2017-01-17 14:52:48 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:63 running jujud [2.0.2 gc go1.6.2] 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:64 args: []string{"/var/lib/juju/tools/unit-neutron-api-0/jujud", "unit", "--data-dir", "/var/lib/juju", "--unit-name", "neutron-api/0", "--debug"} 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.agent agent.go:509 read agent config, format "2.0" 2017-01-17 14:52:48 INFO juju.jujud unit.go:127 unit agent unit-neutron-api-0 start (2.0.2 [gc]) 2017-01-17 14:52:48 INFO juju.worker runner.go:256 start "api" 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "leadership-tracker" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "logging-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "upgrader" manifold worker stopped: "agent" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "proxy-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-address-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "charm-dir" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "hook-retry-strategy" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "uniter" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "meter-status" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-config-watcher" manifold worker stopped: "agent" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-caller" manifold worker stopped: "agent" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "migration-minion" manifold worker stopped: "agent" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "migration-fortress" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "agent" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.introspection socket.go:72 introspection worker listening on "@jujud-unit-neutron-api-0" 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:183 "api" started 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-collect" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "migration-inactive-flag" manifold worker stopped: "api-caller" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-spool" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-sender" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "proxy-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "uniter" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.introspection socket.go:96 stats worker now servering 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "leadership-tracker" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "meter-status" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-address-updater" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "migration-minion" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "hook-retry-strategy" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "logging-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "log-sender" manifold worker stopped: "api-caller" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "upgrader" manifold worker stopped: "api-caller" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "charm-dir" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "api-config-watcher" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.apicaller connect.go:112 connecting with old password 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-collect" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "uniter" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-spool" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "proxy-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-sender" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:530 dialing "wss://" 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "leadership-tracker" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-address-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "meter-status" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "migration-minion" manifold worker stopped: "api-caller" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "logging-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "hook-retry-strategy" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:48 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:466 connection established to "wss://" 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.apicaller connect.go:142 connected 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.apicaller connect.go:222 changing password... 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.apicaller connect.go:227 password changed 2017-01-17 14:52:48 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-caller" manifold worker stopped: restart immediately 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.apicaller connect.go:99 connecting with current password 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:530 dialing "wss://" 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:466 connection established to "wss://" 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.apicaller connect.go:142 connected 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "api-caller" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "leadership-tracker" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "migration-minion" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "upgrader" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "log-sender" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "proxy-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "hook-retry-strategy" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "meter-status" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "uniter" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "logging-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-address-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-sender" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "migration-inactive-flag" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion worker.go:116 migration phase is now: NONE 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "charm-dir" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "proxy-config-updater" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.logger logger.go:34 initial log config: "=DEBUG" 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "api-address-updater" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.leadership tracker.go:125 neutron-api/0 making initial claim for neutron-api leadership 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.leadership tracker.go:167 checking neutron-api/0 for neutron-api leadership 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.logger logger.go:65 logger setup 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "leadership-tracker" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-collect" manifold worker stopped: "metric-spool" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-sender" manifold worker stopped: "metric-spool" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "uniter" manifold worker stopped: "leadership-tracker" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "logging-config-updater" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "metric-spool" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "meter-status" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-collect" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "hook-retry-strategy" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "uniter" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 14:52:49 DEBUG juju.worker.logger logger.go:50 reconfiguring logging from "=DEBUG" to "=WARNING;unit=DEBUG" 2017-01-17 14:52:49 ERROR juju.worker.dependency engine.go:539 "metric-collect" manifold worker returned unexpected error: failed to read charm from: /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm: stat /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm: no such file or directory 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install dpkg-query: package 'python-apt' is not installed and no information is available 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files, 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents. 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install Building dependency tree... 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install Reading state information... 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install The following additional packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install libpython-stdlib libpython2.7-minimal libpython2.7-stdlib python 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install python-minimal python2.7 python2.7-minimal 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install Suggested packages: 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install python-doc python-tk python-apt-dbg python-apt-doc python2.7-doc binutils 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install binfmt-support 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install The following NEW packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install libpython-stdlib libpython2.7-minimal libpython2.7-stdlib python python-apt 2017-01-17 14:52:49 INFO install python-minimal python2.7 python2.7-minimal 2017-01-17 14:52:50 INFO install 0 upgraded, 8 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2017-01-17 14:52:50 INFO install Need to get 4054 kB of archives. 2017-01-17 14:52:50 INFO install After this operation, 17.3 MB of additional disk space will be used. 2017-01-17 14:52:50 INFO install Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython2.7-minimal amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 [339 kB] 2017-01-17 14:52:50 INFO install Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python2.7-minimal amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 [1295 kB] 2017-01-17 14:52:50 INFO install Get:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-minimal amd64 2.7.11-1 [28.2 kB] 2017-01-17 14:52:51 INFO install Get:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython2.7-stdlib amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 [1884 kB] 2017-01-17 14:52:51 INFO install Get:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python2.7 amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 [224 kB] 2017-01-17 14:52:51 INFO install Get:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libpython-stdlib amd64 2.7.11-1 [7656 B] 2017-01-17 14:52:51 INFO install Get:7 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python amd64 2.7.11-1 [137 kB] 2017-01-17 14:52:51 INFO install Get:8 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-apt amd64 1.1.0~beta1build1 [139 kB] 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Fetched 4054 kB in 2s (1994 kB/s) 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libpython2.7-minimal:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 25671 files and directories currently installed.) 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libpython2.7-minimal_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Unpacking libpython2.7-minimal:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python2.7-minimal. 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python2.7-minimal_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Unpacking python2.7-minimal (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-minimal. 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-minimal_2.7.11-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Unpacking python-minimal (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libpython2.7-stdlib:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libpython2.7-stdlib_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:52:52 INFO install Unpacking libpython2.7-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python2.7. 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python2.7_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Unpacking python2.7 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libpython-stdlib:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libpython-stdlib_2.7.11-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Unpacking libpython-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Processing triggers for man-db (2.7.5-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Processing triggers for mime-support (3.59ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Setting up libpython2.7-minimal:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Setting up python2.7-minimal (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Setting up python-minimal (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python. 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 26417 files and directories currently installed.) 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python_2.7.11-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:52:53 INFO install Unpacking python (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:54 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-apt. 2017-01-17 14:52:54 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-apt_1.1.0~beta1build1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:52:54 INFO install Unpacking python-apt (1.1.0~beta1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:54 INFO install Processing triggers for man-db (2.7.5-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:54 INFO install Setting up libpython2.7-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:54 INFO install Setting up python2.7 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:55 INFO install Setting up libpython-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:55 INFO install Setting up python (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:55 INFO install Setting up python-apt (1.1.0~beta1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:56 INFO install dpkg-query: package 'python-netaddr' is not installed and no information is available 2017-01-17 14:52:56 INFO install Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files, 2017-01-17 14:52:56 INFO install and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents. 2017-01-17 14:52:56 INFO install Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install Building dependency tree... 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install Reading state information... 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install The following additional packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install ieee-data 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install Suggested packages: 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install ipython python-netaddr-docs 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install The following NEW packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install ieee-data python-netaddr 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install 0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install Need to get 1004 kB of archives. 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install After this operation, 5239 kB of additional disk space will be used. 2017-01-17 14:52:57 INFO install Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 ieee-data all 20150531.1 [830 kB] 2017-01-17 14:52:59 INFO install Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-netaddr all 0.7.18-1 [174 kB] 2017-01-17 14:52:59 INFO install Fetched 1004 kB in 2s (480 kB/s) 2017-01-17 14:52:59 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package ieee-data. 2017-01-17 14:52:59 INFO install (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 26500 files and directories currently installed.) 2017-01-17 14:52:59 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../ieee-data_20150531.1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:52:59 INFO install Unpacking ieee-data (20150531.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:59 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-netaddr. 2017-01-17 14:52:59 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-netaddr_0.7.18-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:52:59 INFO install Unpacking python-netaddr (0.7.18-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:52:59 INFO install Processing triggers for man-db (2.7.5-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:53:00 INFO install Setting up ieee-data (20150531.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:53:00 INFO install Setting up python-netaddr (0.7.18-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:53:01 INFO install dpkg-query: package 'python-netifaces' is not installed and no information is available 2017-01-17 14:53:01 INFO install Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files, 2017-01-17 14:53:01 INFO install and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents. 2017-01-17 14:53:01 INFO install Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:53:01 INFO install Building dependency tree... 2017-01-17 14:53:01 INFO install Reading state information... 2017-01-17 14:53:01 INFO install The following NEW packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:53:01 INFO install python-netifaces 2017-01-17 14:53:02 INFO install 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2017-01-17 14:53:02 INFO install Need to get 16.7 kB of archives. 2017-01-17 14:53:02 INFO install After this operation, 52.2 kB of additional disk space will be used. 2017-01-17 14:53:02 INFO install Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-netifaces amd64 0.10.4-0.1build2 [16.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:02 INFO install Fetched 16.7 kB in 0s (62.3 kB/s) 2017-01-17 14:53:02 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-netifaces. 2017-01-17 14:53:02 INFO install (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 26553 files and directories currently installed.) 2017-01-17 14:53:02 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-netifaces_0.10.4-0.1build2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:53:02 INFO install Unpacking python-netifaces (0.10.4-0.1build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:53:02 INFO install Setting up python-netifaces (0.10.4-0.1build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:53:03 INFO install dpkg-query: package 'python-pip' is not installed and no information is available 2017-01-17 14:53:03 INFO install Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files, 2017-01-17 14:53:03 INFO install and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents. 2017-01-17 14:53:03 INFO install Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:53:03 INFO install Building dependency tree... 2017-01-17 14:53:03 INFO install Reading state information... 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install The following additional packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install binutils build-essential cpp cpp-5 dpkg-dev fakeroot g++ g++-5 gcc gcc-5 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl libalgorithm-merge-perl 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libasan2 libatomic1 libc-dev-bin libc6-dev libcc1-0 libcilkrts5 libdpkg-perl 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libexpat1-dev libfakeroot libfile-fcntllock-perl libgcc-5-dev libgomp1 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libisl15 libitm1 liblsan0 libmpc3 libmpx0 libpython-all-dev libpython-dev 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libpython2.7 libpython2.7-dev libquadmath0 libstdc++-5-dev libtsan0 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libubsan0 linux-libc-dev make manpages-dev python-all python-all-dev 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install python-dev python-pip-whl python-pkg-resources python-setuptools 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install python-wheel python2.7-dev 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install Suggested packages: 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install binutils-doc cpp-doc gcc-5-locales debian-keyring g++-multilib 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install g++-5-multilib gcc-5-doc libstdc++6-5-dbg gcc-multilib autoconf automake 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libtool flex bison gdb gcc-doc gcc-5-multilib libgcc1-dbg libgomp1-dbg 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libitm1-dbg libatomic1-dbg libasan2-dbg liblsan0-dbg libtsan0-dbg 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libubsan0-dbg libcilkrts5-dbg libmpx0-dbg libquadmath0-dbg glibc-doc 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libstdc++-5-doc make-doc python-setuptools-doc 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install The following NEW packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install binutils build-essential cpp cpp-5 dpkg-dev fakeroot g++ g++-5 gcc gcc-5 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl libalgorithm-merge-perl 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libasan2 libatomic1 libc-dev-bin libc6-dev libcc1-0 libcilkrts5 libdpkg-perl 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libexpat1-dev libfakeroot libfile-fcntllock-perl libgcc-5-dev libgomp1 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libisl15 libitm1 liblsan0 libmpc3 libmpx0 libpython-all-dev libpython-dev 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libpython2.7 libpython2.7-dev libquadmath0 libstdc++-5-dev libtsan0 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install libubsan0 linux-libc-dev make manpages-dev python-all python-all-dev 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install python-dev python-pip python-pip-whl python-pkg-resources python-setuptools 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install python-wheel python2.7-dev 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install 0 upgraded, 50 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install Need to get 69.1 MB of archives. 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install After this operation, 192 MB of additional disk space will be used. 2017-01-17 14:53:04 INFO install Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libmpc3 amd64 1.0.3-1 [39.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:06 INFO install Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 binutils amd64 2.26.1-1ubuntu1~16.04.3 [2310 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:11 INFO install Get:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libc-dev-bin amd64 2.23-0ubuntu5 [68.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:11 INFO install Get:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 linux-libc-dev amd64 4.4.0-59.80 [828 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:13 INFO install Get:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libc6-dev amd64 2.23-0ubuntu5 [2078 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:17 INFO install Get:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libisl15 amd64 0.16.1-1 [524 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:18 INFO install Get:7 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 cpp-5 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [7653 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:31 INFO install Get:8 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 cpp amd64 4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1 [27.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:32 INFO install Get:9 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libcc1-0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [38.8 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:32 INFO install Get:10 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libgomp1 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [55.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:32 INFO install Get:11 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libitm1 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [27.4 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:33 INFO install Get:12 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libatomic1 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [8912 B] 2017-01-17 14:53:33 INFO install Get:13 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libasan2 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [264 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:34 INFO install Get:14 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 liblsan0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [105 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:34 INFO install Get:15 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libtsan0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [244 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:35 INFO install Get:16 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libubsan0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [95.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:35 INFO install Get:17 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libcilkrts5 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [40.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:35 INFO install Get:18 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libmpx0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [9766 B] 2017-01-17 14:53:36 INFO install Get:19 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libquadmath0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [131 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:36 INFO install Get:20 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libgcc-5-dev amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [2237 kB] 2017-01-17 14:53:42 INFO install Get:21 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 gcc-5 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [8577 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:01 INFO install Get:22 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 gcc amd64 4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1 [5244 B] 2017-01-17 14:54:01 INFO install Get:23 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libstdc++-5-dev amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [1426 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:04 INFO install Get:24 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 g++-5 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 [8300 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:25 INFO install Get:25 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 g++ amd64 4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1 [1504 B] 2017-01-17 14:54:26 INFO install Get:26 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 make amd64 4.1-6 [151 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:26 INFO install Get:27 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libdpkg-perl all 1.18.4ubuntu1.1 [195 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:26 INFO install Get:28 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 dpkg-dev all 1.18.4ubuntu1.1 [584 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:27 INFO install Get:29 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 build-essential amd64 12.1ubuntu2 [4758 B] 2017-01-17 14:54:28 INFO install Get:30 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libfakeroot amd64 1.20.2-1ubuntu1 [25.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:28 INFO install Get:31 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 fakeroot amd64 1.20.2-1ubuntu1 [61.8 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:28 INFO install Get:32 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libalgorithm-diff-perl all 1.19.03-1 [47.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:28 INFO install Get:33 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl amd64 0.04-4build1 [11.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:28 INFO install Get:34 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libalgorithm-merge-perl all 0.08-3 [12.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:28 INFO install Get:35 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libexpat1-dev amd64 2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.2 [115 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:28 INFO install Get:36 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libfile-fcntllock-perl amd64 0.22-3 [32.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:28 INFO install Get:37 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython2.7 amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 [1070 kB] 2017-01-17 14:54:30 INFO install Get:38 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython2.7-dev amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 [27.8 MB] 2017-01-17 14:55:34 INFO install Get:39 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libpython-dev amd64 2.7.11-1 [7728 B] 2017-01-17 14:55:34 INFO install Get:40 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libpython-all-dev amd64 2.7.11-1 [992 B] 2017-01-17 14:55:34 INFO install Get:41 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 manpages-dev all 4.04-2 [2048 kB] 2017-01-17 14:55:38 INFO install Get:42 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-all amd64 2.7.11-1 [978 B] 2017-01-17 14:55:39 INFO install Get:43 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python2.7-dev amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 [276 kB] 2017-01-17 14:55:39 INFO install Get:44 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-dev amd64 2.7.11-1 [1160 B] 2017-01-17 14:55:40 INFO install Get:45 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-all-dev amd64 2.7.11-1 [1000 B] 2017-01-17 14:55:40 INFO install Get:46 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/universe amd64 python-pip-whl all 8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4 [1110 kB] 2017-01-17 14:55:42 INFO install Get:47 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/universe amd64 python-pip all 8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4 [144 kB] 2017-01-17 14:55:43 INFO install Get:48 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pkg-resources all 20.7.0-1 [108 kB] 2017-01-17 14:55:43 INFO install Get:49 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-setuptools all 20.7.0-1 [169 kB] 2017-01-17 14:55:43 INFO install Get:50 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 python-wheel all 0.29.0-1 [48.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Extracting templates from packages: 60% Extracting templates from packages: 100% 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Fetched 69.1 MB in 2min 39s (433 kB/s) 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libmpc3:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 26563 files and directories currently installed.) 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libmpc3_1.0.3-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Unpacking libmpc3:amd64 (1.0.3-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package binutils. 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../binutils_2.26.1-1ubuntu1~16.04.3_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Unpacking binutils (2.26.1-1ubuntu1~16.04.3) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libc-dev-bin. 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libc-dev-bin_2.23-0ubuntu5_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Unpacking libc-dev-bin (2.23-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package linux-libc-dev:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../linux-libc-dev_4.4.0-59.80_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:44 INFO install Unpacking linux-libc-dev:amd64 (4.4.0-59.80) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:45 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libc6-dev:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:45 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libc6-dev_2.23-0ubuntu5_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:45 INFO install Unpacking libc6-dev:amd64 (2.23-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:46 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libisl15:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:46 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libisl15_0.16.1-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:46 INFO install Unpacking libisl15:amd64 (0.16.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:46 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package cpp-5. 2017-01-17 14:55:46 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../cpp-5_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:46 INFO install Unpacking cpp-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package cpp. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../cpp_4%3a5.3.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking cpp (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libcc1-0:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libcc1-0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking libcc1-0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libgomp1:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libgomp1_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking libgomp1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libitm1:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libitm1_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking libitm1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libatomic1:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libatomic1_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking libatomic1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libasan2:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libasan2_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking libasan2:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package liblsan0:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../liblsan0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking liblsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libtsan0:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libtsan0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking libtsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libubsan0:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libubsan0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking libubsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libcilkrts5:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libcilkrts5_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking libcilkrts5:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libmpx0:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libmpx0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking libmpx0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libquadmath0:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libquadmath0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking libquadmath0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libgcc-5-dev:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libgcc-5-dev_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:47 INFO install Unpacking libgcc-5-dev:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:48 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package gcc-5. 2017-01-17 14:55:48 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../gcc-5_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:48 INFO install Unpacking gcc-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:49 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package gcc. 2017-01-17 14:55:49 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../gcc_4%3a5.3.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:49 INFO install Unpacking gcc (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:49 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libstdc++-5-dev:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:49 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libstdc++-5-dev_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:49 INFO install Unpacking libstdc++-5-dev:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:50 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package g++-5. 2017-01-17 14:55:50 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../g++-5_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:50 INFO install Unpacking g++-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package g++. 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../g++_4%3a5.3.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Unpacking g++ (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package make. 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../archives/make_4.1-6_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Unpacking make (4.1-6) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libdpkg-perl. 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libdpkg-perl_1.18.4ubuntu1.1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Unpacking libdpkg-perl (1.18.4ubuntu1.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package dpkg-dev. 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../dpkg-dev_1.18.4ubuntu1.1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Unpacking dpkg-dev (1.18.4ubuntu1.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package build-essential. 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../build-essential_12.1ubuntu2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Unpacking build-essential (12.1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libfakeroot:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libfakeroot_1.20.2-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Unpacking libfakeroot:amd64 (1.20.2-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package fakeroot. 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../fakeroot_1.20.2-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Unpacking fakeroot (1.20.2-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-diff-perl. 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libalgorithm-diff-perl_1.19.03-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Unpacking libalgorithm-diff-perl (1.19.03-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl. 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl_0.04-4build1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Unpacking libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl (0.04-4build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-merge-perl. 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libalgorithm-merge-perl_0.08-3_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Unpacking libalgorithm-merge-perl (0.08-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libexpat1-dev:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libexpat1-dev_2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:51 INFO install Unpacking libexpat1-dev:amd64 (2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.2) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:52 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libfile-fcntllock-perl. 2017-01-17 14:55:52 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libfile-fcntllock-perl_0.22-3_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:52 INFO install Unpacking libfile-fcntllock-perl (0.22-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:52 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libpython2.7:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:52 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libpython2.7_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:52 INFO install Unpacking libpython2.7:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:52 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libpython2.7-dev:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:52 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libpython2.7-dev_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:52 INFO install Unpacking libpython2.7-dev:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:55 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libpython-dev:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:55 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libpython-dev_2.7.11-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:55 INFO install Unpacking libpython-dev:amd64 (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:55 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libpython-all-dev:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:55:55 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libpython-all-dev_2.7.11-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:55 INFO install Unpacking libpython-all-dev:amd64 (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:55 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package manpages-dev. 2017-01-17 14:55:55 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../manpages-dev_4.04-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:55 INFO install Unpacking manpages-dev (4.04-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-all. 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-all_2.7.11-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Unpacking python-all (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python2.7-dev. 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python2.7-dev_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Unpacking python2.7-dev (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-dev. 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-dev_2.7.11-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Unpacking python-dev (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-all-dev. 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-all-dev_2.7.11-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Unpacking python-all-dev (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pip-whl. 