2018-02-12 17:12:56 DEBUG mon-relation-changed '/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-juju-141baa-1' already exists and is not empty: monitor may already exist 2018-02-12 17:13:09 INFO juju-log mon:1: Making dir /srv/osd ceph:ceph 755 2018-02-12 17:13:20 INFO juju-log mon:1: osdize dir cmd: ['sudo', '-u', 'ceph', 'ceph-disk', 'prepare', '--data-dir', u'/srv/osd'] 2018-02-12 17:13:25 DEBUG mon-relation-changed got monmap epoch 1 2018-02-12 17:13:26 DEBUG mon-relation-changed added key for osd.2 2018-02-12 17:13:27 DEBUG mon-relation-changed Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ceph-osd.target.wants/ceph-osd@2.service to /lib/systemd/system/ceph-osd@.service. 2018-02-12 17:13:32 INFO juju-log mon:1: mon cluster in quorum - providing client with keys 2018-02-12 17:13:34 INFO juju-log mon:1: mon cluster in quorum - providing client with keys 2018-02-12 17:13:37 INFO juju-log mon:1: mon cluster in quorum - providing client with keys 2018-02-12 17:13:43 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:119 ran "mon-relation-changed" hook 2018-02-12 17:13:44 DEBUG juju-log radosgw:50: Hardening function 'install' 2018-02-12 17:13:44 DEBUG juju-log radosgw:50: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2018-02-12 17:13:44 DEBUG juju-log radosgw:50: Hardening function 'upgrade_charm' 2018-02-12 17:13:44 DEBUG juju-log radosgw:50: Hardening function 'update_status' 2018-02-12 17:13:47 INFO juju-log radosgw:50: Installing [] with options: ['--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold'] 2018-02-12 17:13:47 DEBUG radosgw-relation-joined Reading package lists... 2018-02-12 17:13:47 DEBUG radosgw-relation-joined Building dependency tree... 2018-02-12 17:13:47 DEBUG radosgw-relation-joined Reading state information... 2018-02-12 17:13:47 DEBUG radosgw-relation-joined The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: 2018-02-12 17:13:47 DEBUG radosgw-relation-joined libfreetype6 2018-02-12 17:13:47 DEBUG radosgw-relation-joined Use 'apt autoremove' to remove it. 2018-02-12 17:13:47 DEBUG radosgw-relation-joined 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2018-02-12 17:13:49 INFO juju-log radosgw:50: mon cluster in quorum - providing radosgw with keys 2018-02-12 17:13:52 DEBUG radosgw-relation-joined exported keyring for client.radosgw.gateway 2018-02-12 17:13:55 DEBUG juju-log radosgw:50: Not leader - ignoring broker request 2018-02-12 17:14:04 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:119 ran "radosgw-relation-joined" hook 2018-02-12 17:14:04 DEBUG juju-log radosgw:50: Hardening function 'install' 2018-02-12 17:14:04 DEBUG juju-log radosgw:50: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2018-02-12 17:14:05 DEBUG juju-log radosgw:50: Hardening function 'upgrade_charm' 2018-02-12 17:14:05 DEBUG juju-log radosgw:50: Hardening function 'update_status' 2018-02-12 17:14:07 INFO juju-log radosgw:50: Installing [] with options: ['--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold'] 2018-02-12 17:14:07 DEBUG radosgw-relation-changed Reading package lists... 2018-02-12 17:14:07 DEBUG radosgw-relation-changed Building dependency tree... 2018-02-12 17:14:07 DEBUG radosgw-relation-changed Reading state information... 2018-02-12 17:14:08 DEBUG radosgw-relation-changed The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: 2018-02-12 17:14:08 DEBUG radosgw-relation-changed libfreetype6 2018-02-12 17:14:08 DEBUG radosgw-relation-changed Use 'apt autoremove' to remove it. 2018-02-12 17:14:08 DEBUG radosgw-relation-changed 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2018-02-12 17:14:10 INFO juju-log radosgw:50: mon cluster not in quorum - deferring key provision 2018-02-12 17:14:19 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:119 ran "radosgw-relation-changed" hook 2018-02-12 17:14:19 DEBUG juju-log mon:1: Hardening function 'install' 2018-02-12 17:14:20 DEBUG juju-log mon:1: Hardening function 'config_changed' 2018-02-12 17:14:20 DEBUG juju-log mon:1: Hardening function 'upgrade_charm' 2018-02-12 17:14:20 DEBUG juju-log mon:1: Hardening function 'update_status' 2018-02-12 17:14:24 INFO juju-log mon:1: Making dir /var/lib/charm/ceph ceph:ceph 555 2018-02-12 17:14:36 INFO juju-log mon:1: bootstrap_monitor_cluster: mon already initialized. 2018-02-12 17:14:45 INFO juju-log mon:1: Making dir /srv/osd ceph:ceph 755 2018-02-12 17:14:57 INFO juju-log mon:1: osdize dir cmd: ['sudo', '-u', 'ceph', 'ceph-disk', 'prepare', '--data-dir', u'/srv/osd'] 2018-02-12 17:15:02 DEBUG mon-relation-changed Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/ceph-osd.target.wants/ceph-osd@2.service. 2018-02-12 17:15:02 DEBUG mon-relation-changed Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ceph-osd.target.wants/ceph-osd@2.service to /lib/systemd/system/ceph-osd@.service. 2018-02-12 17:15:05 INFO juju-log mon:1: Waiting for quorum to be reached 2018-02-12 17:15:10 INFO juju-log mon:1: Waiting for quorum to be reached 2018-02-12 17:15:15 INFO juju-log mon:1: Waiting for quorum to be reached 2018-02-12 17:15:20 INFO juju-log mon:1: Waiting for quorum to be reached 2018-02-12 17:15:26 INFO juju-log mon:1: Waiting for quorum to be reached