1) deply ceph-mon/radosgw/osd with from charm store and focal(source=distro) bundle https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/Rx42Dg5Cvy/ 2) switch from cs to ch juju refresh --switch ch:ceph-mon --channel octopus/stable ceph-mon juju refresh --switch ch:ceph-radosgw --channel octopus/stable ceph-radosgw juju refresh --switch ch:ceph-osd --channel octopus/stable ceph-osd 3) upgrade charm from octopus/stable to pacific/stable juju refresh --channel pacific/stable ceph-mon juju refresh --channel pacific/stable ceph-radosgw juju refresh --channel pacific/stable ceph-osd 4) change UCA from distro to focal-wallaby juju config ceph-mon source=cloud:focal-wallaby juju run -a ceph-mon cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloud-archive.list cat: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloud-archive.list: No such file or directory tail -f /var/log/juju/unit-ceph-mon-0.log 2023-06-04 15:38:50 INFO unit.ceph-mon/0.juju-log server.go:316 running ceph osd set noout 2023-06-04 15:38:50 INFO unit.ceph-mon/0.juju-log server.go:316 DEPRECATION WARNING: Function action_set is being removed : moved to function_set() 2023-06-04 15:39:16 INFO unit.ceph-mon/0.juju-log server.go:316 Updating status. 2023-06-04 15:39:17 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:159 ran "update-status" hook (via explicit, bespoke hook script) 2023-06-04 15:40:38 INFO unit.ceph-mon/0.juju-log server.go:316 old_version: octopus 2023-06-04 15:40:38 INFO unit.ceph-mon/0.juju-log server.go:316 new_version: None 2023-06-04 15:40:38 ERROR unit.ceph-mon/0.juju-log server.go:316 Invalid upgrade path from octopus to None. Valid paths are: ['firefly -> hammer', 'hammer -> jewel', 'jewel -> luminous', 'luminous -> mimic', 'mimic -> nautilus', 'nautilus -> octopus'] juju status Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp ceph mycontroller stsstack/stsstack 2.9.42 unsupported 15:53:16Z App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Exposed Message ceph-mon 15.2.17 active 1 ceph-mon pacific/stable 152 no Unit is ready and clustered ceph-osd 15.2.17 active 2 ceph-osd pacific/stable 548 no Unit is ready (1 OSD) ceph-radosgw 15.2.17 active 1 ceph-radosgw pacific/stable 544 no Unit is ready Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message ceph-mon/0* active idle 0 Unit is ready and clustered ceph-osd/0* active idle 1 Unit is ready (1 OSD) ceph-osd/1 active idle 2 Unit is ready (1 OSD) ceph-radosgw/0* active idle 3 80/tcp Unit is ready Based on my last test [1], if I upgrade ceph-mon's charm from cs to quincy/stable directly, source=cloud:focal-wallaby can generate a correct cloud-archive.list file, cantaining Pacific UCA But the charm upgrade path is not supported or recommended, as the official doc [2] mentions "The Ceph charms have been tested for single-step charm upgrades only (N+1)", cs:ceph-mon to quincy/stable is N+2(skip pacific/stable) [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-ceph-mon/+bug/1951094/comments/10 [2] https://ubuntu.com/ceph/docs/upgrading-charms