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pip-whl_8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Unpacking python-pip-whl (8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pip. 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pip_8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Unpacking python-pip (8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pkg-resources. 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pkg-resources_20.7.0-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Unpacking python-pkg-resources (20.7.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-setuptools. 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-setuptools_20.7.0-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Unpacking python-setuptools (20.7.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-wheel. 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-wheel_0.29.0-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Unpacking python-wheel (0.29.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:56 INFO install Processing triggers for man-db (2.7.5-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libmpc3:amd64 (1.0.3-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up binutils (2.26.1-1ubuntu1~16.04.3) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libc-dev-bin (2.23-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up linux-libc-dev:amd64 (4.4.0-59.80) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libc6-dev:amd64 (2.23-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libisl15:amd64 (0.16.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up cpp-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up cpp (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libcc1-0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libgomp1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libitm1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libatomic1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libasan2:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up liblsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libtsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libubsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libcilkrts5:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libmpx0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libquadmath0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libgcc-5-dev:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up gcc-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up gcc (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libstdc++-5-dev:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up g++-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up g++ (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/g++ to provide /usr/bin/c++ (c++) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up make (4.1-6) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libdpkg-perl (1.18.4ubuntu1.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up dpkg-dev (1.18.4ubuntu1.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up build-essential (12.1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libfakeroot:amd64 (1.20.2-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up fakeroot (1.20.2-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/fakeroot-sysv to provide /usr/bin/fakeroot (fakeroot) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libalgorithm-diff-perl (1.19.03-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl (0.04-4build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libalgorithm-merge-perl (0.08-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libexpat1-dev:amd64 (2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.2) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libfile-fcntllock-perl (0.22-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libpython2.7:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libpython2.7-dev:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libpython-dev:amd64 (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up libpython-all-dev:amd64 (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up manpages-dev (4.04-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up python-all (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up python2.7-dev (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up python-dev (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up python-all-dev (2.7.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up python-pip-whl (8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up python-pip (8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4) ... 2017-01-17 14:55:59 INFO install Setting up python-pkg-resources (20.7.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:00 INFO install Setting up python-setuptools (20.7.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:00 INFO install Setting up python-wheel (0.29.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:00 INFO install Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install dpkg-query: package 'python-yaml' is not installed and no information is available 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files, 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents. 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install Building dependency tree... 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install Reading state information... 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install The following NEW packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install python-yaml 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install Need to get 105 kB of archives. 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install After this operation, 453 kB of additional disk space will be used. 2017-01-17 14:56:01 INFO install Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-yaml amd64 3.11-3build1 [105 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:02 INFO install Fetched 105 kB in 0s (229 kB/s) 2017-01-17 14:56:02 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-yaml. 2017-01-17 14:56:02 INFO install (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 32124 files and directories currently installed.) 2017-01-17 14:56:02 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-yaml_3.11-3build1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:56:02 INFO install Unpacking python-yaml (3.11-3build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:02 INFO install Setting up python-yaml (3.11-3build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install Building dependency tree... 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install Reading state information... 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install The following NEW packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install python-six 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install Need to get 10.9 kB of archives. 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install After this operation, 54.3 kB of additional disk space will be used. 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-six all 1.10.0-3 [10.9 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install Fetched 10.9 kB in 0s (54.6 kB/s) 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-six. 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 32155 files and directories currently installed.) 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-six_1.10.0-3_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:56:04 INFO install Unpacking python-six (1.10.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:05 INFO install Setting up python-six (1.10.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:06 INFO juju-log Installing python-psutil with options: ['--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold'] 2017-01-17 14:56:06 INFO install Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:56:06 INFO install Building dependency tree... 2017-01-17 14:56:06 INFO install Reading state information... 2017-01-17 14:56:06 INFO install Suggested packages: 2017-01-17 14:56:06 INFO install python-psutil-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:06 INFO install The following NEW packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:56:06 INFO install python-psutil 2017-01-17 14:56:07 INFO install 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2017-01-17 14:56:07 INFO install Need to get 55.2 kB of archives. 2017-01-17 14:56:07 INFO install After this operation, 297 kB of additional disk space will be used. 2017-01-17 14:56:07 INFO install Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-psutil amd64 3.4.2-1 [55.2 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:07 INFO install Fetched 55.2 kB in 0s (138 kB/s) 2017-01-17 14:56:07 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-psutil. 2017-01-17 14:56:07 INFO install (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 32165 files and directories currently installed.) 2017-01-17 14:56:07 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-psutil_3.4.2-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:56:07 INFO install Unpacking python-psutil (3.4.2-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:07 INFO install Setting up python-psutil (3.4.2-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:09 INFO install Hit:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease 2017-01-17 14:56:09 INFO install Hit:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease 2017-01-17 14:56:09 INFO install Hit:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease 2017-01-17 14:56:09 INFO install Hit:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports InRelease 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO juju-log Installing python-jinja2 with options: ['--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold'] 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install Building dependency tree... 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install Reading state information... 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install The following additional packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install python-markupsafe 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install Suggested packages: 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install python-jinja2-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install The following NEW packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install python-jinja2 python-markupsafe 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install 0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install Need to get 124 kB of archives. 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install After this operation, 902 kB of additional disk space will be used. 2017-01-17 14:56:11 INFO install Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-markupsafe amd64 0.23-2build2 [15.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:12 INFO install Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-jinja2 all 2.8-1 [109 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:12 INFO install Fetched 124 kB in 0s (175 kB/s) 2017-01-17 14:56:12 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-markupsafe. 2017-01-17 14:56:12 INFO install (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 32181 files and directories currently installed.) 2017-01-17 14:56:12 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-markupsafe_0.23-2build2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:56:12 INFO install Unpacking python-markupsafe (0.23-2build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:12 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-jinja2. 2017-01-17 14:56:12 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-jinja2_2.8-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:56:12 INFO install Unpacking python-jinja2 (2.8-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:12 INFO install Setting up python-markupsafe (0.23-2build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:12 INFO install Setting up python-jinja2 (2.8-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend 2017-01-17 14:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:56:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 14:56:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 14:56:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 14:56:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 14:56:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'install' 2017-01-17 14:56:17 INFO juju-log Source is not present. Skipping 2017-01-17 14:56:17 INFO install Hit:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease 2017-01-17 14:56:17 INFO install Hit:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease 2017-01-17 14:56:17 INFO install Hit:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease 2017-01-17 14:56:17 INFO install Hit:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports InRelease 2017-01-17 14:56:19 INFO install Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:56:19 INFO juju-log Installing ['haproxy', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-neutron-lbaas', 'uuid', 'python-mysqldb', 'neutron-server', 'python-neutron-fwaas', 'apache2', 'neutron-plugin-ml2', 'python-six', 'python-neutron-vpnaas', 'python-psycopg2', 'python-networking-hyperv'] with options: ['--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold'] 2017-01-17 14:56:19 INFO install Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:56:19 INFO install Building dependency tree... 2017-01-17 14:56:19 INFO install Reading state information... 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-six is already the newest version (1.10.0-3). 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install The following additional packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install alembic apache2-bin apache2-data apache2-utils docutils-common docutils-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install formencode-i18n ipset javascript-common libapr1 libaprutil1 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 libaprutil1-ldap libfreetype6 libipset3 libjbig0 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install libjpeg-turbo8 libjpeg8 libjs-jquery libjs-sphinxdoc libjs-underscore 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install liblcms2-2 liblua5.1-0 liblua5.3-0 libmysqlclient20 libossp-uuid16 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install libpaper-utils libpaper1 libpq5 libtiff5 libwebp5 libwebpmux1 libxslt1.1 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install mysql-common neutron-common pycadf-common python-alembic python-amqp 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-anyjson python-appdirs python-babel python-babel-localedata 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-barbicanclient python-bs4 python-cachetools python-cffi-backend 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-chardet python-cliff python-cmd2 python-concurrent.futures 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-contextlib2 python-crypto python-cryptography python-dateutil 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-dbus python-debtcollector python-decorator python-designateclient 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-dnspython python-docutils python-egenix-mxdatetime 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-egenix-mxtools python-enum34 python-eventlet python-extras 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-fasteners python-fixtures python-formencode python-funcsigs 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-functools32 python-futurist python-gi python-greenlet python-html5lib 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-httplib2 python-idna python-ipaddress python-iso8601 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-jsonschema python-keyring python-keystoneauth1 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-keystonemiddleware python-kombu python-linecache2 python-logutils 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-lxml python-mako python-migrate python-mimeparse python-mock 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-monotonic python-msgpack python-ndg-httpsclient python-neutron 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-neutron-lib python-neutronclient python-novaclient python-openid 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-openssl python-openvswitch python-os-client-config python-os-win 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.concurrency python-oslo.config python-oslo.context 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.db python-oslo.i18n python-oslo.log python-oslo.messaging 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.middleware python-oslo.policy python-oslo.reports 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.rootwrap python-oslo.serialization python-oslo.service 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.utils python-oslo.versionedobjects python-paste 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-pastedeploy python-pastedeploy-tpl python-pastescript python-pbr 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-pecan python-pika python-pika-pool python-pil python-positional 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-posix-ipc python-prettytable python-pyasn1 python-pyasn1-modules 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-pycadf python-pygments python-pyinotify python-pymysql 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-pyparsing python-repoze.lru python-requests python-requestsexceptions 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-retrying python-roman python-routes python-scgi python-secretstorage 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-simplegeneric python-simplejson python-singledispatch 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-sqlalchemy python-sqlalchemy-ext python-sqlparse python-stevedore 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-tempita python-testtools python-traceback2 python-tz 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-unicodecsv python-unittest2 python-urllib3 python-waitress 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-webob python-webtest python-wrapt ssl-cert 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install Suggested packages: 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install www-browser apache2-doc apache2-suexec-pristine | apache2-suexec-custom 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install vim-haproxy haproxy-doc liblcms2-utils python-editor python-amqp-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-cliff-doc python-crypto-dbg python-crypto-doc python-cryptography-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-cryptography-vectors python-dbus-doc python-dbus-dbg 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-debtcollector-doc texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-base 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install texlive-lang-french fonts-linuxlibertine | ttf-linux-libertine 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-egenix-mxdatetime-dbg python-egenix-mxdatetime-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-egenix-mxtools-dbg python-egenix-mxtools-doc python-enum34-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-funcsigs-doc python-futurist-doc python-gi-cairo python-greenlet-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-greenlet-dev python-greenlet-dbg python-genshi 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install gir1.2-gnomekeyring-1.0 python-fs python-gdata python-kde4 python-keyczar 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-keystoneauth1-doc python-requests-kerberos python-beanstalkc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-boto python-django python-kombu-doc python-pymongo python-redis 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-lxml-dbg python-lxml-doc python-beaker python-mako-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-mock-doc mysql-server python-mysqldb-dbg python-ryu 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-neutron-lib-doc python-openssl-doc python-openssl-dbg 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-os-client-config-doc python-os-win-doc python-oslo.concurrency-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.log-doc python-kafka python-oslo.middleware-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.policy-doc python-oslo.reports-doc python-oslo.service-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.versionedobjects-doc python-pastewebkit libjs-mochikit 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install libapache2-mod-wsgi libapache2-mod-python libapache2-mod-scgi python-pgsql 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-flup python-cherrypy python-cheetah python-pika-doc python-pil-doc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-pil-dbg python-positional-doc python-psycopg2-doc doc-base 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install ttf-bitstream-vera python-pyinotify-doc python-pymysql-doc gnome-keyring 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-secretstorage-doc python-sqlalchemy-doc python-fdb python-pymssql 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-sqlparse-doc python-testtools-doc python-twisted python-ntlm 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-waitress-doc python-webob-doc python-webtest-doc python-pyquery 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install openssl-blacklist 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install The following NEW packages will be installed: 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install alembic apache2 apache2-bin apache2-data apache2-utils docutils-common 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install docutils-doc formencode-i18n haproxy ipset javascript-common libapr1 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 libaprutil1-ldap libfreetype6 libipset3 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install libjbig0 libjpeg-turbo8 libjpeg8 libjs-jquery libjs-sphinxdoc 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install libjs-underscore liblcms2-2 liblua5.1-0 liblua5.3-0 libmysqlclient20 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install libossp-uuid16 libpaper-utils libpaper1 libpq5 libtiff5 libwebp5 libwebpmux1 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install libxslt1.1 mysql-common neutron-common neutron-plugin-ml2 neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install pycadf-common python-alembic python-amqp python-anyjson python-appdirs 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-babel python-babel-localedata python-barbicanclient python-bs4 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-cachetools python-cffi-backend python-chardet python-cliff 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-cmd2 python-concurrent.futures python-contextlib2 python-crypto 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-cryptography python-dateutil python-dbus python-debtcollector 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-decorator python-designateclient python-dnspython python-docutils 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-egenix-mxdatetime python-egenix-mxtools python-enum34 python-eventlet 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-extras python-fasteners python-fixtures python-formencode 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-funcsigs python-functools32 python-futurist python-gi python-greenlet 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-html5lib python-httplib2 python-idna python-ipaddress python-iso8601 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-jsonschema python-keyring python-keystoneauth1 python-keystoneclient 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-keystonemiddleware python-kombu python-linecache2 python-logutils 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-lxml python-mako python-migrate python-mimeparse python-mock 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-monotonic python-msgpack python-mysqldb python-ndg-httpsclient 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-networking-hyperv python-neutron python-neutron-fwaas 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-neutron-lbaas python-neutron-lib python-neutron-vpnaas 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-neutronclient python-novaclient python-openid python-openssl 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-openvswitch python-os-client-config python-os-win 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.concurrency python-oslo.config python-oslo.context 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.db python-oslo.i18n python-oslo.log python-oslo.messaging 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.middleware python-oslo.policy python-oslo.reports 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.rootwrap python-oslo.serialization python-oslo.service 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-oslo.utils python-oslo.versionedobjects python-paste 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-pastedeploy python-pastedeploy-tpl python-pastescript python-pbr 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-pecan python-pika python-pika-pool python-pil python-positional 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-posix-ipc python-prettytable python-psycopg2 python-pyasn1 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-pyasn1-modules python-pycadf python-pygments python-pyinotify 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-pymysql python-pyparsing python-repoze.lru python-requests 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-requestsexceptions python-retrying python-roman python-routes 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-scgi python-secretstorage python-simplegeneric python-simplejson 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-singledispatch python-sqlalchemy python-sqlalchemy-ext 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-sqlparse python-stevedore python-tempita python-testtools 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-traceback2 python-tz python-unicodecsv python-unittest2 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install python-urllib3 python-waitress python-webob python-webtest python-wrapt 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install ssl-cert uuid 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install 0 upgraded, 175 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install Need to get 18.8 MB of archives. 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install After this operation, 102 MB of additional disk space will be used. 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libapr1 amd64 1.5.2-3 [86.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libaprutil1 amd64 1.5.4-1build1 [77.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install Get:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 amd64 1.5.4-1build1 [10.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install Get:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libaprutil1-ldap amd64 1.5.4-1build1 [8720 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:20 INFO install Get:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 liblua5.1-0 amd64 5.1.5-8ubuntu1 [102 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:21 INFO install Get:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 apache2-bin amd64 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 [923 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:23 INFO install Get:7 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 apache2-utils amd64 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 [81.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:23 INFO install Get:8 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 apache2-data all 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 [162 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:23 INFO install Get:9 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 apache2 amd64 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1 [86.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:23 INFO install Get:10 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libjpeg-turbo8 amd64 1.4.2-0ubuntu3 [111 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:23 INFO install Get:11 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 liblcms2-2 amd64 2.6-3ubuntu2 [137 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:24 INFO install Get:12 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-pyparsing all 2.0.3+dfsg1-1ubuntu0.1 [35.4 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:24 INFO install Get:13 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-cmd2 all 0.6.8-1 [22.4 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:24 INFO install Get:14 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-extras all 0.0.3-3 [6734 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:24 INFO install Get:15 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-posix-ipc amd64 0.9.8-2build2 [14.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:24 INFO install Get:16 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-pymysql all 0.7.2-1ubuntu1 [56.4 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:24 INFO install Get:17 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-wrapt amd64 1.8.0-5build2 [25.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:25 INFO install Get:18 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libjbig0 amd64 2.1-3.1 [26.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:25 INFO install Get:19 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-mako all 1.0.3+ds1-1ubuntu1 [59.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:26 INFO install Get:20 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-sqlalchemy all 1.0.11+ds1-1ubuntu2 [636 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:27 INFO install Get:21 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-alembic all 0.8.2-3ubuntu1 [97.9 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:28 INFO install Get:22 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libjs-jquery all 1.11.3+dfsg-4 [161 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:28 INFO install Get:23 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libjs-underscore all 1.7.0~dfsg-1ubuntu1 [46.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:28 INFO install Get:24 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libjs-sphinxdoc all 1.3.6-2ubuntu1 [57.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:28 INFO install Get:25 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 alembic all 0.8.2-3ubuntu1 [224 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:29 INFO install Get:26 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 docutils-common all 0.12+dfsg-1 [141 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:29 INFO install Get:27 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 docutils-doc all 0.12+dfsg-1 [889 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:30 INFO install Get:28 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 formencode-i18n all 1.3.0-0ubuntu5 [3382 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:30 INFO install Get:29 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 liblua5.3-0 amd64 5.3.1-1ubuntu2 [116 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:32 INFO install Get:30 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 haproxy amd64 1.6.3-1ubuntu0.1 [756 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:34 INFO install Get:31 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 javascript-common all 11 [6066 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:34 INFO install Get:32 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libfreetype6 amd64 2.6.1-0.1ubuntu2 [316 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:35 INFO install Get:33 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libjpeg8 amd64 8c-2ubuntu8 [2194 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:35 INFO install Get:34 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 mysql-common all 5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [15.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:35 INFO install Get:35 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libmysqlclient20 amd64 5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [809 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:37 INFO install Get:36 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 libossp-uuid16 amd64 1.6.2-1.5build2 [28.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:37 INFO install Get:37 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libpaper1 amd64 1.1.24+nmu4ubuntu1 [13.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:37 INFO install Get:38 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libpaper-utils amd64 1.1.24+nmu4ubuntu1 [8276 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:37 INFO install Get:39 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libpq5 amd64 9.5.5-0ubuntu0.16.04 [78.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:37 INFO install Get:40 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libtiff5 amd64 4.0.6-1 [144 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:38 INFO install Get:41 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libxslt1.1 amd64 1.1.28-2.1 [145 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:38 INFO install Get:42 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libipset3 amd64 6.29-1 [43.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:38 INFO install Get:43 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 ipset amd64 6.29-1 [33.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:38 INFO install Get:44 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-babel-localedata all 1.3+dfsg.1-6 [1931 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:42 INFO install Get:45 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-tz all 2014.10~dfsg1-0ubuntu2 [31.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:42 INFO install Get:46 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-babel all 1.3+dfsg.1-6 [70.4 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:42 INFO install Get:47 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pbr all 1.8.0-4ubuntu1 [46.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:43 INFO install Get:48 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-funcsigs all 0.4-2 [12.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:43 INFO install Get:49 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-debtcollector all 1.3.0-2 [12.8 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:43 INFO install Get:50 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-prettytable all 0.7.2-3 [19.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:43 INFO install Get:51 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-stevedore all 1.12.0-1 [17.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:43 INFO install Get:52 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-unicodecsv all 0.14.1-1 [11.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:43 INFO install Get:53 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-cliff all 1.15.0-2ubuntu2 [23.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:43 INFO install Get:54 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-functools32 all [10.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:43 INFO install Get:55 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-mock all 1.3.0-2.1ubuntu1 [46.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:43 INFO install Get:56 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-jsonschema all 2.5.1-4 [30.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:43 INFO install Get:57 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-iso8601 all 0.1.11-1 [12.8 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:43 INFO install Get:58 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-keyring all 7.3-1ubuntu1 [43.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:44 INFO install Get:59 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-lxml amd64 3.5.0-1build1 [819 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:45 INFO install Get:60 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-positional all 1.0.1-2 [5696 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:45 INFO install Get:61 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-urllib3 all 1.13.1-2ubuntu0.16.04.1 [57.2 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:45 INFO install Get:62 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-chardet all 2.3.0-2 [96.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:45 INFO install Get:63 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-requests all 2.9.1-3 [55.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:45 INFO install Get:64 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-keystoneauth1 all 2.4.1-1ubuntu0.16.04.1 [92.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:46 INFO install Get:65 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-roman all 2.0.0-2 [8062 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:46 INFO install Get:66 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-docutils all 0.12+dfsg-1 [348 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:46 INFO install Get:67 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.config all 1:3.9.0-3 [64.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:46 INFO install Get:68 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.i18n all 3.5.0-2 [19.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:46 INFO install Get:69 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-msgpack amd64 0.4.6-1build1 [61.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:47 INFO install Get:70 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-monotonic all 0.6-2 [4974 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:47 INFO install Get:71 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.utils all 3.8.0-2 [46.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:48 INFO install Get:72 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.serialization all 2.4.0-2 [11.4 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:48 INFO install Get:73 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-keystoneclient all 1:2.3.1-2 [184 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:48 INFO install Get:74 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-designateclient all 2.1.0-2 [38.9 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:48 INFO install Get:75 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-greenlet amd64 0.4.9-2fakesync1 [18.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:48 INFO install Get:76 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-eventlet all 0.18.4-1ubuntu1 [101 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:48 INFO install Get:77 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-httplib2 all 0.9.1+dfsg-1 [34.2 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:48 INFO install Get:78 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.context all 2.2.0-2 [8150 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:49 INFO install Get:79 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 pycadf-common all 2.2.0-1 [4172 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:49 INFO install Get:80 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pycadf all 2.2.0-1 [17.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:49 INFO install Get:81 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-webob all 1.5.1-1 [61.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:49 INFO install Get:82 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-keystonemiddleware all 4.4.1-0ubuntu1 [67.8 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:49 INFO install Get:83 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-decorator all 4.0.6-1 [9326 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:49 INFO install Get:84 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-sqlparse all 0.1.18-1 [27.9 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:49 INFO install Get:85 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-tempita all 0.5.2-1build1 [13.8 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:49 INFO install Get:86 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-migrate all 0.10.0-3ubuntu2 [69.2 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:50 INFO install Get:87 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.db all 4.7.0-2ubuntu1 [94.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:50 INFO install Get:88 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-dateutil all 2.4.2-1 [42.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:50 INFO install Get:89 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pyinotify all 0.9.6-0fakesync1 [24.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:50 INFO install Get:90 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.log all 3.2.0-2 [26.9 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:50 INFO install Get:91 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-amqp all 1.4.9-1 [38.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:50 INFO install Get:92 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-cachetools all 1.1.5-1 [9086 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:50 INFO install Get:93 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-concurrent.futures all 3.0.5-1 [31.