Comment 0 for bug 1818669

Revision history for this message
raphael.glon (raphael-glon) wrote :

static routes rendered for eni configuration are not correct for static ipv6 routes


    - mac_address: aa:12:bc:34:ee:ac
      name: eno3
      - address: fd00::12/64
        dns_nameservers: ['fd00:2::15']
        gateway: fd00::1
        ipv6: true
        - netmask: '32'
          network: 'fd00:12::'
          gateway: fd00::2
        type: static
      type: physical
    version: 1

Cloud init renders:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eno3
iface eno3 inet6 static
    address fd00::12/64
    dns-nameservers fd00:2::15
    gateway fd00::1
    post-up route add -net fd00:12:: netmask 32 gw fd00::2 || true
    pre-down route del -net fd00:12:: netmask 32 gw fd00::2 || true

but the post-up/pre-down commands are incorrect (tested, even when replacing the 32 netmask by ffff:ffff::)

One working version
    post-up route add -A inet6 fd00:12::/32 gw fd00::2 || true
    pre-down route del -A inet6 fd00:12::/32 gw fd00::2 || true

Fix proposal available here