Here you go. BTW, to get this to work I had to delete the 'driveinfo.calibre' and 'metadata.calibre' files on the Micro SD card, otherwise I just got the "Error communicating with device" message all the time and that short debug log. calibre Debug log calibre 2.47 isfrozen: True is64bit: True Darwin-15.2.0-x86_64-i386-64bit Darwin ('64bit', '') ('Darwin', '15.2.0', 'Darwin Kernel Version 15.2.0: Fri Nov 13 19:56:56 PST 2015; root:xnu-3248.20.55~2/RELEASE_X86_64') Python 2.7.9 OSX: ('10.11.2', ('', '', ''), 'x86_64') Successfully initialized third party plugins: Kobo Utilities Starting up... DEBUG: 0.0 - loading translations DEBUG: 0.0 - loading translations DEBUG: 0.0 - loading translations DEBUG: 2.2 No Kobo Touch, Glo or Mini appears to be connected DEBUG: 2.2 rebuild_menus - self.supports_ratings=None, self.supports_tiles=None Started up in 6.27 seconds with 12329 books DEBUG: 24.2 KoboUtilities:_on_device_connection_changed - self.plugin_device_connection_changed.__class__: DEBUG: 24.2 Methods for self.plugin_device_connection_changed: ['__call__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'connect', 'disconnect', 'emit', 'signal'] Job: 1 Get device information started DeviceJob: 1 Get device information done, calling callback DeviceJob: 1 Get device information callback returned Job: 2 Set library information started DeviceJob: 2 Set library information done, calling callback DeviceJob: 2 Set library information callback returned Job: 3 Get list of books on device started DEBUG: 0.0 KoboTouch:books - oncard='None' DEBUG: 0.0 KoboTouch:books - oncard='None', prefix='/Volumes/KOBOeReader/' DEBUG: 0.0 Kobo device: Kobo Aura HD DEBUG: 0.0 Version of driver: (2, 1, 11) Has kepubs: True DEBUG: 0.0 Version of firmware: (3, 19, 5613) Has kepubs: True DEBUG: 0.0 Firmware supports cover image tree: True DEBUG: 0.1 KoboTouch:books - opts.extra_customization= [u'#koboshelves', True, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, u''] DEBUG: 0.1 KoboTouch:books - prefs['manage_device_metadata']= on_send DEBUG: 0.1 KoboTouch:books - set_debugging_title to '' DEBUG: 0.1 KoboTouch:books - length bl=0 DEBUG: 0.1 KoboTouch:books - length bl after sync=5 DEBUG: 0.1 KoboTouch:books - reading device database DEBUG: 0.2 Database Version=125 DEBUG: 0.2 KoboTouch:books - shelf list: [u'Reference', u'Fiction', u'Non-Fiction'] DEBUG: 0.2 KoboTouch:books - query= SELECT Title, Attribution, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ImageID, ReadStatus, ___ExpirationStatus, FavouritesIndex, Accessibility, IsDownloaded, Series, SeriesNumber, ___UserID, ExternalId FROM content where BookID is Null and ((Accessibility = -1 and IsDownloaded in ('true', 1 )) or (Accessibility in (1,2) and IsDownloaded in ('true', 1)) ) and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) and ContentType = 6) AND (externalId IS NULL OR externalId = '') AND contentId NOT LIKE 'file:///mnt/sd/%' DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - about to sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.5 USBMS: starting sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.5 USBMS: finished sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - have done sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - end - oncard='None' DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - oncard='carda' DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - oncard='carda', prefix='/Volumes/32GB CARD 2/' DEBUG: 0.5 Kobo device: Kobo Aura HD DEBUG: 0.5 Version of driver: (2, 1, 11) Has kepubs: True DEBUG: 0.5 Version of firmware: (3, 19, 5613) Has kepubs: True DEBUG: 0.5 Firmware supports cover image tree: True DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - opts.extra_customization= [u'#koboshelves', True, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True, False, u''] DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - prefs['manage_device_metadata']= on_send DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - set_debugging_title to '' DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - length bl=0 DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - length bl after sync=0 DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - reading device database DEBUG: 0.5 Database Version=125 DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - shelf list: [u'Reference', u'Fiction', u'Non-Fiction'] DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - query= SELECT Title, Attribution, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ImageID, ReadStatus, ___ExpirationStatus, FavouritesIndex, Accessibility, IsDownloaded, Series, SeriesNumber, ___UserID, ExternalId FROM content where BookID is Null and ((Accessibility = -1 and IsDownloaded in ('true', 1 )) or (Accessibility in (1,2) and IsDownloaded in ('true', 1)) ) and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) and ContentType = 6) AND (externalId IS NOT NULL AND externalId <> '' OR contentId LIKE 'file:///mnt/sd/%') DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - about to sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.5 USBMS: starting sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.5 USBMS: finished sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - have done sync_booklists DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - end - oncard='carda' DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - oncard='cardb' DEBUG: 0.5 KoboTouch:books - Asked to process 'cardb', but do not have one! DeviceJob: 3 Get list of books on device done, calling callback DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: Starting set_books_in_library DeviceJob: set_books_in_library: books to process= 9 DeviceJob: set_books_in_library finished: time= 0.0127151012421 DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: updating views DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: syncing DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: refreshing ondevice DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: sending metadata_available signal DEBUG: 26.1 KoboUtilites:_on_device_metadata_available - Start DEBUG: 26.1 Have a Kobo device connected connected DEBUG: 26.1 BEGIN Get Device Path DEBUG: 26.1 Root path of device: /Volumes/KOBOeReader/ DEBUG: 26.1 END Get Device Path DEBUG: 26.1 KoboUtilities:get_device - drive_info: {'A': {'last_library_uuid': u'55032104-a27a-4df3-a8c6-ca0da4255f6b', 'calibre_version': u'2.47.0', 'prefix': '/Volumes/32GB CARD 2/', 'date_last_connected': u'2015-12-21T18:39:59.089587+00:00', 'device_name': 'Kobo Aura HD', 'device_store_uuid': u'9d149101-9c67-45f4-975b-b1693074b437', 'location_code': 'A'}, 'main': {u'last_library_uuid': u'55032104-a27a-4df3-a8c6-ca0da4255f6b', u'calibre_version': u'2.47.0', u'prefix': '/Volumes/KOBOeReader/', u'date_last_connected': u'2015-12-21T18:39:59.078900+00:00', u'device_name': u'Kobo Aura HD', u'device_store_uuid': u'74a39a6a-e5a0-485b-a07b-e783cdb6e9a7', u'location_code': 'main'}} DEBUG: 26.1 migrate_library_config_if_required - start DEBUG: 26.1 get_library_config - library_config: {u'profiles': {u'Default': {u'updateOptionsStore': {u'doEarlyFirmwareUpdate': False, u'doFirmwareUpdateCheck': False, u'firmwareUpdateCheckLastTime': 0}, u'storeOptionsStore': {u'doNotStoreIfReopened': False, u'storeIfMoreRecent': False, u'promptToStore': True, u'storeOnConnect': False}, u'forDevice': u'41ba5494-8628-4c3c-b0f0-2064e1522a2b', u'profileName': u'Default', u'customColumnOptions': {u'lastReadColumn': u'', u'currentReadingLocationColumn': u'', u'ratingColumn': u'', u'percentReadColumn': u''}}}, u'SchemaVersion': 