'amqplib' is not in global-requirements.txt

Bug #1343838 reported by chandan kumar
This bug affects 4 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
chandan kumar

Bug Description

While installing devstack on Fedora 20, i got this.

+++ grep xtrace
++ local 'xtrace=set -o xtrace'
++ set +o xtrace
++ pwd
+ local orig_dir=/home/stack/openstack/devstack
+ [[ False = \T\r\u\e ]]
+ echo refs/changes/83/72183/4
+ egrep -q '^refs'
+ [[ ! -d /opt/stack/cinder ]]
+ [[ False = \T\r\u\e ]]
+ git_timed clone https://review.openstack.org/openstack/cinder /opt/stack/cinder
+ local count=0
+ local timeout=0
+ [[ -n 0 ]]
+ timeout=0
+ timeout -s SIGINT 0 git clone https://review.openstack.org/openstack/cinder /opt/stack/cinder
Cloning into '/opt/stack/cinder'...
remote: Counting objects: 41933, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (41933/41933)
remote: Total 41933 (delta 18435), reused 31788 (delta 18435)
Receiving objects: 100% (41933/41933), 73.33 MiB | 571.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (18435/18435), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
+ cd /opt/stack/cinder
+ git_timed fetch https://review.openstack.org/openstack/cinder refs/changes/83/72183/4
+ local count=0
+ local timeout=0
+ [[ -n 0 ]]
+ timeout=0
+ timeout -s SIGINT 0 git fetch https://review.openstack.org/openstack/cinder refs/changes/83/72183/4
remote: Counting objects: 30, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (16/16)
remote: Total 16 (delta 1), reused 5 (delta 1)
Unpacking objects: 100% (16/16), done.
From https://review.openstack.org/openstack/cinder
 * branch refs/changes/83/72183/4 -> FETCH_HEAD
+ git checkout FETCH_HEAD
Note: checking out 'FETCH_HEAD'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at c311d35... Implement retype in IBM GPFS Driver and refactor
+ cd /opt/stack/cinder
+ git show --oneline
+ head -1
c311d35 Implement retype in IBM GPFS Driver and refactor
+ cd /home/stack/openstack/devstack
+ setup_develop /opt/stack/cinder
+ local project_dir=/opt/stack/cinder
+ setup_package_with_req_sync /opt/stack/cinder -e
+ local project_dir=/opt/stack/cinder
+ local flags=-e
++ cd /opt/stack/cinder
++ git diff --exit-code
+ local update_requirements=
+ [[ '' != \c\h\a\n\g\e\d ]]
+ cd /opt/stack/requirements
+ python update.py /opt/stack/cinder
_sync_requirements_file({'nose-exclude': 'nose-exclude', 'doc8': 'doc8 # Apache-2.0', 'sockjs-tornado': 'sockjs-tornado>=1.0.0,<2.0.0', 'prettytable': 'PrettyTable>=0.7,<0.8', 'pystache': 'pystache', 'cffi': 'cffi', 'requests-mock': 'requests-mock>=0.4.0 # Apache-2.0', 'pyeclib': 'pyeclib>=0.9.2 # BSD', 'networkx': 'networkx>=1.8', 'diskimage-builder': 'diskimage-builder>=0.1.20', 'openstack.nose-plugin': 'openstack.nose_plugin>=0.7', 'pyparsing': 'pyparsing>=2.0.1', 'python-glanceclient': 'python-glanceclient>=0.13.1', 'python-ldap': 'python-ldap==2.3.13', 'oauthlib': 'oauthlib>=0.6', 'python-ironicclient': 'python-ironicclient', 'wrapt': 'wrapt>=1.7.0 # BSD License', 'flask': 'Flask>=0.10,<1.0', 'psycopg2': 'psycopg2', 'selenium': 'selenium', 'feedparser': 'feedparser', 'python-troveclient': 'python-troveclient>=1.0.4', 'libvirt-python': 'libvirt-python>=1.2.5 # LGPLv2+', 'mox': 'mox>=0.5.3', 'cryptography': 'cryptography>=0.4 # Apache-2.0', 'python-cinderclient': 'python-cinderclient>=1.0.7', 'jinja2': 'Jinja2', 'jsonpath-rw': 'jsonpath-rw>=1.2.0,<2.0', 'django-pyscss': 'django-pyscss>=1.0.1 # BSD License (2 clause)', 'happybase': 'happybase>=0.5,!=0.7', 'falcon': 'falcon>=0.1.6,<0.2.0', 'decorator': 'decorator>=3.4.0', 'pbr': 'pbr>=0.6,!=0.7,<1.0', 'webob': 'WebOb>=1.2.3', 'python-openstackclient': 'python-openstackclient>=0.3.0', 'passlib': 'passlib', 'psutil': 'psutil>=1.1.1,<2.0.0', 'greenlet': 'greenlet>=0.3.2', 'nose': 'nose', 'keystonemiddleware': 'keystonemiddleware', 'oslotest': 'oslotest', 'requests': 'requests>=1.1', 'flake8': 'flake8==2.1.0', 'discover': 'discover', 'nosehtmloutput': 'nosehtmloutput>=0.0.3', 'jsonschema': 'jsonschema>=2.0.0,<3.0.0', 'os-apply-config': 'os-apply-config', 'qpid-python': 'qpid-python', 'fixtures': 'fixtures>=0.3.14', 'os-refresh-config': 'os-refresh-config', 'eventlet': 'eventlet>=0.13.0', 'pyopenssl': 'pyOpenSSL>=0.11', 'pastedeploy': 'PasteDeploy>=1.5.0', 'redis': 'redis', 'tripleo-image-elements': 'tripleo-image-elements', 'ddt': 'ddt>=0.4.0', 'django-openstack-auth': 'django_openstack_auth>=1.1.4', 'docutils': 'docutils==0.9.1', 'python-designateclient': 'python-designateclient>=1.0.0', 'python-saharaclient': 'python-saharaclient>=0.6.0', 'pysqlite': 'pysqlite', 'python-neutronclient': 'python-neutronclient>=2.3.5,<3', 'sphinxcontrib-httpdomain': 'sphinxcontrib-httpdomain', 'taskflow': 'taskflow>=0.3,<0.4', 'django-nose': 'django-nose', 'msgpack-python': 'msgpack-python>=0.4.0', 'lockfile': 'lockfile>=0.8', 'paste': 'Paste', 'oslo.i18n': 'oslo.i18n>=0.1.0 # Apache-2.0', 'pyyaml': 'PyYAML>=3.1.0', 'sqlalchemy-migrate': 'sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.1', 'boto': 'boto>=2.12.0,!=2.13.0', 'cliff-tablib': 'cliff-tablib>=1.0', 'xvfbwrapper': 'xvfbwrapper>=0.1.3 #license: MIT', 'requests-kerberos': 'requests-kerberos>=0.5 # MIT', 'wsgiref': 'wsgiref>=0.1.2', 'pyscss': 'pyscss>=1.2.0 # MIT License', 'mox3': 'mox3>=0.7.0', 'routes': 'Routes>=1.12.3,!=2.0', 'dnspython': 'dnspython>=1.9.4', 'anyjson': 'anyjson>=0.3.3', 'pyasn1': 'pyasn1', 'pycadf': 'pycadf>=0.5.1', 'alembic': 'alembic>=0.6.2', 'coinor.pulp': 'coinor.pulp>=1.0.4', 'sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme': 'sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme>=0.8', 'kazoo': 'kazoo>=1.3.1', 'hgtools': 'hgtools # dependency of pytest-runner that is only in setup_requires', 'python-heatclient': 'python-heatclient>=0.2.9', 'cmd2': 'cmd2>=0.6.7', 'testrepository': 'testrepository>=0.0.18', 'testscenarios': 'testscenarios>=0.4', 'pexpect': 'pexpect>=3.1 # ISC License', 'testresources': 'testresources>=0.2.4', 'oslo.rootwrap': 'oslo.rootwrap', 'swift': 'swift', 'bash8': 'bash8', 'openstack-doc-tools': 'openstack-doc-tools>=0.16.1', 'xstatic-jquery': 'xstatic-jquery>= # MIT License', 'pyzmq': 'pyzmq==', 'warlock': 'warlock>=1.0.1,<2', 'python-novaclient': 'python-novaclient>=2.17.0', 'websockify': 'websockify>=0.5.1,<0.6', 'sqlalchemy': 'SQLAlchemy>=0.8.4,!