Comment 0 for bug 1519599

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JP (jecilop) wrote :

Batch metadata search/replace of a custom series field resets the index to 1 on every entry.

Ex: #series2 column with entries Walkabout [1], Walkabout [2], Walkabout [3]

Search field: #series2
Search for: Walk
Replace with: Walking

Expected results: Walkingabout [1], Walkingabout [2], Walkingabout [3]
ACTUAL results: Walkingabout [1}, Walkingabout [1}, Walkingabout [1}

This works fine on the build int default Series column.
The custom columns for series, however, have this problem every time I've tried. I obviously avoid this now. When there are 30 entries, that gets a bit tough to redo...especially with entries that are non-integers such as 2.5. Those are not remembered as easily or automatic.