ceph-mon remove-unit doesn't remove monitor from cluster and from related charms

Bug #2055787 reported by macchese
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Ceph Dashboard Charm
Ceph Monitor Charm
OpenStack Cinder-Ceph charm
OpenStack Glance Charm

Bug Description

I needed to move a ceph-mon from one node to another one so I executed:
  1) juju add-unit ceph-mon --to lxd:n, where n is the "another one" node
  2) juju remove-unit ceph-mon/x where x is the mon I would like to remove.

After that juju added the new monitor and removed the old one but accourding to ceph the monitor I removed is "out of qorum"

 root@juju-206dbb-4-lxd-1:~# ceph -s
    id: 7dfd9e3a-a5b6-11ee-9798-619012c1bb3a
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            1/4 mons down, quorum juju-206dbb-4-lxd-1,juju-206dbb-5-lxd-1,juju-206dbb-10-lxd-1

    mon: 4 daemons, quorum juju-206dbb-4-lxd-1,juju-206dbb-5-lxd-1,juju-206dbb-10-lxd-1 (age 58m), out of quorum: juju-206dbb-3-lxd-1

lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy

juju --version


juju status --relations
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
openstack maas-controller1 maas-cloud/default 3.2.4 unsupported 18:50:52Z

App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Exposed Message
ceph-dashboard active 3 ceph-dashboard quincy/stable 50 no Unit is ready
ceph-fs 17.2.6 active 3 ceph-fs reef/stable 61 no Unit is ready
ceph-mon 17.2.6 active 3 ceph-mon reef/stable 192 no Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-osd 18.2.0 active 4 ceph-osd reef/stable 577 no Unit is ready (10 OSD)
ceph-radosgw 17.2.6 active 1 ceph-radosgw reef/stable 566 no Unit is ready
cinder 23.0.0 active 1 cinder 2023.2/stable 663 no Unit is ready
cinder-ceph 23.0.0 waiting 1 cinder-ceph 2023.2/stable 528 no Ceph broker request incomplete
cinder-mysql-router 8.0.36 active 1 mysql-router 8.0/stable 111 no Unit is ready
dashboard-mysql-router 8.0.36 active 1 mysql-router 8.0/stable 111 no Unit is ready
glance 27.0.0 waiting 1 glance 2023.2/stable 595 no Ceph broker request incomplete
glance-mysql-router 8.0.36 active 1 mysql-router 8.0/stable 111 no Unit is ready
keystone 24.0.0 active 1 keystone 2023.2/stable 667 no Application Ready
keystone-mysql-router 8.0.36 active 1 mysql-router 8.0/stable 111 no Unit is ready
mysql-innodb-cluster 8.0.36 active 3 mysql-innodb-cluster 8.0/stable 107 no Unit is ready: Mode: R/O, Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.
neutron-api 23.0.0 active 1 neutron-api 2023.2/stable 568 no Unit is ready
neutron-api-plugin-ovn 23.0.0 active 1 neutron-api-plugin-ovn 2023.2/stable 113 no Unit is ready
neutron-mysql-router 8.0.36 active 1 mysql-router 8.0/stable 111 no Unit is ready
nova-cloud-controller 28.0.0 active 1 nova-cloud-controller 2023.2/stable 717 no Unit is ready
nova-compute 28.0.1 active 3 nova-compute 2023.2/stable 703 no Unit is ready
nova-mysql-router 8.0.36 active 1 mysql-router 8.0/stable 111 no Unit is ready
ntp 4.2 active 3 ntp stable 50 no chrony: Ready
openstack-dashboard 23.3.0 active 1 openstack-dashboard 2023.2/stable 626 no Unit is ready
openstack-loadbalancer active 3 openstack-loadbalancer jammy/stable 10 no Unit is ready
openstack-loadbalancer-hacluster 2.1.2 active 3 hacluster 2.4/stable 131 no Unit is ready and clustered
ovn-central 22.09.1 active 3 ovn-central 23.09/stable 158 no Unit is ready
ovn-chassis 23.09.0 active 3 ovn-chassis 23.09/stable 178 no Unit is ready
placement 10.0.0 active 1 placement 2023.2/stable 100 no Unit is ready
placement-mysql-router 8.0.36 active 1 mysql-router 8.0/stable 111 no Unit is ready
rabbitmq-server 3.9.13 active 1 rabbitmq-server 3.9/stable 182 no Unit is ready
vault 1.8.8 active 1 vault 1.8/stable 183 no Unit is ready (active: true, mlock: disabled)
vault-mysql-router 8.0.36 active 1 mysql-router 8.0/stable 111 no Unit is ready

Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
ceph-fs/2 active idle 4/lxd/0 Unit is ready
ceph-fs/4* active idle 5/lxd/0 Unit is ready
ceph-fs/6 active idle 10/lxd/0 Unit is ready
ceph-mon/2 active idle 4/lxd/1 Unit is ready and clustered
  ceph-dashboard/5 active idle Unit is ready
ceph-mon/4 active idle 5/lxd/1 Unit is ready and clustered
  ceph-dashboard/6* active idle Unit is ready
ceph-mon/5* active idle 10/lxd/1 Unit is ready and clustered
  ceph-dashboard/7 active idle Unit is ready
ceph-osd/1 active idle 3 Unit is ready (10 OSD)
ceph-osd/2* active idle 4 Unit is ready (10 OSD)
ceph-osd/4 active idle 5 Unit is ready (11 OSD)
ceph-osd/6 active idle 10 Unit is ready (10 OSD)
ceph-radosgw/2* active idle 5/lxd/2 80/tcp Unit is ready
cinder/3* active idle 8/lxd/0 8776/tcp Unit is ready
  cinder-ceph/6* waiting idle Ceph broker request incomplete
  cinder-mysql-router/3* active idle Unit is ready
glance/1* waiting idle 7/lxd/0 9292/tcp Ceph broker request incomplete
  glance-mysql-router/1* active idle Unit is ready
keystone/1* active idle 7/lxd/1 5000/tcp Unit is ready
  keystone-mysql-router/1* active idle Unit is ready
mysql-innodb-cluster/4* active idle 8/lxd/1 Unit is ready: Mode: R/O, Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.
mysql-innodb-cluster/5 active idle 7/lxd/3 Unit is ready: Mode: R/W, Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.
mysql-innodb-cluster/8 active idle 3/lxd/4 Unit is ready: Mode: R/O, Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.
neutron-api/2* active idle 8/lxd/2 9696/tcp Unit is ready
  neutron-api-plugin-ovn/2* active idle Unit is ready
  neutron-mysql-router/2* active idle Unit is ready
nova-cloud-controller/3* active idle 7/lxd/4 8774-8775/tcp Unit is ready
  nova-mysql-router/3* active idle Unit is ready
nova-compute/6* active idle 7 Unit is ready
  ntp/7* active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
  ovn-chassis/10* active idle Unit is ready
nova-compute/7 active idle 8 Unit is ready
  ntp/6 active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
  ovn-chassis/9 active idle Unit is ready
nova-compute/8 active idle 3 Unit is ready
  ntp/8 active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
  ovn-chassis/11 active idle Unit is ready
openstack-dashboard/1* active idle 8/lxd/3 80,443/tcp Unit is ready
  dashboard-mysql-router/1* active idle Unit is ready
openstack-loadbalancer/5* active idle 7/lxd/8 Unit is ready
  openstack-loadbalancer-hacluster/5* active idle Unit is ready and clustered
openstack-loadbalancer/7 active idle 8/lxd/9 Unit is ready
  openstack-loadbalancer-hacluster/9 active idle Unit is ready and clustered
openstack-loadbalancer/8 active idle 3/lxd/5 Unit is ready
  openstack-loadbalancer-hacluster/10 active idle Unit is ready and clustered
ovn-central/6 active idle 7/lxd/5 6641-6642/tcp Unit is ready
ovn-central/7* active idle 8/lxd/4 6641-6642/tcp Unit is ready (leader: ovnnb_db)
ovn-central/8 active idle 8/lxd/5 6641-6642/tcp Unit is ready (leader: ovnsb_db northd: active)
placement/1* active idle 8/lxd/6 8778/tcp Unit is ready
  placement-mysql-router/1* active idle Unit is ready
rabbitmq-server/1* active idle 8/lxd/7 5672,15672/tcp Unit is ready
vault/1* active idle 7/lxd/6 8200/tcp Unit is ready (active: true, mlock: disabled)
  vault-mysql-router/1* active idle Unit is ready

