@Billy: We've often hit situations where we get alerts regarding cinder services not being online. I'm not sure of all the causes - an obvious cause would be if a cinder unit were redeployed to a new machine or LXD, but it may happen in other cases as well - perhaps in case of upgrades or service restarts, but I am somewhat speculating here. Here is one example from one of our internal clouds: $ cinder service-list WARNING:cinderclient.shell:API version 3.66 requested, WARNING:cinderclient.shell:downgrading to 3.60 based on server support. +------------------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------+---------------+ | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Cluster | Disabled Reason | Backend State | +------------------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------+---------------+ | cinder-scheduler | cinder | nova | enabled | up | 2024-02-12T12:33:12.000000 | - | - | | | cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-flash | nova | enabled | down | 2024-02-12T11:07:54.000000 | - | - | up | | cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-flash | nova | enabled | down | 2024-02-12T11:08:53.000000 | - | - | up | | cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-flash | nova | enabled | up | 2024-02-12T12:33:11.000000 | - | - | up | | cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-hdd | nova | enabled | down | 2024-02-12T11:07:56.000000 | - | - | up | | cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-hdd | nova | enabled | down | 2024-02-12T11:09:01.000000 | - | - | up | | cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-hdd | nova | enabled | up | 2024-02-12T12:33:09.000000 | - | - | up | +------------------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------+---------------+ This action was run to clean up the old records: juju run-action cinder/leader remove-services --wait And the resulting cinder service status was: $ cinder service-list WARNING:cinderclient.shell:API version 3.66 requested, WARNING:cinderclient.shell:downgrading to 3.60 based on server support. +------------------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------+---------------+ | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Cluster | Disabled Reason | Backend State | +------------------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------+---------------+ | cinder-scheduler | cinder | nova | enabled | up | 2024-02-12T12:35:42.000000 | - | - | | | cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-flash | nova | enabled | up | 2024-02-12T12:35:35.000000 | - | - | up | | cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-flash | nova | enabled | up | 2024-02-12T12:35:41.000000 | - | - | up | | cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-flash | nova | enabled | up | 2024-02-12T12:35:41.000000 | - | - | up | | cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-hdd | nova | enabled | up | 2024-02-12T12:35:39.000000 | - | - | up | +------------------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------+---------------+