[DEBUG • 04-18 13:20:22] • cloudinstall.ui.dialog • (dialog.py, _build_widget, 93)] Num items: 2, items: [DEBUG • 04-18 13:20:32] • cloudinstall.ui.dialog • (dialog.py, submit, 111)] Callback on : OrderedDict([('password', ), ('confirm_password', )]) [DEBUG • 04-18 13:20:35] • cloudinstall.ui • (__init__.py, submit, 214)] Callback on : OrderedDict([('Landscape OpenStack Autopilot', (, 'Benefit from best practices in cloud building, and get up and running within minutes, all from an intuitive web UI.')), ('Multi', (, 'OpenStack installation utilizing MAAS.')), ('Single', (, 'Fully containerized OpenStack installation on a single machine.'))]) [INFO • 04-18 13:20:35] • cloudinstall.install • (install.py, do_install, 129)] Performing a Landscape OpenStack Autopilot install [DEBUG • 04-18 13:20:35] • cloudinstall.ui.dialog • (dialog.py, _build_widget, 93)] Num items: 4, items: [DEBUG • 04-18 13:21:27] • cloudinstall.ui.dialog • (dialog.py, submit, 111)] Callback on : OrderedDict([('admin_email', ), ('admin_name', ), ('maas_server', ), ('maas_apikey', )]) [DEBUG • 04-18 13:21:27] • cloudinstall.landscape_install • (landscape_install.py, _save_lds_creds, 81)] Existing MAAS defined, doing a LDS installation with existing MAAS. [DEBUG • 04-18 13:21:31] • cloudinstall.utils • (utils.py, ssh_genkey, 819)] ssh keys exist for this user, they will be used instead. [DEBUG • 04-18 13:21:31] • cloudinstall.multi_install • (multi_install.py, do_install, 137)] Bootstrapping Juju: JUJU_HOME=/home/juancc2007/.cloud-install/juju juju bootstrap [DEBUG • 04-18 14:01:29] • cloudinstall.multi_install • (multi_install.py, do_install, 143)] Problem during bootstrap: '{'status': 1, 'output': 'Bootstrapping environment "maas"\nStarting new instance for initial state server\nLaunching instance\nWARNING no architecture was specified, acquiring an arbitrary node\n - /MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-3a69645a-a431-11e4-8bf7-0001023950cb/\nInstalling Juju agent on bootstrap instance\nWaiting for address\nAttempting to connect to trb4g.maas:22\nAttempting to connect to trb4g.maas:22\nAttempting to connect to\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\r\n@ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @\r\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\r\nIT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY!\r\nSomeone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!\r\nIt is also possible that a host key has just been changed.\r\nThe fingerprint for the ECDSA key sent by the remote host is\n04:22:f7:6a:d9:c3:37:3a:40:5e:99:15:39:3a:18:cb.\r\nPlease contact your system administrator.\r\nAdd correct host key in /home/juancc2007/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.\r\nOffending ECDSA key in /home/juancc2007/.ssh/known_hosts:6\r\n remove with: ssh-keygen -f "/home/juancc2007/.ssh/known_hosts" -R\r\nKeyboard-interactive authentication is disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.\r\nsudo: unable to resolve host trb4g\nLogging to /var/log/cloud-init-output.log on remote host\nRunning apt-get update\nRunning apt-get upgrade\nInstalling package: curl\nInstalling package: cpu-checker\nInstalling package: bridge-utils\nInstalling package: rsyslog-gnutls\nInstalling package: cloud-utils\nInstalling package: cloud-image-utils\nFetching tools: curl -sSfw \'tools from %{url_effective} downloaded: HTTP %{http_code}; time %{time_total}s; size %{size_download} bytes; speed %{speed_download} bytes/s \' --retry 10 -o $bin/tools.tar.gz <[https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/releases/juju-1.22.1-trusty-amd64.tgz]>\nBootstrapping Juju machine agent\nCloud-init v. 0.7.5 running \'init-local\' at Sat, 18 Apr 2015 17:56:35 +0000. Up 17.96 seconds.\nCloud-init v. 0.7.5 running \'init\' at Sat, 18 Apr 2015 17:56:55 +0000. Up 38.38 seconds.\nci-info: +++++++++++++++++++++++++Net device info++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nci-info: +--------+-------+-----------+---------------+-------------------+\nci-info: | Device | Up | Address | Mask | Hw-Address |\nci-info: +--------+-------+-----------+---------------+-------------------+\nci-info: | lo | True | | | . |\nci-info: | eth1 | False | . | . | 00:11:25:a9:46:9d |\nci-info: | eth0 | True | | | 00:11:25:a9:46:9c |\nci-info: +--------+-------+-----------+---------------+-------------------+\nci-info: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Route info++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nci-info: +-------+-------------+----------+---------------+-----------+-------+\nci-info: | Route | Destination | Gateway | Genmask | Interface | Flags |\nci-info: +-------+-------------+----------+---------------+-----------+-------+\nci-info: | 0 | | | | eth0 | UG |\nci-info: | 1 | | | | eth0 | U |\nci-info: +-------+-------------+----------+---------------+-----------+-------+\nGenerating public/private rsa key pair.\nYour identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.\nYour public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub.\nThe key fingerprint is:\ndd:ce:fe:e6:d8:ba:4e:1f:e7:56:65:e9:95:69:ce:c5 root@trb4g\nThe key\'s randomart image is:\n+--[ RSA 2048]----+\n| |\n| |\n| .+|\n| . . =E|\n| S . . =.+|\n| o +.|\n| + . o|\n| o +.+.|\n| .**=..|\n+-----------------+\nGenerating public/private dsa key pair.\nYour identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.\nYour public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub.\nThe key fingerprint is:\n50:0c:eb:6e:a9:49:d8:fc:07:d1:54:5a:38:23:dc:5f root@trb4g\nThe key\'s randomart image is:\n+--[ DSA 1024]----+\n| ..+.oo |\n| ooBo E |\n| o+.+ . |\n| .... . |\n| ..S |\n| + ... |\n| . + +. |\n| . = . |\n| o .. |\n+-----------------+\nGenerating public/private ecdsa key pair.\nYour identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.\nYour public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub.\nThe key fingerprint is:\n04:22:f7:6a:d9:c3:37:3a:40:5e:99:15:39:3a:18:cb root@trb4g\nThe key\'s randomart image is:\n+--[ECDSA 256]---+\n| . o . oo |\n| o.o =o |\n| ..+=... |\n| oE*o. |\n| * +.S |\n| . . + . |\n| o |\n| . |\n| |\n+-----------------+\nCloud-init v. 0.7.5 running \'modules:config\' at Sat, 18 Apr 2015 17:57:00 +0000. Up 43.35 seconds.\nGenerating locales...\n en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date\nGeneration complete.