Machine State Address Inst id Base AZ Message
3 started op4 ubuntu@22.04 default Deployed
3/lxd/4 started juju-206dbb-3-lxd-4 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
3/lxd/5 started juju-206dbb-3-lxd-5 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
4 started op3 ubuntu@22.04 default Deployed
4/lxd/0 started juju-206dbb-4-lxd-0 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
4/lxd/1 started juju-206dbb-4-lxd-1 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
5 started op2 ubuntu@22.04 default Deployed
5/lxd/0 started juju-206dbb-5-lxd-0 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
5/lxd/1 started juju-206dbb-5-lxd-1 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
5/lxd/2 started juju-206dbb-5-lxd-2 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
7 started xen01 ubuntu@22.04 xensrv Deployed
7/lxd/0 started juju-206dbb-7-lxd-0 ubuntu@22.04 xensrv Container started
7/lxd/1 started juju-206dbb-7-lxd-1 ubuntu@22.04 xensrv Container started
7/lxd/3 started juju-206dbb-7-lxd-3 ubuntu@22.04 xensrv Container started
7/lxd/4 started juju-206dbb-7-lxd-4 ubuntu@22.04 xensrv Container started
7/lxd/5 started juju-206dbb-7-lxd-5 ubuntu@22.04 xensrv Container started
7/lxd/6 started juju-206dbb-7-lxd-6 ubuntu@22.04 xensrv Container started
7/lxd/8 started juju-206dbb-7-lxd-8 ubuntu@22.04 xensrv Container started
8 started op1 ubuntu@22.04 default Deployed
8/lxd/0 started juju-206dbb-8-lxd-0 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
8/lxd/1 started juju-206dbb-8-lxd-1 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
8/lxd/2 started juju-206dbb-8-lxd-2 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
8/lxd/3 started juju-206dbb-8-lxd-3 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
8/lxd/4 started juju-206dbb-8-lxd-4 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
8/lxd/5 started juju-206dbb-8-lxd-5 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
8/lxd/6 started juju-206dbb-8-lxd-6 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
8/lxd/7 started juju-206dbb-8-lxd-7 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
8/lxd/9 started juju-206dbb-8-lxd-9 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
10 started op5 ubuntu@22.04 default Deployed
10/lxd/0 started juju-206dbb-10-lxd-0 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started
10/lxd/1 started juju-206dbb-10-lxd-1 ubuntu@22.04 default Container started

Integration provider Requirer Interface Type Message
ceph-mon:client cinder-ceph:ceph ceph-client regular
ceph-mon:client glance:ceph ceph-client regular
ceph-mon:client nova-compute:ceph ceph-client regular
ceph-mon:dashboard ceph-dashboard:dashboard ceph-dashboard subordinate
ceph-mon:mds ceph-fs:ceph-mds ceph-mds regular
ceph-mon:mon ceph-mon:mon ceph peer
ceph-mon:osd ceph-osd:mon ceph-osd regular
ceph-mon:radosgw ceph-radosgw:mon ceph-radosgw regular
ceph-radosgw:cluster ceph-radosgw:cluster swift-ha peer
cinder-ceph:ceph-access nova-compute:ceph-access cinder-ceph-key regular
cinder-ceph:storage-backend cinder:storage-backend cinder-backend subordinate
cinder-mysql-router:shared-db cinder:shared-db mysql-shared subordinate
cinder:cinder-volume-service nova-cloud-controller:cinder-volume-service cinder regular
cinder:cluster cinder:cluster cinder-ha peer
dashboard-mysql-router:shared-db openstack-dashboard:shared-db mysql-shared subordinate
glance-mysql-router:shared-db glance:shared-db mysql-shared subordinate
glance:cluster glance:cluster glance-ha peer
glance:image-service cinder:image-service glance regular
glance:image-service nova-cloud-controller:image-service glance regular
glance:image-service nova-compute:image-service glance regular
keystone-mysql-router:shared-db keystone:shared-db mysql-shared subordinate
keystone:cluster keystone:cluster keystone-ha peer
keystone:identity-service ceph-radosgw:identity-service keystone regular
keystone:identity-service cinder:identity-service keystone regular
keystone:identity-service glance:identity-service keystone regular
keystone:identity-service neutron-api:identity-service keystone regular
keystone:identity-service nova-cloud-controller:identity-service keystone regular