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:50 INFO install Get:94 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-contextlib2 all 0.5.1-1 [9614 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:50 INFO install Get:95 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-futurist all 0.13.0-2 [20.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:51 INFO install Get:96 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-anyjson all 0.3.3-1build1 [7096 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:51 INFO install Get:97 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-kombu all 3.0.33-1ubuntu2 [161 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:53 INFO install Get:98 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.middleware all 3.8.0-2 [24.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:54 INFO install Get:99 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-enum34 all 1.1.2-1 [35.8 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:54 INFO install Get:100 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-linecache2 all 1.0.0-2 [12.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:54 INFO install Get:101 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-traceback2 all 1.4.0-3 [15.9 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:54 INFO install Get:102 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-unittest2 all 1.1.0-6.1 [75.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:54 INFO install Get:103 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-mimeparse all 0.1.4-1build1 [5916 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:54 INFO install Get:104 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-testtools all 1.8.1-0ubuntu1 [111 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:55 INFO install Get:105 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-fixtures all 1.3.1-2 [30.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:55 INFO install Get:106 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-retrying all 1.3.3-1 [7654 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:55 INFO install Get:107 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-fasteners all 0.12.0-2ubuntu1 [13.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:55 INFO install Get:108 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-oslo.concurrency all 3.7.1-0ubuntu1 [24.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:55 INFO install Get:109 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-dnspython all 1.12.0-1 [85.2 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:55 INFO install Get:110 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-formencode all 1.3.0-0ubuntu5 [69.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:56 INFO install Get:111 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-paste all [367 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:56 INFO install Get:112 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pastedeploy-tpl all 1.5.2-1 [4518 B] 2017-01-17 14:56:56 INFO install Get:113 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pastedeploy all 1.5.2-1 [25.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:57 INFO install Get:114 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-repoze.lru all 0.6-6 [11.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:57 INFO install Get:115 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-routes all 2.2-1ubuntu2 [85.4 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:59 INFO install Get:116 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.service all 1.8.0-1ubuntu1 [36.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:59 INFO install Get:117 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pika all 0.10.0-1 [73.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:56:59 INFO install Get:118 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pika-pool all 0.1.3-1ubuntu1 [6074 B] 2017-01-17 14:57:00 INFO install Get:119 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-oslo.messaging all 4.6.1-2ubuntu2 [187 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:00 INFO install Get:120 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-neutron-lib all 0.0.2-2 [28.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:00 INFO install Get:121 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-simplejson amd64 3.8.1-1ubuntu2 [60.4 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:00 INFO install Get:122 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-requestsexceptions all 1.1.2-0ubuntu1 [3580 B] 2017-01-17 14:57:01 INFO install Get:123 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-appdirs all 1.4.0-2 [9768 B] 2017-01-17 14:57:01 INFO install Get:124 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-os-client-config all 1.16.0-0ubuntu1 [32.6 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:01 INFO install Get:125 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-neutronclient all 1:4.1.1-2 [117 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:01 INFO install Get:126 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-novaclient all 2:3.3.1-2ubuntu1 [170 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:01 INFO install Get:127 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-openvswitch all 2.5.0-0ubuntu1 [69.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:01 INFO install Get:128 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.policy all 1.6.0-2 [25.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:02 INFO install Get:129 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.reports all 1.7.0-2 [24.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:02 INFO install Get:130 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.rootwrap all 4.1.0-2 [21.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:02 INFO install Get:131 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-oslo.versionedobjects all 1.8.0-1 [49.2 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:02 INFO install Get:132 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-logutils all 0.3.3-5 [16.7 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:02 INFO install Get:133 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-simplegeneric all 0.8.1-1 [11.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:02 INFO install Get:134 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-singledispatch all [9848 B] 2017-01-17 14:57:02 INFO install Get:135 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-bs4 all 4.4.1-1 [64.2 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:02 INFO install Get:136 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-waitress all 0.8.10-1 [54.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:03 INFO install Get:137 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-webtest all 2.0.18-1ubuntu1 [27.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:03 INFO install Get:138 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pecan all 1.0.2-2ubuntu1 [86.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:03 INFO install Get:139 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-neutron all 2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2 [1340 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:06 INFO install Get:140 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-neutron-fwaas all 1:8.2.0-0ubuntu1 [78.9 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:06 INFO install Get:141 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 neutron-common all 2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2 [24.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:06 INFO install Get:142 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 neutron-plugin-ml2 all 2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2 [4974 B] 2017-01-17 14:57:07 INFO install Get:143 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 neutron-server all 2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2 [5538 B] 2017-01-17 14:57:07 INFO install Get:144 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-barbicanclient all 4.0.1-2 [80.9 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:07 INFO install Get:145 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-cffi-backend amd64 1.5.2-1ubuntu1 [58.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:07 INFO install Get:146 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-crypto amd64 2.6.1-6build1 [245 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:07 INFO install Get:147 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-idna all 2.0-3 [35.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:08 INFO install Get:148 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-ipaddress all 1.0.16-1 [18.0 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:08 INFO install Get:149 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pyasn1 all 0.1.9-1 [45.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:08 INFO install Get:150 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-cryptography amd64 1.2.3-1ubuntu0.1 [199 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:08 INFO install Get:151 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-dbus amd64 1.2.0-3 [83.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:08 INFO install Get:152 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-egenix-mxtools amd64 3.2.9-1 [75.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:09 INFO install Get:153 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-egenix-mxdatetime amd64 3.2.9-1 [68.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:10 INFO install Get:154 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-gi amd64 3.20.0-0ubuntu1 [194 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:10 INFO install Get:155 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-html5lib all 0.999-4 [83.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:10 INFO install Get:156 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-mysqldb amd64 1.3.7-1build2 [42.4 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:10 INFO install Get:157 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-openssl all 0.15.1-2build1 [84.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:11 INFO install Get:158 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-ndg-httpsclient all 0.4.0-3 [25.1 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:11 INFO install Get:159 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-os-win all 0.4.1-2 [101 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:11 INFO install Get:160 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 python-networking-hyperv all 2.0.0-0ubuntu1 [27.2 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:11 INFO install Get:161 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pyasn1-modules all 0.0.7-0.1 [20.5 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:11 INFO install Get:162 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-neutron-lbaas all 2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1 [214 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:13 INFO install Get:163 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 python-neutron-vpnaas all 2:8.2.0-0ubuntu1 [115 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:13 INFO install Get:164 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-openid all 2.2.5-6 [97.8 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:13 INFO install Get:165 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pastescript all 1.7.5-3build1 [117 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:13 INFO install Get:166 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libwebp5 amd64 0.4.4-1 [165 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:14 INFO install Get:167 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libwebpmux1 amd64 0.4.4-1 [14.2 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:14 INFO install Get:168 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pil amd64 3.1.2-0ubuntu1 [312 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:14 INFO install Get:169 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-psycopg2 amd64 2.6.1-1build2 [131 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:15 INFO install Get:170 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-pygments all 2.1+dfsg-1 [522 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:17 INFO install Get:171 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-scgi amd64 1.13-1.1build1 [18.4 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:17 INFO install Get:172 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-secretstorage all 2.1.3-1 [12.3 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:17 INFO install Get:173 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 python-sqlalchemy-ext amd64 1.0.11+ds1-1ubuntu2 [13.4 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install Get:174 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 ssl-cert all 1.0.37 [16.9 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install Get:175 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 uuid amd64 1.6.2-1.5build2 [10.8 kB] 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install Extracting templates from packages: 17% Extracting templates from packages: 34% Extracting templates from packages: 51% Extracting templates from packages: 68% Extracting templates from packages: 85% Extracting templates from packages: 100% 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install Preconfiguring packages ... 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install Fetched 18.8 MB in 58s (324 kB/s) 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libapr1:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 32233 files and directories currently installed.) 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libapr1_1.5.2-3_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install Unpacking libapr1:amd64 (1.5.2-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libaprutil1:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libaprutil1_1.5.4-1build1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:18 INFO install Unpacking libaprutil1:amd64 (1.5.4-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3_1.5.4-1build1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3:amd64 (1.5.4-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libaprutil1-ldap:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libaprutil1-ldap_1.5.4-1build1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking libaprutil1-ldap:amd64 (1.5.4-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package liblua5.1-0:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../liblua5.1-0_5.1.5-8ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking liblua5.1-0:amd64 (5.1.5-8ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package apache2-bin. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../apache2-bin_2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking apache2-bin (2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package apache2-utils. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../apache2-utils_2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking apache2-utils (2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package apache2-data. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../apache2-data_2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking apache2-data (2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package apache2. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../apache2_2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking apache2 (2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg-turbo8:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libjpeg-turbo8_1.4.2-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking libjpeg-turbo8:amd64 (1.4.2-0ubuntu3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package liblcms2-2:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../liblcms2-2_2.6-3ubuntu2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking liblcms2-2:amd64 (2.6-3ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pyparsing. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pyparsing_2.0.3+dfsg1-1ubuntu0.1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking python-pyparsing (2.0.3+dfsg1-1ubuntu0.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-cmd2. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-cmd2_0.6.8-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking python-cmd2 (0.6.8-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-extras. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-extras_0.0.3-3_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking python-extras (0.0.3-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-posix-ipc. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-posix-ipc_0.9.8-2build2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking python-posix-ipc (0.9.8-2build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pymysql. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pymysql_0.7.2-1ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking python-pymysql (0.7.2-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-wrapt. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-wrapt_1.8.0-5build2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking python-wrapt (1.8.0-5build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libjbig0:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libjbig0_2.1-3.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking libjbig0:amd64 (2.1-3.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-mako. 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-mako_1.0.3+ds1-1ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:19 INFO install Unpacking python-mako (1.0.3+ds1-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-sqlalchemy. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-sqlalchemy_1.0.11+ds1-1ubuntu2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking python-sqlalchemy (1.0.11+ds1-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-alembic. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-alembic_0.8.2-3ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking python-alembic (0.8.2-3ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libjs-jquery. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libjs-jquery_1.11.3+dfsg-4_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking libjs-jquery (1.11.3+dfsg-4) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libjs-underscore. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libjs-underscore_1.7.0~dfsg-1ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking libjs-underscore (1.7.0~dfsg-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libjs-sphinxdoc. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libjs-sphinxdoc_1.3.6-2ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking libjs-sphinxdoc (1.3.6-2ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package alembic. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../alembic_0.8.2-3ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking alembic (0.8.2-3ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package docutils-common. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../docutils-common_0.12+dfsg-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking docutils-common (0.12+dfsg-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package docutils-doc. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../docutils-doc_0.12+dfsg-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking docutils-doc (0.12+dfsg-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package formencode-i18n. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../formencode-i18n_1.3.0-0ubuntu5_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking formencode-i18n (1.3.0-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package liblua5.3-0:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../liblua5.3-0_5.3.1-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking liblua5.3-0:amd64 (5.3.1-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../haproxy_1.6.3-1ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking haproxy (1.6.3-1ubuntu0.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package javascript-common. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../javascript-common_11_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking javascript-common (11) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libfreetype6:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libfreetype6_2.6.1-0.1ubuntu2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:20 INFO install Unpacking libfreetype6:amd64 (2.6.1-0.1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg8:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libjpeg8_8c-2ubuntu8_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking libjpeg8:amd64 (8c-2ubuntu8) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package mysql-common. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../mysql-common_5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking mysql-common (5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libmysqlclient20:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libmysqlclient20_5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking libmysqlclient20:amd64 (5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libossp-uuid16:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libossp-uuid16_1.6.2-1.5build2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking libossp-uuid16:amd64 (1.6.2-1.5build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libpaper1:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libpaper1_1.1.24+nmu4ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking libpaper1:amd64 (1.1.24+nmu4ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libpaper-utils. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libpaper-utils_1.1.24+nmu4ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking libpaper-utils (1.1.24+nmu4ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libpq5:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libpq5_9.5.5-0ubuntu0.16.04_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking libpq5:amd64 (9.5.5-0ubuntu0.16.04) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libtiff5:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libtiff5_4.0.6-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking libtiff5:amd64 (4.0.6-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libxslt1.1:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libxslt1.1_1.1.28-2.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking libxslt1.1:amd64 (1.1.28-2.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libipset3:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libipset3_6.29-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking libipset3:amd64 (6.29-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package ipset. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../ipset_6.29-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking ipset (6.29-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-babel-localedata. 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-babel-localedata_1.3+dfsg.1-6_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:21 INFO install Unpacking python-babel-localedata (1.3+dfsg.1-6) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-tz. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-tz_2014.10~dfsg1-0ubuntu2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-tz (2014.10~dfsg1-0ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-babel. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-babel_1.3+dfsg.1-6_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-babel (1.3+dfsg.1-6) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pbr. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pbr_1.8.0-4ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-pbr (1.8.0-4ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-funcsigs. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-funcsigs_0.4-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-funcsigs (0.4-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-debtcollector. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-debtcollector_1.3.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-debtcollector (1.3.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-prettytable. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-prettytable_0.7.2-3_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-prettytable (0.7.2-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-stevedore. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-stevedore_1.12.0-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-stevedore (1.12.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-unicodecsv. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-unicodecsv_0.14.1-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-unicodecsv (0.14.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-cliff. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-cliff_1.15.0-2ubuntu2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-cliff (1.15.0-2ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-functools32. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-functools32_3.2.3.2-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-functools32 ( ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-mock. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-mock_1.3.0-2.1ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-mock (1.3.0-2.1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-jsonschema. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-jsonschema_2.5.1-4_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-jsonschema (2.5.1-4) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-iso8601. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-iso8601_0.1.11-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-iso8601 (0.1.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-keyring. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-keyring_7.3-1ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-keyring (7.3-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-lxml. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-lxml_3.5.0-1build1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-lxml (3.5.0-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-positional. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-positional_1.0.1-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-positional (1.0.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-urllib3. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-urllib3_1.13.1-2ubuntu0.16.04.1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-urllib3 (1.13.1-2ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-chardet. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-chardet_2.3.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-chardet (2.3.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-requests. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-requests_2.9.1-3_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-requests (2.9.1-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-keystoneauth1. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-keystoneauth1_2.4.1-1ubuntu0.16.04.1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-keystoneauth1 (2.4.1-1ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-roman. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-roman_2.0.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-roman (2.0.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-docutils. 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-docutils_0.12+dfsg-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:22 INFO install Unpacking python-docutils (0.12+dfsg-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.config. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.config_1%3a3.9.0-3_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.config (1:3.9.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.i18n. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.i18n_3.5.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.i18n (3.5.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-msgpack. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-msgpack_0.4.6-1build1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-msgpack (0.4.6-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-monotonic. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-monotonic_0.6-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-monotonic (0.6-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.utils. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.utils_3.8.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.utils (3.8.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.serialization. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.serialization_2.4.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.serialization (2.4.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-keystoneclient. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-keystoneclient_1%3a2.3.1-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-keystoneclient (1:2.3.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-designateclient. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-designateclient_2.1.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-designateclient (2.1.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-greenlet. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-greenlet_0.4.9-2fakesync1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-greenlet (0.4.9-2fakesync1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-eventlet. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-eventlet_0.18.4-1ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-eventlet (0.18.4-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-httplib2. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-httplib2_0.9.1+dfsg-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-httplib2 (0.9.1+dfsg-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.context. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.context_2.2.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.context (2.2.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package pycadf-common. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../pycadf-common_2.2.0-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking pycadf-common (2.2.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pycadf. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pycadf_2.2.0-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-pycadf (2.2.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-webob. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-webob_1.5.1-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-webob (1.5.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-keystonemiddleware. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-keystonemiddleware_4.4.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-keystonemiddleware (4.4.1-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-decorator. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-decorator_4.0.6-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-decorator (4.0.6-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-sqlparse. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-sqlparse_0.1.18-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-sqlparse (0.1.18-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-tempita. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-tempita_0.5.2-1build1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-tempita (0.5.2-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-migrate. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-migrate_0.10.0-3ubuntu2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-migrate (0.10.0-3ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.db. 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.db_4.7.0-2ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:23 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.db (4.7.0-2ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-dateutil. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-dateutil_2.4.2-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-dateutil (2.4.2-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pyinotify. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pyinotify_0.9.6-0fakesync1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-pyinotify (0.9.6-0fakesync1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.log. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.log_3.2.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.log (3.2.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-amqp. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-amqp_1.4.9-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-amqp (1.4.9-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-cachetools. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-cachetools_1.1.5-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-cachetools (1.1.5-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-concurrent.futures. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-concurrent.futures_3.0.5-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-concurrent.futures (3.0.5-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-contextlib2. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-contextlib2_0.5.1-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-contextlib2 (0.5.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-futurist. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-futurist_0.13.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-futurist (0.13.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-anyjson. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-anyjson_0.3.3-1build1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-anyjson (0.3.3-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-kombu. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-kombu_3.0.33-1ubuntu2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-kombu (3.0.33-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.middleware. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.middleware_3.8.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.middleware (3.8.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-enum34. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-enum34_1.1.2-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-enum34 (1.1.2-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-linecache2. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-linecache2_1.0.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-linecache2 (1.0.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-traceback2. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-traceback2_1.4.0-3_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-traceback2 (1.4.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-unittest2. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-unittest2_1.1.0-6.1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-unittest2 (1.1.0-6.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-mimeparse. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-mimeparse_0.1.4-1build1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-mimeparse (0.1.4-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-testtools. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-testtools_1.8.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-testtools (1.8.1-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-fixtures. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-fixtures_1.3.1-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-fixtures (1.3.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-retrying. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-retrying_1.3.3-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-retrying (1.3.3-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-fasteners. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-fasteners_0.12.0-2ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-fasteners (0.12.0-2ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.concurrency. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.concurrency_3.7.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.concurrency (3.7.1-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-dnspython. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-dnspython_1.12.0-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-dnspython (1.12.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-formencode. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-formencode_1.3.0-0ubuntu5_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-formencode (1.3.0-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-paste. 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-paste_1.7.5.1-6ubuntu3_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:24 INFO install Unpacking python-paste ( ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pastedeploy-tpl. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pastedeploy-tpl_1.5.2-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-pastedeploy-tpl (1.5.2-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pastedeploy. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pastedeploy_1.5.2-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-pastedeploy (1.5.2-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-repoze.lru. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-repoze.lru_0.6-6_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-repoze.lru (0.6-6) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-routes. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-routes_2.2-1ubuntu2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-routes (2.2-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.service. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.service_1.8.0-1ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.service (1.8.0-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pika. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pika_0.10.0-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-pika (0.10.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pika-pool. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pika-pool_0.1.3-1ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-pika-pool (0.1.3-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.messaging. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.messaging_4.6.1-2ubuntu2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.messaging (4.6.1-2ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-neutron-lib. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-neutron-lib_0.0.2-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-neutron-lib (0.0.2-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-simplejson. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-simplejson_3.8.1-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-simplejson (3.8.1-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-requestsexceptions. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-requestsexceptions_1.1.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-requestsexceptions (1.1.2-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-appdirs. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-appdirs_1.4.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-appdirs (1.4.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-os-client-config. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-os-client-config_1.16.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-os-client-config (1.16.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-neutronclient. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-neutronclient_1%3a4.1.1-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-neutronclient (1:4.1.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-novaclient. 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-novaclient_2%3a3.3.1-2ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:25 INFO install Unpacking python-novaclient (2:3.3.1-2ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-openvswitch. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-openvswitch_2.5.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-openvswitch (2.5.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.policy. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.policy_1.6.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.policy (1.6.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.reports. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.reports_1.7.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.reports (1.7.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.rootwrap. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.rootwrap_4.1.0-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.rootwrap (4.1.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-oslo.versionedobjects. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-oslo.versionedobjects_1.8.0-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-oslo.versionedobjects (1.8.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-logutils. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-logutils_0.3.3-5_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-logutils (0.3.3-5) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-simplegeneric. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-simplegeneric_0.8.1-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-simplegeneric (0.8.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-singledispatch. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-singledispatch_3.4.0.3-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-singledispatch ( ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-bs4. