMenu' added. (07EEEE68) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ProgressBar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ProgressBar' added. (07EEEF10) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ScrollablePane' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ScrollablePane' added. (07EEF108) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Scrollbar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Scrollbar' added. (07EEF4F8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Slider' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Slider' added. (07EF0170) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Static' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Static' added. (07EF0560) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/StaticImage' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/StaticImage' added. (07EF0C98) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/StaticText' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/StaticText' added. (07EF0410) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/TabButton' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/TabButton' added. (07EF0758) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/TabControl' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/TabControl' added. (07EF0800) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Titlebar' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Titlebar' added. (07EF0F38) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ToggleButton' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ToggleButton' added. (07EF0FE0) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Tooltip' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Tooltip' added. (07EEE538) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ItemListbox' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ItemListbox' added. (07EED620) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Tree' WindowRenderers. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Tree' added. (07EED6C8) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Button' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Button' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Checkbox' using base type 'CEGUI/ToggleButton', window renderer 'Core/ToggleButton' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Checkbox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/IconButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/IconButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/RadioButton' using base type 'CEGUI/RadioButton', window renderer 'Core/ToggleButton' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/RadioButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/FrameWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Core/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/FrameWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Titlebar' using base type 'CEGUI/Titlebar', window renderer 'Core/Titlebar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Titlebar' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/SystemButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/SystemButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Editbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Editbox', window renderer 'Core/Editbox' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Editbox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/MultiLineEditbox' using base type 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox', window renderer 'Core/MultiLineEditbox' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/MultiLineEditbox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Menubar' using base type 'CEGUI/Menubar', window renderer 'Core/Menubar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Menubar' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/PopupMenu' using base type 'CEGUI/PopupMenu', window renderer 'Core/PopupMenu' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/PopupMenu' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/MenuItem' using base type 'CEGUI/MenuItem', window renderer 'Core/MenuItem' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/MenuItem' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ProgressBar' using base type 'CEGUI/ProgressBar', window renderer 'Core/ProgressBar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ProgressBar' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/VerticalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/VerticalScrollbar' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/HorizontalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/HorizontalScrollbar' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/TabButton' using base type 'CEGUI/TabButton', window renderer 'Core/TabButton' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/TabButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/TabControl' using base type 'CEGUI/TabControl', window renderer 'Core/TabControl' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/TabControl' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/TabContentPane' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/TabContentPane' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/TabButtonPane' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/TabButtonPane' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ComboDropList' using base type 'CEGUI/ComboDropList', window renderer 'Core/Listbox' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ComboDropList' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Combobox' using base type 'CEGUI/Combobox', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Combobox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Listbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Listbox', window renderer 'Core/Listbox' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Listbox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ListHeader' using base type 'CEGUI/ListHeader', window renderer 'Core/ListHeader' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ListHeader' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ListHeaderSegment' using base type 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment', window renderer 'Core/ListHeaderSegment' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ListHeaderSegment' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/MultiColumnList' using base type 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList', window renderer 'Core/MultiColumnList' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/MultiColumnList' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Slider' using base type 'CEGUI/Slider', window renderer 'Core/Slider' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Slider' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/SliderThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/SliderThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/VerticalSlider' using base type 'CEGUI/Slider', window renderer 'Core/Slider' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/VerticalSlider' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/VerticalSliderThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ScrollablePane' using base type 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane', window renderer 'Core/ScrollablePane' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ScrollablePane' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Spinner' using base type 'CEGUI/Spinner', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Spinner' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Tooltip' using base type 'CEGUI/Tooltip', window renderer 'Core/Tooltip' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Tooltip' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Static' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Static' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Static' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/StaticImage' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/StaticImage' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/StaticImage' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/StaticText' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/StaticText' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/StaticText' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ItemListbox' using base type 'CEGUI/ItemListbox', window renderer 'Core/ItemListbox' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ItemListbox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ItemEntry' using base type 'CEGUI/ItemEntry', window renderer 'Core/ItemEntry' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ItemEntry' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/GroupBox' using base type 'CEGUI/GroupBox', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/GroupBox' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ProgressBarNoframe' using base type 'CEGUI/ProgressBar', window renderer 'Core/ProgressBar' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ProgressBarNoframe' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/BorderIconButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/BorderIconButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/Tree' using base type 'CEGUI/Tree', window renderer 'Core/Tree' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Tree' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/EntityTooltip' using base type 'Ember/EntityTooltip', window renderer 'Core/Tooltip' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/Tooltip' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/InventoryFrameWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Core/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/InventoryFrameWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/ConsoleWindow' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/ConsoleWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/QuickHelpFrameWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Core/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/QuickHelpFrameWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/IngameChatResponseButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/IngameChatResponseButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/IngameChatTextButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/IngameChatTextButton' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/IngameChatDetachedWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Core/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/IngameChatDetachedWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/DialogWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Core/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/DialogWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Creating falagard mapping for type 'EmberLook/StaticFading' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Static' Look'N'Feel 'EmberLook/StaticFading' and RenderEffect ''. (00FDC4CC) [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Creating Lua bindings ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Created WindowFactory for 'Ember/EntityTooltip' windows. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) WindowFactory for 'Ember/EntityTooltip' windows added. (07EEDFF8) [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: DejaVuSans-14_auto_glyph_images_32 [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_14: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:46:42] INFO CEGUI system set up [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(166)] [15:46:42] INFO Registering: softquit [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_0 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: DejaVuSans-8_auto_glyph_images_32 [15:46:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_19: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Quit.layout' ---- [15:46:42] INFO Registering: show_quit [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:42] INFO Registering: hide_quit [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:42] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_quit [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:42] INFO Successfully loaded widget Quit [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Label.layout' ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/IngameChatWidgetAttached.layout' ---- [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_1 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/IngameChatWidgetDetached.layout' ---- [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_2 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_2 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_3 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_3 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_4 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_4 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_5 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_5 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_6 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_6 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_7 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_7 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_8 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_8 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_9 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_9 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_10 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_10 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_11 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_11 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_12 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_12 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_13 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_13 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_14 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_14 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_15 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_15 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EntityName' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_16 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_16 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Attached' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_17 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_17 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Text' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_18 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_18 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseContainer' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_19 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_19 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseList' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_20 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_20 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EllipsisButton' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_21 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_21 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_22 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'TradeButton' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_23 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_23 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ChatHistory' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_24 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_24 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseContainer' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_25 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_25 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Editbox' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_26 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_26 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Attached' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_27 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_27 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Text' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_28 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_28 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseContainer' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_29 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_29 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseList' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_30 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_30 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EllipsisButton' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_31 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_31 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_32 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'TradeButton' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_33 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_33 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ChatHistory' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_34 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_34 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseContainer' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_35 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_35 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Editbox' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_36 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_36 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Attached' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_37 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_37 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Text' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_38 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_38 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseContainer' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_39 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_39 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseList' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_40 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_40 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EllipsisButton' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_41 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_41 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_42 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'TradeButton' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_43 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_43 [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ChatHistory' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_44 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_44 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseContainer' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_45 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_45 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Editbox' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_46 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_46 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Attached' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_47 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_47 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Text' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_48 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_48 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseContainer' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_49 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_49 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseList' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_50 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_50 [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EllipsisButton' to enable rotation support. [15:46:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_51 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_51 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_52 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'TradeButton' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_53 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_53 [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ChatHistory' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_54 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_54 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseContainer' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_55 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_55 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Editbox' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_56 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_56 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Attached' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_57 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_57 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Text' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_58 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_58 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseContainer' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_59 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_59 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseList' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_60 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_60 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'EllipsisButton' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_61 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_61 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_62 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'TradeButton' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_63 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_63 [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ChatHistory' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_64 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_64 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'ResponseContainer' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_65 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_65 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) Window::setRotation - Activating AutoRenderingSurface on Window 'Editbox' to enable rotation support. [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_66 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_66 [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget IngameChatWidget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: help [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_67 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/HelpWidget.layout' ---- [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget Help [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: createmesh [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_68 [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/MeshPreview.layout' ---- [15:46:43] INFO Registering: show_meshpreview [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: hide_meshpreview [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_meshpreview [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget MeshPreview [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: alter_material [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group General [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group General [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Bootstrap.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Math.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/MainIconBar.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing texture: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_A [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_B [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring_over [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/question [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close1 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close2 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/walk [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/run [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/abc [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/inventory [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/settings [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing texture: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_A [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_B [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring_over [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/question [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close1 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close2 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/walk [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/run [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/abc [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/inventory [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/settings [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing texture: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_A [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_B [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring_over [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/question [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close1 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close2 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/walk [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/run [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/abc [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/inventory [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/settings [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing texture: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_A [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_B [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring_over [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/question [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close1 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close2 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/walk [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/run [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/abc [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/inventory [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/settings [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing texture: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_A [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_B [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring_over [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/question [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close1 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close2 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/walk [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/run [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/abc [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/inventory [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/settings [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing texture: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_A [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_B [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring_over [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/question [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close1 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close2 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/walk [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/run [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/abc [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/inventory [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/settings [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing texture: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_A [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_B [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring_over [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/question [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close1 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close2 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/walk [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/run [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/abc [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/inventory [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/settings [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing texture: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_A [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_B [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring_over [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/question [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close1 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close2 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/walk [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/run [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/abc [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/inventory [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/settings [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing texture: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_A [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_B [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring_over [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/question [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close1 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close2 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/walk [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/run [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/abc [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/inventory [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/settings [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: themes/ember/gui/icons/iconset_standard.png [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default) [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing texture: iconset_standard [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_A [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/background_B [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/ring_over [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/question [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close1 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/close2 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/walk [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/run [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/abc [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/inventory [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing image :iconset_standard/settings [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Console.