Hello Mikko and welcome to the Juju community! Thanks for submitting a charm for the File+ software. Putting the operational knowledge of File+ into a charm is precisely what Juju is designed for. Users will be able to deploy File+ software in the cloud without having to install or configure it. The following two documents are used when reviewing a charm: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/authors-charm-best-practice https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/authors-charm-policy There are developer utilities called charm-tools available here: https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.25/tools-charm-tools # charm proof There is a static analyzer in the charm-tools package that helps find errors in charms called `charm proof`. Developers can use this information to see if the charm has any problems before a deploy. Any Warnings or Errors need to be fixed before the charm can be recommended. Here is the output from `charm proof`: W: Categories are being deprecated in favor of tags. Please rename the "categories" field to "tags". I: relation persistent-storage has no hooks W: config.yaml: option app_war_dl_value does not have the keys: default W: config.yaml: option app_war_dl_header does not have the keys: default # README.md The file looks good, converts to html just fine. You might want to mention that public clouds such as Amazon are firewalled by default and need `juju expose fileplus-lite` to make it accessible from the public address. # icon.svg The icon for this charm looks great! We ask that the image is on the standard template. You can generate the template with charm-tools by running `charm add icon`. The instructions for the icon can be found here: https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.25/authors-charm-icon # copyright It is charm store policy that the charm code must be a free license. The copyright in the charm directory is intended for the charm code and does not affect the 10duke software. Please select an open source license: http://opensource.org/licenses for the charm. # tests To ensure quality and compatibility between charms all charms need to have some deployment tests that we can run automatically. Notice that this bug already has a comment from test automation tool. The charm-tools package also can generate a skeleton test for the charm by running `charm add tests` in the charm directory. These are not complete, as it should test deploying, scaling, and relating the charm. # hooks The hooks look good and are easy to read. The tomcat and file+ software are not cryptograpically verified after being downloaded. This is a requirement of charms that download software. The Apache Tomcat download website lists the sha1 value and the sha1 url could be computed from the download url. # Summary The charm failed to deploy. The Juju logs indicated the mirror no longer contained the file. 2015-12-02 16:16:20 INFO unit.fileplus-lite/0.juju-log server.go:268 Installing tomcat8... 2015-12-02 16:16:20 INFO unit.fileplus-lite/0.install logger.go:40 --2015-12-02 16:16:20-- http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.0.28/bin/apache-tomcat-8.0.28.tar.gz 2015-12-02 16:16:20 INFO unit.fileplus-lite/0.install logger.go:40 Resolving www.nic.funet.fi (www.nic.funet.fi)..., 2001:708:10:9::20:3 2015-12-02 16:16:21 INFO unit.fileplus-lite/0.install logger.go:40 Connecting to www.nic.funet.fi (www.nic.funet.fi)||:80... connected. 2015-12-02 16:16:21 INFO unit.fileplus-lite/0.install logger.go:40 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found This mirror existed but seems only to have the 8.0.29 version of Tomcat. This value can be changed with configuration but the install hook ended in error and so setting a new value would not work unless the user knows how to resolve and retry the hook. A few recommendations here: * Wrap the wget return code so the install hook does not return in error. This will allow the users to change configuration to a correct version of the code. * Use the status-set command to give the user information about what file failed to download https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/reference-hook-tools#status-set * Remove some of the complexity out of the configuration options by computing the download url. Perhaps by using some logic to get the latest Tomcat or just ask the user to specify the version and build the url from that. Thank you for the work here! This charm is well written and a great start to being recommended! However there are a few things that need to be addressed. I am going to put the bug back to “In Progress”. When you are ready for another review please put the status to “Fix Committed”. If you have any questions about Juju please feel free to join the community us in #juju on freenode.net or email the list