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-bs4_4.4.1-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-bs4 (4.4.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-waitress. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-waitress_0.8.10-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-waitress (0.8.10-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-webtest. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-webtest_2.0.18-1ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-webtest (2.0.18-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pecan. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pecan_1.0.2-2ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-pecan (1.0.2-2ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-neutron. 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-neutron_2%3a8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:26 INFO install Unpacking python-neutron (2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-neutron-fwaas. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-neutron-fwaas_1%3a8.2.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-neutron-fwaas (1:8.2.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package neutron-common. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../neutron-common_2%3a8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking neutron-common (2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package neutron-plugin-ml2. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../neutron-plugin-ml2_2%3a8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking neutron-plugin-ml2 (2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package neutron-server. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../neutron-server_2%3a8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking neutron-server (2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-barbicanclient. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-barbicanclient_4.0.1-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-barbicanclient (4.0.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-cffi-backend. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-cffi-backend_1.5.2-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-cffi-backend (1.5.2-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-crypto. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-crypto_2.6.1-6build1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-crypto (2.6.1-6build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-idna. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-idna_2.0-3_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-idna (2.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-ipaddress. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-ipaddress_1.0.16-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-ipaddress (1.0.16-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pyasn1. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pyasn1_0.1.9-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-pyasn1 (0.1.9-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-cryptography. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-cryptography_1.2.3-1ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-cryptography (1.2.3-1ubuntu0.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-dbus. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-dbus_1.2.0-3_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-dbus (1.2.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-egenix-mxtools. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-egenix-mxtools_3.2.9-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-egenix-mxtools (3.2.9-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-egenix-mxdatetime. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-egenix-mxdatetime_3.2.9-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-egenix-mxdatetime (3.2.9-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-gi. 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-gi_3.20.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:27 INFO install Unpacking python-gi (3.20.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-html5lib. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-html5lib_0.999-4_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-html5lib (0.999-4) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-mysqldb. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-mysqldb_1.3.7-1build2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-mysqldb (1.3.7-1build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-openssl. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-openssl_0.15.1-2build1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-openssl (0.15.1-2build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-ndg-httpsclient. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-ndg-httpsclient_0.4.0-3_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-ndg-httpsclient (0.4.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-os-win. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-os-win_0.4.1-2_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-os-win (0.4.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-networking-hyperv. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-networking-hyperv_2.0.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-networking-hyperv (2.0.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pyasn1-modules. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pyasn1-modules_0.0.7-0.1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-pyasn1-modules (0.0.7-0.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-neutron-lbaas. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-neutron-lbaas_2%3a8.3.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-neutron-lbaas (2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-neutron-vpnaas. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-neutron-vpnaas_2%3a8.2.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-neutron-vpnaas (2:8.2.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-openid. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-openid_2.2.5-6_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-openid (2.2.5-6) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pastescript. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pastescript_1.7.5-3build1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-pastescript (1.7.5-3build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libwebp5:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libwebp5_0.4.4-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking libwebp5:amd64 (0.4.4-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package libwebpmux1:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../libwebpmux1_0.4.4-1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking libwebpmux1:amd64 (0.4.4-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pil:amd64. 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pil_3.1.2-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:28 INFO install Unpacking python-pil:amd64 (3.1.2-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-psycopg2. 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-psycopg2_2.6.1-1build2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Unpacking python-psycopg2 (2.6.1-1build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-pygments. 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-pygments_2.1+dfsg-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Unpacking python-pygments (2.1+dfsg-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-scgi. 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-scgi_1.13-1.1build1_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Unpacking python-scgi (1.13-1.1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-secretstorage. 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-secretstorage_2.1.3-1_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Unpacking python-secretstorage (2.1.3-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package python-sqlalchemy-ext. 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../python-sqlalchemy-ext_1.0.11+ds1-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Unpacking python-sqlalchemy-ext (1.0.11+ds1-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package ssl-cert. 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../ssl-cert_1.0.37_all.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Unpacking ssl-cert (1.0.37) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Selecting previously unselected package uuid. 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Preparing to unpack .../uuid_1.6.2-1.5build2_amd64.deb ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Unpacking uuid (1.6.2-1.5build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Processing triggers for man-db (2.7.5-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:29 INFO install Processing triggers for systemd (229-4ubuntu13) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:30 INFO install Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-19) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:30 INFO install Processing triggers for ufw (0.35-0ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:30 INFO install Processing triggers for shared-mime-info (1.5-2ubuntu0.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Processing triggers for sgml-base (1.26+nmu4ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Setting up libapr1:amd64 (1.5.2-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Setting up libaprutil1:amd64 (1.5.4-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Setting up libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3:amd64 (1.5.4-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Setting up libaprutil1-ldap:amd64 (1.5.4-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Setting up liblua5.1-0:amd64 (5.1.5-8ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Setting up apache2-bin (2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Setting up apache2-utils (2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Setting up apache2-data (2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Setting up apache2 (2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module mpm_event. 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module authz_core. 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module authz_host. 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module authn_core. 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module auth_basic. 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module access_compat. 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module authn_file. 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module authz_user. 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module alias. 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module dir. 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module autoindex. 2017-01-17 14:57:31 INFO install Enabling module env. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling module mime. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling module negotiation. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling module setenvif. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling module filter. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling module deflate. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling module status. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling conf charset. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling conf localized-error-pages. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling conf other-vhosts-access-log. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling conf security. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling conf serve-cgi-bin. 2017-01-17 14:57:32 INFO install Enabling site 000-default. 2017-01-17 14:57:34 INFO install Setting up libjpeg-turbo8:amd64 (1.4.2-0ubuntu3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:34 INFO install Setting up liblcms2-2:amd64 (2.6-3ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:34 INFO install Setting up python-pyparsing (2.0.3+dfsg1-1ubuntu0.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:34 INFO install Setting up python-cmd2 (0.6.8-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:34 INFO install Setting up python-extras (0.0.3-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:34 INFO install Setting up python-posix-ipc (0.9.8-2build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:34 INFO install Setting up python-pymysql (0.7.2-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:34 INFO install Setting up python-wrapt (1.8.0-5build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:34 INFO install Setting up libjbig0:amd64 (2.1-3.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:34 INFO install Setting up python-mako (1.0.3+ds1-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:35 INFO install Setting up python-sqlalchemy (1.0.11+ds1-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:35 INFO install Setting up python-alembic (0.8.2-3ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:35 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-alembic to provide /usr/bin/alembic (alembic) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:35 INFO install Setting up libjs-jquery (1.11.3+dfsg-4) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:35 INFO install Setting up libjs-underscore (1.7.0~dfsg-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:35 INFO install Setting up libjs-sphinxdoc (1.3.6-2ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:35 INFO install Setting up alembic (0.8.2-3ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:35 INFO install Setting up docutils-common (0.12+dfsg-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:36 INFO install Setting up docutils-doc (0.12+dfsg-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:36 INFO install Setting up formencode-i18n (1.3.0-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:36 INFO install Setting up liblua5.3-0:amd64 (5.3.1-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:36 INFO install Setting up haproxy (1.6.3-1ubuntu0.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:36 INFO install Setting up javascript-common (11) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:36 INFO install apache2_invoke: Enable configuration javascript-common 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up libfreetype6:amd64 (2.6.1-0.1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up libjpeg8:amd64 (8c-2ubuntu8) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up mysql-common (5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install update-alternatives: using /etc/mysql/my.cnf.fallback to provide /etc/mysql/my.cnf (my.cnf) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up libmysqlclient20:amd64 (5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up libossp-uuid16:amd64 (1.6.2-1.5build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up libpaper1:amd64 (1.1.24+nmu4ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Creating config file /etc/papersize with new version 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up libpaper-utils (1.1.24+nmu4ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up libpq5:amd64 (9.5.5-0ubuntu0.16.04) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up libtiff5:amd64 (4.0.6-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up libxslt1.1:amd64 (1.1.28-2.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up libipset3:amd64 (6.29-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up ipset (6.29-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up python-babel-localedata (1.3+dfsg.1-6) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up python-tz (2014.10~dfsg1-0ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up python-babel (1.3+dfsg.1-6) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/pybabel-python2 to provide /usr/bin/pybabel (pybabel) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up python-pbr (1.8.0-4ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-pbr to provide /usr/bin/pbr (pbr) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up python-funcsigs (0.4-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:37 INFO install Setting up python-debtcollector (1.3.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:38 INFO install Setting up python-prettytable (0.7.2-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:38 INFO install Setting up python-stevedore (1.12.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:38 INFO install Setting up python-unicodecsv (0.14.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:38 INFO install Setting up python-cliff (1.15.0-2ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:38 INFO install Setting up python-functools32 ( ... 2017-01-17 14:57:38 INFO install Setting up python-mock (1.3.0-2.1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:38 INFO install Setting up python-jsonschema (2.5.1-4) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:38 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-jsonschema to provide /usr/bin/jsonschema (jsonschema) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:39 INFO install Setting up python-iso8601 (0.1.11-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:39 INFO install Setting up python-keyring (7.3-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:39 INFO install Setting up python-lxml (3.5.0-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:39 INFO install Setting up python-positional (1.0.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:39 INFO install Setting up python-urllib3 (1.13.1-2ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:39 INFO install Setting up python-chardet (2.3.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:40 INFO install Setting up python-requests (2.9.1-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:40 INFO install Setting up python-keystoneauth1 (2.4.1-1ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:40 INFO install Setting up python-roman (2.0.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:40 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.i18n (3.5.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:40 INFO install Setting up python-msgpack (0.4.6-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:40 INFO install Setting up python-monotonic (0.6-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:40 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.utils (3.8.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:41 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.serialization (2.4.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:41 INFO install Setting up python-greenlet (0.4.9-2fakesync1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:41 INFO install Setting up python-eventlet (0.18.4-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:41 INFO install Setting up python-httplib2 (0.9.1+dfsg-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:41 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.context (2.2.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:41 INFO install Setting up pycadf-common (2.2.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:41 INFO install Setting up python-webob (1.5.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:41 INFO install Setting up python-decorator (4.0.6-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:41 INFO install Setting up python-sqlparse (0.1.18-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:42 INFO install Setting up python-tempita (0.5.2-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:42 INFO install Setting up python-migrate (0.10.0-3ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:42 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-migrate to provide /usr/bin/migrate (migrate) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:42 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-migrate-repository to provide /usr/bin/migrate-repository (migrate-repository) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:42 INFO install Setting up python-dateutil (2.4.2-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:42 INFO install Setting up python-pyinotify (0.9.6-0fakesync1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:42 INFO install Setting up python-amqp (1.4.9-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:42 INFO install Setting up python-cachetools (1.1.5-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:42 INFO install Setting up python-concurrent.futures (3.0.5-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:42 INFO install Setting up python-contextlib2 (0.5.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:43 INFO install Setting up python-futurist (0.13.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:43 INFO install Setting up python-anyjson (0.3.3-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:43 INFO install Setting up python-kombu (3.0.33-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:43 INFO install Setting up python-enum34 (1.1.2-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:43 INFO install Setting up python-linecache2 (1.0.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:43 INFO install Setting up python-traceback2 (1.4.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:43 INFO install Setting up python-unittest2 (1.1.0-6.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:43 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-unit2 to provide /usr/bin/unit2 (unit2) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:44 INFO install Setting up python-mimeparse (0.1.4-1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:44 INFO install Setting up python-testtools (1.8.1-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:44 INFO install Setting up python-fixtures (1.3.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:44 INFO install Setting up python-retrying (1.3.3-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:44 INFO install Setting up python-fasteners (0.12.0-2ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:44 INFO install Setting up python-dnspython (1.12.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:45 INFO install Setting up python-formencode (1.3.0-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:45 INFO install Setting up python-paste ( ... 2017-01-17 14:57:45 INFO install Setting up python-pastedeploy-tpl (1.5.2-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:45 INFO install Setting up python-pastedeploy (1.5.2-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:45 INFO install Setting up python-repoze.lru (0.6-6) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:45 INFO install Setting up python-routes (2.2-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:45 INFO install Setting up python-pika (0.10.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:46 INFO install Setting up python-pika-pool (0.1.3-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:46 INFO install Setting up python-simplejson (3.8.1-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:46 INFO install Setting up python-requestsexceptions (1.1.2-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:46 INFO install Setting up python-appdirs (1.4.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:46 INFO install Setting up python-os-client-config (1.16.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:46 INFO install Setting up python-neutronclient (1:4.1.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:46 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-neutron to provide /usr/bin/neutron (neutron) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:47 INFO install Setting up python-novaclient (2:3.3.1-2ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:47 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-nova to provide /usr/bin/nova (nova) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:47 INFO install Setting up python-openvswitch (2.5.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:47 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.reports (1.7.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:47 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.rootwrap (4.1.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:47 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-oslo-rootwrap to provide /usr/bin/oslo-rootwrap (oslo-rootwrap) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:47 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-oslo-rootwrap-daemon to provide /usr/bin/oslo-rootwrap-daemon (oslo-rootwrap-daemon) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:47 INFO install Setting up python-logutils (0.3.3-5) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:47 INFO install Setting up python-simplegeneric (0.8.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:48 INFO install Setting up python-singledispatch ( ... 2017-01-17 14:57:48 INFO install Setting up python-bs4 (4.4.1-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:48 INFO install Setting up python-waitress (0.8.10-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:48 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/waitress-serve-python2 to provide /usr/bin/waitress-serve (waitress-serve) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:48 INFO install Setting up python-webtest (2.0.18-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:48 INFO install Setting up python-pecan (1.0.2-2ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:48 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/gunicorn_pecan-python2 to provide /usr/bin/gunicorn_pecan (gunicorn_pecan) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:48 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/pecan-python2 to provide /usr/bin/pecan (pecan) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:48 INFO install Setting up python-cffi-backend (1.5.2-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:48 INFO install Setting up python-crypto (2.6.1-6build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:49 INFO install Setting up python-idna (2.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:49 INFO install Setting up python-ipaddress (1.0.16-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:49 INFO install Setting up python-pyasn1 (0.1.9-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:49 INFO install Setting up python-cryptography (1.2.3-1ubuntu0.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:49 INFO install Setting up python-dbus (1.2.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:49 INFO install Remove stale byte-compiled files... 2017-01-17 14:57:50 INFO install Setting up python-egenix-mxtools (3.2.9-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:50 INFO install Setting up python-egenix-mxdatetime (3.2.9-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:50 INFO install Setting up python-gi (3.20.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:50 INFO install Setting up python-html5lib (0.999-4) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:50 INFO install Setting up python-mysqldb (1.3.7-1build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:50 INFO install Setting up python-openssl (0.15.1-2build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:51 INFO install Setting up python-ndg-httpsclient (0.4.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:51 INFO install Setting up python-pyasn1-modules (0.0.7-0.1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:51 INFO install Setting up python-openid (2.2.5-6) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:51 INFO install Setting up python-pastescript (1.7.5-3build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:51 INFO install Setting up libwebp5:amd64 (0.4.4-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:51 INFO install Setting up libwebpmux1:amd64 (0.4.4-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:51 INFO install Setting up python-pil:amd64 (3.1.2-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:52 INFO install Setting up python-psycopg2 (2.6.1-1build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:52 INFO install Setting up python-pygments (2.1+dfsg-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install Setting up python-scgi (1.13-1.1build1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install Setting up python-secretstorage (2.1.3-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install Setting up python-sqlalchemy-ext (1.0.11+ds1-1ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install Setting up ssl-cert (1.0.37) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install Setting up uuid (1.6.2-1.5build2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install Processing triggers for sgml-base (1.26+nmu4ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install Setting up python-docutils (0.12+dfsg-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/share/docutils/scripts/python2/rst-buildhtml to provide /usr/bin/rst-buildhtml (rst-buildhtml) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/share/docutils/scripts/python2/rst2html to provide /usr/bin/rst2html (rst2html) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/share/docutils/scripts/python2/rst2latex to provide /usr/bin/rst2latex (rst2latex) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/share/docutils/scripts/python2/rst2man to provide /usr/bin/rst2man (rst2man) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/share/docutils/scripts/python2/rst2odt to provide /usr/bin/rst2odt (rst2odt) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/share/docutils/scripts/python2/rst2odt_prepstyles to provide /usr/bin/rst2odt_prepstyles (rst2odt_prepstyles) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/share/docutils/scripts/python2/rst2pseudoxml to provide /usr/bin/rst2pseudoxml (rst2pseudoxml) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/share/docutils/scripts/python2/rst2s5 to provide /usr/bin/rst2s5 (rst2s5) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/share/docutils/scripts/python2/rst2xetex to provide /usr/bin/rst2xetex (rst2xetex) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/share/docutils/scripts/python2/rst2xml to provide /usr/bin/rst2xml (rst2xml) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:53 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/share/docutils/scripts/python2/rstpep2html to provide /usr/bin/rstpep2html (rstpep2html) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:54 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.config (1:3.9.0-3) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:54 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-oslo-config-generator to provide /usr/bin/oslo-config-generator (oslo-config-generator) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:54 INFO install Setting up python-keystoneclient (1:2.3.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:54 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-keystone to provide /usr/bin/keystone (keystone) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:54 INFO install Setting up python-designateclient (2.1.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:54 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-designate to provide /usr/bin/designate (designate) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:55 INFO install Setting up python-pycadf (2.2.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:55 INFO install Setting up python-keystonemiddleware (4.4.1-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:55 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.db (4.7.0-2ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:55 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.log (3.2.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:55 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.middleware (3.8.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:55 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.concurrency (3.7.1-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:55 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-lockutils-wrapper to provide /usr/bin/lockutils-wrapper (lockutils-wrapper) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:56 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.service (1.8.0-1ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:56 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.messaging (4.6.1-2ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:56 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-oslo-messaging-zmq-broker to provide /usr/bin/oslo-messaging-zmq-broker (oslo-messaging-zmq-broker) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:56 INFO install Setting up python-neutron-lib (0.0.2-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:56 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.policy (1.6.0-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:56 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-oslopolicy-checker to provide /usr/bin/oslopolicy-checker (oslopolicy-checker) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:57:56 INFO install Setting up python-oslo.versionedobjects (1.8.0-1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:56 INFO install Setting up python-neutron (2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:59 INFO install Setting up python-neutron-fwaas (1:8.2.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:59 INFO install Setting up neutron-common (2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:59 INFO install Adding system user `neutron' (UID 113) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:59 INFO install Adding new user `neutron' (UID 113) with group `neutron' ... 2017-01-17 14:57:59 INFO install Not creating home directory `/var/lib/neutron'. 2017-01-17 14:57:59 INFO install Setting up neutron-plugin-ml2 (2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2) ... 2017-01-17 14:57:59 INFO install Setting up neutron-server (2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.2) ... 2017-01-17 14:58:00 INFO install Setting up python-barbicanclient (4.0.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:58:00 INFO install update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python2-barbican to provide /usr/bin/barbican (barbican) in auto mode 2017-01-17 14:58:00 INFO install Setting up python-os-win (0.4.1-2) ... 2017-01-17 14:58:00 INFO install Setting up python-networking-hyperv (2.0.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:58:00 INFO install Setting up python-neutron-lbaas (2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:58:01 INFO install Setting up python-neutron-vpnaas (2:8.2.0-0ubuntu1) ... 2017-01-17 14:58:01 INFO install Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu5) ... 2017-01-17 14:58:01 INFO install Processing triggers for systemd (229-4ubuntu13) ... 2017-01-17 14:58:01 INFO install Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-19) ... 2017-01-17 14:58:02 INFO install Processing triggers for ufw (0.35-0ubuntu2) ... 2017-01-17 14:58:04 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:58:04 INFO install error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 14:58:04 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:05 DEBUG juju-log Creating service cache dir /var/cache/neutron 2017-01-17 14:58:05 INFO juju-log Making dir /var/cache/neutron neutron:neutron 700 2017-01-17 14:58:05 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:05 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:07 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:07 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:07 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:07 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:07 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:58:07 WARNING juju-log messaging relation is missing and must be related for functionality. 2017-01-17 14:58:07 WARNING juju-log identity relation is missing and must be related for functionality. 2017-01-17 14:58:07 WARNING juju-log database relation is missing and must be related for functionality. 2017-01-17 14:58:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:58:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:58:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:58:12 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 14:58:12 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 14:58:13 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 14:58:13 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 14:58:14 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 14:58:14 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:14 INFO juju-log Unable to check resources at this time 2017-01-17 14:58:14 INFO juju-log No neutron client, neutron not ready 2017-01-17 14:58:18 INFO juju-log Installing [] with options: ['--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold'] 2017-01-17 14:58:18 INFO config-changed Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:58:18 INFO config-changed Building dependency tree... 2017-01-17 14:58:18 INFO config-changed Reading state information... 2017-01-17 14:58:18 INFO config-changed 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2017-01-17 14:58:18 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:58:18 INFO config-changed error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 14:58:18 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:19 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:19 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:20 INFO juju-log Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 14:58:20 INFO juju-log Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:20 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:20 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 14:58:20 INFO juju-log Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:20 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:20 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:58:21 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 14:58:22 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:58:22 INFO juju-log Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:58:22 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:58:22 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 14:58:22 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:58:22 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:22 INFO config-changed Site openstack_https_frontend already disabled 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO juju-log Installing python-dbus with options: ['--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold'] 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO config-changed Reading package lists... 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO config-changed Building dependency tree... 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO config-changed Reading state information... 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO config-changed python-dbus is already the newest version (1.2.0-3). 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO config-changed python-dbus set to manually installed. 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO config-changed 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO juju-log Check command not found: check_systemd.py 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO juju-log Check command not found: check_systemd.py 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO juju-log Check command not found: check_systemd.py 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO juju-log Nagios user not set up, nrpe checks not updated 2017-01-17 14:58:23 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:58:23 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO juju-log Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:23 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:58:24 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 14:58:25 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:58:25 INFO juju-log Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:58:25 INFO juju-log Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:58:25 INFO juju-log Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 14:58:27 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:58:27 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:27 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:27 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:27 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:28 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:28 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:28 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:28 WARNING juju-log messaging relation is missing and must be related for functionality. 2017-01-17 14:58:28 WARNING juju-log identity relation is missing and must be related for functionality. 2017-01-17 14:58:28 WARNING juju-log database relation is missing and must be related for functionality. 2017-01-17 14:58:32 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:32 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:58:32 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:32 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:58:32 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:32 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:32 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:58:32 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 14:58:32 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 14:58:33 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 14:58:33 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 14:58:33 INFO juju-log Unknown hook start - skipping. 