Hello Uma, Welcome to the Juju community! WebSphere is a large complex product and I appreciate the effort it took to bring WebSphere Network Deployment into a charm! When reviewing a charm I generally look for Best Practices and Charm Store Policy https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/authors-charm-best-practice https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/authors-charm-policy Here what I found on my review: # config.yaml The configuration values look to have defaults and the correct values. The was_nd_url, and im_install_path description could both have better descriptions with examples of valid values or just more description of what needs to be in these configuration values. For example I did not know what path the url was expecting. Looking at the code it appears that names are appended to the end of a $was_repository, so the README or config.yaml could point this out as an example. # copyright The copyright doesn't need to be Canonical, it just needs to be an open source license. We will accept “Canonical Ltd” but this could be IBM. # icon.svg The icon looks fine thanks for updating that one! # metadata.yaml The metadata suffers from other reviews that I have done, the maintainer field must be “Juju Support Team