keystone:identity-service openstack-dashboard:identity-service keystone regular
keystone:identity-service placement:identity-service keystone regular
mysql-innodb-cluster:cluster mysql-innodb-cluster:cluster mysql-innodb-cluster peer
mysql-innodb-cluster:coordinator mysql-innodb-cluster:coordinator coordinator peer
mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router cinder-mysql-router:db-router mysql-router regular
mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router dashboard-mysql-router:db-router mysql-router regular
mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router glance-mysql-router:db-router mysql-router regular
mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router keystone-mysql-router:db-router mysql-router regular
mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router neutron-mysql-router:db-router mysql-router regular
mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router nova-mysql-router:db-router mysql-router regular
mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router placement-mysql-router:db-router mysql-router regular
mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router vault-mysql-router:db-router mysql-router regular
neutron-api-plugin-ovn:neutron-plugin neutron-api:neutron-plugin-api-subordinate neutron-plugin-api-subordinate subordinate
neutron-api:cluster neutron-api:cluster neutron-api-ha peer
neutron-api:neutron-api nova-cloud-controller:neutron-api neutron-api regular
neutron-mysql-router:shared-db neutron-api:shared-db mysql-shared subordinate
nova-cloud-controller:cluster nova-cloud-controller:cluster nova-ha peer
nova-compute:cloud-compute nova-cloud-controller:cloud-compute nova-compute regular
nova-compute:compute-peer nova-compute:compute-peer nova peer
nova-compute:juju-info ntp:juju-info juju-info subordinate
nova-mysql-router:shared-db nova-cloud-controller:shared-db mysql-shared subordinate
ntp:ntp-peers ntp:ntp-peers ntp peer
openstack-dashboard:cluster openstack-dashboard:cluster openstack-dashboard-ha peer
openstack-loadbalancer-hacluster:ha openstack-loadbalancer:ha hacluster subordinate
openstack-loadbalancer-hacluster:hanode openstack-loadbalancer-hacluster:hanode hacluster peer
openstack-loadbalancer:loadbalancer ceph-dashboard:loadbalancer openstack-loadbalancer regular
ovn-central:coordinator ovn-central:coordinator coordinator peer
ovn-central:ovsdb ovn-chassis:ovsdb ovsdb regular
ovn-central:ovsdb-cms neutron-api-plugin-ovn:ovsdb-cms ovsdb-cms regular
ovn-central:ovsdb-peer ovn-central:ovsdb-peer ovsdb-cluster peer
ovn-chassis:nova-compute nova-compute:neutron-plugin neutron-plugin subordinate
placement-mysql-router:shared-db placement:shared-db mysql-shared subordinate
placement:cluster placement:cluster openstack-ha peer
placement:placement nova-cloud-controller:placement placement regular
rabbitmq-server:amqp cinder:amqp rabbitmq regular
rabbitmq-server:amqp glance:amqp rabbitmq regular
rabbitmq-server:amqp neutron-api:amqp rabbitmq regular
rabbitmq-server:amqp nova-cloud-controller:amqp rabbitmq regular
rabbitmq-server:amqp nova-compute:amqp rabbitmq regular
rabbitmq-server:cluster rabbitmq-server:cluster rabbitmq-ha peer
vault-mysql-router:shared-db vault:shared-db mysql-shared subordinate
vault:certificates ceph-dashboard:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates ceph-radosgw:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates cinder:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates glance:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates keystone:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates mysql-innodb-cluster:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates neutron-api-plugin-ovn:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates neutron-api:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates nova-cloud-controller:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates openstack-dashboard:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates ovn-central:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates ovn-chassis:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:certificates placement:certificates tls-certificates regular
vault:cluster vault:cluster vault-ha peer