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Console.layout' ---- [15:46:43] INFO Registering: console_focus [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Server.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/ServerBrowser.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_69 [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ServerBrowser.layout' ---- [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Performance.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_70 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Performance.layout' ---- [15:46:43] INFO Registering: show_performance [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: hide_performance [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_performance [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/EntityPicker.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Give.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/ScriptEdit.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_71 [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ScriptEdit.layout' ---- [15:46:43] INFO Registering: show_scriptEdit [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: hide_scriptEdit [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_scriptEdit [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/ModelEdit.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_72 [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_73 [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ModelEdit.layout' ---- [15:46:43] INFO Registering: show_modelEdit [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: hide_modelEdit [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_modelEdit [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Tasks.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_74 [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Tasks.layout' ---- [15:46:43] INFO Registering: show_tasks [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: hide_tasks [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_tasks [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Mover.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Admin.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/IndirectRenderingChecker.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/EntityEditor.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/EntityBrowser.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Status.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Environment.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/AssetsManager.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_75 [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: DejaVuSans-7_auto_glyph_images_32 [15:46:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_181: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,128x128x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1. [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_76 [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/AssetsManager.layout' ---- [15:46:43] INFO Registering: show_assetsManager [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: hide_assetsManager [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_assetsManager [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Inventory.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/QuickHelp.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_77 [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/QuickHelp.layout' ---- [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/ActionBar.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/ActionBarDefaultAction.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/ActionBarCreator.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/DefaultEntityActions.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/PickingInfo.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Inspect.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Compass.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/EntityCreator.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/ServerLogger.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_78 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ServerLogger.layout' ---- [15:46:43] INFO Registering: show_serverLogger [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: hide_serverLogger [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_serverLogger [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/RuleManager.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/TerrainEditor.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/IngameMerchantWidget.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/Settings.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_79 [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Settings.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/SliderRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/SliderRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/SliderRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/ComboboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/SliderRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/SliderRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/SliderRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/SliderRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/ComboboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/SliderRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/SliderRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/ComboboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/ComboboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/ComboboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/ComboboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/SliderRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/EditboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/EditboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/EditboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/ComboboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/ComboboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/representations/CheckboxRepresentation.layout' ---- [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:46:43] INFO Registering: show_settings [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: hide_settings [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_settings [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:46:43] INFO Loading script: lua/HoverEntityOverlay.lua with scripting provider LuaScriptingProvider [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\scripting\ScriptingService.cpp(83)] [15:46:43] INFO Server List completed. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\metaserver\MetaserverService.cpp(135)] [15:46:43] INFO Servers: 48 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\metaserver\MetaserverService.cpp(136)] [15:47:26] INFO Status Changed to: 2 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\ConnectingState.cpp(106)] [15:47:26] INFO Status Changed to: 1 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\ConnectingState.cpp(106)] [15:47:27] INFO Status Changed to: 3 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\ConnectingState.cpp(106)] [15:47:27] INFO Connected [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\ConnectingState.cpp(91)] [15:47:27] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_80 [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ServerWidget.layout' ---- [15:47:27] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [15:47:27] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'newCharacterPreview_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (0B94B878) of type: BasicImage [15:47:27] INFO Successfully loaded widget ServerWidget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:27] INFO Registering: disconnect [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:27] INFO Registering: create [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:27] INFO Registering: login [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:27] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:27] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_81 [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:27] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/RuleManager.layout' ---- [15:47:27] INFO Registering: show_ruleManager [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:27] INFO Registering: hide_ruleManager [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:27] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_ruleManager [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:27] WARNING received op with valid refno (1016) but no response is registered [ERIS(0)] [15:47:28] INFO Login Success. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\AccountAvailableState.cpp(67)] [15:47:28] INFO Registering: logout [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:28] INFO Registering: add [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:28] INFO Registering: take [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:28] INFO Registering: list [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:28] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [15:47:29] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [15:47:29] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [15:47:29] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [15:47:29] INFO Got all characters [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(161)] [15:47:30] WARNING recived op with TO=35821394, but no router is registered for that id [ERIS(0)] [15:47:30] WARNING no-one handled op:{from:"35821394",to:"35821394",seconds:4.18433e+006,args:[{from:"35821394",to:"35821394",seconds:4.18433e+006,args:[{id:"35821394"}],parents:["set"],objtype:"op"}],parents:["sight"],objtype:"op"} [ERIS(0)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: say [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: sayto [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: me [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: delete [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: admin_tell [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group General [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group General [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [15:47:30] INFO Using SceneManager: OctreeSceneManager [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\Scene.cpp(44)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: update_shadows [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Setting main camera clip distances to near: 0.5 far: 10000 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\camera\MainCamera.cpp(128)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: move [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: showmodels [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: displayauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: hideauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO (Ogre) Texture: themes/ember/gui/compass/arrow.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1. [15:47:30] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Compass.layout' ---- [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: RenderedCompass [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'CompassMap' (0B94B008) of type: BasicImage [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'CompassPointer' (0B94B0F8) of type: BasicImage [15:47:30] INFO Registering: set_caelumtime [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: set_time [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: set_fogdensity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: setambientlight [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: visualize_picking [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: reloadfoliage [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Using graphics level Low [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(260)] [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_82 [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_82 [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityEditor.layout' ---- [15:47:30] INFO Registering: show_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: hide_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_83 [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityBrowser.layout' ---- [15:47:30] INFO Registering: show_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: hide_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_84 [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Environment.layout' ---- [15:47:30] INFO Registering: show_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: hide_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_85 [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/PickingInfo.layout' ---- [15:47:30] INFO Registering: show_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: hide_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: inspect [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_86 [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/InspectWidget.layout' ---- [15:47:30] INFO Successfully loaded widget InspectWidget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:30] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: show_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: hide_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_87 [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityCreator.layout' ---- [15:47:30] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_88 [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:30] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/TerrainEditor.layout' ---- [15:47:30] INFO Registering: show_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: hide_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:30] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:31] WARNING got SET for completely unknown entity 31367570 [ERIS(0)] [15:47:31] WARNING got SET for completely unknown entity 31367570 [ERIS(0)] [15:47:31] INFO Initializing foliage system. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\Foliage.cpp(73)] [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/fern/fern.mesh. [15:47:31] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/fern/fern.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/fern_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/flowers/models/camellia/camellia.mesh. [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/flowers/textures/camellia/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/leaf/leaves.mesh. [15:47:31] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/leaf/leaves.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/leaf_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Initialising Caelum system... [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Plugin not installed; installing now. [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Caelum plugin version 0.5.0 installed [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EarthClearSky2.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,64x64x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,64x64x1. [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Texture: AtmosphereDepth.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,32x1x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,32x1x1. [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Creating CaelumSphericDome/0DDA2DD8 sphere mesh resource... [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: generateSphericDome DONE [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading sphere.mesh. [15:47:31] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: sphere.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'moon_disc.dds' with 5 mip map levels [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise1.dds' with 5 mip map levels [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise2.dds' with 5 mip map levels [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise4.dds' with 5 mip map levels [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) CaelumSystem: Attached to viewport 63702392 render target MainWindow [15:47:31] WARNING Could not get server time, using local time for environment. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\CaelumEnvironment.cpp(190)] [15:47:31] INFO Initializing forest. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\Forest.cpp(74)] [15:47:31] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Impostors [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/fruit/models/acorn/acorn.mesh. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/fruit/textures/acorn/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteA.mesh. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteC.mesh. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/misc/models/campfireB/campfire.mesh. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/containers/models/barrel/barrel.mesh. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/sign_post/sign_post.mesh. [15:47:32] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteC.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_felsite/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_felsite_face/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:32] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/items/misc/models/campfireB/campfire.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/tree_stub/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x511x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x511x1. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark_fir/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:32] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/sign_post/sign_post.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/barrel/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/sign_post/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:33] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/stone_palisade/stone_palisade.mesh. [15:47:33] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/stone_palisade/stone_palisade.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:33] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/stone_palisade/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:33] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367595' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:33] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteA.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:33] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367602' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:33] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_B/shrub_B.mesh. [15:47:33] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_B/shrub_B.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:33] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/shrub_B/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:47:33] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367680' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:33] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367684' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:33] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_A/shrub_A.mesh. [15:47:33] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_A/shrub_A.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:33] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/shrub_A/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:47:33] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/water/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:47:33] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/vehicle/models/goatboat/goatboat.mesh. [15:47:33] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/vehicle/textures/goatboat/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_house_D/cg_house_D.mesh. [15:47:34] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_house_D/cg_house_D.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/foundation_brick/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_roof_shingles_combo/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_brick_trim/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,64x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,64x512x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_floor_planks/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_inner_walls/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_rough_beams/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_wall_cobblestone/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ozark_planks/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_concrete/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/oak/trees.mesh. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchA.mesh. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchC.mesh. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchB.mesh. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchD.mesh. [15:47:34] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchA.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:34] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchD.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:34] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/oak/trees.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:34] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchC.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_summer/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_spring/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_fall/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark_birch/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [15:47:34] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch_B/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:35] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:35] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:35] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:35] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:35] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchB.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:35] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch_bare/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:35] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:35] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:35] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:35] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:35] WARNING got SET for completely unknown entity 35821427 [ERIS(0)] [15:47:35] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:35] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:35] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:35] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:35] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/tools/models/knife/knife.mesh. [15:47:35] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/clothes/dress/models/folded/folded_pants.mesh. [15:47:35] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/items/tools/models/knife/knife.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:35] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/clothes/dress/models/folded/folded_pants.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:35] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tool_handle/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:35] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tool_head/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:35] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:35] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_ragged/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:35] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_dark_rags/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:47:36] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_sun/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:36] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_fine/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:36] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/valuables/models/moraf_coin/moraf_coin.mesh. [15:47:36] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/valuables/textures/moraf_coin/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1. [15:47:36] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:36] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:36] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:36] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:36] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:36] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:36] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:36] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:37] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:37] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:38] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367577' of type 'barrel'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:38] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:38] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:38] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:38] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:38] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:38] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:38] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:47:38] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:47:38] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35049868' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/male.mesh. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/drystan_archer.mesh. [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: DejaVuSans-Bold-10_auto_glyph_images_32 [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_222: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Skeleton: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/animation/male.skeleton [15:47:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/male.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/drystan_archer.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:39] INFO Registering: setattachedorientation [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: setcameradistance [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: createentity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: make [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: makeme [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: +run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: -run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: toggle_cameraattached [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: +movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: -movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: +movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: -movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: +movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: -movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: +movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: -movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: +movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: -movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: +movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: -movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: camera_on_avatar [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key 1 to command /actionbar_1 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key 2 to command /actionbar_2 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key 3 to command /actionbar_3 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key 4 to command /actionbar_4 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key 5 to command /actionbar_5 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key a to command +movement_strafe_left for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key d to command +movement_strafe_right for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key f to command +movement_move_downwards for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key i to command /show_inventory for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key left_shift to command +run for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key r to command +movement_move_upwards for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key return to command /console_focus for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key right_shift to command +run for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key s to command +movement_move_backward for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key tab to command /console_focus for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO Binding key w to command +movement_move_forward for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: DejaVuSans-10_auto_glyph_images_32 [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_224: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Give.layout' ---- [15:47:39] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Status.layout' ---- [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'avatar_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (10608CA8) of type: BasicImage [15:47:39] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Status.layout' ---- [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'npc_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (10608078) of type: BasicImage [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: DejaVuSans-Bold-8_auto_glyph_images_32 [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_226: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/body/base/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_89 [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Inventory.layout' ---- [15:47:39] INFO Registering: show_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: hide_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'doll_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (1074B7F0) of type: BasicImage [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/blue/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_90 [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ActionBarCreator.layout' ---- [15:47:39] INFO Registering: show_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: hide_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ActionBar.layout' ---- [15:47:39] INFO Registering: actionbar_1 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO Registering: actionbar_2 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO Registering: actionbar_3 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO Registering: actionbar_4 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO Registering: actionbar_5 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:39] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityPicker.layout' ---- [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityPickerSelector.layout' ---- [15:47:39] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: DejaVuSans-6_auto_glyph_images_32 [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: _cegui_ogre_234: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,128x128x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1. [15:47:39] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/HoverEntityOverlay.layout' ---- [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/head/middle_aged/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/brown/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/hazel/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/footwear/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/pants/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/shirt/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:39] FAILURE (Ogre) OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Cannot assemble D3D9 high-level shader ImposterFragStandard Errors: C:\Users\Yaroslav\Documents\Ember\memory(4,22): error X4502: invalid ps_2_0 input semantic 'FOG' in D3D9HLSLProgram::loadFromSource at ..