Comment 2 for bug 1040108

Revision history for this message
brad svee (brad-svee) wrote :

We are seeing this as well with Percona Xtradb-Cluster 5.5.24-23.6.340.rhel6 (2 nodes + 1 galera arbitrator) with an F5 bigIP load balancer. Jay Jansen noticed this was unusually high number and recommended we file a bug. Not sure it affects much but it definitely affects the ability to run pt-online-schema-change without setting absurdly high override values for --critical-load and --max-load. Notably we have not had a "node recovery" on our primary server as mentioned in the description above

mysql> show global status like 'threads_running';
| Variable_name | Value |
| Threads_running | 4294958896 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)