Another exception ocurrs when Cubic tries to copy selected kernel files, after the user clicks the "Generate" button. In the example below, Cubic is unable to copy the vmlinuz file because the source directory is interchanged with the kernel version, and the target destination is interchanged with the note associated with the selected kernel. Again the column mixup, resulting from the limitation of how Python 3.5 handles dictionaries, results in an exception. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Update ISO boot files The selected kernel is index number 0 Delete existig files with pattern. /home/psingh/16.04.06/custom-live- iso/casper/vmlinuz* Copy file.......................... Number 1 of 2 The source file is................. 4.15.0-45/vmlinuz The target file is................. /home/psingh/16.04.06/custom-live- iso/casper/You are currently running kernel version 4.15.0-45. This kernel is used to bootstrap the original live ISO image. Reference these files as vmlinuz and initrd in the ISO boot configurations. Execute asynchronously............. rsync --archive --no-relative --no- implied-dirs --info=progress2 "4.15.0-45/vmlinuz" "/home/psingh/16.04.06/custom-live- iso/casper/You are currently running kernel version 4.15.0-45. This kernel is used to bootstrap the original live ISO image. Reference these files as vmlinuz and initrd in the ISO boot configurations." Set a new process for thread id.... 140019202504448 The new process id is.............. 2783 • The start time is................ 20:50:58.274352 • Completed........................ 0% • The end time is.................. 20:50:58.292688 Exception encountered in thread.... 140019202504448 Ignore exception?.................. No The tracekback is.................. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/cubic/", line 93, in run self.action() File "/usr/share/cubic/", line 436, in action self) File "/usr/share/cubic/", line 2217, in transition__from__opti ons_page__to__repacka - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -