Octavia hook failed 'start' post config

Bug #1928682 reported by C Vemu
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
OpenStack Octavia Charm

Bug Description

The following were the list of commands used to setup octavia

touch demoCA/index.txt
touch demoCA/index.txt.attr
openssl genrsa -passout pass:<passphrase> -des3 -out issuing_ca_key.pem 2048

openssl req -x509 -passing pass:<redacted> -new -nodes -key issuing_ca_key.pem \
    -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf \
    -subj <redacted> \
    -days 30 \
    -out issuing_ca.pem

openssl genrsa -passout pass:<redacted> -des3 -out controller_ca_key.pem 2048

openssl genrsa -passout pass:<redacted> -new -nodes -key controller_ca_key.pem \
  -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf \
  -subj <redacted>
  -days 30 \
  -out controller_ca.pem

openssl req \
  -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout controller_ky.pem \
  -subj <redacted>
  -out controller.csr

openssl ca -passin pass:<redacted> -config /etc/ssl/openssl.conf \
  -cert controller_ca.pem -keyfile controller_ca_key.pem \
  -create_serial -batch \
  -in controller.xsr -days 30 -out controller_cert.pem

juju config octavia \
  lb-mgmt-issuing-cacert="$(base64 controller_ca.pem)"\
  lb-mgmt-issuing-ca-private-key="$(base64 controller_ca_key.pem)" \
  lb-mgmt-issuing-ca-key-passphrase=<redacted> \
  lb-mgmt-controller-cacert="$(base64 controller_ca.pem)" \
  lb-mgmt-controller-cert="$(base64 controller_cert_bundle.pem)"

Upon running juju status, the octavia-ovn-chassis is in error state with the following error: 'hook failed: "start"'

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