juju export-bundle
series: jammy
    charm: ceph-dashboard
    channel: quincy/stable
    revision: 50
      "": op-public-space
      alertmanager-service: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      dashboard: op-public-space
      grafana-dashboard: op-public-space
      iscsi-dashboard: op-public-space
      loadbalancer: op-public-space
      prometheus: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
      radosgw-dashboard: op-public-space
    charm: ceph-fs
    channel: reef/stable
    revision: 61
    num_units: 3
    - lxd:4
    - lxd:5
    - lxd:10
      gui-x: "790"
      gui-y: "1540"
    constraints: tags=cloud,ceph
      "": op-public-space
      ceph-mds: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
    charm: ceph-mon
    channel: reef/stable
    revision: 192
      alert-rules: 1
    num_units: 3
    - lxd:4
    - lxd:5
    - lxd:10
      balancer-mode: upmap
      expected-osd-count: 9
      monitor-count: 3
      gui-x: "790"
      gui-y: "1540"
    constraints: tags=cloud,ceph
      "": op-public-space
      admin: op-public-space
      bootstrap-source: op-public-space
      client: op-public-space
      cluster: op-cluster-space
      dashboard: op-public-space
      mds: op-public-space
      metrics-endpoint: op-public-space
      mon: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      osd: op-public-space
      prometheus: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
      radosgw: op-public-space
      rbd-mirror: op-public-space
    charm: ceph-osd
    channel: reef/stable
    revision: 577
    num_units: 4
    - "3"
    - "4"
    - "5"
    - "10"
      config-flags: '{ "global": { "osd crush initial weight": 0 } }'
      crush-initial-weight: 0
      osd-devices: /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde /dev/sdf /dev/sdg
        /dev/sdh /dev/sdi
      gui-x: "1065"
      gui-y: "1540"
    constraints: tags=cloud,ceph
      bluestore-db: loop,1024M
      bluestore-wal: loop,1024M
      cache-devices: loop,10240M
      osd-devices: loop,1024M
      osd-journals: loop,1024M
      "": op-public-space
      cluster: op-cluster-space
      mon: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
      secrets-storage: op-public-space
    charm: ceph-radosgw
    channel: reef/stable
    revision: 566
    num_units: 1
    - lxd:5
      gui-x: "850"
      gui-y: "900"
    constraints: tags=cloud,ceph
      "": op-public-space
      admin: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      cluster: op-cluster-space
      gateway: op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      identity-service: op-public-space
      internal: op-public-space
      master: op-public-space
      mon: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      object-store: op-public-space
      primary: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
      radosgw-user: op-public-space
      secondary: op-public-space
      slave: op-public-space
    charm: cinder
    channel: 2023.2/stable
    revision: 663
      policyd-override: 0
    num_units: 1
    - lxd:8
      block-device: None
      glance-api-version: 2
      gui-x: "980"
      gui-y: "1270"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      block-devices: loop,10240M
      "": op-public-space
      admin: op-public-space
      amqp: op-public-space
      backup-backend: op-public-space
      ceph: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      cinder-volume-service: op-public-space
      cluster: op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      identity-credentials: op-public-space
      identity-service: op-public-space
      image-service: op-public-space
      internal: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
      storage-backend: op-public-space
    charm: cinder-ceph
    channel: 2023.2/stable
    revision: 528
      rbd-pool-name: SAS
      gui-x: "1120"
      gui-y: "1400"
      "": op-public-space
      ceph: op-public-space
      ceph-access: op-public-space
      ceph-replication-device: op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      storage-backend: op-public-space
    charm: mysql-router
    channel: 8.0/stable
    revision: 111
      gui-x: "900"
      gui-y: "1400"
      "": op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      db-router: op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
    charm: mysql-router
    channel: 8.0/stable
    revision: 111
      gui-x: "510"
      gui-y: "1030"
      "": op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      db-router: op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
    charm: glance
    channel: 2023.2/stable
    revision: 595
      policyd-override: 0
    num_units: 1
    - lxd:7
      gui-x: "-230"
      gui-y: "1270"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      "": op-public-space
      admin: op-public-space
      amqp: op-public-space
      ceph: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      cinder-volume-service: op-public-space
      cluster: op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      identity-service: op-public-space
      image-service: op-public-space
      internal: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      object-store: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
      storage-backend: op-public-space
    charm: mysql-router
    channel: 8.0/stable
    revision: 111
      gui-x: "-290"
      gui-y: "1400"
      "": op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      db-router: op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
    charm: keystone
    channel: 2023.2/stable
    revision: 667
      policyd-override: 0
    num_units: 1
    - lxd:7
      region: RegionOne
      gui-x: "300"
      gui-y: "1270"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      "": op-public-space
      admin: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      cluster: op-public-space
      domain-backend: op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      identity-admin: op-public-space
      identity-credentials: op-public-space
      identity-notifications: op-public-space
      identity-service: op-public-space
      internal: op-public-space
      keystone-fid-service-provider: op-public-space
      keystone-middleware: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
      websso-trusted-dashboard: op-public-space
    charm: mysql-router
    channel: 8.0/stable
    revision: 111
      gui-x: "230"
      gui-y: "1400"
      "": op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      db-router: op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
    charm: mysql-innodb-cluster
    channel: 8.0/stable
    revision: 107
      mysql-shell: 0
    num_units: 3