2017-01-17 14:58:34 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:58:34 INFO start error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 14:58:34 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:34 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:34 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:36 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:36 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:36 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:36 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:36 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:58:36 WARNING juju-log messaging relation is missing and must be related for functionality. 2017-01-17 14:58:36 WARNING juju-log identity relation is missing and must be related for functionality. 2017-01-17 14:58:36 WARNING juju-log database relation is missing and must be related for functionality. 2017-01-17 14:58:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:58:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:58:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:41 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:41 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:58:41 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 14:58:41 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 14:58:41 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 14:58:41 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 14:58:42 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:42 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:42 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:58:42 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:43 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:43 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:44 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:44 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:44 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:44 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:45 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:58:45 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: HAProxy context is incomplete, this unit has no peers. 2017-01-17 14:58:46 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:58:46 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:46 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:46 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:46 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:46 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:46 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:46 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:46 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: messaging relations's interface, amqp, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:58:47 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:58:47 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: database relations's interface, shared-db, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:58:47 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 14:58:51 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:58:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:58:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:58:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:58:52 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 14:58:52 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 14:58:52 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 14:58:53 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 14:58:53 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:53 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:53 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:58:54 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:54 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:54 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:56 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:56 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:56 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:56 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:56 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:58:56 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: HAProxy context is incomplete, this unit has no peers. 2017-01-17 14:58:58 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:58:58 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:58:58 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:58 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:58 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:58 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:58 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:58 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:58:58 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: messaging relations's interface, amqp, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:58:58 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:58:58 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: database relations's interface, shared-db, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:58:59 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 14:59:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:59:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:59:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:59:03 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 14:59:04 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 14:59:04 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 14:59:04 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 14:59:07 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:59:07 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:07 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:59:08 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:08 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:09 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:09 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:09 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:10 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:10 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:10 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:59:10 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: HAProxy context is incomplete, this unit has no peers. 2017-01-17 14:59:11 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: messaging relations's interface, amqp, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:59:11 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:59:11 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 14:59:12 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 14:59:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:59:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:59:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:59:16 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 14:59:17 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 14:59:17 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 14:59:17 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 14:59:19 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:59:19 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:20 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:59:20 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:20 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:21 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:21 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:21 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:22 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:22 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:22 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:59:22 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:59:22 INFO juju-log cluster:20: messaging relations's interface, amqp, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:59:22 INFO juju-log cluster:20: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:59:22 INFO juju-log cluster:20: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 14:59:23 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 14:59:27 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:27 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:59:27 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:27 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:59:27 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:27 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:27 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:59:27 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 14:59:28 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 14:59:28 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 14:59:28 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 14:59:30 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:59:30 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:30 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:59:31 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:31 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 14:59:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 14:59:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 14:59:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:59:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 14:59:34 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:59:34 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:59:34 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:59:34 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:59:34 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 14:59:34 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:59:34 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:34 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:59:34 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:34 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:35 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:35 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:35 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:35 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:35 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:35 INFO juju-log cluster:20: messaging relations's interface, amqp, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:59:35 INFO juju-log cluster:20: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:59:35 INFO juju-log cluster:20: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 14:59:35 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 14:59:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:59:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:59:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:40 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:59:40 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 14:59:40 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 14:59:41 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 14:59:41 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 14:59:41 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:41 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:59:41 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:59:42 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:42 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:59:42 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:42 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:44 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:44 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:44 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:44 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:44 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:45 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:59:45 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:59:46 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:59:46 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:46 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:59:46 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:46 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:46 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:47 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:47 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:47 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:47 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:47 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: messaging relations's interface, amqp, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:59:47 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 14:59:47 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 14:59:47 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:67: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 14:59:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 14:59:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 14:59:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 14:59:52 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 14:59:53 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 14:59:53 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 14:59:53 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 14:59:53 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 14:59:54 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:54 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:59:54 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:59:54 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:54 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:59:55 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:55 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:56 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:56 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:56 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:57 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:57 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:57 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:59:57 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 14:59:59 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 14:59:59 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 14:59:59 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 14:59:59 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 14:59:59 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:00:00 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:00:00 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:00:00 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:00:00 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:00:00 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:00:00 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: messaging relations's interface, amqp, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:00:00 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:00:00 INFO juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:00:00 DEBUG juju-log neutron-plugin-api:32: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:01:05 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:05 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:01:05 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:05 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:01:05 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:05 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:05 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:01:05 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:01:05 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:01:06 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:01:06 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:01:09 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:01:09 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:09 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:01:10 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:10 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:11 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:11 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:11 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:11 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:12 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:12 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:01:12 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:01:12 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: shared-db relation incomplete. Peer not ready? 2017-01-17 15:01:12 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:01:12 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:12 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:01:12 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: messaging relations's interface, amqp, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:01:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:01:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:01:13 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:01:18 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:18 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:01:18 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:18 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:01:18 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:18 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:18 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:01:18 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:01:19 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:01:19 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:01:19 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:01:20 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:01:23 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:01:23 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:23 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:01:23 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:23 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:25 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:25 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:25 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:25 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:25 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:26 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:01:26 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:01:26 INFO juju-log ha:82: messaging relations's interface, amqp, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:01:26 INFO juju-log ha:82: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:01:26 INFO juju-log ha:82: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:01:26 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:01:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:01:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:32 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:01:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:33 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:01:33 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:01:33 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:01:34 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:01:34 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:01:37 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:01:37 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:37 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:01:38 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:38 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:41 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:01:41 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:01:41 INFO juju-log cluster:20: messaging relations's interface, amqp, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:01:41 INFO juju-log cluster:20: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:01:41 INFO juju-log cluster:20: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:01:41 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:01:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:01:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:01:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:01:46 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:01:46 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:01:47 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:01:47 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:01:50 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:01:50 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:50 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:50 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:01:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:52 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:52 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:52 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:53 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:01:53 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:53 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:01:53 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:01:54 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:01:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: messaging relations's interface, amqp, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:01:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:01:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:01:54 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:01:58 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:58 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:01:58 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:58 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:01:58 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:58 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:01:58 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:01:59 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:01:59 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:01:59 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:01:59 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:02:02 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:02:02 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:02:02 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:02 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:02 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:02:03 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:03 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:05 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:02:05 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:02:05 INFO juju-log amqp:34: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:02:05 INFO juju-log amqp:34: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:02:05 INFO juju-log amqp:34: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:02:06 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:02:10 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:10 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:02:10 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:10 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:02:10 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:11 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:11 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:02:11 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:02:11 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:02:11 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:02:11 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:02:11 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:02:12 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:02:12 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:12 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:12 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:02:13 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:13 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:15 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:15 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:15 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:15 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:15 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:15 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:16 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:02:16 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:02:16 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:02:16 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:02:16 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:16 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:16 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:02:16 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:16 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:17 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:02:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:02:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:17 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:02:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:18 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:02:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:02:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:18 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:02:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:19 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:19 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:19 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:19 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:19 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:19 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:19 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:02:19 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:02:19 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:19 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:19 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:02:19 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:19 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:22 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:02:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:02:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:22 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:02:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:02:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:02:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:02:23 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:02:27 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:27 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:02:27 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:28 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:02:28 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:28 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:28 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:02:28 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:02:28 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:02:28 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:02:29 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:02:29 INFO juju-log ha:82: ha_changed: hacluster subordinate not fully clustered: None 2017-01-17 15:02:31 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:02:31 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:02:32 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:32 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:32 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:02:32 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:32 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:34 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:34 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:34 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:34 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:34 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:34 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:35 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:02:35 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:02:35 INFO juju-log ha:82: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:02:35 INFO juju-log ha:82: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:02:35 INFO juju-log ha:82: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:02:36 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:02:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:02:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:02:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:40 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:02:40 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:02:41 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:02:41 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:02:41 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:02:44 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:02:44 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:02:44 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:44 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:44 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:02:45 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:45 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:46 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:02:47 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:02:48 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:48 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:48 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:48 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:48 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:02:48 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:02:48 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:02:49 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:02:49 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:02:49 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:02:49 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:02:49 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:02:49 INFO cluster-relation-changed Job for neutron-server.service failed. See "systemctl status neutron-server.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. 2017-01-17 15:02:49 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:02:49 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:02:49 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:49 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:49 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:02:49 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:49 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:50 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:50 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:50 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:50 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:50 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:50 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:50 INFO juju-log cluster:20: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:02:50 INFO juju-log cluster:20: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:02:50 INFO juju-log cluster:20: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:02:50 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:02:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:02:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:02:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:02:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:02:55 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:02:55 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:02:56 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:02:56 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:02:58 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:02:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:02:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:02:59 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:02:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:02:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:02 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:03:02 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:03:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: shared-db relation incomplete. Peer not ready? 2017-01-17 15:03:02 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:03:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:03:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:02 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:03:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:03:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:03:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:03:03 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:03:07 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:07 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:03:07 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:07 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:03:07 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:07 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:07 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:03:07 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:03:08 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:03:08 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:03:08 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:03:10 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:03:11 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:03:11 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:11 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:11 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:03:11 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:11 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:13 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:03:14 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:03:14 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:03:14 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:14 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:14 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:14 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:14 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:03:14 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:03:14 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:03:15 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:03:15 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:03:15 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:03:15 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:03:15 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:03:15 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:03:15 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:03:15 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:15 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:15 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:03:15 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:15 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:15 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:15 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:03:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: identity relations's interface, identity-service, is related but has no units in the relation. 2017-01-17 15:03:16 INFO juju-log cluster:20: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:03:16 DEBUG juju-log cluster:20: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:03:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:03:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:03:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:03:21 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:03:21 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:03:22 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:03:22 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:03:22 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:03:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:03:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:23 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:03:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:03:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:26 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:03:26 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:03:26 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:03:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:03:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:26 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:03:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:03:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:27 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:27 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:30 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:03:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:03:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:30 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:03:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:03:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:03:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:03:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:03:31 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:03:35 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:35 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:03:35 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:35 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:03:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:03:36 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:03:36 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:03:36 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:03:36 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:03:38 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:03:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:03:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:39 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:03:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:03:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:42 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:03:42 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:03:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: identity-service relation incomplete. Peer not ready? 2017-01-17 15:03:42 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:03:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:03:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:42 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:03:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:03:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:03:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:03:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:03:43 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:03:48 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:48 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:03:48 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:48 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:03:48 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:48 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:03:48 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:03:48 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:03:48 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:03:49 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:03:49 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:03:51 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:03:52 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:03:52 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:52 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:52 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:52 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:03:52 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:03:53 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:53 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:03:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:03:55 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:03:55 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:03:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:03:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:03:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:03:56 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:04:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:04:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:04:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:04:00 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:04:01 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:04:01 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:04:01 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:04:01 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:02 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:07 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:04:07 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:04:07 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:07 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:08 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:08 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:10 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:10 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:11 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:04:11 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:04:12 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:04:12 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:04:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:04:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:04:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:04:17 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:04:17 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:04:17 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:04:18 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:04:20 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:21 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:24 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:04:25 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: identity-service relation incomplete. Peer not ready? 