Hi Cory! Thanks for all the useful comments. * Versionning of the agent is definitely something I wanted to add later. It was not critical / blocker for release though and my PoCs only use 2.2 for now. As you can see the version is set in the install script hence there is not much work to enable this config option. If Zabbix PPA supports the upstream version, would it be acceptable if we keep their repo but target the configured version or the best practice would really be to select the repo? That is a lot of options for a new user. * README I will have a closer look. I didn't know about the generator. thx for sharing. Regarding the purpose of the Charm, I have been discussing this with Marco. My charm is oriented towards specific usages of Zabbix to enable autoscaling workloads. Marco's initial charm is a "classic" deployment of the agent without knowledge about the environment. In essence, what you do with Marco's agent is not what I do, so the workload is specific and it would be hard to mix both unless we add another configuration option (dropdown, choice between "classic" and "active monitoring"). Will think about it. For now I need this available in the store in my namespace for PoC research. Also we recently signed Zabbix SIA (the company behind Zabbix) to the CPP hence they will probably take ownership at some point. I'll give more thoughts to your comment and may push a new version soon. Thanks! Best, Sam On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Cory Johns