\..\..\RenderSystems\Direct3D9\src\OgreD3D9HLSLProgram.cpp (line 284) [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) High-level program ImposterFragStandard encountered an error during loading and is thus not supported. OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Cannot assemble D3D9 high-level shader ImposterFragStandard Errors: C:\Users\Yaroslav\Documents\Ember\memory(4,22): error X4502: invalid ps_2_0 input semantic 'FOG' in D3D9HLSLProgram::loadFromSource at ..\..\..\RenderSystems\Direct3D9\src\OgreD3D9HLSLProgram.cpp (line 284) [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Error loading the billboard fragment shader. [15:47:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial133 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial31 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial65 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial167 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial129 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial95 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial163 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35408774' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35049876' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35175771' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35669368' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite_weathered/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: resources/ogre/textures/dark.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,8x8x1) Internal format is PF_L8,8x8x1. [15:47:39] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368298' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:39] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:39] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:39] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_sand_dirty/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_grass/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_dry/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_leaf_covered/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:39] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:39] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35821643' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:39] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:39] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:39] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:40] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:40] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:40] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:40] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:40] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:40] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:40] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:40] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:40] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:40] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:40] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:40] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:40] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:40] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:40] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:40] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:40] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:40] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:40] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:40] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:40] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:40] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:40] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:40] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:40] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:40] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:40] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:40] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:40] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:40] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:40] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:40] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:40] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:41] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:41] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:41] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:41] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:41] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:41] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:41] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:41] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:41] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:41] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:41] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:41] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:41] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:41] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:41] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:41] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:41] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_6: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_plowed/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:41] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:41] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:41] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:41] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: iconImageStore_0: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: iconImageStore_0 [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_0_0' (10B448C8) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_0_64' (10B44AA8) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_0_128' (10B43C98) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_0_192' (10B449B8) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_64_0' (10B45048) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_64_64' (10B43D88) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_64_128' (10B454F8) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_64_192' (10B457C8) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_128_0' (10B45318) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_128_64' (10B43E78) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_128_128' (10B44058) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_128_192' (10B45138) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_192_0' (10B44B98) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_192_64' (10B44148) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_192_128' (10B44C88) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_0_192_192' (10B44D78) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:41] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:41] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:41] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:41] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/primitives/models/box.mesh. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/knife/I.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1. [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: entity_35821404 [15:47:41] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'entity_35821404_0_0' (10B44238) of type: BasicImage [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:41] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:41] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:41] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/primitives/models/box.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:41] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/primitives/textures/placeholder/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,64x64x1) Internal format is PF_L8,64x64x1. [15:47:41] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:41] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:41] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:41] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:41] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:42] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:42] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:42] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:42] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [15:47:42] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:42] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: entity_35821396 [15:47:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'entity_35821396_0_0' (10B445F8) of type: BasicImage [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [15:47:42] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [15:47:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial27 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:42] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:42] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/weapons/models/swords/sword_A01.mesh. [15:47:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/items/weapons/models/swords/sword_A01.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/weapons/textures/weapon_handle/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/weapons/textures/weapon_head/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/tools/models/hammer/hammer.mesh. [15:47:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/hammer/I.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [15:47:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: entity_35821510 [15:47:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'entity_35821510_0_0' (10B465D8) of type: BasicImage [15:47:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/items/tools/models/hammer/hammer.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:43] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial61 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:44] FAILURE (Ogre) OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [15:47:44] WARNING Error when creating terrain decal. Exception: OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\MovementController.cpp(296)] [15:47:45] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35822888' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:46] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35448697' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:49] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367601' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:49] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteD.mesh. [15:47:49] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367681' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:49] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteD.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:49] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367683' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:49] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368515' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:49] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteB.mesh. [15:47:49] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteB.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:50] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial99 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:50] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial3 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:50] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial37 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:50] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial71 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:52] FAILURE (Ogre) OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [15:47:52] WARNING Error when creating terrain decal. Exception: OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\MovementController.cpp(296)] [15:47:53] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial75 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:53] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial41 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:53] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial7 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:54] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368514' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:54] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:47:54] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:47:55] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial105 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:55] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367599' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:55] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367688' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:56] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial139 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:47:56] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367672' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:56] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading junkyard/models/skeleton/skull.mesh. [15:47:56] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: junkyard/models/skeleton/skull.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:47:56] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/body/textures/skeleton/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,32x32x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,32x32x1. [15:47:56] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31440932' of type 'skull'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:56] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '32813253' of type 'skull'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:58] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367668' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:59] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367635' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:47:59] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367598' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:00] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:00] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:00] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:00] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:00] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:00] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:00] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:00] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:01] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:48:01] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:48:01] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:48:01] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:48:01] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35002458' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:02] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial143 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:48:02] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial109 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:48:03] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367690' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:03] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/bush/bush.mesh. [15:48:03] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/bush/bush.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:48:03] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/bush_gnarly_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:03] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/bush_gnarly_brown/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:03] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368513' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:03] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367686' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:03] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/jetty/jetty.mesh. [15:48:03] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/jetty/jetty.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:48:03] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_post/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:03] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367697' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:04] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:04] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:04] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:04] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:04] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:04] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:05] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:48:05] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:48:05] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:48:05] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:48:05] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367696' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:06] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_6: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:48:06] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:06] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:06] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:48:06] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:06] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:06] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:06] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:07] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '32549977' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:07] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368252' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:08] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/wooden_fence/wooden_fence.mesh. [15:48:08] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/wooden_fence/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:08] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367689' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:08] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367729' of type 'wooden_fence'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:08] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368250' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:08] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368251' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:08] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368253' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:08] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368254' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:08] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368255' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:08] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368256' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:08] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '34797476' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:09] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367725' of type 'wooden_fence'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:09] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367730' of type 'wooden_fence'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:09] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '34797486' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:09] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368257' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:09] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367691' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:09] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367702' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:09] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367731' of type 'wooden_fence'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:09] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368258' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:10] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367734' of type 'wooden_fence'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:10] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:48:10] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:48:10] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:48:10] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:48:10] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:10] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:10] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:10] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:10] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367699' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:10] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367732' of type 'wooden_fence'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:10] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367736' of type 'wooden_fence'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:10] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '34439415' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:11] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '34439425' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:11] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367600' of type 'signpost'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:11] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367733' of type 'wooden_fence'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:11] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:48:11] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:48:11] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:48:11] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:48:11] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367627' of type 'signpost'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:11] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:48:11] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:48:11] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:48:11] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:48:11] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorFade125 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:48:12] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_well/cg_well.mesh. [15:48:12] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/waterwell/waterwell.mesh. [15:48:12] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/waterwell/waterwell.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:48:12] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/weathered/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:12] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_rope/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x64x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x64x1. [15:48:12] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_roof_shingles/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:12] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tools_head_rusty/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:12] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367698' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:12] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:12] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_inn/cg_inn.mesh. [15:48:13] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_inn/cg_inn.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_brick/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [15:48:13] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:13] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_ceiling_tiles/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:48:13] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:48:13] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_planks/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/marketstall/marketstall_canvasA.mesh. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_interior_floor_stone/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_stained_walls/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_wood/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/roof_shale/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/wall_inner_stained/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/marketstall/marketstall_canvasA.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_details_blue/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_main_blue/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_details_red/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_main_red/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_details_umber/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:13] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/marketstall_main_umber/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:48:14] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367712' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:14] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367715' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:48:14] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367714' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:50:46] FAILURE (Ogre) OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [15:50:46] WARNING Error when creating terrain decal. Exception: OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\MovementController.cpp(296)] [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial15 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial151 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial117 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial49 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial83 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial11 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial147 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial113 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial45 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial79 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial19 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial155 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial121 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial53 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial87 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:49] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial159 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [15:50:51] FAILURE (Ogre) OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [15:50:51] WARNING Error when creating terrain decal. Exception: OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\MovementController.cpp(296)] [15:50:53] FAILURE (Ogre) OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [15:50:53] WARNING Error when creating terrain decal. Exception: OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\MovementController.cpp(296)] [15:50:53] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:50:53] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:50:56] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:50:56] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:50:57] FAILURE (Ogre) OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [15:50:57] WARNING Error when creating terrain decal. Exception: OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\MovementController.cpp(296)] [15:50:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:50:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:50:59] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:50:59] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:50:59] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:50:59] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:51:00] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/wooden_fence/wooden_gate.mesh. [15:51:00] INFO (Ogre) Skeleton: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/wooden_fence/gate.skeleton [15:51:00] FAILURE (Ogre) OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [15:51:00] WARNING Error when creating terrain decal. Exception: OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): MovableObjectFactory of type PagingLandScapeMeshDecal does not exist in Root::getMovableObjectFactory at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreRoot.cpp (line 1497) [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\MovementController.cpp(296)] [15:51:03] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367706' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:03] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:51:03] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:51:04] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '32811592' of type 'skull'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:04] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '32811592' of type 'skull'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:04] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367704' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:04] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367705' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:04] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:51:04] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:51:04] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:51:04] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:51:04] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35392645' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:04] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_house_A/cg_house_A.mesh. [15:51:04] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_house_A/cg_house_A.