\nIgn http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security InRelease\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security Release.gpg\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security Release\nIgn http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty InRelease\nIgn http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates InRelease\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/main Sources\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/restricted Sources\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/universe Sources\nIgn http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports InRelease\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/multiverse Sources\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/main amd64 Packages\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/restricted amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty Release.gpg\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/universe amd64 Packages\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/multiverse amd64 Packages\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/main i386 Packages\nGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates Release.gpg [933 B]\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/restricted i386 Packages\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/universe i386 Packages\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/multiverse i386 Packages\nGet:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports Release.gpg [933 B]\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/main Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty Release\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/multiverse Translation-en\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/restricted Translation-en\nGet:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates Release [63.5 kB]\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/universe Translation-en\nGet:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports Release [63.5 kB]\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/main Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/restricted Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/multiverse Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/main amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/restricted amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/multiverse amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/main i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/restricted i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/multiverse i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/main Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/multiverse Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/restricted Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe Translation-en\nGet:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/main Sources [194 kB]\nGet:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/restricted Sources [2564 B]\nGet:7 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/universe Sources [112 kB]\nGet:8 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/multiverse Sources [4775 B]\nGet:9 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/main amd64 Packages [502 kB]\nGet:10 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [9238 B]\nGet:11 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/universe amd64 Packages [269 kB]\nGet:12 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages [11.7 kB]\nGet:13 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/main i386 Packages [491 kB]\nGet:14 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/restricted i386 Packages [9256 B]\nGet:15 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/universe i386 Packages [270 kB]\nGet:16 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/multiverse i386 Packages [11.9 kB]\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/main Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/multiverse Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/restricted Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/universe Translation-en\nGet:17 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/main Sources [5851 B]\nGet:18 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/restricted Sources [28 B]\nGet:19 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/universe Sources [24.7 kB]\nGet:20 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/multiverse Sources [1898 B]\nGet:21 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/main amd64 Packages [6256 B]\nGet:22 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/restricted amd64 Packages [28 B]\nGet:23 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/universe amd64 Packages [28.5 kB]\nGet:24 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/multiverse amd64 Packages [1245 B]\nGet:25 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/main i386 Packages [6285 B]\nGet:26 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/restricted i386 Packages [28 B]\nGet:27 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/universe i386 Packages [28.5 kB]\nGet:28 http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/multiverse i386 Packages [1249 B]\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/main Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/multiverse Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/restricted Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/universe Translation-en\nFetched 2120 kB in 19s (107 kB/s)\nReading package lists...\nReading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading state information...\nThe following NEW packages will be installed:\n bridge-utils\n0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.\nNeed to get 29.2 kB of archives.\nAfter this operation, 146 kB of additional disk space will be used.\nGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main bridge-utils amd64 1.5-6ubuntu2 [29.2 kB]\nFetched 29.2 kB in 0s (99.3 kB/s)\nSelecting previously unselected package bridge-utils.\n(Reading database ... 58666 files and directories currently installed.)\nPreparing to unpack .../bridge-utils_1.5-6ubuntu2_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking bridge-utils (1.5-6ubuntu2) ...\nProcessing triggers for man-db ( ...\nSetting up bridge-utils (1.5-6ubuntu2) ...\nCloud-init v. 0.7.5 running \'modules:final\' at Sat, 18 Apr 2015 17:57:38 +0000. Up 80.52 seconds.\n+ mkdir -p /var/lib/juju\n+ install -m 755 /dev/null /var/lib/juju/MAASmachine.txt\n+ printf %s\\n \'hostname: trb4g.maas\n\'\n+ ifdown eth0\nInternet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.2.4\nCopyright 2004-2012 Internet Systems Consortium.