Buildfile: build.xml clean: init: [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/buildd/turkey-1.34.0/build compile: [javac] Compiling 5 source files to /tmp/buildd/turkey-1.34.0/build [javac] [javac] Found 1 semantic error compiling "/tmp/buildd/turkey-1.34.0/src/net/sf/turkey/": [javac] [javac] 33. class CLI { [javac] ^-^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: The class file "Class.class" in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.2-" has an invalid format (duplicate local variable type table). [javac] [javac] Found 7 semantic errors compiling "/tmp/buildd/turkey-1.34.0/src/net/sf/turkey/": [javac] [javac] 25. import java.util.Vector; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: The class file "Vector.class" in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.2-" has an invalid format (duplicate local variable type table). [javac] [javac] [javac] 72. protected Vector tables; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Vector" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 97. tables = new Vector(); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Vector" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 166. public Vector getDictionaryNames() { [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Vector" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 168. Vector n = new Vector(); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Vector" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 168. Vector n = new Vector(); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Vector" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 174. return n; [javac] ^-------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: This statement is unreachable. [javac] [javac] Found 8 semantic errors compiling "/tmp/buildd/turkey-1.34.0/src/net/sf/turkey/": [javac] [javac] 23. import java.util.Hashtable; [javac] ^-------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: The class file "Hashtable.class" in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.2-" has an invalid format (duplicate local variable type table). [javac] [javac] [javac] 68. table = new Hashtable(); [javac] ^-------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Hashtable" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 96. table.put(prefix, new Vector()); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Vector" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 98. ((Vector)table.get(prefix)).add(next); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Vector" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 139. Vector nextChars = (Vector)table.get(prefix); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Vector" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 139. Vector nextChars = (Vector)table.get(prefix); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Vector" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 146. Vector startChars = (Vector)table.get(" "); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Vector" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 146. Vector startChars = (Vector)table.get(" "); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Vector" was not found. [javac] [javac] Found 61 semantic errors compiling "/tmp/buildd/turkey-1.34.0/src/net/sf/turkey/": [javac] [javac] 23. import javax.swing.JPanel; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: The class file "JComponent.class" in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.2-" has an invalid format (duplicate local variable type table). [javac] [javac] [javac] 28. import javax.swing.JComboBox; [javac] ^-------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: The class file "JComboBox.class" in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.2-" has an invalid format (duplicate local variable type table). [javac] [javac] [javac] 35. import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; [javac] ^------------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: The class file "SwingUtilities.class" in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.2-" has an invalid format (duplicate local variable type table). [javac] [javac] [javac] 60. import java.util.prefs.Preferences; [javac] ^---------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: The class file "Preferences.class" in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.2-" has an invalid format (duplicate local variable type table). [javac] [javac] [javac] 66. class GUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ChangeListener { [javac] ^-^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: The class file "Font.class" in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.2-" has an invalid format (duplicate local variable type table). [javac] [javac] [javac] 66. class GUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ChangeListener { [javac] ^-^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: The class file "MenuItem.class" in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.2-" has an invalid format (duplicate local variable type table). [javac] [javac] [javac] 66. class GUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ChangeListener { [javac] ^-^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: The class file "InputContext.class" in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.2-" has an invalid format (duplicate local variable type table). [javac] [javac] [javac] 141. Preferences root = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(getClass()); [javac] ^---------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Preferences" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 152. Preferences root = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(getClass()); [javac] ^---------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "Preferences" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 164. protected JPanel mainPanel; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 165. protected JPanel buttonBar; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 166. protected JPanel outputPanel; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 167. protected JPanel configPanel; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 168. protected JPanel mainConfigPanel; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 169. protected JPanel dictionaryPanel; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 170. protected JPanel outputTypePanel; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 171. protected JPanel paramsPanel; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 173. protected JTabbedPane notebook; [javac] ^---------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JTabbedPane" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 174. protected JTextArea outputArea; [javac] ^-------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JTextArea" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 175. protected JScrollPane scrollArea; [javac] ^---------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JScrollPane" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 