    - lxd:8
    - lxd:7
    - lxd:3
      gui-x: "535"
      gui-y: "1550"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      "": op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      cluster: op-public-space
      coordinator: op-public-space
      db-monitor: op-public-space
      db-router: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
    charm: neutron-api
    channel: 2023.2/stable
    revision: 568
      policyd-override: 0
    num_units: 1
    - lxd:8
      enable-dvr: true
      enable-l3ha: true
      enable-ml2-port-security: true
      flat-network-providers: physnet1
      global-physnet-mtu: 9000
      neutron-security-groups: true
      vlan-ranges: dcfabric
      gui-x: "580"
      gui-y: "1270"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      "": op-public-space
      admin: op-public-space
      amqp: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      cluster: op-public-space
      etcd-proxy: op-public-space
      external-dns: op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      identity-service: op-public-space
      infoblox-neutron: op-public-space
      internal: op-public-space
      midonet: op-public-space
      neutron-api: op-public-space
      neutron-load-balancer: op-public-space
      neutron-plugin-api: op-public-space
      neutron-plugin-api-subordinate: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
      vsd-rest-api: op-public-space
    charm: neutron-api-plugin-ovn
    channel: 2023.2/stable
    revision: 113
      gui-x: "690"
      gui-y: "1385"
      "": op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      container: op-public-space
      neutron-plugin: op-public-space
      ovsdb-cms: op-public-space
    charm: mysql-router
    channel: 8.0/stable
    revision: 111
      gui-x: "505"
      gui-y: "1385"
      "": op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      db-router: op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
    charm: nova-cloud-controller
    channel: 2023.2/stable
    revision: 717
      policyd-override: 0
    num_units: 1
    - lxd:7
      console-access-protocol: novnc
      network-manager: Neutron
      gui-x: "35"
      gui-y: "1270"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      "": op-public-space
      admin: op-public-space
      amqp: op-public-space
      amqp-cell: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      cinder-volume-service: op-public-space
      cloud-compute: op-public-space
      cloud-controller: op-public-space
      cluster: op-public-space
      dashboard: op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      identity-service: op-public-space
      image-service: op-public-space
      internal: op-public-space
      memcache: op-public-space
      neutron-api: op-public-space
      nova-cell-api: op-public-space
      nova-vmware: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      placement: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
      quantum-network-service: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
      shared-db-cell: op-public-space
    charm: nova-compute
    channel: 2023.2/stable
    revision: 703
    num_units: 3
    - "7"
    - "8"
    - "3"
      config-flags: default_ephemeral_format=ext4
      enable-live-migration: true
      enable-resize: true
      migration-auth-type: ssh
      gui-x: "190"
      gui-y: "890"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      ephemeral-device: loop,10240M
      "": op-public-space
      amqp: op-public-space
      ceph: op-public-space
      ceph-access: op-public-space
      cloud-compute: op-public-space
      cloud-credentials: op-public-space
      compute-peer: op-public-space
      ephemeral-backend: op-public-space
      image-service: op-public-space
      internal: op-public-space
      ironic-api: op-public-space
      lxd: op-public-space
      migration: op-public-space
      neutron-plugin: op-public-space
      nova-ceilometer: op-public-space
      nova-vgpu: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      secrets-storage: op-public-space
    charm: mysql-router
    channel: 8.0/stable
    revision: 111
      gui-x: "-30"
      gui-y: "1385"
      "": op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      db-router: op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
    charm: ntp
    channel: stable
    revision: 50
      gui-x: "315"
      gui-y: "1030"
      "": op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      master: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      ntp-peers: op-public-space
      ntpmaster: op-public-space
    charm: openstack-dashboard
    channel: 2023.2/stable
    revision: 626
      policyd-override: 0
      theme: 0
    num_units: 1
    - lxd:8
      gui-x: "585"
      gui-y: "900"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      "": op-public-space
      application-dashboard: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      cluster: op-public-space
      dashboard: op-public-space
      dashboard-plugin: op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      identity-service: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
      website: op-public-space
      websso-fid-service-provider: op-public-space
      websso-trusted-dashboard: op-public-space
    charm: openstack-loadbalancer
    channel: jammy/stable
    revision: 10
    num_units: 3
    - lxd:7
    - lxd:8
    - lxd:3
    constraints: arch=amd64
      "": op-public-space
      admin: op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      internal: op-public-space
      loadbalancer: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
    charm: hacluster
    channel: 2.4/stable
    revision: 131
      "": op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      hanode: op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      pacemaker-remote: op-public-space
      peer-availability: op-public-space
    charm: ovn-central
    channel: 23.09/stable
    revision: 158
    num_units: 3
    - lxd:7
    - lxd:8
    - lxd:8
      gui-x: "70"
      gui-y: "1550"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      "": op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      coordinator: op-public-space
      metrics-endpoint: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      ovsdb: op-public-space
      ovsdb-cms: op-public-space
      ovsdb-peer: op-public-space
      ovsdb-server: op-public-space
    charm: ovn-chassis
    channel: 23.09/stable
    revision: 178
      bridge-interface-mappings: br-provider:bond0
      ovn-bridge-mappings: dcfabric:br-provider
      gui-x: "120"
      gui-y: "1030"
      "": op-public-space