\nAll rights reserved.\nFor info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/\n\nListening on LPF/eth0/00:11:25:a9:46:9c\nSending on LPF/eth0/00:11:25:a9:46:9c\nSending on Socket/fallback\nDHCPRELEASE on eth0 to port 67 (xid=0x135eeb67)\n+ cat\n+ grep -q iface eth0 inet dhcp /etc/network/interfaces\n+ sed -i s/iface eth0 inet dhcp// /etc/network/interfaces\n+ ifup juju-br0\n\nWaiting for juju-br0 to get ready (MAXWAIT is 32 seconds).\nInternet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.2.4\nCopyright 2004-2012 Internet Systems Consortium.\nAll rights reserved.\nFor info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/\n\nListening on LPF/juju-br0/00:11:25:a9:46:9c\nSending on LPF/juju-br0/00:11:25:a9:46:9c\nSending on Socket/fallback\nDHCPDISCOVER on juju-br0 to port 67 interval 3 (xid=0x213d35d9)\nDHCPDISCOVER on juju-br0 to port 67 interval 4 (xid=0x213d35d9)\nDHCPREQUEST of on juju-br0 to port 67 (xid=0x213d35d9)\nDHCPOFFER of from\nDHCPACK of from\nbound to -- renewal in 21502 seconds.\n+ set -xe\n+ install -D -m 644 /dev/null /var/lib/juju/nonce.txt\n+ printf %s\\n user-admin:bootstrap\nCloud-init v. 0.7.5 finished at Sat, 18 Apr 2015 17:57:44 +0000. Datasource DataSourceMAAS []. Up 87.04 seconds\nIgn http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security InRelease\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security Release.gpg\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security Release\nIgn http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty InRelease\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/main Sources\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/restricted Sources\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/universe Sources\nIgn http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates InRelease\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/multiverse Sources\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/main amd64 Packages\nIgn http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports InRelease\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/restricted amd64 Packages\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/universe amd64 Packages\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/multiverse amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty Release.gpg\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/main i386 Packages\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/restricted i386 Packages\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/universe i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates Release.gpg\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/multiverse i386 Packages\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/main Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports Release.gpg\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/multiverse Translation-en\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/restricted Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty Release\nHit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/universe Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates Release\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports Release\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/main Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/restricted Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/multiverse Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/main amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/restricted amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/multiverse amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/main i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/restricted i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/multiverse i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/main Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/multiverse Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/restricted Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/main Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/restricted Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/universe Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/multiverse Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/main amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/restricted amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/universe amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/main i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/restricted i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/universe i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/multiverse i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/main Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/multiverse Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/restricted Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates/universe Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/main Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/restricted Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/universe Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/multiverse Sources\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/main amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/restricted amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/universe amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/multiverse amd64 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/main i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/restricted i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/universe i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/multiverse i386 Packages\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/main Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/multiverse Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/restricted Translation-en\nHit http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports/universe Translation-en\nReading package lists...\nReading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading state information...\n0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.\nReading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading state information...\ncurl is already the newest version.\n0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.\nReading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading state information...