2017-01-17 15:04:25 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:25 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:04:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:04:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:04:26 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:04:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:04:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:04:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:04:30 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:04:31 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:04:31 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:04:31 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:04:31 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:32 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:33 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:33 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:33 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:34 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:34 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:35 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:35 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:35 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:35 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:35 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:36 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:04:36 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:04:37 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:37 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:38 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:38 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:40 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:40 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:04:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: database relation's interface, shared-db, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: database_password, database_host. 2017-01-17 15:04:42 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:04:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:04:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:04:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:46 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:04:47 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:04:47 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:04:47 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:04:48 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:04:50 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:51 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:52 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:52 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:55 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:04:55 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:04:55 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:04:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: rabbitmq_password 2017-01-17 15:04:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:55 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:04:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:04:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:04:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:04:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:04:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:04:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:04:57 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:04:57 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:04:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:04:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:04:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:04:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Not running neutron database migration, either no allowed_units or this unit is not present 2017-01-17 15:04:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:04:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:04:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:04:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: messaging relation's interface, amqp, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: rabbitmq_password. 2017-01-17 15:04:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:04:59 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:05:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:05:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:05:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:05:04 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:05:04 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:05:05 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:05:05 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:05:08 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:05:09 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:09 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:05:09 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:09 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:09 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:10 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:10 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:11 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:11 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:11 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:11 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:05:11 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:11 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:12 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:12 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:05:12 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:05:12 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:05:12 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:12 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:05:12 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:12 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:13 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:14 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:14 INFO juju-log amqp:34: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:05:14 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:05:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:05:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:05:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:05:19 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:05:19 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:05:19 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:05:19 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:05:22 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:05:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:22 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:05:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:25 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:05:25 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:25 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:25 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:05:25 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:25 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:05:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:27 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:05:27 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:05:27 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:05:27 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:05:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:05:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:05:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:33 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:05:33 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:05:33 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:05:34 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:05:34 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:05:37 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:05:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:37 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:05:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:05:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:42 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:05:42 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:05:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: identity-service relation incomplete. Peer not ready? 2017-01-17 15:05:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:05:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:05:43 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:05:47 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:47 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:05:47 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:47 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:05:48 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:48 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:48 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:05:48 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:05:48 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:05:49 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:05:49 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:05:52 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:05:52 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:05:53 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:53 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:53 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:54 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:05:55 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:05:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:56 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:05:57 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:05:57 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:05:57 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:58 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:05:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:05:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:05:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:05:59 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:05:59 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:05:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:05:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:05:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:05:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Migrating the neutron database. 2017-01-17 15:06:00 INFO shared-db-relation-changed No handlers could be found for logger "oslo_config.cfg" 2017-01-17 15:06:01 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:06:01 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:06:01 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:06:01 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:06:01 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade -> kilo, kilo_initial 2017-01-17 15:06:02 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade kilo -> 354db87e3225, nsxv_vdr_metadata.py 2017-01-17 15:06:02 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 354db87e3225 -> 599c6a226151, neutrodb_ipam 2017-01-17 15:06:02 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 599c6a226151 -> 52c5312f6baf, Initial operations in support of address scopes 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 52c5312f6baf -> 313373c0ffee, Flavor framework 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 313373c0ffee -> 8675309a5c4f, network_rbac 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 8675309a5c4f -> 45f955889773, quota_usage 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 45f955889773 -> 26c371498592, subnetpool hash 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 26c371498592 -> 1c844d1677f7, add order to dnsnameservers 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 1c844d1677f7 -> 1b4c6e320f79, address scope support in subnetpool 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 1b4c6e320f79 -> 48153cb5f051, qos db changes 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 48153cb5f051 -> 9859ac9c136, quota_reservations 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 9859ac9c136 -> 34af2b5c5a59, Add dns_name to Port 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 34af2b5c5a59 -> 59cb5b6cf4d, Add availability zone 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 59cb5b6cf4d -> 13cfb89f881a, add is_default to subnetpool 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 13cfb89f881a -> 32e5974ada25, Add standard attribute table 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 32e5974ada25 -> ec7fcfbf72ee, Add network availability zone 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade ec7fcfbf72ee -> dce3ec7a25c9, Add router availability zone 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade dce3ec7a25c9 -> c3a73f615e4, Add ip_version to AddressScope 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade c3a73f615e4 -> 659bf3d90664, Add tables and attributes to support external DNS integration 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 659bf3d90664 -> 1df244e556f5, add_unique_ha_router_agent_port_bindings 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 1df244e556f5 -> 19f26505c74f, Auto Allocated Topology - aka Get-Me-A-Network 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 19f26505c74f -> 15be73214821, add dynamic routing model data 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 15be73214821 -> b4caf27aae4, add_bgp_dragent_model_data 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade b4caf27aae4 -> 15e43b934f81, rbac_qos_policy 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 15e43b934f81 -> 31ed664953e6, Add resource_versions row to agent table 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 31ed664953e6 -> 2f9e956e7532, tag support 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 2f9e956e7532 -> 3894bccad37f, add_timestamp_to_base_resources 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 3894bccad37f -> 0e66c5227a8a, Add desc to standard attr table 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade kilo -> 30018084ec99, Initial no-op Liberty contract rule. 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 30018084ec99, 8675309a5c4f -> 4ffceebfada, network_rbac 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 4ffceebfada -> 5498d17be016, Drop legacy OVS and LB plugin tables 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 5498d17be016 -> 2a16083502f3, Metaplugin removal 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 2a16083502f3 -> 2e5352a0ad4d, Add missing foreign keys 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 2e5352a0ad4d -> 11926bcfe72d, add geneve ml2 type driver 2017-01-17 15:06:03 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 11926bcfe72d -> 4af11ca47297, Drop cisco monolithic tables 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 4af11ca47297 -> 1b294093239c, Drop embrane plugin table 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 1b294093239c, 32e5974ada25 -> 8a6d8bdae39, standardattributes migration 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 8a6d8bdae39 -> 2b4c2465d44b, DVR sheduling refactoring 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 2b4c2465d44b -> e3278ee65050, Drop NEC plugin tables 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade e3278ee65050, 15e43b934f81 -> c6c112992c9, rbac_qos_policy 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade c6c112992c9 -> 5ffceebfada, network_rbac_external 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 5ffceebfada, 0e66c5227a8a -> 4ffceebfcdc, standard_desc 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade -> start_neutron_fwaas, start neutron-fwaas chain 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade start_neutron_fwaas -> 4202e3047e47, add_index_tenant_id 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 4202e3047e47 -> 540142f314f4, FWaaS router insertion 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 540142f314f4 -> 796c68dffbb, cisco_csr_fwaas 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 796c68dffbb -> kilo, kilo 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade kilo -> 67c8e8d61d5, Initial Liberty no-op script. 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 67c8e8d61d5 -> 458aa42b14b, fw_table_alter script to make column case sensitive 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade kilo -> c40fbb377ad, Initial Liberty no-op script. 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade c40fbb377ad -> 4b47ea298795, add reject rule 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade -> start_neutron_lbaas, start neutron-lbaas chain 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade start_neutron_lbaas -> lbaasv2, lbaas version 2 api 2017-01-17 15:06:04 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade lbaasv2 -> 4deef6d81931, add provisioning and operating statuses 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 4deef6d81931 -> 4b6d8d5310b8, add_index_tenant_id 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 4b6d8d5310b8 -> 364f9b6064f0, agentv2 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 364f9b6064f0 -> lbaasv2_tls, lbaasv2 TLS 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade lbaasv2_tls -> 4ba00375f715, edge_driver 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 4ba00375f715 -> kilo, kilo 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade kilo -> 3345facd0452, Initial Liberty no-op expand script. 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 3345facd0452 -> 4a408dd491c2, Addition of Name column to lbaas_members and lbaas_healthmonitors table 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 4a408dd491c2 -> 3426acbc12de, Add flavor id 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 3426acbc12de -> 6aee0434f911, independent pools 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 6aee0434f911 -> 3543deab1547, add_l7_tables 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 3543deab1547 -> 62deca5010cd, Add tenant-id index for L7 tables 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade kilo -> 130ebfdef43, Initial Liberty no-op contract revision. 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade -> start_neutron_vpnaas, start neutron-vpnaas chain 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade start_neutron_vpnaas -> 3ea02b2a773e, add_index_tenant_id 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 3ea02b2a773e -> kilo, kilo 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade kilo -> 30018084ed99, Initial no-op Liberty expand rule. 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 30018084ed99 -> 24f28869838b, Add fields to VPN service table 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 24f28869838b -> 41b509d10b5e, VPNaaS endpoint groups 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 41b509d10b5e -> 28ee739a7e4b, Multiple local subnets 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade kilo -> 56893333aa52, fix identifier map fk 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 56893333aa52, 24f28869838b -> 333dfd6afaa2, Populate VPN service table fields 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 333dfd6afaa2 -> 2c82e782d734, drop_tenant_id_in_cisco_csr_identifier_map 2017-01-17 15:06:05 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 2c82e782d734, 28ee739a7e4b -> 2cb4ee992b41, Multiple local subnets 2017-01-17 15:06:07 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:07 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:07 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:07 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:07 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password database_host 2017-01-17 15:06:07 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:07 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:07 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:06:08 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:06:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:06:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:06:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:06:13 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:06:13 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:06:14 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:06:14 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:06:17 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:06:18 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:06:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:19 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:19 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:21 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:21 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:21 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:21 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:21 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:21 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:21 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:22 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:06:22 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:06:22 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:06:22 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:06:22 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:22 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:22 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:06:23 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:06:24 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:06:24 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:06:24 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:06:25 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Not running neutron database migration, either no allowed_units or this unit is not present 2017-01-17 15:06:25 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:25 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:25 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:25 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:25 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:25 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:25 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:25 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:06:26 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:06:30 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:30 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:06:30 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:30 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:06:30 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:30 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:30 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:06:30 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:06:31 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:06:31 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:06:31 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:06:34 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:06:35 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:06:35 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:35 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:35 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:36 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:36 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:37 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:37 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:37 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:37 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:37 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:37 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:37 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:38 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:06:38 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:06:38 INFO juju-log amqp:34: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:06:39 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:06:43 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:43 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:06:43 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:43 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:06:43 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:43 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:43 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:06:43 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:06:44 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:06:44 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:06:44 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:06:44 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:06:45 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:06:46 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:46 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:46 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:06:47 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:47 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:48 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:48 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:49 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:49 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:49 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:49 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:49 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:50 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:06:50 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:06:50 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:50 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:50 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:50 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:50 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:50 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:50 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:51 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:51 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:51 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:51 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:51 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:51 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:51 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:51 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:51 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:51 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:51 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:54 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:54 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:54 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:54 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:54 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:06:54 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:54 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:06:55 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:06:55 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:06:59 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:59 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:06:59 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:06:59 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:07:00 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:00 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:00 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:07:00 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:07:00 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:07:01 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:07:01 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:07:03 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:07:04 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:07:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:05 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:05 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:07 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:07 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:07 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:07 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:07 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:07 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:07 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:08 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:07:08 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:07:08 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:07:08 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:07:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:07:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:07:24 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:24 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:24 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:24 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:24 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:24 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:24 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:24 INFO juju-log amqp:34: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:07:25 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:07:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:07:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:07:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:31 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:31 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:07:31 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:07:31 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:07:32 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:07:32 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:07:34 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:07:35 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:07:35 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:35 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:35 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:36 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:36 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:37 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:07:37 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:37 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:38 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:07:38 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:38 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:38 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:38 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:38 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:38 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:38 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:39 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:07:39 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:07:39 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:07:39 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:07:44 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:44 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:07:44 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:44 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:07:44 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:44 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:44 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:07:44 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:07:44 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:07:45 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:07:45 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:07:48 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:07:49 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:07:49 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:49 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:49 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:07:50 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:50 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:51 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:51 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:51 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:51 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:51 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:07:52 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:52 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:07:52 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:07:52 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:07:53 INFO juju-log amqp:34: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:07:53 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:07:57 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:57 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:07:57 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:57 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:07:57 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:57 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:07:57 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:07:57 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:07:58 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:07:58 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:07:58 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:08:01 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:08:02 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:08:02 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:02 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:02 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:03 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:03 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:04 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:05 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:08:05 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:08:05 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:08:05 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:08:05 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:05 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:05 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:05 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:06 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:06 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:08:06 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:06 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:06 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:08:07 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:07 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:07 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:07 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:08 INFO juju-log amqp:34: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:08:09 DEBUG juju-log amqp:34: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:08:14 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:14 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:08:15 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:15 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:08:15 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:15 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:15 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:08:15 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:08:15 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:08:16 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:08:16 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:08:16 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:08:17 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:08:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:17 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:18 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:20 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:21 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:21 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:08:21 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:08:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:22 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:23 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:26 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:08:27 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:08:31 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:31 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:08:31 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:31 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:08:31 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:31 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:31 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:08:31 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:08:31 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:08:32 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:08:32 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:08:35 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:08:36 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:08:36 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:36 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:36 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:37 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:37 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:38 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:38 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:38 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:38 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:38 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:39 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:39 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:39 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:08:39 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:08:39 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:08:39 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:40 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:08:41 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:08:41 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:08:42 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:08:42 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:08:42 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:08:42 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:08:42 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Migrating the neutron database. 