Hello Geetha, Thank you for the new submission of the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment (WAS ND). It looks like you fixed many of the previous review comments. But some of the config-changed comments were not addressed (see that section). Juju users still have to download and host the IBM software to deploy this charm. I was able to find the software and download it and host it on an HTTP server so I could deploy. However this is a lot of software 5.4GB and the process of hosting it is error prone so users need all the help they can get. When I tried to deploy this charm the instance that I used ran out of disk space! The default instances that Juju creates are 8GB of “root-disk” and a fully installed was-nd charm needs over 16GB of root-disk. Juju allows users to specify “root-disk” constraints either on the deploy command or the “juju set-constraints” command itself to request bigger instance. Running out of disk space on the default instance is a big blocker and must be explicitly called out in the README.md as clearly as possible! # config-changed The use of “set -e” is a best practice and the code uses it! This means however that if any command returns a non-zero return code the hook will stop in error. So checking the return code from previous commands will not work if they are anything but zero. There are alternate ways to capture the return code such as assigning the return code to a variable and using the command from within an if statement. # README.md This document needs a lot more information. There are markdown errors in the file things do not render in HTML as they appear they should by looking at the markdown source. Please check the source against what is rendered on the Charm Store web site: https://jujucharms.com/u/ibmcharmers/was-nd/trusty/4 There are 3 major things that are not clear from reading the current README.md file. New users who don't know WAS ND will need more details on how to get the IBM files (1), how to setup the web server (2), and that they need a more root-disk to deploy this charm (3). These things were not clear to me when I re-read the document. I created a Merge Proposal to update the README with the areas that needed more information. https://code.launchpad.net/~mbruzek/charms/trusty/was-nd/readme-update/+merge/269560 Please continue to edit the README document and add to more description in areas that may still be unclear. # start When I installed this on AWS the ports were not opened so I do not think this hook was correctly run. So I took a look at this hook and I have a few comments. The “set -e” is a best practice that is not used in this hook. All the hooks run as root so you do not need sudo in any of your commands! I don't think checking the return code of the netstat command is a good way to see if the server is running. I would use the “./serverStatus.sh server1” command instead. If that script can return a non-zero result there are ways to capture that return code and not exit the hook in error. Once I properly configured the HTTP server, and increase the root-disk past 16GB I was able to get was-nd charm to deploy correctly! I am still concerned that the only relation is the “http” relation. When I logged into the WAS ND server I saw there was an option to add IBM MQ servers. Does this mean you can create a relation to the ibm-mq charm or any of the other IBM charms? This charm is very close to getting an approval, but there are still some outstanding issues. II am going to put this bug back to “In Progress” while you fix the remaining bugs. Please consider my README.md update a starting point and add more information that you think is relevant. When you are ready for another review please put the bug back in “Fix Committed” Thank you!