\nThe following extra packages will be installed:\n msr-tools\nThe following NEW packages will be installed:\n cpu-checker msr-tools\n0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.\nNeed to get 17.5 kB of archives.\nAfter this operation, 112 kB of additional disk space will be used.\nGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main msr-tools amd64 1.3-2 [10.6 kB]\nGet:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main cpu-checker amd64 0.7-0ubuntu4 [6834 B]\nFetched 17.5 kB in 5s (3359 B/s)\nSelecting previously unselected package msr-tools.\n(Reading database ... 58692 files and directories currently installed.)\nPreparing to unpack .../msr-tools_1.3-2_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking msr-tools (1.3-2) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package cpu-checker.\nPreparing to unpack .../cpu-checker_0.7-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking cpu-checker (0.7-0ubuntu4) ...\nProcessing triggers for man-db ( ...\nSetting up msr-tools (1.3-2) ...\nSetting up cpu-checker (0.7-0ubuntu4) ...\nReading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading state information...\nbridge-utils is already the newest version.\n0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.\nReading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading state information...\nSuggested packages:\n gnutls-bin\nThe following NEW packages will be installed:\n rsyslog-gnutls\n0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.\nNeed to get 13.9 kB of archives.\nAfter this operation, 88.1 kB of additional disk space will be used.\nGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/universe rsyslog-gnutls amd64 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.5 [13.9 kB]\nFetched 13.9 kB in 0s (160 kB/s)\nSelecting previously unselected package rsyslog-gnutls.\n(Reading database ... 58706 files and directories currently installed.)\nPreparing to unpack .../rsyslog-gnutls_7.4.4-1ubuntu2.5_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking rsyslog-gnutls (7.4.4-1ubuntu2.5) ...\nSetting up rsyslog-gnutls (7.4.4-1ubuntu2.5) ...\nReading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading state information...\nThe following extra packages will be installed:\n cloud-image-utils distro-info distro-info-data euca2ools genisoimage libaio1\n libboost-system1.54.0 libboost-thread1.54.0 libnspr4 libnss3 libnss3-nssdb\n librados2 librbd1 libxslt1.1 python-distro-info python-lxml\n python-requestbuilder python-setuptools qemu-utils sharutils\nSuggested packages:\n shunit2 wodim cdrkit-doc python-lxml-dbg debootstrap bsd-mailx mailx\nThe following NEW packages will be installed:\n cloud-image-utils cloud-utils distro-info distro-info-data euca2ools\n genisoimage libaio1 libboost-system1.54.0 libboost-thread1.54.0 libnspr4\n libnss3 libnss3-nssdb librados2 librbd1 libxslt1.1 python-distro-info\n python-lxml python-requestbuilder python-setuptools qemu-utils sharutils\n0 upgraded, 21 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.\nNeed to get 5489 kB of archives.\nAfter this operation, 21.7 MB of additional disk space will be used.\nGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main libaio1 amd64 0.3.109-4 [6364 B]\nGet:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main libboost-system1.54.0 amd64 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1 [10.1 kB]\nGet:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main libboost-thread1.54.0 amd64 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1 [26.5 kB]\nGet:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main libnspr4 amd64 2:4.10.7-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 [111 kB]\nGet:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main libnss3-nssdb all 2:3.17.4-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 [10.6 kB]\nGet:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main libnss3 amd64 2:3.17.4-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 [1096 kB]\nGet:7 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main librados2 amd64 0.80.9-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 [1427 kB]\nGet:8 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main librbd1 amd64 0.80.9-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 [318 kB]\nGet:9 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main libxslt1.1 amd64 1.1.28-2build1 [145 kB]\nGet:10 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main python-requestbuilder all 0.1.0~beta2-1build1 [25.4 kB]\nGet:11 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main distro-info-data all 0.18ubuntu0.2 [4184 B]\nGet:12 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main distro-info amd64 0.12 [19.3 kB]\nGet:13 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main python-lxml amd64 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1 [629 kB]\nGet:14 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main python-setuptools all 3.3-1ubuntu1 [230 kB]\nGet:15 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main euca2ools all 3.0.2-1ubuntu1 [251 kB]\nGet:16 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main genisoimage amd64 9:1.1.11-2ubuntu3 [587 kB]\nGet:17 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main python-distro-info all 0.12 [8082 B]\nGet:18 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main qemu-utils amd64 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.10 [412 kB]\nGet:19 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main sharutils amd64 1:4.14-1ubuntu1 [145 kB]\nGet:20 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main cloud-image-utils all 0.27-0ubuntu9.1 [25.6 kB]\nGet:21 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main cloud-utils all 0.27-0ubuntu9.1 [1506 B]\nFetched 5489 kB in 8s (661 kB/s)\nSelecting previously unselected package libaio1:amd64.\n(Reading database ... 58711 files and directories currently installed.)\nPreparing to unpack .../libaio1_0.3.109-4_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking libaio1:amd64 (0.3.109-4) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package libboost-system1.54.0:amd64.\nPreparing to unpack .../libboost-system1.54.0_1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking libboost-system1.54.0:amd64 (1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package libboost-thread1.54.0:amd64.\nPreparing to unpack .../libboost-thread1.54.0_1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking libboost-thread1.54.0:amd64 (1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package libnspr4:amd64.