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:51:04] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:51:04] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:51:04] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:51:04] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:51:04] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [15:51:07] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367713' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:09] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:51:09] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:51:10] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/vehicle/models/cart/cart.mesh. [15:51:10] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/vehicle/models/cart/cart2.mesh. [15:51:10] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/vehicle/models/cart/cart4.mesh. [15:51:10] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/vehicle/models/cart/cart3.mesh. [15:51:10] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/vehicle/textures/cart/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:51:10] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '34610861' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:11] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '34472848' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:11] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '34472858' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:12] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367630' of type 'barrel'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:12] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367631' of type 'barrel'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:12] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '34741577' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:15] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '32731023' of type 'barrel'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:15] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367718' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:15] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367632' of type 'barrel'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:15] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367633' of type 'barrel'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:16] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367719' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:16] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:51:16] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:51:16] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [15:51:16] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [15:51:17] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:51:17] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:51:17] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:51:17] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:51:17] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [15:51:17] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [15:51:17] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/containers/models/open_crate/open_crate.mesh. [15:51:17] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '33583800' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:18] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/crate_aged/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [15:51:18] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367724' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:18] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/clothes/footwear/models/tall_boots/tall_boots.mesh. [15:51:18] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/clothes/footwear/models/tall_boots/tall_boots.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [15:51:18] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/clothes/footwear/textures/leather_boots/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [15:51:23] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '32087150' of type 'skull'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:23] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '32087150' of type 'skull'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [15:51:25] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367716' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:22:56] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial23 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:22:56] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial125 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:22:56] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial57 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:22:56] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial91 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:22:57] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:22:57] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:22:57] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:22:57] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:22:57] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:22:57] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:23:00] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:23:00] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:23:00] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:23:00] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:23:00] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:23:00] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:23:00] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368001' of type 'cg_inn'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:23:00] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:23:00] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:23:00] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:23:00] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:23:00] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:23:00] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:23:00] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:23:00] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:23:00] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:23:01] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:23:01] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:23:04] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:23:04] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:23:04] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:23:04] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_205 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_205 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_208 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_208 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_211 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_211 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_214 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_214 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_217 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_217 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_220 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_220 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture35 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture35 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture69 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture69 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture103 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture103 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture137 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture137 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_229 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_229 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_232 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_232 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture1 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture1 [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 Device 0x[07B3B700] entered lost state [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : WARNING - disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem. [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) !!! Direct3D Device successfully restored. [16:23:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] was reset [16:23:12] INFO (CEGUI) Display resize: w=1680 h=987 [16:23:21] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:23:21] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:23:21] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:23:21] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:23:22] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:23:22] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:23:26] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:23:26] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:23:26] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:23:26] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:23:26] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_205 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_205 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_208 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_208 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_211 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_211 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_214 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_214 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_217 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_217 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_220 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_220 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture35 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture35 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture69 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture69 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture103 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture103 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture137 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture137 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_229 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_229 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_232 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_232 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture1 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture1 [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 Device 0x[07B3B700] entered lost state [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : WARNING - disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem. [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) !!! Direct3D Device successfully restored. [16:23:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] was reset [16:23:28] INFO (CEGUI) Display resize: w=1680 h=1050 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_205 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_205 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_208 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_208 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_211 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_211 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_214 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_214 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_217 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_217 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_220 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_220 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture35 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture35 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture69 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture69 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture103 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture103 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture137 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture137 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_229 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_229 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_232 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_232 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture1 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture1 [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 Device 0x[07B3B700] entered lost state [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : WARNING - disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem. [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) !!! Direct3D Device successfully restored. [16:31:43] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] was reset [16:31:43] INFO (CEGUI) Display resize: w=1680 h=987 [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: show_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: hide_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_87 [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: admin_tell [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: delete [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: me [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: sayto [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: say [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: camera_on_avatar [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: +movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: -movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: +movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: -movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: toggle_cameraattached [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: +run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: -run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: makeme [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: make [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: createentity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: setcameradistance [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: setattachedorientation [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: npc_EntityCEGUITextureImageset [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: avatar_EntityCEGUITextureImageset [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: doll_EntityCEGUITextureImageset [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: show_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: hide_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_89 [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_1 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_3 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_2 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_5 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_4 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: show_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: hide_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_90 [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Shutting down Caelum system... [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Delete UniversalClock [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Delete UniversalClock [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: CaelumSystem destroyed. [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: show_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: hide_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_83 [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: show_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: hide_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_88 [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: update_shadows [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: hideauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: displayauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: visualize_picking [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: move [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Shutting down foliage system. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\Foliage.cpp(62)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: reloadfoliage [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: set_caelumtime [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Destroying resource group Impostors [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Unloading resource group Impostors [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading resource group Impostors [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: setambientlight [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: set_fogdensity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: set_time [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: show_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: hide_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: show_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: hide_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_84 [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: show_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: hide_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_85 [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: inspect [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_86 [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:31:48] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:31:48] INFO Deregistering: showmodels [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:31:48] FAILURE (CEGUI) [WindowManager] Attempt to delete Window that does not exist! Address was: (00FDF848). WARNING: This could indicate a double-deletion issue!! [16:31:48] FAILURE (CEGUI) [WindowManager] Attempt to delete Window that does not exist! Address was: (00FDF848). WARNING: This could indicate a double-deletion issue!! [16:31:48] FAILURE (CEGUI) [WindowManager] Attempt to delete Window that does not exist! Address was: (00FDF848). WARNING: This could indicate a double-deletion issue!! [16:31:48] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:31:48] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:31:48] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:31:48] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:31:48] INFO Got all characters [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(161)] [16:31:51] WARNING recived op with TO=35820288, but no router is registered for that id [ERIS(0)] [16:31:51] WARNING no-one handled op:{from:"35820288",to:"35820288",seconds:4.18699e+006,args:[{from:"35820288",to:"35820288",seconds:4.18699e+006,args:[{id:"35820288"}],parents:["set"],objtype:"op"}],parents:["sight"],objtype:"op"} [ERIS(0)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: say [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: sayto [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: me [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: delete [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: admin_tell [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:31:51] INFO Using SceneManager: OctreeSceneManager [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\Scene.cpp(44)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: update_shadows [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Setting main camera clip distances to near: 0.5 far: 10000 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\camera\MainCamera.cpp(128)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: move [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: showmodels [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: displayauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: hideauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO (Ogre) Texture: themes/ember/gui/compass/arrow.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1. [16:31:51] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Compass.layout' ---- [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: RenderedCompassPointer_12 [16:31:51] INFO Registering: set_caelumtime [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: set_time [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: set_fogdensity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: setambientlight [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: visualize_picking [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: reloadfoliage [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Using graphics level Low [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(260)] [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_91 [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_91 [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityEditor.layout' ---- [16:31:51] INFO Registering: show_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: hide_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_entityEditor' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:31:51] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_92 [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityBrowser.layout' ---- [16:31:51] INFO Registering: show_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: hide_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_entityBrowser' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:31:51] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_93 [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Environment.layout' ---- [16:31:51] INFO Registering: show_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: hide_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_environment' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:31:51] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_94 [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/PickingInfo.layout' ---- [16:31:51] INFO Registering: show_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: hide_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_pickingInfo' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: inspect [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_95 [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/InspectWidget.layout' ---- [16:31:51] INFO Successfully loaded widget InspectWidget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:51] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: show_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: hide_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_advEntityCreator' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_96 [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityCreator.layout' ---- [16:31:51] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_97 [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:51] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/TerrainEditor.layout' ---- [16:31:51] INFO Registering: show_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: hide_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:51] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_terrainEditor' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Initialising Caelum system... [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EarthClearSky2.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,64x64x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,64x64x1. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: AtmosphereDepth.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,32x1x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,32x1x1. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Creating CaelumSphericDome/0E1C6C08 sphere mesh resource... [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: generateSphericDome DONE [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading sphere.mesh. [16:31:52] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: sphere.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'moon_disc.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise1.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise2.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise4.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) CaelumSystem: Attached to viewport 63702392 render target MainWindow [16:31:52] WARNING Could not get server time, using local time for environment. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\CaelumEnvironment.cpp(190)] [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/fruit/models/acorn/acorn.mesh. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/fruit/textures/acorn/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:31:52] INFO Initializing forest. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\Forest.cpp(74)] [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Impostors [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteA.mesh. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteC.mesh. [16:31:52] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteC.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_felsite/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_felsite_face/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:52] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteA.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:52] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367560' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/misc/models/campfireB/campfire.mesh. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/containers/models/barrel/barrel.mesh. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/sign_post/sign_post.mesh. [16:31:52] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/items/misc/models/campfireB/campfire.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/tree_stub/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x511x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x511x1. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark_fir/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/barrel/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:52] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/sign_post/sign_post.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/sign_post/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/stone_palisade/stone_palisade.mesh. [16:31:52] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/stone_palisade/stone_palisade.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/stone_palisade/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:52] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367657' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:52] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367660' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:52] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367661' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:52] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367662' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_B/shrub_B.mesh. [16:31:52] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_B/shrub_B.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:52] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/shrub_B/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367667' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367669' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367595' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367601' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteD.mesh. [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367602' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367673' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367675' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367680' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367681' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_A/shrub_A.mesh. [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367683' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_A/shrub_A.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:53] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteD.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/shrub_A/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367684' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_house_D/cg_house_D.mesh. [16:31:53] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_house_D/cg_house_D.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/foundation_brick/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_roof_shingles_combo/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_brick_trim/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,64x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,64x512x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_floor_planks/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_inner_walls/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_rough_beams/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_wall_cobblestone/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ozark_planks/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_concrete/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367852' of type 'cg_house_D'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/water/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/vehicle/models/goatboat/goatboat.mesh. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/vehicle/textures/goatboat/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/oak/trees.mesh. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchA.mesh. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchC.mesh. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchB.mesh. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchD.mesh. [16:31:53] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchA.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:53] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchB.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:53] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/oak/trees.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_summer/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_spring/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:53] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_fall/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:53] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchC.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark_birch/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch_B/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:54] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:54] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:54] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:54] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch_bare/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:54] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchD.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:54] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:54] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:54] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:54] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:54] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:54] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:54] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:54] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/tools/models/knife/knife.mesh. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/clothes/dress/models/folded/folded_pants.mesh. [16:31:54] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/items/tools/models/knife/knife.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:54] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/clothes/dress/models/folded/folded_pants.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/valuables/models/moraf_coin/moraf_coin.mesh. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tool_handle/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tool_head/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_ragged/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_dark_rags/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_sun/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_fine/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:54] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/valuables/textures/moraf_coin/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1. [16:31:55] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:55] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:55] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:55] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:55] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:55] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:55] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:55] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:55] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:55] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:55] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:55] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:55] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:55] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:55] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:55] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:55] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:55] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:55] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:55] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:56] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:56] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:56] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:56] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:56] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:56] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:56] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:56] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:56] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:56] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:56] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:56] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:56] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:56] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:56] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:56] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:56] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367577' of type 'barrel'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:56] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:56] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:56] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:56] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:57] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:57] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/male.mesh. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/drystan_archer.mesh. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Skeleton: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/animation/male.skeleton [16:31:57] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/male.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:57] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/drystan_archer.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/body/base/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/blue/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/head/middle_aged/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/brown/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/hazel/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO Registering: setattachedorientation [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: setcameradistance [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: createentity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: make [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: makeme [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: +run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: -run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: toggle_cameraattached [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: +movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: -movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: +movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: -movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: +movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: -movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: +movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: -movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: +movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: -movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: +movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: -movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: camera_on_avatar [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key 1 to command /actionbar_1 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key 2 to command /actionbar_2 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key 3 to command /actionbar_3 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key 4 to command /actionbar_4 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key 5 to command /actionbar_5 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key a to command +movement_strafe_left for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key d to command +movement_strafe_right for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key f to command +movement_move_downwards for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key i to command /show_inventory for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key left_shift to command +run for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key r to command +movement_move_upwards for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key return to command /console_focus for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key right_shift to command +run for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key s to command +movement_move_backward for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key tab to command /console_focus for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Binding key w to command +movement_move_forward for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:31:57] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Give.layout' ---- [16:31:57] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Status.layout' ---- [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'avatar_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (10B468A8) of type: BasicImage [16:31:57] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Status.layout' ---- [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'npc_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (10B47028) of type: BasicImage [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/footwear/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_98 [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Inventory.layout' ---- [16:31:57] INFO Registering: show_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: hide_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_inventory' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'doll_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (10B467B8) of type: BasicImage [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/pants/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_99 [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ActionBarCreator.layout' ---- [16:31:57] INFO Registering: show_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: hide_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_actionBarCreator' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:31:57] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ActionBar.layout' ---- [16:31:57] INFO Registering: actionbar_1 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO Registering: actionbar_2 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO Registering: actionbar_3 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO Registering: actionbar_4 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO Registering: actionbar_5 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:57] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityPicker.layout' ---- [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityPickerSelector.layout' ---- [16:31:57] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:31:57] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/HoverEntityOverlay.layout' ---- [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/shirt/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:31:57] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:57] FAILURE (Ogre) OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Cannot assemble D3D9 high-level shader ImposterFragStandard Errors: C:\Users\Yaroslav\Documents\Ember\memory(4,22): error X4502: invalid ps_2_0 input semantic 'FOG' in D3D9HLSLProgram::loadFromSource at ..\..\..\RenderSystems\Direct3D9\src\OgreD3D9HLSLProgram.cpp (line 284) [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) High-level program ImposterFragStandard encountered an error during loading and is thus not supported. OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Cannot assemble D3D9 high-level shader ImposterFragStandard Errors: C:\Users\Yaroslav\Documents\Ember\memory(4,22): error X4502: invalid ps_2_0 input semantic 'FOG' in D3D9HLSLProgram::loadFromSource at ..\..\..\RenderSystems\Direct3D9\src\OgreD3D9HLSLProgram.cpp (line 284) [16:31:57] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial303 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:31:57] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial201 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:31:57] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial235 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:31:57] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial337 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:31:57] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial299 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:31:57] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial265 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:31:57] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial333 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:31:57] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35252136' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35822886' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35448695' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35408697' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35408774' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite_weathered/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: resources/ogre/textures/dark.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,8x8x1) Internal format is PF_L8,8x8x1. [16:31:57] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:57] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:57] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35049876' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35175771' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_sand_dirty/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_grass/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_dry/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_leaf_covered/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:57] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:57] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35669368' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368298' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:57] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:57] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:57] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:57] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:57] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35821643' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:58] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:58] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:58] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:58] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:58] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:59] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:59] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:59] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:59] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:59] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:59] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:59] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:59] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:59] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:59] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:59] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_6: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_plowed/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:31:59] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:59] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:59] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:59] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:59] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial197 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:59] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:59] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:59] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:59] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:59] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:59] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:59] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:59] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:59] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:59] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:59] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:59] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:59] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: entity_35820290 [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'entity_35820290_0_0' (10B463F8) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: iconImageStore_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: iconImageStore_1 [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_0_0' (10B45D68) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_0_64' (10B46A88) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_0_128' (10B45E58) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_0_192' (10B47208) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_64_0' (10B46D58) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_64_64' (10B46038) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_64_128' (10B46128) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_64_192' (10B46B78) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_128_0' (10B46218) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_128_64' (10B47118) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_128_128' (10B46308) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_128_192' (10B45A98) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_192_0' (10B464E8) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_192_64' (10B474D8) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_192_128' (10B46C68) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_1_192_192' (10B46E48) of type: BasicImage [16:31:59] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:59] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:31:59] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:31:59] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:31:59] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:31:59] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:32:00] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: entity_35820298 [16:32:00] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'entity_35820298_0_0' (10B45C78) of type: BasicImage [16:32:00] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial231 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:32:02] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35822888' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:32:02] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35448697' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:32:05] INFO Initializing foliage system. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\Foliage.cpp(73)] [16:32:05] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/fern/fern.mesh. [16:32:05] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/fern/fern.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:32:05] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/fern_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:32:05] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/flowers/models/camellia/camellia.mesh. [16:32:06] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/flowers/textures/camellia/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:32:06] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/leaf/leaves.mesh. [16:32:06] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/leaf/leaves.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:32:06] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/leaf_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:32:06] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/ducktail_yellow/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [16:32:06] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/bittergrass_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:32:06] FAILURE (Ogre) OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Cannot assemble D3D9 high-level shader BatchFragStandard Errors: C:\Users\Yaroslav\Documents\Ember\memory(4,22): error X4502: invalid ps_2_0 input semantic 'FOG' in D3D9HLSLProgram::loadFromSource at ..\..\..\RenderSystems\Direct3D9\src\OgreD3D9HLSLProgram.cpp (line 284) [16:32:06] INFO (Ogre) High-level program BatchFragStandard encountered an error during loading and is thus not supported. OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Cannot assemble D3D9 high-level shader BatchFragStandard Errors: C:\Users\Yaroslav\Documents\Ember\memory(4,22): error X4502: invalid ps_2_0 input semantic 'FOG' in D3D9HLSLProgram::loadFromSource at ..\..\..\RenderSystems\Direct3D9\src\OgreD3D9HLSLProgram.cpp (line 284) [16:32:06] FAILURE (Ogre) OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Error loading the batching fragment shader. in BatchPage::_updateShaders() at ..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\pagedgeometry\source\BatchPage.cpp (line 479) [16:32:06] FAILURE Error when reloading geometry. Exception: OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Error loading the batching fragment shader. in BatchPage::_updateShaders() at ..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\pagedgeometry\source\BatchPage.cpp (line 479) [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\FoliageLoader.cpp(104)] [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture307 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture307 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_258 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_258 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_261 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_261 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_240 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_240 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_12 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_12 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_243 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_243 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_246 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_246 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_249 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_249 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture171 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture171 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture205 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture205 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture239 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture239 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture273 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture273 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_252 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_252 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_255 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_255 [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 Device 0x[07B3B700] entered lost state [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : WARNING - disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem. [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) !!! Direct3D Device successfully restored. [16:32:25] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] was reset [16:32:25] INFO (CEGUI) Display resize: w=1680 h=1050 [16:32:27] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35049868' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:32:28] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367671' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:32:28] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial241 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:32:28] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial173 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:32:28] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial207 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:32:28] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367678' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:32:29] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial275 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:32:29] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial269 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:32:30] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368515' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:32:30] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteB.mesh. [16:32:30] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteB.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:32:30] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial309 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:32:31] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368514' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:32:31] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:32:31] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:32:31] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367599' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:32:31] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367668' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:32:37] WARNING Unknown command:/reload terrain [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(170)] [16:32:40] WARNING Unknown command:/reload [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(170)] [16:32:43] WARNING Unknown command:/load [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(170)] [16:33:43] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368513' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture307 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture307 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_258 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_258 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_261 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_261 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_240 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_240 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_12 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_12 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_243 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_243 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_246 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_246 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_249 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_249 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture171 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture171 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture205 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture205 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture239 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture239 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture273 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture273 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_252 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_252 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_255 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_255 [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 Device 0x[07B3B700] entered lost state [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : WARNING - disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem. [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) !!! Direct3D Device successfully restored. [16:34:12] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] was reset [16:34:12] INFO (CEGUI) Display resize: w=1680 h=987 [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: show_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: hide_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_96 [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: admin_tell [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: delete [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: me [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: sayto [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: say [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: camera_on_avatar [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: +movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: -movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: +movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: -movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: toggle_cameraattached [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: +run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: -run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: makeme [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: make [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: createentity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: setcameradistance [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: setattachedorientation [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: npc_EntityCEGUITextureImageset [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: avatar_EntityCEGUITextureImageset [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: doll_EntityCEGUITextureImageset [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: show_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: hide_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_98 [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_1 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_3 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_2 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_5 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_4 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: show_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: hide_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_99 [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Shutting down Caelum system... [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Delete UniversalClock [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Delete UniversalClock [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: CaelumSystem destroyed. [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: show_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: hide_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_92 [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: show_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: hide_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_97 [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: update_shadows [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: hideauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: displayauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: visualize_picking [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: move [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Shutting down foliage system. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\Foliage.cpp(62)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: reloadfoliage [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: set_caelumtime [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Destroying resource group Impostors [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Unloading resource group Impostors [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading resource group Impostors [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: setambientlight [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: set_fogdensity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: set_time [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: show_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: hide_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: show_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: hide_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_93 [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: show_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: hide_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_94 [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: inspect [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_95 [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:34:16] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:34:16] INFO Deregistering: showmodels [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:34:16] FAILURE (CEGUI) [WindowManager] Attempt to delete Window that does not exist! Address was: (00FDF848). WARNING: This could indicate a double-deletion issue!! [16:34:16] FAILURE (CEGUI) [WindowManager] Attempt to delete Window that does not exist! Address was: (00FDF848). WARNING: This could indicate a double-deletion issue!! [16:34:16] FAILURE (CEGUI) [WindowManager] Attempt to delete Window that does not exist! Address was: (00FDF848). WARNING: This could indicate a double-deletion issue!! [16:34:16] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:34:16] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:34:16] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:34:16] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:34:16] INFO Got all characters [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(161)] [16:34:18] WARNING recived op with TO=35821641, but no router is registered for that id [ERIS(0)] [16:34:18] WARNING no-one handled op:{from:"35821641",to:"35821641",seconds:4.18713e+006,args:[{from:"35821641",to:"35821641",seconds:4.18713e+006,args:[{id:"35821641"}],parents:["set"],objtype:"op"}],parents:["sight"],objtype:"op"} [ERIS(0)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: say [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: sayto [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: me [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: delete [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: admin_tell [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:34:18] INFO Using SceneManager: OctreeSceneManager [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\Scene.cpp(44)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: update_shadows [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Setting main camera clip distances to near: 0.5 far: 10000 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\camera\MainCamera.cpp(128)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: move [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: showmodels [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: displayauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: hideauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Texture: themes/ember/gui/compass/arrow.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1. [16:34:18] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Compass.layout' ---- [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: RenderedCompassPointer_22 [16:34:18] INFO Registering: set_caelumtime [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: set_time [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: set_fogdensity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: setambientlight [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: visualize_picking [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: reloadfoliage [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Using graphics level Low [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(260)] [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_100 [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_100 [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityEditor.layout' ---- [16:34:18] INFO Registering: show_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: hide_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_entityEditor' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:34:18] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_101 [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityBrowser.layout' ---- [16:34:18] INFO Registering: show_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: hide_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_entityBrowser' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:34:18] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_102 [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Environment.layout' ---- [16:34:18] INFO Registering: show_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: hide_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_environment' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:34:18] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_103 [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/PickingInfo.layout' ---- [16:34:18] INFO Registering: show_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: hide_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_pickingInfo' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: inspect [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_104 [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/InspectWidget.layout' ---- [16:34:18] INFO Successfully loaded widget InspectWidget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:18] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: show_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: hide_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_advEntityCreator' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_105 [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityCreator.layout' ---- [16:34:18] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_106 [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:18] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/TerrainEditor.layout' ---- [16:34:18] INFO Registering: show_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: hide_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:18] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_terrainEditor' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Initialising Caelum system... [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EarthClearSky2.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,64x64x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,64x64x1. [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Texture: AtmosphereDepth.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,32x1x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,32x1x1. [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Creating CaelumSphericDome/1E00D768 sphere mesh resource... [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: generateSphericDome DONE [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading sphere.mesh. [16:34:18] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: sphere.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'moon_disc.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise1.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise2.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise4.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) CaelumSystem: Attached to viewport 63702392 render target MainWindow [16:34:18] WARNING Could not get server time, using local time for environment. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\CaelumEnvironment.cpp(190)] [16:34:18] INFO Initializing forest. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\Forest.cpp(74)] [16:34:18] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Impostors [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteA.mesh. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteC.mesh. [16:34:19] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteC.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_felsite/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_felsite_face/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:19] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteA.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367560' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/misc/models/campfireB/campfire.mesh. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/containers/models/barrel/barrel.mesh. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/sign_post/sign_post.mesh. [16:34:19] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/items/misc/models/campfireB/campfire.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/tree_stub/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x511x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x511x1. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark_fir/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/barrel/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:19] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/sign_post/sign_post.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/sign_post/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/stone_palisade/stone_palisade.mesh. [16:34:19] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/stone_palisade/stone_palisade.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/stone_palisade/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367657' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367660' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367661' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367662' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_B/shrub_B.mesh. [16:34:19] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_B/shrub_B.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/shrub_B/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367671' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367595' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367602' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367673' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367678' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367679' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367680' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367684' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_A/shrub_A.mesh. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_house_D/cg_house_D.mesh. [16:34:19] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_A/shrub_A.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/shrub_A/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:34:19] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_house_D/cg_house_D.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/foundation_brick/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_roof_shingles_combo/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_brick_trim/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,64x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,64x512x1. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_floor_planks/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_inner_walls/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_rough_beams/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [16:34:19] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_wall_cobblestone/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ozark_planks/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_concrete/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:20] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367852' of type 'cg_house_D'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/water/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/vehicle/models/goatboat/goatboat.mesh. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/fruit/models/acorn/acorn.mesh. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/vehicle/textures/goatboat/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/fruit/textures/acorn/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchA.mesh. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchC.mesh. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchD.mesh. [16:34:20] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchC.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark_birch/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch_B/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:20] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:20] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:20] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:20] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:20] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchD.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch_bare/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/oak/trees.mesh. [16:34:20] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/oak/trees.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_summer/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_spring/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_fall/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:20] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchA.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:20] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:20] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:20] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:20] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchB.mesh. [16:34:20] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchB.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:20] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:20] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:20] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:20] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/valuables/models/moraf_coin/moraf_coin.mesh. [16:34:20] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/valuables/textures/moraf_coin/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1. [16:34:21] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:21] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:21] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:21] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:21] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:21] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:21] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:21] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367577' of type 'barrel'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:22] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:22] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:23] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:23] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:23] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:34:23] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/male.mesh. [16:34:23] INFO Registering: setattachedorientation [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: setcameradistance [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: createentity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: make [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: makeme [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: +run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: -run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: toggle_cameraattached [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: +movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: -movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: +movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: -movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: +movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: -movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: +movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: -movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: +movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: -movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/drystan_archer.mesh. [16:34:23] INFO Registering: +movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: -movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: camera_on_avatar [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key 1 to command /actionbar_1 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key 2 to command /actionbar_2 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key 3 to command /actionbar_3 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key 4 to command /actionbar_4 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key 5 to command /actionbar_5 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key a to command +movement_strafe_left for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key d to command +movement_strafe_right for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key f to command +movement_move_downwards for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key i to command /show_inventory for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key left_shift to command +run for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key r to command +movement_move_upwards for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key return to command /console_focus for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key right_shift to command +run for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key s to command +movement_move_backward for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key tab to command /console_focus for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Binding key w to command +movement_move_forward for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:34:23] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Give.layout' ---- [16:34:23] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Status.layout' ---- [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'avatar_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (10B475C8) of type: BasicImage [16:34:23] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Status.layout' ---- [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'npc_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (10B466C8) of type: BasicImage [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Skeleton: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/animation/male.skeleton [16:34:23] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/male.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:23] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_107 [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Inventory.layout' ---- [16:34:23] INFO Registering: show_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: hide_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_inventory' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'doll_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (10B477A8) of type: BasicImage [16:34:23] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/drystan_archer.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:23] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_108 [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ActionBarCreator.layout' ---- [16:34:23] INFO Registering: show_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: hide_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_actionBarCreator' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:34:23] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ActionBar.layout' ---- [16:34:23] INFO Registering: actionbar_1 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO Registering: actionbar_2 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO Registering: actionbar_3 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO Registering: actionbar_4 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO Registering: actionbar_5 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:23] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityPicker.layout' ---- [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityPickerSelector.layout' ---- [16:34:23] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/HoverEntityOverlay.layout' ---- [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/body/base/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/blue/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:23] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial473 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:34:23] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial371 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:34:23] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial405 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:34:23] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial507 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:34:23] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial469 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:34:23] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial435 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:34:23] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial503 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/head/middle_aged/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/brown/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/hazel/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/footwear/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/pants/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite_weathered/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: resources/ogre/textures/dark.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,8x8x1) Internal format is PF_L8,8x8x1. [16:34:23] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:23] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/shirt/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:34:23] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35408697' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:23] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35408774' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:23] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:23] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_sand_dirty/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_grass/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_dry/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_leaf_covered/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:23] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:23] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:23] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35175771' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:23] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35669368' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:23] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368298' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:23] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:23] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/tools/models/knife/knife.mesh. [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: entity_35821643 [16:34:23] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'entity_35821643_0_0' (10B47028) of type: BasicImage [16:34:23] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:23] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:23] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:23] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/items/tools/models/knife/knife.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:23] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:23] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:24] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tool_handle/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tool_head/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:24] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:24] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: iconImageStore_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: iconImageStore_2 [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_0_0' (10B45B88) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_0_64' (10B468A8) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_0_128' (10B473E8) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_0_192' (10B46998) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_64_0' (10B45F48) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_64_64' (10B48E28) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_64_128' (10B48108) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_64_192' (10B49008) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_128_0' (10B482E8) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_128_64' (10B47E38) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_128_128' (10B48B58) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_128_192' (10B47F28) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_192_0' (10B48978) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_192_64' (10B48D38) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_192_128' (10B48018) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_2_192_192' (10B48F18) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:24] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:24] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:24] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/clothes/dress/models/folded/folded_pants.mesh. [16:34:24] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/clothes/dress/models/folded/folded_pants.