0.1, u'currentReadingLocationColumn': u'', u'ratingColumn': u'', u'lastReadColumn': u'', u'precentReadColumn': u''} DEBUG: 26.1 get_plugin_pref - start - store_name='commonOptionsStore', option='individualDeviceOptions' DEBUG: 26.1 get_plugin_pref - c: {u'buttonActionLibrary': u'', u'storeIfMoreRecent': False, u'buttonActionDevice': u'', u'individualDeviceOptions': False, u'promptToStore': True, u'doNotStoreIfReopened': False, u'storeOnConnect': False} DEBUG: 26.1 get_prefs - start - store_name='backupOptionsStore' DEBUG: 26.1 get_prefs - start - store_name='updateOptionsStore' DEBUG: 26.1 KoboUtilites:_on_device_metadata_available - self.current_device_profile: None DEBUG: 26.1 KoboUtilites:_on_device_metadata_available - self.current_backup_config: {u'doDailyBackp': True, u'backupEachCOnnection': False, u'backupZipDatabase': False, u'backupCopiesToKeepSpin': 10, u'backupDestDirectory': u'/Users/jeffw/Documents/eBooks/KOBO'} DEBUG: 26.1 KoboUtilites:_on_device_metadata_available - About to start auto backup DEBUG: 26.1 auto_backup_device_database - start DEBUG: 26.1 BEGIN Get Device Path DEBUG: 26.1 Root path of device: /Volumes/KOBOeReader/ DEBUG: 26.1 END Get Device Path DEBUG: 26.1 auto_backup_device_database - destination directory= /Users/jeffw/Documents/eBooks/KOBO DEBUG: 26.1 auto_backup_device_database - about to get version info from device... DEBUG: 26.1 auto_backup_device_database - version_info= ['N204B33402480', '', '3.19.5613', '', '', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000350'] DEBUG: 26.1 auto_backup_device_database - device_information= ('Kobo Aura HD', '', '', '', {'A': {u'last_library_uuid': u'55032104-a27a-4df3-a8c6-ca0da4255f6b', u'calibre_version': u'2.47.0', u'prefix': '/Volumes/32GB CARD 2/', u'date_last_connected': u'2015-12-21T18:40:00.973907+00:00', u'device_name': u'Kobo Aura HD', u'device_store_uuid': u'9d149101-9c67-45f4-975b-b1693074b437', u'location_code': 'A'}, 'main': {u'last_library_uuid': u'55032104-a27a-4df3-a8c6-ca0da4255f6b', u'calibre_version': u'2.47.0', u'prefix': '/Volumes/KOBOeReader/', u'date_last_connected': u'2015-12-21T18:40:00.972407+00:00', u'device_name': u'Kobo Aura HD', u'device_store_uuid': u'74a39a6a-e5a0-485b-a07b-e783cdb6e9a7', u'location_code': 'main'}}) DEBUG: 26.1 auto_backup_device_database - device_name= KoboAuraHD DEBUG: 26.1 auto_backup_device_database - backup_file_template= KoboReader-KoboAuraHD-N204B33402480- DEBUG: 26.1 auto_backup_device_database - backup_options= {u'backupEachCOnnection': False, u'backupZipDatabase': False, 'device_path': '/Volumes/KOBOeReader/', u'backupCopiesToKeepSpin': 10, 'database_file': u'/Volumes/KOBOeReader/.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite', u'backupDestDirectory': u'/Users/jeffw/Documents/eBooks/KOBO', 'device_name': 'KoboAuraHD', 'serial_number': 'N204B33402480', u'doDailyBackp': True, 'backup_file_template': 'KoboReader-{0}-{1}-{2}'} DEBUG: 26.1 KoboUtilitiesAction::_firmware_update DEBUG: 26.2 auto_backup_device_database - end DEBUG: 26.2 KoboUtilities:_on_device_metadata_available - About to do firmware check DEBUG: 26.2 auto_firmware_update_check - start DEBUG: 26.2 Delta since last update check: 22833 DEBUG: 26.2 auto_firmware_update_check - Not checking for firmware, only checking once per day DEBUG: 26.2 Have a Kobo device connected connected DEBUG: 26.2 BEGIN Get Device Path DEBUG: 26.2 Root path of device: /Volumes/KOBOeReader/ DEBUG: 26.2 END Get Device Path DEBUG: 26.2 KoboUtilities:get_device - drive_info: {'A': {'last_library_uuid': u'55032104-a27a-4df3-a8c6-ca0da4255f6b', 'calibre_version': u'2.47.0', 'prefix': '/Volumes/32GB CARD 2/', 'date_last_connected': u'2015-12-21T18:39:59.089587+00:00'