2017-01-17 15:08:43 INFO shared-db-relation-changed No handlers could be found for logger "oslo_config.cfg" 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl. 2017-01-17 15:08:44 INFO shared-db-relation-changed INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2017-01-17 15:08:45 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:45 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:45 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:45 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:45 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:45 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:45 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:45 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:08:46 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:08:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:08:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:08:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:08:51 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:08:51 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:08:52 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:08:52 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:08:52 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:08:55 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:08:56 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:08:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:56 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:08:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:57 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:08:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:08:59 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:00 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:09:00 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:09:00 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:09:00 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:09:00 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:00 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:00 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:00 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:00 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:00 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:09:00 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:00 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:00 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:01 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:09:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:09:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:09:02 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:09:02 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:09:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:09:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:09:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:09:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Not running neutron database migration, either no allowed_units or this unit is not present 2017-01-17 15:09:02 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:03 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:09:03 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:09:08 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:08 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:09:08 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:08 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:09:08 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:08 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:08 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:09:08 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:09:08 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:09:09 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:09:09 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:09:12 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:09:13 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:09:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:13 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:14 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:14 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:15 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:15 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:15 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:15 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:15 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:15 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:15 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:16 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:09:16 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:09:16 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:09:16 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:09:16 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:16 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:16 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:16 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:16 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:16 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:09:17 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:09:18 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:09:18 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Not running neutron database migration, either no allowed_units or this unit is not present 2017-01-17 15:09:18 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:19 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:19 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:19 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:19 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:19 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:19 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:19 INFO juju-log shared-db:33: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:09:19 DEBUG juju-log shared-db:33: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:09:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:09:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:09:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:24 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:09:24 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:09:24 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:09:25 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:09:25 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:09:27 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:09:28 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:09:28 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:28 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:28 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:09:28 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:28 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:09:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:09:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:09:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:09:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:09:31 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:09:31 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:09:31 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:09:31 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:11:30 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:11:31 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:11:31 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:11:31 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:11:31 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:11:31 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:11:31 INFO juju-log ha:82: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:11:31 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:11:31 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:11:32 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:11:32 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:11:32 INFO juju-log ha:82: Cluster configured, notifying other services and updating keystone endpoint configuration 2017-01-17 15:11:32 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:11:33 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:11:33 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:11:33 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:11:33 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:11:34 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:34 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:36 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:36 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:36 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:36 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:36 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:36 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:36 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:37 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:11:37 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:11:37 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:37 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:37 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:37 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:37 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:37 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:37 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:37 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:37 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:38 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:39 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:40 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:42 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:42 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:42 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:42 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:42 INFO juju-log ha:82: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:11:42 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:42 INFO juju-log ha:82: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:11:42 INFO juju-log ha:82: identity relation's interface, identity-service, is related awaiting the following data from the relationship: admin_user, service_port, admin_tenant_name, auth_port, admin_password, auth_host, service_host. 2017-01-17 15:11:43 DEBUG juju-log ha:82: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:12:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:12:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:12:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:08 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:12:08 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:12:08 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:12:09 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:12:09 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:12:11 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:12:12 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:12 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:12:13 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:13 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:14 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:14 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:14 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:14 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:15 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:15 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:15 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:15 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:12:15 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:12:15 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:12:15 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:15 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:19 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:20 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:12:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:20 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:12:21 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: admin_user service_port admin_tenant_name auth_port admin_password auth_host service_host 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:12:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:12:22 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:12:22 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:12:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO identity-service-relation-changed Site openstack_https_frontend already disabled 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:26 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:12:26 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:12:26 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:12:26 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:12:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:12:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:12:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:12:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:12:30 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:12:31 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:12:31 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:12:31 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:12:34 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:12:34 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:35 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:35 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:37 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:37 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:12:38 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:12:38 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:12:38 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:38 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:39 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:40 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:41 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:41 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:42 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:12:42 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:12:44 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:12:44 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:44 INFO identity-service-relation-changed Site openstack_https_frontend already disabled 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:47 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:12:47 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:12:47 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:12:47 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:12:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:12:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:12:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:12:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:12:51 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:12:52 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:12:52 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:12:52 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:12:55 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:12:56 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:57 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:57 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:58 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:58 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:58 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:58 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:58 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:58 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:58 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:59 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:12:59 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:12:59 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:12:59 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:12:59 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:59 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:59 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:12:59 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:59 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:12:59 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:12:59 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:59 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:12:59 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:59 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:12:59 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:00 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:01 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:02 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:13:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:02 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:02 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:03 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:13:03 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:13:03 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:13:04 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:13:04 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:13:04 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO identity-service-relation-changed Site openstack_https_frontend already disabled 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:05 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:06 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:13:07 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:13:07 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:17:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:17:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:17:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:17:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:17:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:17:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:17:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:17:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:17:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:17:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:17:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:17:34 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:17:34 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:17:34 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 15:17:37 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:17:37 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 15:17:37 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:17:38 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:17:38 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:17:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:17:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:17:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:17:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:17:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:17:40 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:17:40 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:17:40 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:17:40 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:17:41 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:17:41 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:17:41 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:17:41 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:17:41 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:22:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:22:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:22:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:22:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:22:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:22:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:22:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:22:33 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:22:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:22:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:22:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:22:34 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:22:34 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:22:34 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 15:22:37 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:22:37 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 15:22:37 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:22:38 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:22:38 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:22:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:22:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:22:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:22:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:22:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:22:40 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:22:40 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:22:40 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:22:40 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:22:40 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:22:40 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:22:40 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:22:40 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:22:41 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:27:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:27:34 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:27:34 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:27:34 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:27:34 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:27:34 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:27:34 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:27:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:27:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:27:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:27:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:27:35 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:27:35 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:27:35 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 15:27:37 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:27:37 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 15:27:37 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:27:38 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:27:38 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:27:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:27:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:27:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:27:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:27:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:27:40 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:27:40 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:27:40 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:27:40 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:27:40 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:27:41 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:27:41 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:27:41 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:27:41 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:32:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:32:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:32:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:32:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:32:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:32:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:32:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:32:33 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:32:33 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:32:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:32:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:32:34 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:32:34 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:32:34 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 15:32:37 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:32:37 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 15:32:37 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:32:38 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:32:38 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:32:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:32:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:32:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:32:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:32:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:32:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:32:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:32:40 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:32:40 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:32:40 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:32:40 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:32:40 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:32:40 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:32:40 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:37:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:37:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:37:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:37:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:37:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:37:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:37:33 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:37:33 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:37:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:37:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:37:34 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:37:34 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:37:34 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:37:34 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 15:37:36 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:37:37 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 15:37:37 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:37:38 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:37:38 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:37:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:37:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:37:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:37:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:37:39 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:37:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:37:39 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:37:40 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:37:40 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:37:40 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:37:40 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:37:40 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:37:40 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:37:40 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:39:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:39:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:39:09 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:10 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:10 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:39:10 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:39:10 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:39:10 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:39:10 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:39:13 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:39:14 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:39:15 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:15 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:17 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:39:17 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:39:17 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:39:17 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:39:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:17 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:18 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:19 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:20 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:20 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:21 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:22 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:39:22 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:39:23 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:39:23 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO identity-service-relation-changed Site openstack_https_frontend already disabled 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:26 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:39:26 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:26 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:26 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:39:29 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:39:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:39:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:30 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:39:30 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:39:30 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:39:30 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:39:30 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:39:33 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:39:33 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:39:34 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:34 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:35 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:39:35 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:36 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:36 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:39:36 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:36 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:36 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:36 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:36 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:36 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:36 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:37 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:39:37 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:39:37 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:39:37 INFO neutron-api-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:37 INFO neutron-api-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:37 INFO neutron-api-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:37 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:39:41 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:41 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:39:41 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:41 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:39:41 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:41 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:41 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:39:41 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:39:41 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:39:42 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:39:42 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:39:44 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:39:44 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:39:45 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:45 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:46 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:39:46 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:46 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:46 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:39:47 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:47 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:47 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:47 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:47 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:47 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:47 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:47 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:39:47 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:39:48 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:39:48 INFO neutron-api-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:48 INFO neutron-api-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:48 INFO neutron-api-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:48 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:39:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:39:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:39:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:52 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:39:52 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:39:52 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:39:52 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:39:53 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:39:55 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:39:55 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:39:56 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:56 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:57 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:39:57 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:57 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:39:57 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:39:58 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:58 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:58 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:58 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:58 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:39:58 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:58 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:39:58 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:39:58 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:39:59 DEBUG juju-log neutron-api:45: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:39:59 INFO neutron-api-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:59 INFO neutron-api-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:59 INFO neutron-api-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:39:59 INFO juju-log neutron-api:45: Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:40:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:40:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:40:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:16 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:40:16 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:40:16 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:40:17 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:40:17 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:40:19 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:40:20 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:40:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:21 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:22 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:23 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:40:23 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:40:23 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:40:23 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:40:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:40:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:40:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:23 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:24 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:25 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:26 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:26 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:27 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:40:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:27 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:40:27 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:40:27 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:28 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:40:29 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:40:29 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:29 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO identity-service-relation-changed Site openstack_https_frontend already disabled 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:30 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:31 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:32 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:40:32 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:40:32 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:40:32 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:40:32 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:40:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:40:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:40:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:36 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:40:37 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:40:37 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:40:37 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:40:37 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:40:40 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:40:40 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:40:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:41 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:42 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:43 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:43 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:40:43 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:40:43 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:40:43 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Creating choice loader with dirs: [['templates/mitaka'], ['templates/liberty'], ['templates/kilo'], ['templates/juno'], ['templates/icehouse'], ['templates/'], ['/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates']] 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:44 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:45 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:46 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:47 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:47 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:47 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:48 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:40:48 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/mitaka/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf. 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/liberty/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:48 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf. 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/icehouse/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/default/neutron-server. 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from templates/kilo/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. 