PDF transition fails - number of header/footer pages

Bug #2040074 reported by Justin Kirvan
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released

Bug Description

This bug was previously reported and fixed, but I am experiencing it now, about three years later. I'm running Calibre 6.29.0 on Windows 10. Here is the relevant bit of error log:

 File "site.py", line 50, in run_entry_point
  File "calibre\utils\ipc\worker.py", line 215, in main
  File "calibre\gui2\convert\gui_conversion.py", line 38, in gui_convert_override
  File "calibre\gui2\convert\gui_conversion.py", line 25, in gui_convert
  File "calibre\ebooks\conversion\plumber.py", line 1281, in run
  File "calibre\ebooks\conversion\plugins\pdf_output.py", line 188, in convert
  File "calibre\ebooks\conversion\plugins\pdf_output.py", line 255, in convert_text
  File "calibre\ebooks\pdf\html_writer.py", line 1176, in convert
  File "calibre\ebooks\pdf\html_writer.py", line 1068, in add_header_footer
ValueError: The number of header/footers pages (508) != number of document pages (507)

Revision history for this message
Justin Kirvan (jkirvan) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Kovid Goyal (kovid) wrote :

Post the *full* conversion log

Changed in calibre:
status: New → Incomplete
Revision history for this message
Justin Kirvan (jkirvan) wrote :
Download full text (19.0 KiB)

Here's the full log:
calibre, version 6.29.0 (win32, embedded-python: True)
Conversion error: Failed: Convert book 1 of 1 (Thinking, Fast and Slow)

Convert book 1 of 1 (Thinking, Fast and Slow)
DeDRM v7.2.1: Trying to decrypt 4teanzug.epub
DeDRM v7.2.1: Verifying zip archive integrity
DeDRM v7.2.1: “4teanzug.epub” is neither an Adobe Adept nor a Barnes & Noble encrypted ePub
Running file type plugin DeDRM failed with traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre\customize\ui.py", line 187, in _run_filetype_plugins
  File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.__init__", line 644, in run
  File "calibre_plugins.dedrm.__init__", line 420, in ePubDecrypt
calibre_plugins.dedrm.DeDRMError: DeDRM v7.2.1: Couldn't decrypt after 0.6 seconds. DRM free perhaps?
Conversion options changed from defaults:
  embed_all_fonts: True
  cover: 'C:\\Users\\btm\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\calibre_kne2n99q\\h367sjy9.jpeg'
  verbose: 2
  smarten_punctuation: True
  pdf_page_margin_bottom: 25.0
  pdf_page_margin_top: 65.0
  read_metadata_from_opf: 'C:\\Users\\btm\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\calibre_kne2n99q\\1zzstxhn.opf'
  pdf_serif_family: 'Liberation Serif'
  extra_css: 'body { font-weight: bold }\np { text-indent: 2em; }\na:link {\n text-decoration: none ;\n}'
  change_justification: 'left'
  base_font_size: 12.0
  font_size_mapping: '5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 12.0, 13.5, 17.0, 20.0, 22.0, 24.0'
  pdf_mono_family: 'Courier New'
  pdf_page_margin_left: 50.0
  filter_css: ',margin-left,margin-bottom,margin,margin-top,margin-right,font-family'
  pdf_default_font_size: 18
  expand_css: True
  insert_blank_line: True
  pdf_page_margin_right: 60.0
  pdf_sans_family: 'Arial'
  embed_font_family: 'Liberation Serif'
  pdf_header_template: '<header style="justify-content: space-between; font-size: smaller">\n <div>_TITLE_</div>\n <div>_SECTION_</div>\n</header>'
Resolved conversion options
calibre version: 6.29.0
{'asciiize': False,
 'author_sort': None,
 'authors': None,
 'base_font_size': 12.0,
 'book_producer': None,
 'change_justification': 'left',
 'chapter': "//*[((name()='h1' or name()='h2') and re:test(., "
            "'\\s*((chapter|book|section|part)\\s+)|((prolog|prologue|epilogue)(\\s+|$))', "
            "'i')) or @class = 'chapter']",
 'chapter_mark': 'pagebreak',
 'comments': None,
 'cover': 'C:\\Users\\btm\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\calibre_kne2n99q\\h367sjy9.jpeg',
 'custom_size': None,
 'debug_pipeline': None,
 'dehyphenate': True,
 'delete_blank_paragraphs': True,
 'disable_font_rescaling': False,
 'duplicate_links_in_toc': False,
 'embed_all_fonts': True,
 'embed_font_family': 'Liberation Serif',
 'enable_heuristics': False,
 'expand_css': True,
 'extra_css': 'body { font-weight: bold }\n'
              'p { text-indent: 2em; }\n'
              'a:link {\n'
              ' text-decoration: none ;\n'
 'filter_css': ',margin-left,margin-bottom,margin,margin-top,margin-right,font-family',
 'fix_indents': True,
 'font_size_mapping': '5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 12.0, 13.5, 17.0, 20.0, 22.0, 24.0',
 'format_scene_breaks': True,
 'html_unwrap_factor': 0.4,
 'input_encoding': None,
 'input_profile': <calibre.customize.profiles.InputProfile object at 0x0000022BFC1ECF70...

Revision history for this message
Kovid Goyal (kovid) wrote :

Fixed in branch master. The fix will be in the next release. calibre is usually released every alternate Friday.

Changed in calibre:
status: Incomplete → Fix Released
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