177. protected JLabel sentenceLabel; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JLabel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 178. protected JLabel paragraphLabel; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JLabel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 180. protected JComboBox dictionaryType; [javac] ^-------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JComboBox" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 182. protected JSlider sentenceAdjust; [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JSlider" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 183. protected JSlider paraAdjust; [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JSlider" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 185. protected JButton closeButton; [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JButton" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 186. protected JButton copyButton; [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JButton" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 187. protected JButton goButton; [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JButton" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 190. protected JRadioButton otPlain; [javac] ^----------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JRadioButton" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 191. protected JRadioButton otHTML; [javac] ^----------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JRadioButton" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 196. mainPanel = new JPanel(); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 199. closeButton = new JButton(quitAction); [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JButton" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 200. goButton = new JButton(goAction); [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JButton" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 201. copyButton = new JButton(copyAction); [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JButton" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 203. buttonBar = new JPanel(); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 210. outputArea = new JTextArea(); [javac] ^-------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JTextArea" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 216. scrollArea = new JScrollPane(outputArea); [javac] ^---------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JScrollPane" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 218. outputPanel = new JPanel(); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 223. dictionaryType = new JComboBox(gen.getDictionaryNames()); [javac] ^-------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JComboBox" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 227. dictionaryPanel = new JPanel(); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 229. dictionaryPanel.add(new JLabel("Available dictionaries: ")); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JLabel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 232. otPlain = new JRadioButton("Plain text", !gen.isHTMLOutput()); [javac] ^----------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JRadioButton" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 234. otHTML = new JRadioButton("HTML", !otPlain.isSelected()); [javac] ^----------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JRadioButton" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 241. outputTypePanel = new JPanel(); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 246. sentenceAdjust = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, Generator.SENTENCES_MIN, Generator.SENTENCES_MAX, gen.getSentencesPerPar()); [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JSlider" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 255. paraAdjust = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, Generator.PARAGRAPHS_MIN, Generator.PARAGRAPHS_MAX, gen.getParagraphsTotal()); [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JSlider" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 264. sentenceLabel = new JLabel("Sentences per paragraph: " + gen.getSentencesPerPar(), SwingConstants.CENTER); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JLabel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 266. paragraphLabel = new JLabel("Paragraphs total: " + gen.getParagraphsTotal(), SwingConstants.CENTER); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JLabel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 269. paramsPanel = new JPanel(); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 277. mainConfigPanel = new JPanel(); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 285. configPanel = new JPanel(); [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 289. notebook = new JTabbedPane(); [javac] ^---------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JTabbedPane" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 348. JSlider source = (JSlider)e.getSource(); [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JSlider" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 348. JSlider source = (JSlider)e.getSource(); [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JSlider" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 367. return new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource(id)); [javac] ^-----------------------------------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Ambiguous invocation of constructor "ImageIcon". At least two constructors are accessible from here: "ImageIcon(java.lang.String $1);" and "ImageIcon(byte[] $1);". [javac] [javac] [javac] 379. protected class JTextPanel extends JPanel { [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JPanel" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 381. protected JScrollPane scroller; [javac] ^---------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JScrollPane" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 388. setBorder(new EmptyBorder(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5))); [javac] ^------------------------------------------------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: No accessible method with signature "setBorder(javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder)" was found in type "net.sf.turkey.GUI$JTextPanel". [javac] [javac] [javac] 390. JTextArea text = new JTextArea(); [javac] ^-------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JTextArea" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 390. JTextArea text = new JTextArea(); [javac] ^-------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JTextArea" was not found. [javac] [javac] [javac] 397. scroller = new JScrollPane(text); [javac] ^---------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Type "JScrollPane" was not found. BUILD FAILED /tmp/buildd/turkey-1.34.0/build.xml:28: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.