K8s 1.18 Ceph 12.2.12 Ceph-mon related to k8s master as admin and client Creating PVCs with ReadWriteOnce and volumeMode as Filesystem works as expected (with 1 pod at a time accessing the volume) Creating PVCs with ReadWriteOnce and volumeMode as Block (so multiple mounts can happen), an error message is generated indicating that the /etc/ceph/ceph.conf (and other client files) are not provided to the pod. The PVC and the PV get created and bound to each other. --- $ kubectl describe pod/cdk-cats-block-c446cdfcc-nrhzm Name: cdk-cats-block-c446cdfcc-nrhzm Namespace: default Priority: 0 Node: stha8p0pm/ Start Time: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 18:22:21 +0000 Labels: app=cdk-cats-block pod-template-hash=c446cdfcc Annotations: Status: Pending IP: IPs: Controlled By: ReplicaSet/cdk-cats-block-c446cdfcc Containers: cdk-cats-block: Container ID: Image: calvinhartwell/cdk-cats-block:latest Image ID: Port: 80/TCP Host Port: 0/TCP State: Waiting Reason: ContainerCreating Ready: False Restart Count: 0 Liveness: http-get http://:80/ delay=5s timeout=30s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3 Environment: Mounts: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-p4qq6 (ro) Devices: /dev/xvda from cats-pv-block Conditions: Type Status Initialized True Ready False ContainersReady False PodScheduled True Volumes: cats-pv-block: Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace) ClaimName: cats-pv-block-claim ReadOnly: false default-token-p4qq6: Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret) SecretName: default-token-p4qq6 Optional: false QoS Class: BestEffort Node-Selectors: Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute for 300s node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute for 300s Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Warning FailedScheduling default-scheduler error while running "VolumeBinding" filter plugin for pod "cdk-cats-block-c446cdfcc-nrhzm": pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims Warning FailedScheduling default-scheduler error while running "VolumeBinding" filter plugin for pod "cdk-cats-block-c446cdfcc-nrhzm": pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims Normal Scheduled default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/cdk-cats-block-c446cdfcc-nrhzm to stha8p0pm Normal SuccessfulAttachVolume 33s attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-fe4ade0b-5b41-48de-9950-6e4760eb10ae" Warning FailedMapVolume 29s kubelet, stha8p0pm MapVolume.MapPodDevice failed for volume "pvc-fe4ade0b-5b41-48de-9950-6e4760eb10ae" : kubernetes.io/csi: blockMapper.publishVolumeForBlock failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = fail to check rbd image status with: (exit status 2), rbd output: (did not load config file, using default settings. 2020-01-08 18:22:25.811 7fab3bb12b00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:25.811 7fab3bb12b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:25.811 7fab3bb12b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:25.811 7fab3bb12b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:25.811 7fab3bb12b00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:25.811 7fab3bb12b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:25.811 7fab3bb12b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:25.811 7fab3bb12b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:25.831 7fab3bb12b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:25.831 7fab3bb12b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:25.831 7fab3bb12b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:25.835 7fab3bb12b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:25.835 7fab3bb12b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:25.835 7fab3bb12b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory rbd: error opening image 80daf51d-2443-42ae-9283-6f5fc27268a3: (2) No such file or directory ) Warning FailedMapVolume 28s kubelet, stha8p0pm MapVolume.MapPodDevice failed for volume "pvc-fe4ade0b-5b41-48de-9950-6e4760eb10ae" : kubernetes.io/csi: blockMapper.publishVolumeForBlock failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = fail to check rbd image status with: (exit status 2), rbd output: (did not load config file, using default settings. 2020-01-08 18:22:26.503 7f1961217b00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:26.503 7f1961217b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:26.503 7f1961217b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:26.503 7f1961217b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:26.503 7f1961217b00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:26.503 7f1961217b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:26.503 7f1961217b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:26.503 7f1961217b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:26.523 7f1961217b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:26.523 7f1961217b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:26.523 7f1961217b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:26.527 7f1961217b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:26.527 7f1961217b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:26.527 7f1961217b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory rbd: error opening image 80daf51d-2443-42ae-9283-6f5fc27268a3: (2) No such file or directory ) Warning FailedMapVolume 27s kubelet, stha8p0pm MapVolume.MapPodDevice failed for volume "pvc-fe4ade0b-5b41-48de-9950-6e4760eb10ae" : kubernetes.io/csi: blockMapper.publishVolumeForBlock failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = fail to check rbd image status with: (exit status 2), rbd output: (did not load config file, using default settings. 2020-01-08 18:22:27.707 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:27.707 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:27.707 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:27.707 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:27.707 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:27.707 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:27.707 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:27.707 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:27.723 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:27.727 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:27.727 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:27.731 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:27.731 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:27.731 7f44a6b4ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory rbd: error opening image 80daf51d-2443-42ae-9283-6f5fc27268a3: (2) No such file or directory ) Warning FailedMapVolume 25s kubelet, stha8p0pm MapVolume.MapPodDevice failed for volume "pvc-fe4ade0b-5b41-48de-9950-6e4760eb10ae" : kubernetes.io/csi: blockMapper.publishVolumeForBlock failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = fail to check rbd image status with: (exit status 2), rbd output: (did not load config file, using default settings. 