I don't remember which it was exactly, it would have probably been unity. Anyway, the program needed the location tracker, but didn't want such filth on my system, and I eventually was able to satisify the dependancy of the program that required the location tracker by compiling the whole thing into a deb, with its data files blank. And ubuntu ran with no problem with the modification. The next oddity is the greeter, I don't see why that would need the whole desktop enviroment. Does gdm or kdm need their entire corrosponding emviroment, no. Both of which can run on Lubuntu, and kdm can even be shipped on a custom remastersys style livecd with no issues. Therefore there is no valid reason for ubuntu's greeter to require all of ubuntu. All this is, is locking users into what cononical wants, just like Apple and Microsoft with their OSes. As far as I'm concerned, Ubuntu is only riding on it's former glory, as it is quite likelly that if a distro now came out with as much spyware as ubuntu, they would be rejected instantly. Canonical has lost my trust completly, to the point that I don't want to use ubuntu again. --- Original Message --- From: "LocutusOfBorg"