=0.9.5,<=0.9.99', 'gear': 'gear', 'simplejson': 'simplejson>=2.0.9', 'os-collect-config': 'os-collect-config', 'pillow': 'Pillow==2.4.0 # MIT', 'pylint': 'pylint==0.25.2', 'trollius': 'trollius>=0.1.4', 'iso8601': 'iso8601>=0.1.9', 'rtslib-fb': 'rtslib-fb>=2.1.39', 'pytz': 'pytz>=2010h', 'pecan': 'pecan>=0.4.5', 'xenapi': 'XenAPI>=1.2', 'testtools': 'testtools>=0.9.34', 'nosexcover': 'nosexcover', 'django-bootstrap-form': 'django-bootstrap-form', 'pyghmi': 'pyghmi>=0.6.11', 'os-cloud-config': 'os-cloud-config', 'wsme': 'WSME>=0.6', 'posix-ipc': 'posix_ipc', 'httpretty': 'httpretty>=0.8.0,!=0.8.1,!=0.8.2', 'oslo.db': 'oslo.db>=0.2.0 # Apache-2.0', 'oslo.messaging': 'oslo.messaging>=', 'hacking': 'hacking>=0.9.2,<0.10', 'xstatic': 'xstatic>=1.0.0 # MIT License', 'dogpile.cache': 'dogpile.cache>=0.5.3', 'configobj': 'configobj', 'futures': 'futures>=2.1.3', 'ordereddict': 'ordereddict', 'oslosphinx': 'oslosphinx', 'argcomplete': 'argcomplete>=0.6.8 # Apache-2.0', 'mysql-python': 'MySQL-python', 'pysendfile': 'pysendfile==2.0.0', 'suds': 'suds>=0.4', 'pip': 'pip>=1.4', 'jsonrpclib': 'jsonrpclib', 'xattr': 'xattr>=0.4', 'paramiko': 'paramiko>=1.13.0', 'osprofiler': 'osprofiler>=0.1.1 # Apache-2.0', 'mako': 'Mako>=0.4.0', 'lxml': 'lxml>=2.3', 'babel': 'Babel>=1.3', 'six': 'six>=1.7.0', 'webtest': 'WebTest>=2.0', 'ldappool': 'ldappool>=1.0 # MPL', 'jsonpatch': 'jsonpatch>=1.1', 'zake': 'zake>=0.0.20 # Apache-2.0', 'kombu': 'kombu>=2.4.8', 'croniter': 'croniter>=0.3.4 # MIT License', 'stevedore': 'stevedore>=0.14', 'pymongo': 'pymongo>=2.5', 'unittest2': 'unittest2', 'mock': 'mock>=1.0', 'python-swiftclient': 'python-swiftclient>=2.0.2', 'wheel': 'wheel', 'wsgi-intercept': 'wsgi_intercept>=0.6.1 # MIT License', 'python-keystoneclient': 'python-keystoneclient>=0.9.0', 'oslo.config': 'oslo.config>=', 'python-ceilometerclient': 'python-ceilometerclient>=1.0.6', 'nodeenv': 'nodeenv>=0.9.4 # BSD License', 'python-subunit': 'python-subunit>=0.0.18', 'lesscpy': 'lesscpy>=0.9j', 'coverage': 'coverage>=3.6', 'oslo.vmware': 'oslo.vmware>=0.4 # Apache-2.0', 'pysnmp': 'pysnmp>=4.2.1,<5.0.0', 'pyudev': 'pyudev', 'sphinxcontrib-docbookrestapi': 'sphinxcontrib-docbookrestapi', 'cliff': 'cliff>=1.6.0', 'python-seamicroclient': 'python-seamicroclient>=0.1.0,<2.0', 'argparse': 'argparse', 'proboscis': 'proboscis==', 'sphinx': 'sphinx>=1.1.2,!=1.2.0,<1.3', 'pycrypto': 'pycrypto>=2.6', 'pyflakes': 'pyflakes==0.8.1', 'python-marconiclient': 'python-marconiclient>=0.0.2', 'netaddr': 'netaddr>=0.7.6', 'keyring': 'keyring>=2.1,!=3.3', 'retrying': 'retrying>=1.2.1 # Apache-2.0', 'django': 'Django>=1.4,<1.7', 'pep8': 'pep8==1.5.7', 'extras': 'extras', 'django-compressor': 'django_compressor>=1.4', 'netifaces': 'netifaces>=0.10.4', 'rfc3986': 'rfc3986>=0.2.0 # Apache-2.0', 'python-memcached': 'python-memcached>=1.48', 'httplib2': 'httplib2>=0.7.5'}, {}, /opt/stack/cinder/requirements.txt)
Syncing /opt/stack/cinder/requirements.txt
'amqplib' is not in global-requirements.txt
+ exit_trap
+ local r=1
++ jobs -p
+ jobs=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ kill_spinner
+ '[' '!' -z '' ']'
+ [[ 1 -ne 0 ]]
+ echo 'Error on exit'
Error on exit
+ ./tools/worlddump.py -d
usage: worlddump.py [-h] [-d DIR]
worlddump.py: error: argument -d/--dir: expected one argument

Changed in devstack:
assignee: nobody → chandan kumar (chkumar246)
Revision history for this message
chandan kumar (chkumar246) wrote :
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