Hi Chris, I followed your advise but had the exact same result. Do starts, but there is no response to the file browser call. Please ifnd debug logs below: ================================================================================================= dho@ZEG-D-LM13-01 ~ $ gnome-do --debug [Info 21:57:25.799] [Services] Successfully located service of type IPreferencesService. [Info 21:57:25.807] [Services] Successfully located service of type ILogService. [Info 21:57:25.807] [Services] Successfully located service of type ISecurePreferencesService. [Info 21:57:25.811] [Services] Successfully located service of type INotificationsService. [Debug 21:57:25.814] [InterfaceManager] "Glass" interface was loaded [Info 21:57:25.814] [Services] Successfully located service of type ILogService. [Debug 21:57:25.814] [InterfaceManager] "Nouveau" interface was loaded [Debug 21:57:25.814] [InterfaceManager] "Mini" interface was loaded [Debug 21:57:25.815] [InterfaceManager] "Classic" interface was loaded [Debug 21:57:25.823] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenItemSource" from plugin. (Do:7492): Wnck-CRITICAL **: wnck_set_client_type got called multiple times. [Info 21:57:25.826] [Services] Successfully located service of type PathsService. [Debug 21:57:25.827] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.828] [PluginManager] Loaded "PlacesItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.828] [PluginManager] Loaded "NotesItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.828] [PluginManager] Loaded "ProfileItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.829] [PluginManager] Loaded "SessionCommandsItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.830] [PluginManager] Loaded "ApplicationItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.830] [PluginManager] Loaded "GNOMESpecialLocationsItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.830] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenshotItemSource" from plugin. [Info 21:57:25.831] [Services] Successfully located service of type AbstractApplicationService. [Debug 21:57:25.831] [PluginManager] Loaded "InternalItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.831] [PluginManager] Loaded "ItemSourceItemSource" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.833] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMinimizeAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.833] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMaximizeAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.833] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowCloseAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.833] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowFocusAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.834] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMoveAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.834] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenTileAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.834] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenCascadeAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.834] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenRestoreAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.834] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenSwapAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.834] [PluginManager] Loaded "ShowDesktopAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.834] [PluginManager] Loaded "NewNoteAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.835] [PluginManager] Loaded "SearchNotesAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.835] [PluginManager] Loaded "RunInTerminalAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.835] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenTerminalHereAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.835] [PluginManager] Loaded "PastebinAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.835] [PluginManager] Loaded "EmailAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.835] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.837] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenUrlAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.837] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenWithAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.837] [PluginManager] Loaded "RevealAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.837] [PluginManager] Loaded "RunAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.837] [PluginManager] Loaded "CopyToClipboardAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.838] [PluginManager] Loaded "GoogleCalculatorAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.838] [PluginManager] Loaded "DefineAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.839] [PluginManager] Loaded "TakeScreenshotAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.839] [PluginManager] Loaded "MakeUrlTinyAction" from plugin. [Debug 21:57:25.839] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenSearchAction" from plugin. [Info 21:57:25.839] [Services] Successfully located service of type AbstractSystemService. [Debug 21:57:25.840] [SystemService] No other application instance detected. Continue startup. [Info 21:57:25.848] [Services] Successfully located service of type IPreferencesService. [Info 21:57:25.848] [Services] Successfully located service of type ISecurePreferencesService. [Debug 21:57:25.855] [Controller] Setting theme Classic [Info 21:57:25.928] [Services] Successfully located service of type IKeyBindingService. [Error 21:57:25.937] [AbstractKeyBindingService] Failed to bind "Summon in Text Mode" to "" [Info 21:57:25.960] [Services] Successfully located service of type INetworkService. [Info 21:57:25.964] [UniverseManager] Reloading universe... [Debug 21:57:25.965] [UniverseManager] Reloading actions... [Debug 21:57:25.978] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Window Screen Items"... [Debug 21:57:25.979] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Generic Window Items"... [Debug 21:57:25.980] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Firefox Places"... Firefox.PlacesItemSource "Firefox Places" encountered an error in UpdateItems: System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type. at Mono.Data.Sqlite.SqliteDataReader.VerifyType (Int32 i, DbType typ) [0x00000] in :0 at Mono.Data.Sqlite.SqliteDataReader.GetString (Int32 i) [0x00000] in :0 at Firefox.PlacesItemSource+c__Iterator3.MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Firefox.PlaceItem].AddEnumerable (IEnumerable`1 enumerable) [0x00000] in :0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Firefox.PlaceItem]..ctor (IEnumerable`1 collection) [0x00000] in :0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[PlaceItem] (IEnumerable`1 source) [0x00000] in :0 at Firefox.PlacesItemSource.UpdateItems () [0x00000] in :0 at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.UpdateItems () [0x00000] in :0 . [Debug 21:57:26.282] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Tomboy Notes"... Could not locate Tomboy on D-Bus. Perhaps it's not running? [Debug 21:57:26.285] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Terminal Profiles"... [Debug 21:57:26.286] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Session Commands"... [Debug 21:57:26.286] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Applications"... [Debug 21:57:26.354] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Special Locations"... [Debug 21:57:26.355] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Screenshot Items"... [Debug 21:57:26.356] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Internal GNOME Do Items"... [Debug 21:57:26.356] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Do Item Sources"... [Info 21:57:26.357] [UniverseManager] Universe contains 217 items. [Debug 21:57:27.834] [RelevanceProvider] Successfully loaded learned usage data. ================================================================================================= There are lots of errors mentioned in the log. Not sure how to proceed. Could this in the end still be a bug? Best regards, David.