\nPreparing to unpack .../libnspr4_2%3a4.10.7-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking libnspr4:amd64 (2:4.10.7-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package libnss3-nssdb.\nPreparing to unpack .../libnss3-nssdb_2%3a3.17.4-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_all.deb ...\nUnpacking libnss3-nssdb (2:3.17.4-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package libnss3:amd64.\nPreparing to unpack .../libnss3_2%3a3.17.4-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking libnss3:amd64 (2:3.17.4-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package librados2.\nPreparing to unpack .../librados2_0.80.9-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking librados2 (0.80.9-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package librbd1.\nPreparing to unpack .../librbd1_0.80.9-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking librbd1 (0.80.9-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package libxslt1.1:amd64.\nPreparing to unpack .../libxslt1.1_1.1.28-2build1_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking libxslt1.1:amd64 (1.1.28-2build1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package python-requestbuilder.\nPreparing to unpack .../python-requestbuilder_0.1.0~beta2-1build1_all.deb ...\nUnpacking python-requestbuilder (0.1.0~beta2-1build1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package distro-info-data.\nPreparing to unpack .../distro-info-data_0.18ubuntu0.2_all.deb ...\nUnpacking distro-info-data (0.18ubuntu0.2) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package distro-info.\nPreparing to unpack .../distro-info_0.12_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking distro-info (0.12) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package python-lxml.\nPreparing to unpack .../python-lxml_3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking python-lxml (3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package python-setuptools.\nPreparing to unpack .../python-setuptools_3.3-1ubuntu1_all.deb ...\nUnpacking python-setuptools (3.3-1ubuntu1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package euca2ools.\nPreparing to unpack .../euca2ools_3.0.2-1ubuntu1_all.deb ...\nUnpacking euca2ools (3.0.2-1ubuntu1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package genisoimage.\nPreparing to unpack .../genisoimage_9%3a1.1.11-2ubuntu3_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking genisoimage (9:1.1.11-2ubuntu3) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package python-distro-info.\nPreparing to unpack .../python-distro-info_0.12_all.deb ...\nUnpacking python-distro-info (0.12) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package qemu-utils.\nPreparing to unpack .../qemu-utils_2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.10_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking qemu-utils (2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.10) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package sharutils.\nPreparing to unpack .../sharutils_1%3a4.14-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking sharutils (1:4.14-1ubuntu1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package cloud-image-utils.\nPreparing to unpack .../cloud-image-utils_0.27-0ubuntu9.1_all.deb ...\nUnpacking cloud-image-utils (0.27-0ubuntu9.1) ...\nSelecting previously unselected package cloud-utils.\nPreparing to unpack .../cloud-utils_0.27-0ubuntu9.1_all.deb ...\nUnpacking cloud-utils (0.27-0ubuntu9.1) ...\nProcessing triggers for man-db ( ...\nProcessing triggers for install-info (5.2.0.dfsg.1-2) ...\nSetting up libaio1:amd64 (0.3.109-4) ...\nSetting up libboost-system1.54.0:amd64 (1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1) ...\nSetting up libboost-thread1.54.0:amd64 (1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1) ...\nSetting up libnspr4:amd64 (2:4.10.7-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) ...\nSetting up libxslt1.1:amd64 (1.1.28-2build1) ...\nSetting up python-requestbuilder (0.1.0~beta2-1build1) ...\nSetting up distro-info-data (0.18ubuntu0.2) ...\nSetting up distro-info (0.12) ...\nSetting up python-lxml (3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1) ...\nSetting up python-setuptools (3.3-1ubuntu1) ...\nSetting up euca2ools (3.0.2-1ubuntu1) ...\nSetting up genisoimage (9:1.1.11-2ubuntu3) ...\nSetting up python-distro-info (0.12) ...\nSetting up sharutils (1:4.14-1ubuntu1) ...\nSetting up libnss3-nssdb (2:3.17.4-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) ...\nSetting up libnss3:amd64 (2:3.17.4-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) ...\nSetting up librados2 (0.80.9-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) ...\nSetting up librbd1 (0.80.9-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) ...\nSetting up qemu-utils (2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.10) ...\nSetting up cloud-image-utils (0.27-0ubuntu9.1) ...\nSetting up cloud-utils (0.27-0ubuntu9.1) ...\nProcessing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-0ubuntu6.6) ...\nReading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading state information...\ncloud-image-utils is already the newest version.\ncloud-image-utils set to manually installed.\n0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.\nAttempt 1 to download tools from https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/releases/juju-1.22.1-trusty-amd64.tgz...\ntools from https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/releases/juju-1.22.1-trusty-amd64.tgz downloaded: HTTP 200; time 36.357s; size 9532712 bytes; speed 262194.000 bytes/s Tools downloaded successfully.