> If you really can't understand what I and a few others have said here about newbies having difficulties with workspaces (and why we have to remove them for those newbies) We know that workspaces are an issue and that's being working, you having to install ccsm to remove them though is neither a proper solution nor a scalable one that's all I'm saying. In practice it means 99% of users don't have "the chance" to have a power user doing that tweak for them and such will run into the workspace issues and not into that specific bug. Now fixing the workspace issue is an High priority bug yes, we aim at properly fixing the issue not at properly giving power users a way to workaround poor design for 1% of users that can be reach this way > Instead of seeing this issue for what it is, a very clear and obvious bug (and one, I'd point out, that 36 people and counting went out of their way to find on the internet in an effort to fix it on their machines), you continue to push this as something that, if experienced, is the fault of the end-user for being naive enough to customize their installation. This isn't a niche case of a user enabling just the right combination of esoteric plugins and complaing that things break. On the contrary, this is a bug that any user trying to replicate their workflow from Windows or OS X will find and that reflects poorly on the operating system. shrug, do you guys realize that nobody claimed that: - the bug is not valid - users who tweak are wrong - the bug will not be fixed ? you guys just are making all that ranting just for a freaking bug tracker *setting*? That bug will likely be addressed in the next SRU despite being tagged as *Lowl*, you realize that? I'm not making the guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance "Low: ... Bugs that have easy work-arounds Bugs that affect unusual end-user configurations..." that bug has an easy workaround and that bug affects "unusual end-user configurations" ... you can argue over that but if you were looking at stats, Ubuntu has million and users and it's likely that the vast majority of those just get confused by workspaces and don't have a friend technical enough to reduce their number of workspace to 1. > While this is not a bug with Unity proper, your attitude brings to mind Bug #882274. This feature worked in the past, and now it's broken. I kindly suggest that Instead of telling all these users, "Yeah, we'll fix it... but you're wrong for having the bug so we'll take our sweet time," try to be understanding and less cynical. People didn't come here to start an argument with you, they came to fix a problem. Try not to forget that. Shrug, again nobody said "you're wrong for having the bug so we'll take our sweet time", but I will tell you what: - there are 1110 open bugs against compiz in Ubuntu - those include issues which lead a part of the userbase to not be able to use compiz: segfaults, slowness, broken multiscreen handling, graphical corruptions, etc - there are less than 3 people working on compiz at the moment - there are other "regressions" and hot bugs What you guys are ranting about is that those nice people who put lot of efforts, often spending nights and weekends fixing and improving the software you use *for free* are not still doing enough to your tast and not taking your pet bug as world stopper issue. You just have a got at them for trying to prioritize work over that list of over a thousand of issues? How is that fair? The situation can be frustrating yes, but stop to think a bit about it and see how you would feel like if you were on the "receiving" end of that ranting, how you would feel like if you spend countless hours fixing issue to get in return users coming and calling you bad names because you didn't manage to fix more that than? Enough ranting for today, we will get to this issue, thanks for understanding why things are not perfect