Hi Robie, Thanks for the review. I've updated the [Test Plan] and [Where problems could occur] sections based on your feedback. As for the orig tarball, in Ubuntu we use a different process from OpenStack in Debian. We use uscan to import upstream published release tarballs (via debian/watch) using pristine-tar, whereas in Debian imports the git source directly from the upstream git repository into their packages. Instead of trying to do what is done in Debian I would prefer to provide "3.0.1" support via cherry-picks. I did an assessment to narrow down on the patches that we would need to pick up to get us there. This is the entire delta between 2.11.0 and 3.0.1: ~/pkg/ussuri/upstream/python-magnumclient$ git-pretty 2.11.0..3.0.1 - [6d1a386] Labels override - [8fd3b04] Rename variables to address pep8 error - [75fec05] Update TOX/UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/ussuri - [366893e] Update .gitreview for stable/ussuri - [e589b6c] Update master for stable/train - [5d93b51] Update hacking for Python3 - [de2b8e8] Drop py27 tests - [5b7a671] Bugfix: Use fields option for cluster template list - [c0d3683] Allow cluster config for any cluster state - [934cf54] Add nodegroup CRUD commands - [69be0ac] Replace git.openstack.org URLs with opendev.org URLs - [5ad8b7d] Support network, subnet and FIP when creating cluster - [a19d013] Add Python 3 Train unit tests - [c72512d] Conditional hidden arg for backward compatibility - [440f4b1] Fix coverage test - [3d6e9bd] Blacklist bandit 1.6.0 and cap Sphinx on Python2 - [d91d4c7] Display project_id for cluster show - [d3d04b7] OpenDev Migration Patch - [9f5b8c7] Dropping the py35 testing - [ea7c571] Add nodegroup list/show commands - [6b756aa] Support upgrade API - [94380f9] Support resize api - [46e4ab1] Update master for stable/stein - [74c5f22] Support health_status on client side - [3f7b994] python3 fixes - [81b8480] Keystone auth support - [a3297b7] add python 3.7 unit test job - [ab8392c] Add hidden property to cluster template - [5deb538] Fix py37 compatibility - [b4120a1] Use oslo_serialization instead of the json module directly - [d0d08f0] Use template for lower-constraints - [d942ce5] Change openstack-dev to openstack-discuss - [11b7527] Add Python 3.6 classifier to setup.cfg - [07b83c2] add python 3.6 unit test job - [1ab2e77] Trivial: Update pypi url to new url - [8473982] Update links in README I've narrowed down those commits to the following subset which are necessary to update the existing 2.11.0 package to 3.0.1 functionality: - [6d1a386] Labels override - [8fd3b04] Rename variables to address pep8 error - [5d93b51] Update hacking for Python3 - [5b7a671] Bugfix: Use fields option for cluster template list - [c0d3683] Allow cluster config for any cluster state - [934cf54] Add nodegroup CRUD commands - [5ad8b7d] Support network, subnet and FIP when creating cluster - [c72512d] Conditional hidden arg for backward compatibility - [3d6e9bd] Blacklist bandit 1.6.0 and cap Sphinx on Python2 - [d91d4c7] Display project_id for cluster show - [ea7c571] Add nodegroup list/show commands - [6b756aa] Support upgrade API - [94380f9] Support resize api - [74c5f22] Support health_status on client side - [3f7b994] python3 fixes - [81b8480] Keystone auth support - [ab8392c] Add hidden property to cluster template - [5deb538] Fix py37 compatibility - [b4120a1] Use oslo_serialization instead of the json module directly I will plan to upload a new package version with these patches cherry-picked on top of the existing 2.11.0 package version.