\nd03ec674fa305c551cc2e0e2ade721c1e2422f1b028f9a474e7f55ef84b32c1f /var/lib/juju/tools/1.22.1-trusty-amd64/tools.tar.gz\n2015-04-18 17:59:23 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:37 running jujud [1.22.1-trusty-amd64 gc]\n2015-04-18 17:59:23 INFO juju.network network.go:117 setting prefer-ipv6 to false\n2015-04-18 17:59:26 INFO juju.agent identity.go:22 writing system identity file\n2015-04-18 17:59:26 INFO juju.mongo mongo.go:216 Ensuring mongo server is running; data directory /var/lib/juju; port 37017\n2015-04-18 17:59:26 INFO juju.mongo mongo.go:385 installing juju-mongodb\n2015-04-18 17:59:26 INFO juju.utils.apt apt.go:143 Running: [apt-get --option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io --assume-yes --quiet install juju-mongodb]\n2015-04-18 18:00:28 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""\n2015-04-18 18:00:28 INFO juju.replicaset replicaset.go:73 Initiating replicaset with config replicaset.Config{Name:"juju", Version:1, Members:[]replicaset.Member{replicaset.Member{Id:1, Address:"trb4g.maas:37017", Arbiter:(*bool)(nil), BuildIndexes:(*bool)(nil), Hidden:(*bool)(nil), Priority:(*float64)(nil), Tags:map[string]string{"juju-machine-id":"0"}, SlaveDelay:(*time.Duration)(nil), Votes:(*int)(nil)}}}\n2015-04-18 18:00:28 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:29 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:29 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:30 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:30 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:31 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:31 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:32 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:32 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:33 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:33 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""\n2015-04-18 18:00:33 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:37 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:38 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:38 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:39 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:42 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:43 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:43 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:44 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:48 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:48 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:49 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:49 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:51 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:51 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:52 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:52 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:53 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:53 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:54 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:54 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:55 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:55 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:56 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:56 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:57 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:57 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:58 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:58 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:59 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:00:59 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:00 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:00 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:01 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:01 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:02 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:02 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:03 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:03 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:04 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:04 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""\n2015-04-18 18:01:04 INFO juju.replicaset replicaset.go:73 Initiating replicaset with config replicaset.Config{Name:"juju", Version:1, Members:[]replicaset.Member{replicaset.Member{Id:1, Address:"trb4g.maas:37017", Arbiter:(*bool)(nil), BuildIndexes:(*bool)(nil), Hidden:(*bool)(nil), Priority:(*float64)(nil), Tags:map[string]string{"juju-machine-id":"0"}, SlaveDelay:(*time.Duration)(nil), Votes:(*int)(nil)}}}\n2015-04-18 18:01:04 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:05 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:05 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:06 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:06 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:07 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:07 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:08 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:08 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:09 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:09 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""\n2015-04-18 18:01:09 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:10 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:10 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:11 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:11 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:12 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:12 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:13 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:13 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:14 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:14 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:15 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:15 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:16 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:16 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:17 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:17 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:18 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:18 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:19 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:19 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:20 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:20 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:21 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:21 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:22 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:22 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:23 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:23 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:24 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:24 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:25 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:25 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:26 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:26 