To reproduce: == I flashed my cooler using the SP_FLASH tool according to instructions here: == Using device GUI, I enabled dev mode, set power > lock when idle > Never, and installed the latest system update which left me with: phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ system-image-cli -i current build number: 3 device name: cooler channel: ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris-pd.en last update: 2016-05-16 15:18:01 version version: 3 version ubuntu: 20160408.1 version tag: OTA-10.1 version device: 20160330.0 version custom: 20160330--38-10-vivid == adb reboot-bootloader, fastboot boot recovery-cooler.img and rm /cache/recovery* == install customized tarball like this: $ adb reboot-bootloade $ fastboot boot recovery-cooler.img $ ubuntu-device-flash touch \ --channel ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris-pd.en \ --recovery-image recovery-cooler.img \ --device cooler \ --custom-tarball 0-7-13-puritine_custom.tar.xz \ --run-script WHERE: $ ls -l 0-7-13-puritine_custom.tar.xz -rw-rw-r-- 1 knitzsche knitzsche 558581464 May 13 16:50 0-7-13-puritine_custom.tar.xz AND: $ cat #!/bin/bash adb shell touch /etc/system-image/skip-gpg-verification adb shell /sbin/system-image-upgrader /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command THIS ^ WORKED FINE == Switched to rc-propposed as follows: $ adb reboot-bootloader $ ubuntu-device-flash touch \ --channel ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris-pd.en \ --recovery-image recovery-cooler.img \ --device cooler \ --bootstrap 4. complete oobe 5. enable dev mode, lock when idle = Never and rm ~/.customized == install customized tarball again last_log.1 last_log.3 log /cache/recovery # ls -a . last_install last_log last_log.2 last_log.4 .. last_kmsg last_log.1 last_log.3 log (hmm, I expected to see tarballs here...) # cd cache/recovery/ # rm /* $ adb reboot-bootloader $ fastboot boot recovery-cooler.img downloading 'boot.img'... OKAY [ 0.372s] booting... OKAY [ 0.068s] finished. total time: 0.439s $ ubuntu-device-flash touch \ > --channel ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris-pd.en \ > --recovery-image recovery-cooler.img \ > --device cooler \ > --custom-tarball 0-7-13-puritine_custom.tar.xz \ > --run-script 2016/05/16 12:43:21 Device is |cooler| 2016/05/16 12:43:21 Flashing version 51 from ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris-pd.en channel and server to device cooler 2016/05/16 12:43:22 Start pushing /home/knitzsche/.cache/ubuntuimages/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris-pd.en/cooler/version-51.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:43:22 Start pushing /home/knitzsche/gendarmarie/flash/0-7-13-puritine_custom.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:43:22 Start pushing /home/knitzsche/.cache/ubuntuimages/gpg/image-master.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:43:22 Start pushing /home/knitzsche/.cache/ubuntuimages/gpg/image-signing.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:43:24 Done pushing /home/knitzsche/.cache/ubuntuimages/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris-pd.en/cooler/version-51.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:43:24 Start pushing /home/knitzsche/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool/device-e94e1b09f402d05326f5ead27efbe0b3668b2f1fcb41d1e32bd99424ac6bad29.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:43:24 Start pushing /home/knitzsche/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool/ubuntu-8a607dbf79296168a021a337b19e0e254731763c20571b0e033f6e61179f4763.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:43:24 Done pushing /home/knitzsche/.cache/ubuntuimages/gpg/image-signing.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:43:24 Done pushing /home/knitzsche/.cache/ubuntuimages/gpg/image-master.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:43:49 Done pushing /home/knitzsche/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool/device-e94e1b09f402d05326f5ead27efbe0b3668b2f1fcb41d1e32bd99424ac6bad29.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:44:21 Done pushing /home/knitzsche/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool/ubuntu-8a607dbf79296168a021a337b19e0e254731763c20571b0e033f6e61179f4763.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:44:58 Done pushing /home/knitzsche/gendarmarie/flash/0-7-13-puritine_custom.tar.xz to device 2016/05/16 12:44:58 Created ubuntu_command: /home/knitzsche/.cache/ubuntuimages/ubuntu_commands616812265 2016/05/16 12:44:58 Preparing to run /home/knitzsche/gendarmarie/flash/ to finish the flashing process __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for localtime! __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for GMT! __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for posixrules! Starting image upgrader: Mon May 16 16:46:10 GMT 2016 Loading keyring: archive-master.tar.xz 8192+0 records in 8192+0 records out 33554432 bytes (32.0MB) copied, 0.152311 seconds, 210.1MB/s Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 33550336 bytes Processing the command file Formating: system Creating filesystem with parameters: Size: 4194304000 Block size: 4096 Blocks per group: 32768 Inodes per group: 8000 Inode size: 256 Journal blocks: 16000 Label: Blocks: 1024000 Block groups: 32 Reserved block group size: 255 Created filesystem with 11/256000 inodes and 34123/1024000 blocks Loading keyring: image-master.tar.xz Loading keyring: image-signing.tar.xz __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for localtime! __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for GMT! __bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for posixrules! e2fsck 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013) Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes Pass 2: Checking directory structure Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity Pass 4: Checking reference counts Pass 5: Checking group summary information /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/system: 11/256000 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 34123/1024000 blocks Applying update: ubuntu-8a607dbf79296168a021a337b19e0e254731763c20571b0e033f6e61179f4763.tar.xz Applying update: device-e94e1b09f402d05326f5ead27efbe0b3668b2f1fcb41d1e32bd99424ac6bad29.tar.xz tar: write error: No space left on device unxz: short write cat: write error: Broken pipe /cache/recovery # df -h Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on tmpfs 989.0M 36.0K 988.9M 0% /dev tmpfs 989.0M 24.0K 988.9M 0% /tmp /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/cache 991.9M 975.9M 4.0K 100% /cache /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/system 3.8G 1.2G 2.5G 33% /cache/system ==> try to reboot the system from the recovery menu. PROBLEM: NEVER GETS OUT OF BOOTSPLASH Previously I ran into a similar non-easily-recoverable error when doing essentially the above boot finally with --bootstrap and from bootloader. In both cases I seem to need to reflash the devices with SP FLASH TOOL.