Attached is a small patch to the LP team module to fix the bug I mentioned in my previous mail. I tend to like using "serial" with PostgreSQL as it basically does: "not null default nextval('openid_teams_trusted_sid_seq'::regclass)" and then removes any need of guessing the next ID, if you want to add MySQL compatibility you'd need to use the auto_increment thing of MySQL on that field,
behavior should then be the same.
Attached is a small patch to the LP team module to fix the bug I mentioned in my previous mail. I tend to like using "serial" with PostgreSQL as it basically does: "not null default nextval( 'openid_ teams_trusted_ sid_seq' ::regclass) " and then removes any need of guessing the next ID, if you want to add MySQL compatibility you'd need to use the auto_increment thing of MySQL on that field,
behavior should then be the same.