Comment 8 for bug 1868387

Revision history for this message
David Coronel (davecore) wrote :

I just noticed I can't even do ceph status on ceph-mon/0:

ubuntu@hevelius:~/cpe-deployments$ juju ssh ceph-mon/0

ubuntu@juju-0a0531-0-lxd-0:~$ sudo ceph status

2020-06-02 16:23:33.869 7f4ce9280700 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory
2020-06-02 16:23:33.869 7f4ce9280700 -1 monclient: ERROR: missing keyring, cannot use cephx for authentication
[errno 2] error connecting to the cluster

ubuntu@juju-0a0531-0-lxd-0:~$ sudo -i

root@juju-0a0531-0-lxd-0:~# ls -l /etc/ceph/
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Jun 1 21:38 ceph.conf -> /etc/alternatives/ceph.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 92 Apr 7 07:55 rbdmap

root@juju-0a0531-0-lxd-0:~# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
auth cluster required = cephx
auth service required = cephx
auth client required = cephx

mon host =
fsid = ff57c1e6-a44c-11ea-854b-00163ea779fd

log to syslog = false
err to syslog = false
clog to syslog = false
mon cluster log to syslog = false
debug mon = 1/5
debug osd = 1/5

# NOTE(jamespage):
# Disable object skew warnings as these only use
# the number of objects and not their size in the
# skew calculation.
mon pg warn max object skew = -1

public network =
cluster network =
public addr =
cluster addr =

keyring = /var/lib/ceph/mon/$cluster-$id/keyring

keyring = /var/lib/ceph/mds/$cluster-$id/keyring