Eero I filed the original report. To me your comment seems only critical and not helpful, especially in a report where a fix is being released. If someone uses the same location for backup this problem doesn't appear to exist. I try to file bug reports as I encounter them, along with any workaround, as a way of being helpful and contributing to something I believe in, they are not always fixed but if you have an urgent issue that needs attention you have plenty of options. Have you discussed on Ubuntu forums? filed a separate report(s) for issues you face? posted a bounty? Use/purchase a different program? Developing software takes money and/or time. It is unfair as well as unhelpful to stand back and complain without contributing either money or time to support. Asking people to work for free for the most part is unreasonable. People deserve compensation for their work for food, clothing, shelter, etc. Apart from this interface bug the backup process has been fast and reliable for me. I have relied on it on several occasions, and have yet to find a program with the same power, reliability, flexibility and ease of use. I use primarily Elementary OS which includes no backup software by default. I don't like its default music player but that change to a preferred software takes me less than a minute. If you don't like deja dup an up-to-date forum post exploring/testing preferred alternatives or outlining your specific unmet needs is more helpful and potentially more constructive. On Sun, Jan 6, 2019, 23:15 Eero <