Capture debugger window

Bug #2046077 reported by hilaire
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Dr. Geo

Bug Description

In the Smalltalk sketch editor, capture the debugger window to plug it in the DrGeo Smalltalk sketch editor view.

Revision history for this message
hilaire (hilaire-fernandes) wrote :

Hack #1 to get the debugger. The context is lost though. The method wait for the process to terminate, which is subnominal.

 | errorFlag |
 self stopSketch.
 codeView scroller acceptContents.
 self switchToPauseButton.
 errorFlag := false.
 DrGeoSketch when: #newSmalltalkSketch send: #compiledSketch: to: self.
 sketchProcess := [ | t |
  t := DateAndTime now.
  [Compiler evaluate: model] on: Error do: [:exception | errorFlag := true. self debugWindowSketch ].
  " When we get there, sketch has been entirely executed, switch back to play button "
  self switchToPlayButton.
  Transcript show: DateAndTime now - t ;cr] newProcess.
  priority: Processor userSchedulingPriority ;
  name: '[DrGeo] Smalltalk Sketch execution';
 [sketchProcess isTerminated] whileFalse.
 errorFlag ifTrue: [ self debugSketch ]

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