Activity log for bug #2034977

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2023-09-08 21:54:55 etc205 bug added bug
2023-09-08 21:54:55 etc205 attachment added book3.fb2
2023-09-08 22:04:34 etc205 description 1. Open the attached file, "book3.fb2", in the viewer. 2. Scroll to about the middle of the book. 3. Press Ctrl+f to open the search pane. Type "Windows 8" and press Enter. The viewer finds 1 search match, but doesn't jump to its position in the book. Calibre version: 6.26, OS: Windows 10 Home. 1. Open the attached file, "book3.fb2", in the viewer. 2. Scroll down to about the middle of the book. 3. Press Ctrl+f to open the search pane. Type "Windows 8" and press Enter. The viewer finds 1 search match, but doesn't jump to its position in the book. Calibre version: 6.26, OS: Windows 10 Home.
2023-09-09 21:59:09 etc205 summary Ebook-viewer: viewer doesn't jump to the first search match in *.fb2 books under some conditions Ebook-viewer: viewer doesn't jump to the search match position in *.fb2 books under some conditions
2023-09-10 18:46:08 etc205 summary Ebook-viewer: viewer doesn't jump to the search match position in *.fb2 books under some conditions Ebook-viewer: viewer doesn't jump to search match position in *.fb2 books under some conditions
2023-09-20 10:39:37 Kovid Goyal calibre: status New Fix Released