Loading module: 'libubuntu_application_api_touch_mirclient.so.3.0.0' void installIconPath() qml: Has mouse: false libevdev error in fix_invalid_absinfo: BUG: Device "mtk-tpd" has invalid ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID rangeThe phone number is not a valid number: "dummy" The phone number is not a valid number: "dummy" ubuntumirclient: Got invalid serialized mime data. Ignoring it. The phone number is not a valid number: "dummy" The phone number is not a valid number: "dummy" The phone number is not a valid number: "dummy" qml: Starting a call to [REMOVED] The phone number is not a valid number: "" The phone number is not a valid number: "" file:///usr/share/dialer-app/LiveCallPage/LiveCall.qml:154:5: QML Connections: Cannot assign to non-existent property "onCallHoldingFailed" file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/1.3/Sections.qml:110: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined file:///usr/share/dialer-app/LiveCallPage/LiveCall.qml:84: TypeError: Cannot read property 'account' of null file:///usr/share/dialer-app/LiveCallPage/LiveCall.qml:395:23: Unable to assign [undefined] to QList file:///usr/share/dialer-app/LiveCallPage/LiveCall.qml:394:23: Unable to assign [undefined] to QList QQmlExpression: Expression file:///usr/share/dialer-app/LiveCallPage/LiveCall.qml:84:20 depends on non-NOTIFYable properties: CallEntry::account QQmlExpression: Expression file:///usr/share/dialer-app/LiveCallPage/LiveCall.qml:84:20 depends on non-NOTIFYable properties: CallEntry::account QQmlExpression: Expression file:///usr/share/dialer-app/LiveCallPage/LiveCall.qml:84:20 depends on non-NOTIFYable properties: CallEntry::account QQmlExpression: Expression file:///usr/share/dialer-app/LiveCallPage/LiveCall.qml:84:20 depends on non-NOTIFYable properties: CallEntry::account void CallManager::onCallEnded() tp-qt WARN: CallChannel::callState() used with FeatureCallState not ready tp-qt WARN: Channel::initiatorContact() used channel not ready The phone number is not a valid number: "dummy" The phone number is not a valid number: "dummy" QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot be started from another thread tp-qt WARN: CallChannel::callState() used with FeatureCallState not ready tp-qt WARN: Channel::initiatorContact() used channel not ready tp-qt WARN: CallChannel::callState() used with FeatureCallState not ready tp-qt WARN: Channel::initiatorContact() used channel not ready ubuntumirclient: Got invalid serialized mime data. Ignoring it. ubuntumirclient: Got invalid serialized mime data. Ignoring it. void CallManager::onCallEnded() QObject::killTimer: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot be started from another thread