2017-01-17 15:40:49 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:40:49 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Loaded template from /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Rendering from template: haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:40:49 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Wrote template /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO identity-service-relation-changed Site openstack_https_frontend already disabled 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:50 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:51 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:52 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:52 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:52 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:52 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:52 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:40:52 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:52 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:40:52 DEBUG juju-log identity-service:31: VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:40:52 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:40:52 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:40:52 INFO identity-service-relation-changed active 2017-01-17 15:40:52 INFO juju-log identity-service:31: Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:45:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:45:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:45:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:45:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:45:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:45:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:45:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:45:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:45:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:45:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:45:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:45:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:45:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:45:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 15:45:19 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:45:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 15:45:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:45:20 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:45:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:45:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:45:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:45:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:45:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:45:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:45:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:45:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:45:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:45:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:45:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:45:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:45:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:45:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:45:23 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:50:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:50:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:50:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:50:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:50:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:50:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:50:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:50:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:50:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:50:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:50:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:50:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:50:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:50:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 15:50:19 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:50:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 15:50:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:50:20 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:50:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:50:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:50:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:50:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:50:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:50:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:50:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:50:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:50:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:50:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:50:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:50:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:50:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:50:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:50:23 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 15:55:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 15:55:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 15:55:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 15:55:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 15:55:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:55:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 15:55:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 15:55:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 15:55:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 15:55:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:55:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:55:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 15:55:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 15:55:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 15:55:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 15:55:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 15:55:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 15:55:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:55:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:55:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:55:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:55:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:55:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:55:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 15:55:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:55:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 15:55:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:55:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 15:55:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 15:55:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:55:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:55:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 15:55:23 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 16:00:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:00:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:00:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:00:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:00:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:00:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:00:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:00:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:00:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:00:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:00:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:00:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:00:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:00:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 16:00:19 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 16:00:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 16:00:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:00:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:00:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:00:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:00:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:00:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:00:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:00:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:00:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:00:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:00:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:00:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:00:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 16:00:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:00:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:00:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:00:23 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 16:05:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:05:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:05:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:05:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:05:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:05:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:05:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:05:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:05:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:05:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:05:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:05:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:05:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:05:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 16:05:19 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 16:05:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 16:05:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:05:20 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:05:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:05:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:05:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:05:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:05:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:05:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:05:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:05:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:05:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:05:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:05:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 16:05:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:05:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:05:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:05:23 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 16:10:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:10:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:10:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:10:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:10:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:10:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:10:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:10:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:10:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:10:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:10:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:10:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:10:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:10:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 16:10:19 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 16:10:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 16:10:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:10:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:10:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:10:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:10:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:10:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:10:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:10:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:10:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:10:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:10:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:10:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:10:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 16:10:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:10:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:10:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:10:23 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 16:15:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:15:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:15:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:15:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:15:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:15:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:15:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:15:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:15:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:15:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:15:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:15:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:15:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:15:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 16:15:19 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 16:15:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 16:15:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:15:20 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:15:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:15:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:15:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:15:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:15:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:15:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:15:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:15:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:15:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:15:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:15:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 16:15:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:15:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:15:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:15:23 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 16:20:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:20:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:20:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:20:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:20:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:20:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:20:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:20:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:20:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:20:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:20:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:20:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:20:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:20:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 16:20:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 16:20:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 16:20:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:20:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:20:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:20:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:20:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:20:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:20:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:20:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:20:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:20:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:20:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:20:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:20:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 16:20:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:20:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:20:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:20:23 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 16:25:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:25:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:25:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:25:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:25:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:25:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:25:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:25:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:25:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:25:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:25:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:25:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:25:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:25:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 16:25:19 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 16:25:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 16:25:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:25:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:25:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:25:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:25:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:25:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:25:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:25:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:25:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:25:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:25:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:25:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:25:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 16:25:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:25:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:25:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:25:23 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 16:30:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:30:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:30:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:30:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:30:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:30:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:30:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:30:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:30:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:30:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:30:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:30:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:30:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:30:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 16:30:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 16:30:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 16:30:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:30:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:30:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:30:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:30:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:30:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:30:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:30:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:30:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:30:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:30:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:30:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:30:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 16:30:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:30:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:30:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:30:23 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 16:35:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:35:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:35:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:35:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:35:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:35:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:35:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:35:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:35:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:35:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:35:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:35:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:35:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:35:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 16:35:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 16:35:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 16:35:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:35:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:35:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:35:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:35:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:35:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:35:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:35:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:35:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:35:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:35:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:35:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:35:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 16:35:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:35:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:35:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:35:24 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 16:40:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:40:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:40:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:40:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:40:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:40:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:40:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:40:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:40:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:40:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:40:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:40:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:40:17 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:40:17 INFO juju-log Updating status. 2017-01-17 16:40:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for amqp 2017-01-17 16:40:20 INFO update-status error: no relation id specified 2017-01-17 16:40:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:40:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:40:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:40:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:40:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:40:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:40:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:40:22 INFO juju-log Missing required data: database_password 2017-01-17 16:40:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:40:22 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:40:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:40:23 DEBUG juju-log Ensuring haproxy enabled in /etc/default/haproxy. 2017-01-17 16:40:23 DEBUG juju-log VIP HA: VIP is set 2017-01-17 16:40:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:40:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:40:23 INFO update-status active 2017-01-17 16:40:23 INFO juju-log Unit is ready 2017-01-17 16:43:14 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:63 running jujud [2.0.2 gc go1.6.2] 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:64 args: []string{"/var/lib/juju/tools/unit-neutron-api-0/jujud", "unit", "--data-dir", "/var/lib/juju", "--unit-name", "neutron-api/0", "--debug"} 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.agent agent.go:509 read agent config, format "2.0" 2017-01-17 16:43:14 INFO juju.jujud unit.go:127 unit agent unit-neutron-api-0 start (2.0.2 [gc]) 2017-01-17 16:43:14 INFO juju.worker runner.go:256 start "api" 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "leadership-tracker" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "hook-retry-strategy" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "migration-fortress" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "migration-minion" manifold worker stopped: "agent" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-config-watcher" manifold worker stopped: "agent" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "logging-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "proxy-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-spool" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-collect" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "meter-status" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.introspection socket.go:72 introspection worker listening on "@jujud-unit-neutron-api-0" 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:183 "api" started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "charm-dir" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-caller" manifold worker stopped: "agent" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "migration-inactive-flag" manifold worker stopped: "api-caller" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "upgrader" manifold worker stopped: "agent" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "uniter" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.introspection socket.go:96 stats worker now servering 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-address-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-sender" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "agent" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "log-sender" manifold worker stopped: "api-caller" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "leadership-tracker" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "hook-retry-strategy" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "migration-minion" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-address-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-collect" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "leadership-tracker" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-sender" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "logging-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "proxy-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-spool" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "api-config-watcher" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "uniter" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "meter-status" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.apicaller connect.go:99 connecting with current password 2017-01-17 16:43:14 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:530 dialing "wss://" 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "upgrader" manifold worker stopped: "api-caller" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "migration-minion" manifold worker stopped: "api-caller" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "hook-retry-strategy" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:466 connection established to "wss://" 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.apicaller connect.go:142 connected 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-caller" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.apicaller connect.go:99 connecting with current password 2017-01-17 16:43:14 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:530 dialing "wss://" 2017-01-17 16:43:14 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:466 connection established to "wss://" 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.apicaller connect.go:142 connected 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "api-caller" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "migration-minion" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "api-address-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "leadership-tracker" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "hook-retry-strategy" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "logging-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "log-sender" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "uniter" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-sender" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "proxy-config-updater" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "upgrader" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "meter-status" manifold worker stopped: "migration-inactive-flag" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "migration-inactive-flag" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 INFO juju.worker.migrationminion worker.go:116 migration phase is now: NONE 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "proxy-config-updater" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "leadership-tracker" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.logger logger.go:34 initial log config: "=DEBUG" 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "logging-config-updater" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.logger logger.go:65 logger setup 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.leadership tracker.go:125 neutron-api/0 making initial claim for neutron-api leadership 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.leadership tracker.go:167 checking neutron-api/0 for neutron-api leadership 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "api-address-updater" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "meter-status" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "metric-spool" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-collect" manifold worker stopped: "metric-spool" not running: dependency not available 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:478 "charm-dir" manifold worker started 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "uniter" manifold worker stopped: fortress operation aborted 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "metric-collect" manifold worker stopped: 2017-01-17 16:43:14 INFO juju.worker.leadership tracker.go:203 neutron-api leadership for neutron-api/0 denied 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.leadership tracker.go:210 neutron-api/0 waiting for neutron-api leadership release 2017-01-17 16:43:14 DEBUG juju.worker.logger logger.go:50 reconfiguring logging from "=DEBUG" to "=WARNING;unit=DEBUG" 2017-01-17 16:43:14 WARNING juju.network network.go:447 cannot get "lxdbr0" addresses: route ip+net: no such network interface (ignoring) 2017-01-17 16:43:15 WARNING juju.worker.uniter.operation leader.go:115 we should run a leader-deposed hook here, but we can't yet 2017-01-17 16:43:30 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:43:30 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:43:30 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:43:30 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:43:30 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:43:30 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:43:30 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:43:31 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:43:31 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:43:31 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:43:31 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:43:35 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:43:35 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:43:44 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:43:44 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:43:47 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:43:47 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:43:54 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:43:54 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:43:54 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:43:54 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:43:54 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:43:54 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:43:54 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:43:54 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:43:55 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:43:55 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:43:55 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:43:57 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:43:57 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:43:59 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:43:59 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:43:59 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:44:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:44:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:44:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:44:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:44:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:44:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:44:12 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:44:12 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:44:12 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:44:13 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:44:13 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:44:15 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:44:15 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:44:17 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:44:17 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:44:18 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:44:18 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:44:39 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:44:39 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:44:39 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:44:39 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:44:39 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:44:40 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:44:40 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:44:40 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:44:40 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:44:40 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:44:40 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:44:42 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:44:42 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:44:43 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:44:43 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:44:44 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:44:44 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:45:24 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:45:24 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:45:25 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:45:25 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:45:25 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:45:25 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:45:25 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:45:25 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:45:25 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:45:25 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:45:25 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:45:28 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:45:28 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:45:29 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:45:29 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:45:31 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:45:31 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:46:49 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:46:49 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:46:49 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:46:49 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:46:49 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:46:49 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:46:49 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:46:49 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:46:49 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:46:50 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:46:50 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:46:52 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:46:52 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:46:55 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:46:55 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:46:56 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:46:56 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:49:29 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:49:29 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:49:29 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:49:29 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:49:29 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:49:29 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:49:29 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:49:29 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:49:29 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:49:30 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:49:30 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:49:32 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:49:32 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:49:34 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:49:34 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:49:35 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:49:35 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:53:07 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:07 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:53:07 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:07 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:53:07 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:07 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:07 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:53:07 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:53:07 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:53:08 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:53:08 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:53:10 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:53:10 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:53:12 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:53:12 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:53:13 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:53:13 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:53:20 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:20 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:53:20 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:20 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:53:20 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:20 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:20 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:53:20 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:53:20 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:53:21 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:53:21 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:53:23 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:53:23 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:53:25 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:53:25 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:53:25 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:53:37 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:38 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:53:38 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:38 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:53:38 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:38 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:53:38 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:53:38 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:53:38 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:53:39 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:53:39 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:53:41 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:53:41 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:53:42 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:53:42 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:53:43 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:53:43 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:54:05 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:54:05 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:54:05 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:54:05 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:54:05 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:54:05 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:54:05 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:54:05 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:54:05 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:54:06 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:54:06 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:54:08 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:54:08 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:54:09 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:54:09 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:54:10 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:54:10 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:54:50 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:54:50 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:54:50 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:54:50 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:54:50 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:54:51 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:54:51 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:54:51 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:54:51 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:54:51 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:54:51 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:54:54 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:54:54 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:54:55 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:54:55 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:54:56 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:54:56 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1 2017-01-17 16:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 2017-01-17 16:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/default/neutron-server 2017-01-17 16:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf 2017-01-17 16:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 2017-01-17 16:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf 2017-01-17 16:56:16 INFO juju-log Registered config file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini 2017-01-17 16:56:16 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'install' 2017-01-17 16:56:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:56:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function 'update_status' 2017-01-17 16:56:17 DEBUG juju-log Hardening function '_harden_inner2' 2017-01-17 16:56:19 DEBUG juju-log No hardening applied to 'config_changed' 2017-01-17 16:56:20 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:56:21 INFO juju-log neutron client ready 2017-01-17 16:56:21 DEBUG juju-log Generating template context for identity-service 2017-01-17 16:56:21 INFO juju-log Disabling L3 HA, l2-population must be disabled with L3 HA 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 684, in 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed main() 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 677, in main 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed hooks.execute(sys.argv) 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py", line 715, in execute 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed self._hooks[hook_name]() 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1817, in wrapped_f 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed restart_functions) 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/core/host.py", line 524, in restart_on_change_helper 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed r = lambda_f() 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py", line 1816, in 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed (lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)), restart_map, stopstart, 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/hardening/harden.py", line 79, in _harden_inner2 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed return f(*args, **kwargs) 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-neutron-api-0/charm/hooks/config-changed", line 250, in config_changed 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed raise Exception(e) 2017-01-17 16:56:22 INFO config-changed Exception: Cannot disable Router HA while ha enabled routers exist. Please remove any ha routers 2017-01-17 16:56:22 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "config-changed" failed: exit status 1