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:27 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:27 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:28 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:28 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:29 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\n2015-04-18 18:01:29 INFO juju.worker.peergrouper initiate.go:81 finished MaybeInitiateMongoServer\n2015-04-18 18:01:29 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:430 cannot initiate replica set: cannot get replica set status: can\'t get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)\nERROR failed to bootstrap environment: subprocess encountered error code 1\n'}' [DEBUG • 04-18 14:01:29] • cloudinstall.utils • (utils.py, global_exchandler, 63)] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/utils.py", line 78, in run super().run() File "/usr/lib/python3.4/threading.py", line 868, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/machinewait.py", line 127, in do_continue self.installer.do_install() File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/multi_install.py", line 144, in do_install raise Exception("Problem with juju bootstrap.") Exception: Problem with juju bootstrap. [INFO • 04-18 14:02:29] • cloudinstall.utils • (utils.py, cleanup, 91)] Cleanup, saving latest config object. [DEBUG • 04-18 14:02:29] • cloudinstall.utils • (utils.py, cleanup, 97)] Attempting to reset the terminal [DEBUG • 04-18 14:02:52] • cloudinstall.ui.dialog • (dialog.py, _build_widget, 93)] Num items: 2, items: [DEBUG • 04-18 14:03:02] • cloudinstall.ui.dialog • (dialog.py, submit, 111)] Callback on : OrderedDict([('password', ), ('confirm_password', )]) [DEBUG • 04-18 14:03:07] • cloudinstall.ui • (__init__.py, submit, 214)] Callback on : OrderedDict([('Landscape OpenStack Autopilot', (, 'Benefit from best practices in cloud building, and get up and running within minutes, all from an intuitive web UI.')), ('Multi', (, 'OpenStack installation utilizing MAAS.')), ('Single', (, 'Fully containerized OpenStack installation on a single machine.'))]) [INFO • 04-18 14:03:07] • cloudinstall.install • (install.py, do_install, 129)] Performing a Landscape OpenStack Autopilot install [DEBUG • 04-18 14:03:07] • cloudinstall.ui.dialog • (dialog.py, _build_widget, 93)] Num items: 4, items: [DEBUG • 04-18 14:03:38] • cloudinstall.ui.dialog • (dialog.py, submit, 111)] Callback on : OrderedDict([('admin_email', ), ('admin_name', ), ('maas_server', ), ('maas_apikey', )]) [DEBUG • 04-18 14:03:38] • cloudinstall.landscape_install • (landscape_install.py, _save_lds_creds, 81)] Existing MAAS defined, doing a LDS installation with existing MAAS. [DEBUG • 04-18 14:03:44] • cloudinstall.utils • (utils.py, ssh_genkey, 819)] ssh keys exist for this user, they will be used instead. [DEBUG • 04-18 14:03:44] • cloudinstall.multi_install • (multi_install.py, do_install, 137)] Bootstrapping Juju: JUJU_HOME=/home/juancc2007/.cloud-install/juju juju bootstrap [DEBUG • 04-18 14:36:30] • cloudinstall.multi_install • (multi_install.py, do_install, 173)] Finished MAAS step, now deploying Landscape. [ERROR • 04-18 15:27:25] • cloudinstall.multi_install • (multi_install.py, run_deployer, 770)] Problem deploying Landscape: {'output': "2015-04-18 14:36:44 [DEBUG] deployer.cli: Using runtime GoEnvironment on maas\n2015-04-18 14:36:44 [INFO] deployer.cli: Starting deployment of landscape-dense-maas\n2015-04-18 14:36:44 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Getting charms...\n2015-04-18 14:36:44 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/juancc2007/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_haproxy-4\n2015-04-18 14:36:44 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/haproxy-4\n2015-04-18 14:36:45 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/juancc2007/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_rabbitmq-server-26\n2015-04-18 14:36:45 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-26\n2015-04-18 14:36:46 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/juancc2007/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_postgresql-15\n2015-04-18 14:36:46 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/postgresql-15\n2015-04-18 14:36:47 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/juancc2007/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_landscape-server\n2015-04-18 14:36:47 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/landscape-server-10\n2015-04-18 14:36:48 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/juancc2007/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_landscape-server\n2015-04-18 14:36:48 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/juancc2007/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_apache2-10\n2015-04-18 14:36:48 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/apache2-10\n2015-04-18 14:36:49 [DEBUG] deployer.deploy: Resolving configuration\n2015-04-18 14:36:49 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connecting to environment...\n2015-04-18 14:36:50 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connected to environment\n2015-04-18 14:36:50 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying services...\n2015-04-18 14:36:50 [DEBUG] deployer.import: \n2015-04-18 14:36:51 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service apache2 using cs:trusty/apache2-10\n2015-04-18 14:36:51 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Refetching status for placement deploys\n2015-04-18 14:37:08 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-04-18 14:37:08 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service haproxy using cs:trusty/haproxy-4\n2015-04-18 14:37:19 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-04-18 14:37:20 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service landscape using cs:trusty/landscape-server\n2015-04-18 14:37:37 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-04-18 14:37:38 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service landscape-msg using cs:trusty/landscape-server\n2015-04-18 14:37:50 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-04-18 14:37:51 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service postgresql using cs:trusty/postgresql-15\n2015-04-18 14:38:03 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-04-18 14:38:03 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying service rabbitmq-server using cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-26\n2015-04-18 14:38:38 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Setting annotations\n2015-04-18 14:38:44 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Adding units...