      amqp: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      data: op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      metrics-endpoint: op-public-space
      nova-compute: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      ovsdb: op-public-space
      ovsdb-subordinate: op-public-space
    charm: placement
    channel: 2023.2/stable
    revision: 100
    num_units: 1
    - lxd:8
      gui-x: "1320"
      gui-y: "1270"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      "": op-public-space
      admin: op-public-space
      amqp: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      cluster: op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      identity-service: op-public-space
      internal: op-public-space
      placement: op-public-space
      public: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
    charm: mysql-router
    channel: 8.0/stable
    revision: 111
      gui-x: "1320"
      gui-y: "1385"
      "": op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      db-router: op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
    charm: rabbitmq-server
    channel: 3.9/stable
    revision: 182
    num_units: 1
    - lxd:8
      gui-x: "300"
      gui-y: "1550"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      "": op-public-space
      amqp: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      cluster: op-public-space
      dashboards: op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      prometheus-rules: op-public-space
      scrape: op-public-space
    charm: vault
    channel: 1.8/stable
    revision: 183
      core: 0
      vault: 0
    num_units: 1
    - lxd:7
      gui-x: "1610"
      gui-y: "1430"
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ccompute
      "": op-public-space
      access: op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      cluster: op-public-space
      db: op-public-space
      etcd: op-public-space
      external: op-public-space
      ha: op-public-space
      lb-provider: op-public-space
      nrpe-external-master: op-public-space
      secrets: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
    charm: mysql-router
    channel: 8.0/stable
    revision: 111
      gui-x: "1535"
      gui-y: "1560"
      "": op-public-space
      certificates: op-public-space
      db-router: op-public-space
      juju-info: op-public-space
      shared-db: op-public-space
    constraints: tags=cloud,ceph spaces=op-public-space,op-cluster-space
    constraints: tags=cloud,ceph spaces=op-public-space,op-cluster-space
    constraints: tags=op2 spaces=op-cluster-space,op-public-space
    constraints: tags=cloud,compute,xen01 spaces=op-public-space,op-cluster-space
    constraints: tags=cloud,compute,op1 spaces=op-public-space,op-cluster-space
    constraints: arch=amd64 tags=cloud,ceph spaces=op-cluster-space,op-public-space
- - ceph-osd:mon
  - ceph-mon:osd
- - ceph-radosgw:mon
  - ceph-mon:radosgw
- - ceph-mon:mds
  - ceph-fs:ceph-mds
- - ceph-dashboard:dashboard
  - ceph-mon:dashboard
- - nova-compute:amqp
  - rabbitmq-server:amqp
- - nova-cloud-controller:identity-service
  - keystone:identity-service
- - glance:identity-service
  - keystone:identity-service
- - neutron-api:identity-service
  - keystone:identity-service
- - neutron-api:amqp
  - rabbitmq-server:amqp
- - glance:amqp
  - rabbitmq-server:amqp
- - nova-cloud-controller:image-service
  - glance:image-service
- - nova-compute:image-service
  - glance:image-service
- - nova-cloud-controller:cloud-compute
  - nova-compute:cloud-compute
- - nova-cloud-controller:amqp
  - rabbitmq-server:amqp
- - openstack-dashboard:identity-service
  - keystone:identity-service
- - nova-cloud-controller:neutron-api
  - neutron-api:neutron-api
- - cinder:image-service
  - glance:image-service
- - cinder:amqp
  - rabbitmq-server:amqp
- - cinder:identity-service
  - keystone:identity-service
- - cinder:cinder-volume-service
  - nova-cloud-controller:cinder-volume-service
- - cinder-ceph:storage-backend
  - cinder:storage-backend
- - ceph-mon:client
  - nova-compute:ceph
- - nova-compute:ceph-access
  - cinder-ceph:ceph-access
- - ceph-mon:client
  - cinder-ceph:ceph
- - ceph-mon:client
  - glance:ceph
- - ceph-radosgw:identity-service
  - keystone:identity-service
- - placement:identity-service
  - keystone:identity-service
- - placement:placement
  - nova-cloud-controller:placement
- - keystone:shared-db
  - keystone-mysql-router:shared-db
- - cinder:shared-db
  - cinder-mysql-router:shared-db
- - glance:shared-db
  - glance-mysql-router:shared-db
- - nova-cloud-controller:shared-db
  - nova-mysql-router:shared-db
- - neutron-api:shared-db
  - neutron-mysql-router:shared-db
- - openstack-dashboard:shared-db
  - dashboard-mysql-router:shared-db
- - placement:shared-db
  - placement-mysql-router:shared-db
- - vault:shared-db
  - vault-mysql-router:shared-db
- - keystone-mysql-router:db-router
  - mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router
- - cinder-mysql-router:db-router
  - mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router
- - nova-mysql-router:db-router
  - mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router
- - glance-mysql-router:db-router
  - mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router
- - neutron-mysql-router:db-router
  - mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router
- - dashboard-mysql-router:db-router
  - mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router
- - placement-mysql-router:db-router
  - mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router
- - vault-mysql-router:db-router
  - mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router
- - neutron-api-plugin-ovn:neutron-plugin
  - neutron-api:neutron-plugin-api-subordinate
- - ovn-central:certificates
  - vault:certificates
- - ovn-central:ovsdb-cms
  - neutron-api-plugin-ovn:ovsdb-cms
- - neutron-api:certificates
  - vault:certificates
- - ovn-chassis:nova-compute
  - nova-compute:neutron-plugin
- - ovn-chassis:certificates
  - vault:certificates
- - ovn-chassis:ovsdb
  - ovn-central:ovsdb
- - vault:certificates
  - neutron-api-plugin-ovn:certificates
- - vault:certificates
  - cinder:certificates
- - vault:certificates
  - glance:certificates
- - vault:certificates
  - keystone:certificates
- - vault:certificates
  - nova-cloud-controller:certificates
- - vault:certificates
  - openstack-dashboard:certificates
- - vault:certificates
  - placement:certificates
- - vault:certificates
  - ceph-radosgw:certificates
- - vault:certificates
  - mysql-innodb-cluster:certificates
- - ntp:juju-info
  - nova-compute:juju-info
- - ceph-dashboard:certificates
  - vault:certificates
- - openstack-loadbalancer:ha
  - openstack-loadbalancer-hacluster:ha
- - ceph-dashboard:loadbalancer
  - openstack-loadbalancer:loadbalancer

