cannot deploy bundle: cs:prometheus2-30 resource "core": bad metadata: resource missing filename

Bug #1970729 reported by Raphael Lienard
This bug affects 3 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Prometheus2 charm

Bug Description


since this morning, I'm not able to deploy my juju bundle.

juju deploy ./openstack-base-nospace.yml --overlay ../openstack-bundles/stable/overlays/loadbalancer-octavia.yaml
Located charm "barbican" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "mysql-router" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "barbican-vault" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "ceph-dashboard" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "ceph-mon" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "ceph-osd" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "ceph-radosgw" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "hacluster" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "cinder" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "cinder-ceph" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "hacluster" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "mysql-router" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "easyrsa" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "etcd" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "glance" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "hacluster" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "mysql-router" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "glance-simplestreams-sync" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "grafana" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "keystone" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "hacluster" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "mysql-router" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "memcached" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "mysql-innodb-cluster" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "neutron-api" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "hacluster" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "neutron-api-plugin-ovn" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "mysql-router" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "nova-cloud-controller" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "hacluster" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "nova-compute" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "mysql-router" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "ntp" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "octavia" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "octavia-dashboard" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "octavia-diskimage-retrofit" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "mysql-router" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "ovn-chassis" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "openstack-dashboard" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "hacluster" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "mysql-router" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "openstack-loadbalancer" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "hacluster" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "ovn-central" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "ovn-chassis" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "placement" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "hacluster" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "mysql-router" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "prometheus-alertmanager" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "prometheus2" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "rabbitmq-server" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "telegraf" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "vault" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "hacluster" in charm-store, channel stable
Located charm "mysql-router" in charm-store, channel stable
Executing changes:
- upload charm prometheus2 from charm-store for series focal with architecture=amd64
- upgrade prometheus2 from charm-store using charm prometheus2 for series focal
ERROR cannot deploy bundle: cs:prometheus2-30 resource "core": bad metadata: resource missing filename

Any idea ?


Revision history for this message
Przemyslaw Lal (przemeklal) wrote (last edit ):

It looks like it might be an issue with the cs-to-ch shim API, very similar to [0].

Deploying from charmhub should work fine:

$ cat bundle.yaml
series: focal
    charm: ch:prometheus2
    num_units: 1

$ juju deploy ./bundle.yaml 130
Located charm "prometheus2" in charm-hub, channel stable
Executing changes:
- upload charm prometheus2 from charm-hub for series focal with architecture=amd64
- deploy application prometheus from charm-hub on focal using prometheus2
  added resource core
  added resource prometheus
- add unit prometheus/1 to new machine 2
Deploy of bundle completed.


Revision history for this message
Raphael Lienard (rlienard) wrote :

aah indeed it work much better using ch:prometheus2

Thanks a lot

Revision history for this message
Shane Williams (swilliamsgamma) wrote :

Hi there,

I have a similar issue but using ch: doesn't help. we are still on juju 2.8 so that might be the issue.

ERROR cannot deploy bundle: the provided bundle has the following errors:
invalid charm URL in application "prometheus": cannot parse URL "ch:prometheus2": schema "ch" not valid
13:02:27 DEBUG cmd supercommand.go:537 error stack:
/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/cmd/juju/application/bundle.go:87: the provided bundle has the following errors:
invalid charm URL in application "prometheus": cannot parse URL "ch:prometheus2": schema "ch" not valid
/build/snapcraft-juju-35d6cf/parts/juju/src/cmd/juju/application/deploy.go:899: cannot deploy bundle

Kind regards,

Revision history for this message
Sreekrishnan P (sreekrishnan) wrote :

Below changes worked for me,

$ cat bundle.yaml
series: focal
    charm: prometheus2
    channel: stable
    revision: 22
    num_units: 1

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