WARNING: [Do.Banshee,1.0] Could not load some add-in assemblies: File '/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.CollectionIndexer.dll' not found. ERROR: Errors found in add-in '/usr/lib/gnome-do/plugins/Banshee.dll: ERROR: The file '/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.CollectionIndexer.dll' referenced in the manifest could not be found. [Info 12:19:02.736] [Services] Successfully located service of type IPreferencesService. [Info 12:19:02.744] [Services] Successfully located service of type ILogService. [Info 12:19:02.745] [Services] Successfully located service of type ISecurePreferencesService. [Info 12:19:02.749] [Services] Successfully located service of type INotificationsService. [Debug 12:19:02.751] [InterfaceManager] "Glass" interface was loaded [Info 12:19:02.754] [Services] Successfully located service of type ILogService. [Debug 12:19:02.754] [InterfaceManager] "Docky" interface was loaded [Debug 12:19:02.755] [InterfaceManager] "Mini" interface was loaded [Debug 12:19:02.755] [InterfaceManager] "Classic" interface was loaded [Debug 12:19:02.756] [InterfaceManager] "Nouveau" interface was loaded [Debug 12:19:02.759] [PluginManager] Loaded "NotesItemSource" from plugin. [Info 12:19:02.763] [Services] Successfully located service of type IPreferencesService. [Info 12:19:02.763] [Services] Successfully located service of type ISecurePreferencesService. [Info 12:19:02.766] [Services] Successfully located service of type ICoreService. [Info 12:19:02.768] [Services] Successfully located service of type INetworkService. [Debug 12:19:02.772] [PluginManager] Loaded "WeatherItemSource" from plugin. [Info 12:19:02.773] [Services] Successfully located service of type AbstractApplicationService. [Debug 12:19:02.774] [PluginManager] Loaded "InternalItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.774] [PluginManager] Loaded "ItemSourceItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.775] [PluginManager] Loaded "PlacesItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.776] [PluginManager] Loaded "ApplicationItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.776] [PluginManager] Loaded "GNOMESpecialLocationsItemSource" from plugin. [Info 12:19:02.778] [Services] Successfully located service of type PathsService. [Debug 12:19:02.778] [PluginManager] Loaded "AliasItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.779] [PluginManager] Loaded "ProfileItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.779] [PluginManager] Loaded "SessionCommandsItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.782] [PluginManager] Loaded "FileItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.783] [PluginManager] Loaded "RecentFileItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.784] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenshotItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.807] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenItemSource" from plugin. (Do:4398): Wnck-CRITICAL **: wnck_set_client_type got called multiple times. [Debug 12:19:02.813] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.814] [PluginManager] Loaded "EmailAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.814] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.816] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenUrlAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.816] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenWithAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.816] [PluginManager] Loaded "RevealAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.816] [PluginManager] Loaded "RunAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.817] [PluginManager] Loaded "LocateFilesAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.818] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenSearchAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.819] [PluginManager] Loaded "PastebinAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.819] [PluginManager] Loaded "GoogleCalculatorAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.819] [PluginManager] Loaded "NewNoteAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.819] [PluginManager] Loaded "SearchNotesAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.822] [PluginManager] Loaded "DefineAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.822] [PluginManager] Loaded "CopyToClipboardAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.822] [PluginManager] Loaded "MakeUrlTinyAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.823] [PluginManager] Loaded "AliasAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.823] [PluginManager] Loaded "DeleteAliasAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.823] [PluginManager] Loaded "RunInTerminalAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.823] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenTerminalHereAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.823] [PluginManager] Loaded "NewFileAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.823] [PluginManager] Loaded "NewFolderAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.824] [PluginManager] Loaded "CopyAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.824] [PluginManager] Loaded "MoveAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.824] [PluginManager] Loaded "RenameAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.824] [PluginManager] Loaded "MoveToTrashAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.824] [PluginManager] Loaded "TakeScreenshotAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.824] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMinimizeAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.825] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMaximizeAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.825] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowCloseAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.825] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowFocusAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.825] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMoveAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.825] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenTileAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.825] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenCascadeAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.825] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenRestoreAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.826] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenSwapAction" from plugin. [Debug 12:19:02.826] [PluginManager] Loaded "ShowDesktopAction" from plugin. [Info 12:19:02.827] [Services] Successfully located service of type AbstractSystemService. [Debug 12:19:02.827] [SystemService] No other application instance detected. Continue startup. [Debug 12:19:02.846] [Controller] Setting theme Glass [Info 12:19:02.903] [UniverseManager] Reloading universe... [Debug 12:19:02.905] [UniverseManager] Reloading actions... [Debug 12:19:02.918] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Tomboy Notes"... Could not locate Tomboy on D-Bus. Perhaps it's not running? [Debug 12:19:02.946] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Weather Commands"... [Debug 12:19:02.946] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Oggetti interni a GNOME Do"... [Debug 12:19:02.947] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Sorgenti degli oggetti di GNOME Do"... [Debug 12:19:02.949] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Firefox Places"... [Debug 12:19:02.978] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Applicazioni"... [Debug 12:19:03.053] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Posizioni speciali di GNOME"... [Debug 12:19:03.061] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Oggetti con nome alternativo"... [Debug 12:19:03.061] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Profili del Terminale di GNOME"... [Debug 12:19:03.068] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Comandi di sessione Gnome"... [Debug 12:19:03.068] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "File e cartelle"... [Debug 12:19:03.086] [IndexedFolderCollection] Loaded Files and Folders plugin state. [Info 12:19:03.095] [Services] Successfully located service of type IUniverseFactoryService. [Debug 12:19:03.116] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "File recenti"... [Debug 12:19:03.116] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Oggetti GNOME Screenshot"... [Debug 12:19:03.118] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Nascondi oggetti nella finestra"... [Debug 12:19:03.118] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Oggetti generici finestra"... [Info 12:19:03.119] [UniverseManager] Universe contains 442 items. [Info 12:19:03.121] [AbstractWeatherSource] Weather Underground: Reloading weather data [Debug 12:19:03.124] [AbstractWeatherSource] Weather Underground: Fetching XML file 'http://api.wunderground.com/auto/wui/geo/WXCurrentObXML/index.xml?query=50014' [Debug 12:19:08.895] [AbstractWeatherSource] Weather Underground: Fetching XML file 'http://api.wunderground.com/auto/wui/geo/ForecastXML/index.xml?query=50014'