\n2015-04-18 14:38:44 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service 'apache2' does not need any more units added.\n2015-04-18 14:38:44 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service 'haproxy' does not need any more units added.\n2015-04-18 14:38:44 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service 'landscape' does not need any more units added.\n2015-04-18 14:38:44 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service 'landscape-msg' does not need any more units added.\n2015-04-18 14:38:44 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service 'postgresql' does not need any more units added.\n2015-04-18 14:38:44 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Service 'rabbitmq-server' does not need any more units added.\n2015-04-18 14:38:44 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Waiting for units before adding relations\n2015-04-18 14:54:47 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/0 change:pending\n2015-04-18 14:55:42 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/1 change:pending\n2015-04-18 14:56:37 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:pending\n2015-04-18 14:57:37 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/3 change:pending\n2015-04-18 14:58:32 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/4 change:pending\n2015-04-18 14:58:32 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/0 change:pending\n2015-04-18 14:58:32 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/0 change:started\n2015-04-18 14:58:32 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:allocating\n2015-04-18 14:59:22 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 14:59:32 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 14:59:32 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/5 change:pending\n2015-04-18 14:59:47 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:pending\n2015-04-18 14:59:52 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:pending\n2015-04-18 14:59:52 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:started\n2015-04-18 14:59:52 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape/0 change:allocating\n2015-04-18 14:59:57 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 14:59:57 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:00:17 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/1 change:pending\n2015-04-18 15:00:17 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/1 change:started\n2015-04-18 15:00:17 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:01:02 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/3 change:pending\n2015-04-18 15:01:02 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/3 change:started\n2015-04-18 15:01:02 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:allocating\n2015-04-18 15:01:07 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:01:07 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:01:17 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/4 change:pending\n2015-04-18 15:01:17 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/4 change:started\n2015-04-18 15:01:22 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:allocating\n2015-04-18 15:01:22 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:01:27 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:01:52 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/5 change:pending\n2015-04-18 15:01:52 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta machine: 0/lxc/5 change:started\n2015-04-18 15:01:52 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:allocating\n2015-04-18 15:02:07 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:02:07 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:02:32 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:03:02 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: haproxy/0 change:started\n2015-04-18 15:03:47 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:04:17 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: apache2/0 change:started\n2015-04-18 15:05:32 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:05:37 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:05:57 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: postgresql/0 change:started\n2015-04-18 15:06:32 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:08:42 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:08:42 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: rabbitmq-server/0 change:started\n2015-04-18 15:24:18 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:24:28 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape-msg/0 change:started\n2015-04-18 15:27:18 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape/0 change:installing\n2015-04-18 15:27:23 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Delta unit: landscape/0 change:started\n2015-04-18 15:27:23 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connecting to environment...\n2015-04-18 15:27:25 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connected to environment\n2015-04-18 15:27:25 [ERROR] deployer.import: Reached deployment timeout.. exiting\n2015-04-18 15:27:25 [INFO] deployer.cli: Deployment stopped. run time: 3041.77\n", 'status': 1} [DEBUG • 04-18 15:27:25] • cloudinstall.utils • (utils.py, global_exchandler, 63)] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/utils.py", line 78, in run super().run() File "/usr/lib/python3.4/threading.py", line 868, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/machinewait.py", line 127, in do_continue self.installer.do_install() File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/multi_install.py", line 177, in do_install self.loop).run() File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/multi_install.py", line 708, in run self.deploy_landscape() File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/multi_install.py", line 731, in deploy_landscape self.run_deployer() File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/multi_install.py", line 771, in run_deployer raise Exception("Error deploying Landscape.") Exception: Error deploying Landscape. [INFO • 04-18 15:29:27] • cloudinstall.utils • (utils.py, cleanup, 91)] Cleanup, saving latest config object. [DEBUG • 04-18 15:29:27] • cloudinstall.utils • (utils.py, cleanup, 97)] Attempting to reset the terminal