2020-01-08 18:22:29.923 7f00195e1b00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:29.923 7f00195e1b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:29.923 7f00195e1b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:29.923 7f00195e1b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:29.923 7f00195e1b00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:29.923 7f00195e1b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:29.923 7f00195e1b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:29.923 7f00195e1b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:29.939 7f00195e1b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:29.943 7f00195e1b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:29.943 7f00195e1b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:29.947 7f00195e1b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:29.947 7f00195e1b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:29.947 7f00195e1b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory rbd: error opening image 80daf51d-2443-42ae-9283-6f5fc27268a3: (2) No such file or directory ) Warning FailedMapVolume 20s kubelet, stha8p0pm MapVolume.MapPodDevice failed for volume "pvc-fe4ade0b-5b41-48de-9950-6e4760eb10ae" : kubernetes.io/csi: blockMapper.publishVolumeForBlock failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = fail to check rbd image status with: (exit status 2), rbd output: (did not load config file, using default settings. 2020-01-08 18:22:34.047 7f456cd18b00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:34.047 7f456cd18b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:34.047 7f456cd18b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:34.047 7f456cd18b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:34.047 7f456cd18b00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:34.047 7f456cd18b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:34.047 7f456cd18b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:34.047 7f456cd18b00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:34.063 7f456cd18b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:34.067 7f456cd18b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:34.067 7f456cd18b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:34.071 7f456cd18b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:34.071 7f456cd18b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:34.071 7f456cd18b00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory rbd: error opening image 80daf51d-2443-42ae-9283-6f5fc27268a3: (2) No such file or directory ) Warning FailedMapVolume 12s kubelet, stha8p0pm MapVolume.MapPodDevice failed for volume "pvc-fe4ade0b-5b41-48de-9950-6e4760eb10ae" : kubernetes.io/csi: blockMapper.publishVolumeForBlock failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = fail to check rbd image status with: (exit status 2), rbd output: (did not load config file, using default settings. 2020-01-08 18:22:42.195 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:42.195 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:42.195 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:42.195 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:42.195 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 Errors while parsing config file! 2020-01-08 18:22:42.195 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /etc/ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:42.195 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open /root/.ceph/ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:42.195 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 parse_file: cannot open ceph.conf: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:42.211 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:42.215 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:42.215 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:42.215 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:42.219 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory 2020-01-08 18:22:42.219 7fbb35d6ab00 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin,: (2) No such file or directory rbd: error opening image 80daf51d-2443-42ae-9283-6f5fc27268a3: (2) No such file or directory --- Here's the configMap for the deployment requesting this. --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: cats-pv-block-claim spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany volumeMode: Block resources: requests: storage: 3Gi --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: cdk-cats-block name: cdk-cats-block spec: replicas: 2 selector: matchLabels: app: cdk-cats-block strategy: {} template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: cdk-cats-block spec: volumes: - name: cats-pv-block persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: cats-pv-block-claim containers: - image: calvinhartwell/cdk-cats-block:latest imagePullPolicy: "" name: cdk-cats-block ports: - containerPort: 80 livenessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: 80 initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 30 resources: {} volumeDevices: - devicePath: "/dev/xvda" name: cats-pv-block restartPolicy: Always serviceAccountName: "" status: {} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: cdk-cats-block spec: type: LoadBalancer selector: app: cdk-cats-block ports: - name: cdk-cats-block protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 80 --- Also, some descriptions of the pvc and pv associated with this. --- $ kubectl describe persistentvolumeclaim/cats-pv-block-claim Name: cats-pv-block-claim Namespace: default StorageClass: ceph-xfs Status: Bound Volume: pvc-fe4ade0b-5b41-48de-9950-6e4760eb10ae Labels: Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"PersistentVolumeClaim","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"cats-pv-block-claim","namespace":"default"},"spec":... pv.kubernetes.io/bind-completed: yes pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller: yes volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-provisioner: rbd.csi.ceph.com Finalizers: [kubernetes.io/pvc-protection] Capacity: 3Gi Access Modes: RWX VolumeMode: Block Mounted By: cdk-cats-block-c446cdfcc-nrhzm cdk-cats-block-c446cdfcc-vx4sg Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal ExternalProvisioning 2m3s (x2 over 2m3s) persistentvolume-controller waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "rbd.csi.ceph.com" or manually created by system administrator Normal Provisioning 2m3s rbd.csi.ceph.com_csi-rbdplugin-provisioner-0_69327706-3240-11ea-8efe-f6a7fad2373c External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "default/cats-pv-block-claim" Normal ProvisioningSucceeded 2m2s rbd.csi.ceph.com_csi-rbdplugin-provisioner-0_69327706-3240-11ea-8efe-f6a7fad2373c Successfully provisioned volume pvc-fe4ade0b-5b41-48de-9950-6e4760eb10ae $ kubectl describe persistentvolume/pvc-fe4ade0b-5b41-48de-9950-6e4760eb10ae Name: pvc-fe4ade0b-5b41-48de-9950-6e4760eb10ae Labels: Annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/provisioned-by: rbd.csi.ceph.com Finalizers: [kubernetes.io/pv-protection external-attacher/rbd-csi-ceph-com] StorageClass: ceph-xfs Status: Bound Claim: default/cats-pv-block-claim Reclaim Policy: Delete Access Modes: RWX VolumeMode: Block Capacity: 3Gi Node Affinity: Message: Source: Type: CSI (a Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume source) Driver: rbd.csi.ceph.com VolumeHandle: csi-rbd-vol-cea8bce3-3243-11ea-b2fe-f6a7fad2373c ReadOnly: false VolumeAttributes: adminid=admin fsType=xfs imageFeatures=layering imageFormat=2 monitors= pool=xfs-pool storage.kubernetes.io/csiProvisionerIdentity=1578506281220-8081- userid=admin Events: --- I followed the ceph documentation on setting up this type of config by following https://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rbd/rbd-kubernetes/#create-a-persistentvolumeclaim and it in no way mentions the need to manually configure the ceph client bits in the pod.