Aquaris tone does not work for Telegram push notifications

Bug #1531162 reported by Victor gonzalez
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Canonical System Image

Bug Description

Several users reported that Telegram notifications didn't have sound notification but led and vibration work correctly

Product: bq Aquaris E4.5 & E5
FW version: OTA-8 .5 & rc221

1. Head to System settings>Sound>Message received, set Aquaris tone
2. Receive some telegram messages
3. Check that:
With OTA-8.5 installed, led and vibration functions works fine but there is no sound notification (maybe to Aquaris code path)
With rc221 installed, led and vibration functions works fine but there is no sound notification. Furthermore the notification wakes the screen up (need to know if it's the expected result in rc221).

Actual Result:
Aquaris tone does not work for push notifications in telegram
Expected Result:
Aquaris tone should work as the other tones do.

Additional info: Aquaris is the message tone by default so it might have affected many users

Tags: bq
Revision history for this message
Michał Karnicki (karni) wrote :

Hi Victor,

The bug reported is a duplicate (I'll mark it as such). In the original bug, it is fix committed, just not fix released.

Regarding "Furthermore the notification wakes the screen up (need to know if it's the expected result in rc221).", I believe this is intentional. Feel free to file a separate bug though if you want, where appropriate parties can clarify on the decisions made, thanks!

Revision history for this message
Victor gonzalez (victor-gonzalez-0) wrote :

@Julia please close it

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