Call for help: The state of local search
So, I just clean-installed Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) and, obviously, the first thing I did was to install Cardapio -- as I a;ways feel digitally-crippled without it. So I guess this is me patting myself in the back, but more importantly also praising the ever-increasing Cadapio team and our amazing bug-hunting contributors. Yay to all of us :)
Anyway, the big downside of this whole transition is that it broke local file search for me. Tracker, as has been called to our attention before, is still at version 0.8.x which is incompatible with Cardapio for several reasons. However, now even the unstable branch (version 0.9.x) doesn't seem to cut the mustard anymore. I installed it on my machine but can't get Cardapio -- or even Tracker Search Tool -- to display any results. I'm sure I could tweak some configuration files and make it all work, but that defeats the purpose. Cardapio aims to be usable to everyone, even those who don't know how to manually edit config files, or do not want to.
Of course, this situation should come as no surprise. Tracker has been iffy / barely-usable for a while now, and I am starting to feel like it may take years before it gets to a mature state. This is a sad state of affairs.
Luckily, there is a solution in sight, and I wanted to see what people thought.
As you may already know, the KDE project has recently adopted a desktop search daemon called Strigi, which is platform-independent (does not require QT) and, by all accounts, fast and reliable. It is also readily available in Ubuntu's repositories. All of this makes me interested in writing a new file-search plugin, using Strigi as a backend rather than Tracker.
So, for this blueprint I would like to discuss:
1) Have you used Strigi before? What are your thoughts on it?
2) Have you developed for Strigi before? Where should one start? Would you like to help?
3) Is Strigi ready for the average Joe? That is, does it "just work" and is it easily-configurable?
Call for help: The state of local search ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ====
So, I just clean-installed Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) and, obviously, the first thing I did was to install Cardapio -- as I a;ways feel digitally-crippled without it. So I guess this is me patting myself in the back, but more importantly also praising the ever-increasing Cadapio team and our amazing bug-hunting contributors. Yay to all of us :)
Anyway, the big downside of this whole transition is that it broke local file search for me. Tracker, as has been called to our attention before, is still at version 0.8.x which is incompatible with Cardapio for several reasons. However, now even the unstable branch (version 0.9.x) doesn't seem to cut the mustard anymore. I installed it on my machine but can't get Cardapio -- or even Tracker Search Tool -- to display any results. I'm sure I could tweak some configuration files and make it all work, but that defeats the purpose. Cardapio aims to be usable to everyone, even those who don't know how to manually edit config files, or do not want to.
Of course, this situation should come as no surprise. Tracker has been iffy / barely-usable for a while now, and I am starting to feel like it may take years before it gets to a mature state. This is a sad state of affairs.
Luckily, there is a solution in sight, and I wanted to see what people thought.
As you may already know, the KDE project has recently adopted a desktop search daemon called Strigi, which is platform- independent (does not require QT) and, by all accounts, fast and reliable. It is also readily available in Ubuntu's repositories. All of this makes me interested in writing a new file-search plugin, using Strigi as a backend rather than Tracker.
So, for this blueprint I would like to discuss: configurable?
1) Have you used Strigi before? What are your thoughts on it?
2) Have you developed for Strigi before? Where should one start? Would you like to help?
3) Is Strigi ready for the average Joe? That is, does it "just work" and is it easily-
Ok, enough talk on my part. Discuss at https:/ /blueprints. launchpad. net/cardapio/ +spec/the- state-of- local-search