I grabbed the patch and tried to deploy just a single instance. That single instance came up without issues. Then using juju add-unit, I started another two nodes. One joined the cluster successfully, the other seems to be hanging on: Clustering with remote rabbit host (rabbit@juju-machine-17-lxc-0). Tail end of the JuJu logs: Reading package lists... Doneter-relation-changed Building dependency tree r-relation-changed Reading state information... Donerelation-changed 2016-05-24 14:40:37 INFO worker.uniter.jujuc server.go:173 running hook tool "status-set" ["maintenance" "Clustering with remote rabbit host (rabbit@juju-machine-17-lxc-0)."] 2016-05-24 14:40:37 DEBUG worker.uniter.jujuc server.go:174 hook context id "rabbitmq/3-cluster-relation-changed-383633683969241899"; dir "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-rabbitmq-3/charm" 2016-05-24 14:40:37 INFO worker.uniter.jujuc server.go:173 running hook tool "juju-log" ["-l" "DEBUG" "Running ['/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl', 'stop_app']"] 2016-05-24 14:40:37 DEBUG worker.uniter.jujuc server.go:174 hook context id "rabbitmq/3-cluster-relation-changed-383633683969241899"; dir "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-rabbitmq-3/charm" 2016-05-24 14:40:37 DEBUG juju-log cluster:65: Running ['/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl', 'stop_app'] 2016-05-24 14:40:37 INFO cluster-relation-changed Stopping node 'rabbit@juju-machine-13-lxc-3' ... It never seems to stop. Full process list: root@juju-machine-13-lxc-3:/var/log/juju# ps auxwww USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 1 0.0 0.0 37540 5676 ? Ss 14:36 0:01 /sbin/init root 48 0.0 0.0 35276 8056 ? Ss 14:36 0:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-journald root 86 0.0 0.0 274488 6208 ? Ssl 14:36 0:00 /usr/lib/accountsservice/accounts-daemon syslog 87 0.0 0.0 260632 3244 ? Ssl 14:36 0:00 /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n root 88 0.0 0.0 27728 2972 ? Ss 14:36 0:00 /usr/sbin/cron -f root 92 0.0 0.0 28548 3024 ? Ss 14:36 0:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-logind daemon 97 0.0 0.0 26044 2284 ? Ss 14:36 0:00 /usr/sbin/atd -f message+ 98 0.0 0.0 42948 4016 ? Ss 14:36 0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile --systemd-activation root 103 0.0 0.0 277180 6120 ? Ssl 14:36 0:00 /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkitd --no-debug root 274 0.0 0.0 65612 6244 ? Ss 14:36 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D root 278 0.0 0.0 5224 160 ? Ss 14:36 0:00 /sbin/iscsid root 279 0.0 0.0 5724 3536 ? S