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: entity_35821651 [16:34:24] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'entity_35821651_0_0' (10B490F8) of type: BasicImage [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:24] INFO [(Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=316 :34:24] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_ragged/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:24] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:24] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_dark_rags/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:24] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_sun/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:24] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:24] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_fine/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:24] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:24] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:24] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:24] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:24] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:24] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:24] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:24] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:24] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:24] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:24] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:24] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:24] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:24] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:24] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:24] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:25] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:25] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:25] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:25] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:25] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:25] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:25] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:25] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:25] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:25] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:25] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:25] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:25] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:25] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:25] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:25] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:25] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:25] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_6: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_plowed/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:25] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:25] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:25] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:25] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:25] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:25] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:25] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:25] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:25] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:25] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:25] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:25] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:25] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:25] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:25] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:25] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:26] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:26] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:26] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:26] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:26] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:26] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:26] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:26] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:26] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:34:26] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:26] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:26] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:26] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:26] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:34:26] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:34:26] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:34:26] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:34:26] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:34:26] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:34:28] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35822888' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:28] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35448697' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:34:30] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial343 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:34:31] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial377 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:34:32] INFO Initializing foliage system. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\Foliage.cpp(73)] [16:34:32] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/fern/fern.mesh. [16:34:32] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/fern/fern.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/fern_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:34:32] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/flowers/models/camellia/camellia.mesh. [16:34:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/flowers/textures/camellia/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:32] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/leaf/leaves.mesh. [16:34:32] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/leaf/leaves.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:34:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/leaf_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:32] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/ducktail_yellow/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [16:34:33] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/bittergrass_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:34:35] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial439 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:34:36] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial411 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_12 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_12 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_285 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_285 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_267 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_267 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_282 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_282 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_279 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_279 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_276 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_276 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_273 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_273 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_270 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_270 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_22 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_22 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_288 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_288 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture341 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture341 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture375 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture375 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture409 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture409 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture443 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture443 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture477 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture477 [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 Device 0x[07B3B700] entered lost state [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : WARNING - disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem. [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) !!! Direct3D Device successfully restored. [16:34:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] was reset [16:34:38] INFO (CEGUI) Display resize: w=1680 h=1050 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_12 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_12 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_285 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_285 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_267 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_267 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_282 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_282 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_279 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_279 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_276 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_276 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_273 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_273 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_270 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_270 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_22 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_22 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_288 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_288 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture341 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture341 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture375 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture375 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture409 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture409 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture443 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture443 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture477 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture477 [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 Device 0x[07B3B700] entered lost state [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : WARNING - disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem. [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) !!! Direct3D Device successfully restored. [16:36:32] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] was reset [16:36:32] INFO (CEGUI) Display resize: w=1680 h=987 [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: show_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: hide_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_105 [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: admin_tell [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: delete [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: me [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: sayto [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: say [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: camera_on_avatar [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: +movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: -movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: +movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: -movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: +movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: -movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: toggle_cameraattached [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: +run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: -run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: makeme [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: make [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: createentity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: setcameradistance [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: setattachedorientation [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: npc_EntityCEGUITextureImageset [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: avatar_EntityCEGUITextureImageset [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Deleted image: doll_EntityCEGUITextureImageset [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: show_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: hide_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_107 [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_1 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_3 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_2 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_5 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: actionbar_4 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: show_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: hide_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_108 [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Shutting down Caelum system... [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Delete UniversalClock [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Delete UniversalClock [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: CaelumSystem destroyed. [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: show_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: hide_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_101 [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: show_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: hide_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_106 [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: update_shadows [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: hideauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: displayauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: visualize_picking [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: move [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Shutting down foliage system. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\Foliage.cpp(62)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: reloadfoliage [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: set_caelumtime [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Destroying resource group Impostors [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Unloading resource group Impostors [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading resource group Impostors [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: setambientlight [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: set_fogdensity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: set_time [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: show_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: hide_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: show_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: hide_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_102 [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: show_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: hide_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_103 [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: inspect [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_104 [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:36:35] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:36:35] INFO Deregistering: showmodels [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(120)] [16:36:35] FAILURE (CEGUI) [WindowManager] Attempt to delete Window that does not exist! Address was: (00FDF848). WARNING: This could indicate a double-deletion issue!! [16:36:35] FAILURE (CEGUI) [WindowManager] Attempt to delete Window that does not exist! Address was: (00FDF848). WARNING: This could indicate a double-deletion issue!! [16:36:35] FAILURE (CEGUI) [WindowManager] Attempt to delete Window that does not exist! Address was: (00FDF848). WARNING: This could indicate a double-deletion issue!! [16:36:35] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:36:35] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:36:35] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:36:35] INFO Got character info [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(155)] [16:36:35] INFO Got all characters [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\server\LoggedInState.cpp(161)] [16:36:37] WARNING recived op with TO=35822886, but no router is registered for that id [ERIS(0)] [16:36:37] WARNING no-one handled op:{from:"35822886",to:"35822886",seconds:4.18727e+006,args:[{from:"35822886",to:"35822886",seconds:4.18727e+006,args:[{id:"35822886"}],parents:["set"],objtype:"op"}],parents:["sight"],objtype:"op"} [ERIS(0)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: say [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: sayto [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: me [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: delete [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: admin_tell [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Autodetect [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Bootstrap [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Caelum [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group EntityRecipes [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group General [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Gui [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Internal [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group ModelDefinitions [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group Scripting [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Finished unloading unused resources in resource group SoundDefinitions [16:36:37] INFO Using SceneManager: OctreeSceneManager [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\Scene.cpp(44)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: update_shadows [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Setting main camera clip distances to near: 0.5 far: 10000 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\camera\MainCamera.cpp(128)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: move [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: showmodels [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: displayauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: hideauthoringvisualizations [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO (Ogre) Texture: themes/ember/gui/compass/arrow.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1. [16:36:37] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Compass.layout' ---- [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: RenderedCompassPointer_32 [16:36:37] INFO Registering: set_caelumtime [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: set_time [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: set_fogdensity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: setambientlight [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: visualize_picking [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: reloadfoliage [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Using graphics level Low [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\ShaderManager.cpp(260)] [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_109 [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Destroyed texture: _ogre_tt_tex_109 [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityEditor.layout' ---- [16:36:37] INFO Registering: show_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: hide_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_entityEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_entityEditor' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:36:37] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_110 [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityBrowser.layout' ---- [16:36:37] INFO Registering: show_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: hide_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_entityBrowser [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_entityBrowser' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:36:37] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_111 [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Environment.layout' ---- [16:36:37] INFO Registering: show_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: hide_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_environment [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_environment' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:36:37] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_112 [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/PickingInfo.layout' ---- [16:36:37] INFO Registering: show_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: hide_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_pickingInfo [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_pickingInfo' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: inspect [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_113 [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/InspectWidget.layout' ---- [16:36:37] INFO Successfully loaded widget InspectWidget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:37] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: show_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: hide_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_advEntityCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_advEntityCreator' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_114 [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityCreator.layout' ---- [16:36:37] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_115 [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:37] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/TerrainEditor.layout' ---- [16:36:37] INFO Registering: show_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: hide_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_terrainEditor [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:37] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_terrainEditor' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:36:37] WARNING got SET for completely unknown entity 31368498 [ERIS(0)] [16:36:37] WARNING got SET for completely unknown entity 35669368 [ERIS(0)] [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Initialising Caelum system... [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EarthClearSky2.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,64x64x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,64x64x1. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: AtmosphereDepth.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,32x1x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,32x1x1. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: Creating CaelumSphericDome/1E00BC28 sphere mesh resource... [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Caelum: generateSphericDome DONE [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading sphere.mesh. [16:36:38] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: sphere.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'moon_disc.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise1.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise2.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'noise4.dds' with 5 mip map levels [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) CaelumSystem: Attached to viewport 63702392 render target MainWindow [16:36:38] WARNING Could not get server time, using local time for environment. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\CaelumEnvironment.cpp(190)] [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/fruit/models/acorn/acorn.mesh. [16:36:38] INFO Initializing forest. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\Forest.cpp(74)] [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Creating resource group Impostors [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/fruit/textures/acorn/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteA.mesh. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteC.mesh. [16:36:38] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteC.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_felsite/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_felsite_face/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:38] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteA.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:38] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367560' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/misc/models/campfireB/campfire.mesh. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/containers/models/barrel/barrel.mesh. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/sign_post/sign_post.mesh. [16:36:38] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367635' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:38] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/items/misc/models/campfireB/campfire.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/tree_stub/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x511x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x511x1. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark_fir/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/containers/textures/barrel/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:38] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/sign_post/sign_post.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/sign_post/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/stone_palisade/stone_palisade.mesh. [16:36:38] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/stone_palisade/stone_palisade.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/stone_palisade/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:38] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367654' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:38] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367657' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:38] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367660' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:38] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367661' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:38] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367662' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_B/shrub_B.mesh. [16:36:38] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_B/shrub_B.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:38] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/shrub_B/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367671' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367595' of type 'stone_palisade'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367598' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteD.mesh. [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367599' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367601' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteD.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367602' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367673' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367684' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_A/shrub_A.mesh. [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367688' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/shrub_A/shrub_A.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_house_D/cg_house_D.mesh. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/shrub_A/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:36:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/cg_house_D/cg_house_D.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/foundation_brick/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/moraf_roof_shingles_combo/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_brick_trim/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,64x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,64x512x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_floor_planks/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_inner_walls/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_rough_beams/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_wall_cobblestone/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ozark_planks/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/rezpa_concrete/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367852' of type 'cg_house_D'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/water/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/vehicle/models/goatboat/goatboat.mesh. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/vehicle/textures/goatboat/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368514' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368515' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteB.mesh. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/oak/trees.mesh. [16:36:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/environment/models/boulder/graniteB.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/oak/trees.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_summer/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_spring/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_oak_fall/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchA.mesh. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchC.mesh. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchB.mesh. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchD.mesh. [16:36:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchC.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/bark_birch/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch_B/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:39] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:39] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:39] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:39] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchB.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:39] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/trees/textures/branches_birch_bare/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:39] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchD.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:40] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/trees/models/birch/birchA.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:40] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:40] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:40] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:40] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:40] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:40] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:40] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:40] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:40] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:40] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:40] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:40] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:40] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:40] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:40] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:40] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:41] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading junkyard/models/skeleton/skull.mesh. [16:36:41] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: junkyard/models/skeleton/skull.