Revision history for this message
Luciano Lo Giudice (lmlogiudice) wrote :


Could you ssh into one of the active ceph monitors and paste the contents of the '/etc/ceph.conf' file?

Revision history for this message
macchese (max-liccardo) wrote :

cat ceph.conf

auth cluster required = cephx
auth service required = cephx
auth client required = cephx

mon host =
fsid = 7dfd9e3a-a5b6-11ee-9798-619012c1bb3a

log to syslog = false
err to syslog = false
clog to syslog = false
mon cluster log to syslog = false
debug mon = 1/5
debug osd = 1/5

# NOTE(jamespage):
# Disable object skew warnings as these only use
# the number of objects and not their size in the
# skew calculation.
mon pg warn max object skew = -1

public network =
cluster network =
public addr =
cluster addr =

keyring = /var/lib/ceph/mon/$cluster-$id/keyring

mon data avail warn = 30
mon data avail crit = 5

keyring = /var/lib/ceph/mds/$cluster-$id/keyring

Revision history for this message
Luciano Lo Giudice (lmlogiudice) wrote :

OK, so I'm assuming that the removed unit (juju-206dbb-3-lxd-1) is not among the listed IPs in the field 'mon host'. If that's the case, then the monmap and conf file are correct, which may imply that the use case of moving nodes among LXD containers is somehow problematic.

Is the ceph status still showing an out-of-quorum situation? Sometimes it takes a bit for it to be updated.

Revision history for this message
macchese (max-liccardo) wrote :

correct, after 12 hours I removed by hand by
ceph mon rm xxxx
where the xxxx was the mon.
Until I removed it ceph status showed him out of quorum, now it is all ok

Revision history for this message
macchese (max-liccardo) wrote :

looking into ceph.conf's glance and cinder-ceph, I noticed that the old mon ( I removed still exist even after 3 days, where the new mon unit is 192.1678.70.28

# ceph configuration file maintained by Juju
# local changes may be overwritten.
auth_supported = cephx
keyring = /etc/ceph/$cluster.$name.keyring
mon host =
log to syslog = false
err to syslog = false
clog to syslog = false

Revision history for this message
macchese (max-liccardo) wrote :

another side effect I found is when using ceph-dashboard in HA mode by charm-openstack-loadbalancer.
In that case the removed ip mon ( remained into the haproxy conf

frontend ceph_dashboard_front
  mode tcp
  bind *:8443
  option tcplog
  default_backend ceph_dashboard_back

backend ceph_dashboard_back
  mode tcp
  option httpchk GET /
  http-check expect status 200
  server ceph-dashboard_3 check-ssl check verify none
  server ceph-dashboard_5 check-ssl check verify none
  server ceph-dashboard_6 check-ssl check verify none
  server ceph-dashboard_7 check-ssl check verify none

macchese (max-liccardo)
summary: - remove-unit doesn't remove monitor from cluster
+ remove-unit ceph-mon doesn't remove monitor from cluster and from
+ related charm
summary: remove-unit ceph-mon doesn't remove monitor from cluster and from
- related charm
+ related charms
summary: - remove-unit ceph-mon doesn't remove monitor from cluster and from
+ ceph-mon remove-unit doesn't remove monitor from cluster and from
related charms
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