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:41] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/malebuilder/body/textures/skeleton/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,32x32x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,32x32x1. [16:36:41] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31440932' of type 'skull'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367577' of type 'barrel'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:41] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:41] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:42] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:42] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:42] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/drystan_archer.mesh. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/male.mesh. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Skeleton: Loading 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/animation/male.skeleton [16:36:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/male.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/drystan_archer.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/body/base/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/blue/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/head/middle_aged/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/brown/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/universal/eyes/hazel/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/footwear/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/pants/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_skeletons/bipeds/races/human/male/attire/drystan_archer/shirt/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:36:42] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35252371' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35567076' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35252136' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35822886' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: setattachedorientation [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: setcameradistance [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: createentity [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: make [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: makeme [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: +run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: -run [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: toggle_cameraattached [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: +movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: -movement_move_forward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: +movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: -movement_move_backward [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: +movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: -movement_move_downwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: +movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: -movement_move_upwards [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: +movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: -movement_strafe_left [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: +movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: -movement_strafe_right [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: camera_on_avatar [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key 1 to command /actionbar_1 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key 2 to command /actionbar_2 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key 3 to command /actionbar_3 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key 4 to command /actionbar_4 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key 5 to command /actionbar_5 for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key a to command +movement_strafe_left for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key d to command +movement_strafe_right for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key f to command +movement_move_downwards for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key i to command /show_inventory for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key left_shift to command +run for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key r to command +movement_move_upwards for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key return to command /console_focus for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key right_shift to command +run for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key s to command +movement_move_backward for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key tab to command /console_focus for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Binding key w to command +movement_move_forward for state movement. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\services\input\InputCommandMapper.cpp(129)] [16:36:42] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Give.layout' ---- [16:36:42] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Status.layout' ---- [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'avatar_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (10B467B8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:42] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Status.layout' ---- [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'npc_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (10B472F8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:42] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_116 [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/Inventory.layout' ---- [16:36:42] INFO Registering: show_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: hide_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_inventory [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_inventory' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'doll_EntityCEGUITextureImageset' (10B466C8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:42] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: _ogre_tt_tex_117 [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ActionBarCreator.layout' ---- [16:36:42] INFO Registering: show_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: hide_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] INFO Registering: toggleVisibility_actionBarCreator [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] WARNING The command 'toggleVisibility_actionBarCreator' already has been registered. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(101)] [16:36:42] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/ActionBar.layout' ---- [16:36:42] INFO Registering: actionbar_1 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO Registering: actionbar_2 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO Registering: actionbar_3 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO Registering: actionbar_4 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO Registering: actionbar_5 [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\framework\ConsoleBackend.cpp(97)] [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:42] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityPicker.layout' ---- [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/EntityPickerSelector.layout' ---- [16:36:42] INFO Successfully loaded widget Widget [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\GUIManager.cpp(373)] [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'HorzExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] WARNING (CEGUI) Property 'VertExtent' is not writable so it's implicitly banned from XML. No need to ban it manually [16:36:42] INFO (CEGUI) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'cegui/datafiles/layouts/HoverEntityOverlay.layout' ---- [16:36:42] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial541 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial643 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial575 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial677 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial537 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial673 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial639 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial605 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:42] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35448695' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35408697' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35408774' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35175771' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35669368' of type 'male'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368298' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/valuables/models/moraf_coin/moraf_coin.mesh. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/stone_granite_weathered/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: resources/ogre/textures/dark.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,8x8x1) Internal format is PF_L8,8x8x1. [16:36:42] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:42] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/valuables/textures/moraf_coin/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1. [16:36:42] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:42] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:42] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial609 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/items/tools/models/knife/knife.mesh. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-3_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:42] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_sand_dirty/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_grass/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_dry/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_leaf_covered/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:43] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:43] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:43] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/items/tools/models/knife/knife.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:43] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:43] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_skeletons/clothes/dress/models/folded/folded_pants.mesh. [16:36:43] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_skeletons/clothes/dress/models/folded/folded_pants.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tool_handle/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:43] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/items/tools/textures/tool_head/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_burlap/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:43] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:43] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_ragged/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:43] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_dark_rags/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_sun/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:43] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:43] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/characters/malebuilder/male/textures/dress_fine/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:43] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:43] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:43] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:43] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:43] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:43] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-5_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:43] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:43] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-5] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:43] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:43] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:43] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:43] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:43] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:43] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:43] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:43] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:43] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:43] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:43] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:43] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:43] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-4_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:43] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:44] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-4] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:44] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:44] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:44] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-3_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:44] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:44] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-3_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-3_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:44] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:44] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:44] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:44] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:44] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:44] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:44] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:44] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-2_6: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/environment/textures/ground_dirt_plowed/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:44] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:44] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:44] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-2_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-6,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:44] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:44] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-6_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-6,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-5,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:44] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-6|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:44] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-5_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-5,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-4,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:44] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-5|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:44] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-4_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:44] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-4,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:44] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:44] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-3,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:45] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-4|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:45] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:45] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:45] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:45] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-3_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:45] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:45] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-3,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:45] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:45] INFO Setting up TerrainPage at index [-2,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\TerrainHandler.cpp(411)] [16:36:45] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:45] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:45] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:45] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:45] INFO (Ogre) Texture: terrain_-2_-1_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8,256x256x1. [16:36:45] INFO (Ogre) Texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow: Loading 1 faces(PF_L8,256x256x1) with 1 custom mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_L8,256x256x1. [16:36:45] INFO Finished loading or updating terrain page geometry: [-2,-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainPageBridge.cpp(66)] [16:36:45] INFO (Ogre) Terrain created; size=257 minBatch=17 maxBatch=65 treeDepth=3 lodLevels=5 leafLods=3 [16:36:45] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-2|-1] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:36:45] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:36:47] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35822888' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: entity_35822888 [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'entity_35822888_0_0' (10B484C8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (Ogre) Texture: iconImageStore_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1. [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: iconImageStore_3 [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_0_0' (10B486A8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_0_64' (10B491E8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_0_128' (10B483D8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_0_192' (10B485B8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_64_0' (10B492D8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_64_64' (10B494B8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_64_128' (10B48798) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_64_192' (10B495A8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_128_0' (10B47898) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_128_64' (10B47988) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_128_128' (10B481F8) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_128_192' (10B47A78) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_192_0' (10B47B68) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_192_64' (10B48888) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_192_128' (10B48A68) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'iconImageStore_3_192_192' (10B47C58) of type: BasicImage [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [OgreRenderer] Created texture: entity_35822896 [16:36:47] INFO (CEGUI) [ImageManager] Created image: 'entity_35822896_0_0' (10B47D48) of type: BasicImage [16:36:48] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '35448697' of type 'knife'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:36:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial571 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial547 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial581 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial513 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:48] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial615 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:36:56] INFO Initializing foliage system. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\environment\Foliage.cpp(73)] [16:36:56] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/fern/fern.mesh. [16:36:56] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/fern/fern.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:56] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/fern_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x256x1. [16:36:56] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/flowers/models/camellia/camellia.mesh. [16:36:56] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/flowers/textures/camellia/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:56] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/leaf/leaves.mesh. [16:36:56] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/leaf/leaves.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:36:56] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/leaf_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:36:56] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/ducktail_yellow/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x512x1. [16:36:56] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/grass/textures/bittergrass_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:37:25] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial649 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_161 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_170 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_164 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_176 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_179 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_184 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_167 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_17 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: IconManager_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_22 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_65 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_85 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_105 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_125 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_145 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_158 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_155 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_173 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_187 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_190 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_193 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_196 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: newCharacterPreview_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_199 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_2 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_12 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_12 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_309 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_309 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_306 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_306 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_303 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_303 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_300 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_300 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_297 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_297 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompass [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: TerrainMap [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_32 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_32 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-5_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-5_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-3_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-3_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-2_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-2_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-2_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-5_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-5_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-5_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_294 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_294 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_22 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: RenderedCompassPointer_22 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture579 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture579 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture613 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture613 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture647 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture647 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-1_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-2_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-4_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-4_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-4_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-3_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-4_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-4_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-6_-1_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-4_-1_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-1_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-5_-1_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: EmberTerrain_Segment_-2_-3_shadow [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: avatar_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: npc_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_312 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_312 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: doll_SimpleRenderContextRenderTexture [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture511 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture511 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_315 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: _cegui_ogre_315 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture545 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) Released D3D9 texture: ImpostorTexture545 [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 Device 0x[07B3B700] entered lost state [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 : WARNING - disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem. [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) !!! Direct3D Device successfully restored. [16:37:28] INFO (Ogre) D3D9 device: 0x[07B3B700] was reset [16:37:28] INFO (CEGUI) Display resize: w=1680 h=1050 [16:40:47] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial551 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:40:47] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: material ImpostorMaterial585 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation: Pass 0: Fragment program ImposterFragStandard cannot be used - compile error. [16:40:48] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367686' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:40:50] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/structures/models/jetty/jetty.mesh. [16:40:50] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/structures/models/jetty/jetty.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:40:50] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/structures/textures/ossyja_post/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:40:50] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367697' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:40:50] INFO (Ogre) Mesh: Loading 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/bush/bush.mesh. [16:40:50] FAILURE (Ogre) WARNING: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/models/bush/bush.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool. [16:40:50] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/bush_gnarly_green/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:40:50] INFO (Ogre) Texture: 3d_objects/plants/shrubs/textures/bush_gnarly_brown/D.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1) Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1. [16:40:50] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367685' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:40:50] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367687' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:40:51] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367696' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:40:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367690' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:40:53] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31368513' of type 'graniteA'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:40:53] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:40:53] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:40:53] WARNING Model definition birchC has a reference to entity with index 2 which is out of bounds. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(215)] [16:40:53] WARNING Could not add subentity. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\Model.cpp(225)] [16:40:53] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:40:53] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:40:53] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:40:53] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:40:54] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-2] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:40:54] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-2" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:40:54] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:40:54] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)] [16:40:56] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367689' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:40:56] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367691' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:40:57] WARNING Could not find any scale set in the model '31367681' of type 'shrubB'. We'll thus default to scaling the mesh so it's 0.25 meters in each dimension. [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\model\ModelMount.cpp(164)] [16:40:57] INFO Loading material for terrain page: [-3|-3] [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(82)] [16:40:57] WARNING Could not apply alias for normal map and/or composite map for terrain material "EmberTerrain_Segment_-3_-3" [..\..\worldforge\ember\src\components\ogre\terrain\OgreTerrain\OgreTerrainMaterialGeneratorEmber.cpp(100)]